Call Your Girlfriend~

Love is but a series.

GOT7- Jackson: "Call Your girlfriend"

I sighed and looked at the alarm clock on my night stand it read 5:30 in the morning, meaning I had an hour before I really needed to get up and get ready for school. I lay still in bed and I could only think about Jackson, Jackson Wang, who I happened to be in love with. He was with Sunmi though, his girlfriend of four years. We met when I transferred to the school two years ago. We got close really fast and just connected and it felt right.

I mentally went through my routine. Our school was putting on a talent show and I boldly decided to enter it, I have never danced or sang in front of anyone, I talked to Jackson and he  is always trying to get me to join his dance studio but I'm just too shy. So the only person out of the group who knows that I entered the show is BamBam. He helped me with my routine, I chose the song, "Call your girlfriend" by Robyn. I feel like this is my chance to try and express myself to Jackson.

I crawled out of bed at 6 and trudged to the bathroom to shower and get ready. I showered and walked to my room to get dressed, BamBam helped me pick the outfit I'd be wearing for the show, It was simple and comfortable, I put the jewelry set that Jackson bought me for my birthday a year after we met each other on last, the set is my most priized possession. I never go anywhere without it on.

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I grabbed my bag and made sure I had all my things and headed out the door to Mark's waiting car. "Noona! Noona sit with me!" I laughed at BamBam and got in the back next to him. "Morning Mark Oppa, Bammie, Jr, Yugyeommie, how are you?" "Good! Noona, are you excited for the talent show? Will you vote for us?" I smiled a sly smile "Of course Yugyeommie!" We made it to school and met up with the rest of the group at our usual place. "Morning Noona!" I smiled at Youngjae" "Moring Youngjae, JB Oppa, Oppa. Sunmi" Jackson was the only one I called "Oppa" with no name in front. "Morning, Lilly" "Noona, come on! BamBam pulled me." "Be sure to watch our performance!" I waved as I allowed myself to be pulled away. "I will!"

"Okay, performers please get in line." I was currently sitting in the crowd watching people perform, next up was GOT7 they performed one of their original songs "Girls Girls Girls" everyone in the crowd clapped. I stood and ran to the backstage to get ready for my performance. "We have one more performer tonight! Please welcome Lilly Park to the stage!" I took a deep breath and walked out. I saw the boys standing staring at me. I nodded to the crew to start my music. I started my dance routine. It was actually a very simple routine I wasn't looking to win really, I just wanted to express myself, to tell Jackson how I truly felt so I could stop lying about my feelings.

I made constant eye contact with Jackson. When the song ended I looked straight at Jackson and walked off the stage the boys rushed me when I got back stage. "Wow! Noona that was amazing! I never thought we'd see something like that from you!" I smiled at Yugyeom. "I wanted it to be a surprise, only Bammie knew!" This whole time Jackson was quiet. I looked at him and he walked away. I felt my heart drop. "Wow, What a great show! The judges have made their decisions. In third place is Sunny and Jessica with their dance to Bubble Pop. Now will GOT7 and Lilly Park please join us on stage.. I walked out behind GOT7. I smiled at them. Now, the judges couldn't come to a choice. So we have decided that it's going to be up to the crowed to decide on the winner.  So to decide the winner you will cheer for the one you want to win, the one with the loudest cheers is the winner." 

"Okay, so first for first place will it be Miss. Lilly Park ?" I got a considerable amount of cheers. "Okay, calm down, Now will it be GOT7?" The crowd erupted into cheers. I smiled knowing they won. "It has been decided in second place will be Lilly Park, and first place is GOT7!!!" I hugged the members of GOT7 "Sorry, Noona! You were so good! I would have voted for you!" "Noona me too!" "I third that." "I think we all agree. I smiled at them. "Don't be sorry Yugeommie and Bammie. Thank you! I think you guys deserved to win." I was engulfed into a hug by six guys. "Let's celebrate this!" We arrived at my house with food, snacks and drinks. I pulled BamBam aside. "Bammie, is Jackson not showing up?" He smiled sadly at me. "I dunno noona." We were all sitting around eating and goofing off when the doorbell went off. "I'll get it nonna!" Youngjae bounded off to the door.

"Look, Jackson Hyung finally made it!" I took in a deep breath. "Lilly, can I talk to you?" I glanced at BamBam for help and he gave me a thumbs up. "S-sure, Sunbae." I reverted back to a more polite way to address Jackson. I followed him into the kitchen. "Lilly, do you like me?" He was so straight to the point that I could only stare at him. "Tell me the truth don't dare lie." I took a deep breath. "I- yes. yes I do. I know you're with Sunmi, and I'm sorry, but I have liked you since I first met you." He just stared at me. "I'm, so sorry, Sunbae, please just-" Jackson cut me off. "Don't call me sunbae, I already told you to call me oppa and I mean that." I looked up at him trying to hold back the tears... "Lilly-ah, I- I really like you too, I felt a connection with you since the day we first met, but I was with Sunmi and I didn't want to lose you as my friend so I said nothing. But after your little performance I knew I couldn't do it anymore, I broke up with Sunmi."

I stared with my mouth a gap, "Will you be okay? You've been together for over four years." Jackson stepped closer to me. "I will be fine because I was lying to myself, and to Sunmi, and she deserves better." Jackson cupped my face with his hand. "I will be fine, because I'm going to stop lying and be true to myself." "O-oh, what does this mean?" I gulped down air and averted my eyes down. I felt a gently lift of my chin to make me look him in his eyes. "This means." He leaned closer so our noses were touching. I my lips. He closed the distance between our lips and gave me a sweet and gentle kiss. I put my hands around his neck and he pulled me closer to him. We pulled apart after a few minutess. I smiled shyly and looked away. "Will you be my girlfriend Lilly?" "Yes, oppa!"

We walked back to the living room, Jackson had his arm around my waist holding me close to him.  "Yes! Noona fighting!" "About time you two!" I blushed and smiled shyly at the guys. BamBam, yugyeom and Youngjae ran up to me and tried to hug me but Jackson pulled me away. "Yah! Since she is MY girlfriend you are no longer allowed to touch her! Otherwise I'ma beat you! Do you understand?!" I giggled. "NOONA! Tell hyung to stop being mean!" I smiled at BamBam and lightly slapped Jackson on the arm. "Yah, Oppa! Don't you dare threaten my dongsengs!"   Jackson pouted at me while we rejoined the circle.

Hello, again! This is my longest one shot yet! I hope that you enjoy it! I apologize for any mistakes!
Thank you for reading! Please feel free to leave comments and feedback!



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ascarybook #1
Chapter 2: Aw this was really good!
BBCPenguin #2
Aww, thanks! :D Keke, I shall do more Zico in the future!? :)
Chapter 2: Cute! ^^ I like Zico and I also like 200%, so you got me there kekeke