~Who am I to stand in your way?

Love is but a series.


Siwon- Who am I to stand in your way?

*Knock knock knock* I glanced at the clock on the wall, who was here at this time at night? I hurried to open the door. “Oppa? I didn’t know you were back, come in!” I smiled brightly as I moved to let him in the apartment. I was surprised that  he was here. “Mia, I want to break up. Let's end it now.” I stared at my boyfriend of two years and 11 months. Tears started to form in my eyes.  "Oppa, I don't understand. I thought everything was going great! We celebrate three years in a week! I just I don't understand! Why?" Tears streamed down my face. "I'm just not in love with you anymore Mia. I don't think I ever was." I jolted upright; sweat was rolling off my body. It has been a week since Siwon broke up with me and I was still having a bit of trouble just letting it all go. Henry and Eunhyuk invited me to join them with welcoming Leeteuk back home. He has been home for a few days and was surprised to hear the news of Siwon and I. I decided to get up and get ready for the party. I rolled out of bed to get ready. I chose my favorite outfit to wear since it was so cute and comfortable.

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 “Is this going to be awkward for you Mia? “ I smiled over at my best friend Henry. “I’ll be fine. I’ve moved on.” If I told the same lie over and over again maybe it will become true. We walked into the apartment. the members were all spread out talking amongst themselves and the guests. We went to Leeteuk who was talking to Kangin and Jaejoong.. I hugged Leeteuk “Welcome back, Leeteuk oppa! I've missed you a lot.”  “Thank you for coming Mia. It is so good to see you again.”  I smiled at him and hugged Kangin. "Hey, Kangin oppa," "Hey Mia." I turned to Jaejoong next. "Mia, my favorite girl, My star my dear dear friend, How have you been? You havent spoken to me in ages, I'm very upset about that!" I hugged Jaejoong. "Joongie-ah, please don't be upset with me! I've just been busy with school and work I haven't had much time for anything else. " "Oh, I could never be upset at you! How is school?" "It is pretty good, I have exams coming up so I've been studying." He turned to Kangin and Leeteuk. "Awee, our baby is such a good girl! doing her work and studying hard! we did so well raising her!" "We did, didn't we! If only  the others turned out as well as she did!" Leeteuk smiled playfully at Henry. "Hey! I turned out great!" I giggled and out of the corner of my eye I saw Siwon across the room talking to Heechul and Yunho and it wasn’t hard to tell that I wasn’t over him yet. I quickly looked away but Heechul noticed me first. Jaejoong grabbed Leeteuk, and Kangin. "We will be back, they have some shots to try in the kitchen." They walked off to the kitchen.

“MIAAAAA!” Heechul ran up to me looking nervous. He then switched his attention to Henry. “Why didn’t you tell me you were bringing her!!?”  I looked at them confused in till I heard the door bell ring I turned and saw Siwon jogging to the door; he opened it and embraced the girl at the door with a big hug and kiss. He smiled brightly at her as he held her hand and lead her to Leeteuk in the kitchen.  I turned away as my heart started to ache at the sight of his bright smiling face. It hurt to know that he once looked at me like that and now, now he doesn't even acknowledge that I'm alive. Henry took my hand and squeezed it, I held his hand in an almost bone crushing grip. Now Eunhyuk and Donghae were with Heechul. “Henry! Heechul and I  told you Mihyun was going to be here! Didn’t we?! Why  did you bring Mia here?!” Was I not wanted here? Was I no longer welcomed because Siwon broke up with me? “Eunhyuk and I told you we were inviting Mia! We told you first” I was shifting my weight from leg to leg, this was becoming very awkward I began wishing I never got out of be this morning. Wishing I could just curl up and hide from everyone. “Mia,” I looked at Eunhyuk “Wanna go get a drink with me?” I smiled in relief to get away from the fighting. “Do you mind?” He smiled his gummy smile at me. “Not at all, you’re my favorite person here anyways!” "Thanks, Eunhyuk oppa." 

"How have you been Mia?" "I've been good lately. Just been busy with school." "How has that been? You're almost done with your Doctorate degree right?" "Yeah, I'm in my last few weeks." We made it to the kitchen and bumped into Siwon and his girlfriend before we could even get to the drinks. It was an awkward few seconds I nodded at Siwon and he did the same. Eunhyuk moved a closer to me like he was trying to protect me from the coming pain that would result with this interaction. The girl, Mihyun spoke up. “HI! I’m Jang Mihyun! Do you know oppa? “I smiled faintly at her. “I’m Park Mia, and I used to know him, I paused. some time ago.” She looked at me a bit confused.  “Sorry, we’re in your way.” I moved aside. “Go ahead enjoy the party.”  She smiled brightly at me and grabbed Siwon's hand and walked ahead. "Oppa, I love you"  I took a deep breath when they left I felt the urge to cry. I knew it was going to happen before I could, I felt arms wrap around me and pull me towards a bedroom.

I looked up to see Henry. “Go ahead.” I cried as Henry held me. I finally stopped crying all over his shirt and sniffled, he pulled away a little and handed me a tissue box. I blew my nose. “Are you better?” I smiled a little and nodded. “Good, I thought I’d have to make a boat to get us outta here.” I giggled.  “I’m sorry about your shirt.” He looked down at his tear stained shirt. “It’s okay; I’ll just borrow one of Eunhyuks. He turned and rummaged through the dresser before stripping of his shirt and putting the dry one on. “Maybe I should go.” Henry grabbed my hand. “No stay! It is okay!” “Are you sure it’s okay? It didn’t seem like the guys wanted me here.” I shifted my feet. “No, they do, they just didn’t want you to get hurt by seeing Siwon with Jang. “ “Oh, I see.” “Shall we rejoin the party?” I nodded my head and Henry lead me back into the living room.

Eunhyuk walked towards us as we entered the living room. “Mia!” “It’s okay, Eunhyuk I’m fine. Thanks” I smiled at him. “I’m over him, my feelings are not his burden, and this is what was meant to be.” I took a deep breath and looked towards him. “Mihyun gives him something I didn’t and I’m okay.” Before I even finished my sentence I was engulfed in a hug by Henry, Donghae, Eunhyuk and Heechul who I didn’t notice come up. “Mia, just know, you're always welcome here.” “Thanks guys.”



Hey guys! I know this isn't the greatest chapter. I was just writers blocked over it. I hope you can still enjoy it though!

If there is any spelling or grammar mistakes I apologize.

Thanks for reading ! Feel free to leave any comments!

I know their isn't much Siwon interactions but I was trying to make it follow the song sothat's why I did ithis way...


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ascarybook #1
Chapter 2: Aw this was really good!
BBCPenguin #2
Aww, thanks! :D Keke, I shall do more Zico in the future!? :)
Chapter 2: Cute! ^^ I like Zico and I also like 200%, so you got me there kekeke