
Love is but a series.

Block B- Zico: "Don't"

I went to room 6005 to surprise Taemin; we met late last year, when I made my debut as a singer. We just jumped into the relationship, if it could be called that. We tended to spend the time in his bed under the sheets or sitting on the couch eating take out food and drinking wine which then ended in his bed anyways, *Knock knock knock* I smiled as the door started to open. "Taemin oppa." I stopped mid sentence because it wasn't Taemin who opened the door, It was a barely clothed Yura. "Oh, sorry, I thought this was Taemin's room" She smiled a wickedly sweet smile at me. "It IS Taemin's room, and as you can see we're a bit busy." All I could do is stare because Taemin walked up right behind her. "Babe, give me a few minutes? I will be right in and we can finish what we started." "Sure thing babes, don't be too long." She sent me one more smirk and walked back into the hotel room.

Taemin stepped out into the hallway and shut the door behind him. He stood in front of me with a pity filled look.  We had the kind of relationship where we werent looking for a promise or even a commitment at the time but for me it was more than just fun and I thought that he was different. "Mia, look, you knew that this meant nothing." I didn't want to show that I was hurt but my anger just exploded. "Taemin, I know you weren't looking for anything too serious but for s sakes you didn't have to take her to bed! We're on the same ing hotel floor!" He went to speak but I didn't let him. "Don't bother, look you're right this had no meaning, so let's end whatever this is that we had going." He looked at me a bit longer then turned and walked back into his room.

I turned around and noticed Zico staring. I mentally sighed, great he saw. I smiled at him as I made my way towards him to get to my room. I was set on just passing by him but he grabbed my arm. “You okay Mia?” “Yeah, I’m totally fine. “ He chuckled, probably at my terrible lying skills. “I was just going to meet the guys for some food and drinking would you like to join us?” I stared at him, Woo Jiho, otherwise known as Zico was my favorite idol; I had a crush on him for the longest time when I was just a fan of Kpop. “Come on, join us, we’re going to go play some games at the Carnival in town and you can eat all the junk food you need to get over the not bothering thing that just happened to you.” I smiled a genuine smile. “Sure, Jiho-sshi, just let me go get changed.” “Of course go ahead.” I turned to walk to my room and he stood still by his door. “You know if you’d like you can come too, I won't take long.” We walked into my room and I made my way to my suitcase and grabbed some clothes. “I’ll be right back.” I came back out a few seconds later dressed in light washed skinny jeans and a grey and red long sleeve shirt

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 I laced up my converse and grabbed my bag. “Okay, I’m ready to go.” We arrived at a small outdoor café. “Hyung! What took you so long?” The other members walked up to Zico. It took a second in till they noticed me. P.O’s eyes widened. “Omo, ohmy, Hyung, since when do you know and are friends with Mia?” “You mean Mia, as in rookie singer, rapper and dancer Mia Park from SM entertainment? Who had the hottest debut of this year?” I smiled brightly at Jaehyo. “Hi, I’m the one and only Mia Park! It’s a pleasure to meet you all!” “No, no” Kyung put his arm around my shoulders. “The pleasure is all ours!” “Thank you for the compliments!” I giggled at their comments. “Guys, I hope you don’t mind, I ran into Mia on my way out of the hotel and I invited her to join us.” I looked at them. “But, if you’d rather I not, I don’t mind leaving. “No, no, Nonsense. It is way okay, on one condition.” “Oh, okay?” “You must call us Oppa!” I laughed at Kyung’s dorky self. "Okay, thanks oppas!" They all are older than me anyways. ""So Mia-ah, why are you here?" "Oh, I'm performing at the MAMA'S next week." "So are we!"

I stumbled beside Zico, He grabbed a hold of me a pulled me closer to him. “Mia, are you sure you’re okay?” I giggled. “Yes, oppa, I am simply a bit drunk.” The other members laughed. I stood up from him and skipped to the elevator. I teetered left and right so Zico got next to me put his arms around my waist to help hold me up. “I guess I should have told you that I’m not the best drinker.” The elevator dinged on the third floor and the members all but Zico got out. “Bye oppas!” “By Mia-ah! Take care and we will see you tomorrow!” The doors shut and the elevator jerked causing me to fall into Zico. Since Zico was a good bit taller than my 5’1 stature I fit perfectly comfortable in his arms. My head rested on his chest his arms wrapped around my waist. I looked up at him getting the urge to kiss him and he slowly bent towards me about to kiss me but the dinging of the elevator made us pull apart a bit. I turned and saw Taemin. I paused but Zico who still had his hand on my waist gently pulled me forward.

*Knock, Knock knock* I stood to open the door. “Hey, Mia-ah, are ready to go?” I smiled at Zico, and grabbed my bag. "Yes I am!" After hanging out with the guys that night at the Carnival we got really close. "Where are the guys?" "They went down first, they're waiting for us in the lobby." "Oh, Okay! Are you excited?" He smiled at me as we waited for the elevator. "I am what about you? Are you ready? You created this whole routine in less than a week." I created a new routine for the performances because originally I was working with Taemin, but I begged boss man to let me switch. I wrote the lyrics to the song, Zico helped me compose it while Yukwon and B-Bomb helped me with the little dancing that I will do. "I'm as ready as I will ever be." We walked into the elevator and as the doors were closing. "HOLD THE DOORS PLEASE!" I held the doors and Taemin runs in. "Uhm, Thanks." Zico spoke for me. "No problem." He then turned his attention back to me. “Do you have everything you’re going to need? Did you give them your soundtrack CD?” I laughed. “Oppa, it seems you’re more nervous than I am!” He chuckled. “Sorry, Mia-ah, I just want to make sure it goes perfect for you.” The elevator dinged and the doors opened letting us out. As Zico had said the rest of the guys were in the lobby. “Mia dear, today is the day! Are you ready?” I smiled at Taeil. “Yes, oppa, I’m ready.”

I stood backstage watching Taemin's performance with Yura. It was flawless and disturbingly y. "Mia are you okay?" I turned to the voice that I have come so used to hearing. "Yeah, I'm just getting a bit nervous." Zico pulled me into a hug. "You will do great okay? Now go get ready you're on soon." I smiled at him and walked over to my stylist. "Mia, are you ready for hair and make-up?" "Yes unnie I am." I wore a simple white baby doll dress with leggings on underneath and then my converse on to make my life easier when I danced. My hair was done in a simple braid. I walked over to Block B who were waiting to go on. "Good luck oppas! Blow them away!" I hugged them as the went out. "Mia?" I turned to see Taemin standing there. "Yes?" "Wow, you look amazing, I almost didn't recognize you." I turned my attention back to the stage. "Thanks." I smiled at Block B's performance it was energizing and perfect. "Mia, you're on in three!" "Okay!" Block B oppas walked off stage and I had enough time for a short greeting. "Oppas, you were amazing!" "Thanks Mia! Good luck out there!" Zico gave my hand a light squeeze as I ran on stage with the lights off.

The lights come back on and my music starts, my routine starts with me sitting on a stool playing the gutair.


I stood up and started the dance routine, before I know it it’s over and I’m running into Zico’s arms. “Mia! That was so good! You did amazing! I’m so proud of you!” “Thanks oppa!” “Wow, Mia, for only a few days that was really sweet!” I smiled at the guys! “Thanks! I couldn’t have down it without you all!” Zico pulled me into a tighter hug. “Wow, really Mia?” I turned to see Yura. “Sorry?” Taemin walked up to us. “Your performance was great.” “Thanks.” “Boss-nim is waiting for you. He said you asked to talk to him” I turned my attention to the guys. “I’ll be back okay?” Zico pulled me into him and smiled at me before pulling me into a kiss. I was shocked but returned the kiss as his band members squealed like teenage girls. “Oh, my eyes!!!” “About time!” “Get a room!” “Awwwe, so cute!” He pulled away and I smiled shyly at him. “Make sure you come back when you’re done.” “Ahem, Mia, the boss is waiting for you.” I walked over to the boss man. “Mia, you wanted to talk.” “Yes sir, I want to end my contract with SM Entertainment. It has nothing to do with the management but I just feel like this is not the right place for me.” He stared at me. “Okay, on Monday morning come to my office and we will settle it.” I bowed to him. “Thank you.”

I was all smiles as I made my way back to Zico and the boys. They didn’t know yet, but I’d be joining them at Seven Seasons. I spotted the guys waiting for me and jogged to them, Zico wrapped me into his arms and I just stood there smiling. Today was the real start of a new chapter in my life and for once, I was positive that it would go perfectly.


Hey guys! So the song that I used for this chapter is Ed Sheeran "Don't" I just borrowed his genius for a bit.

Sooo, I tried doing this one differently I'm experimenting with different styles tell me what you tohught of it.

I hope it isn't too long or boring! Please leave some feedback for me.

Also , I am sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes you may find.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it tremendously!  :) :) 






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ascarybook #1
Chapter 2: Aw this was really good!
BBCPenguin #2
Aww, thanks! :D Keke, I shall do more Zico in the future!? :)
Chapter 2: Cute! ^^ I like Zico and I also like 200%, so you got me there kekeke