The heart wants what the heart wants~

Love is but a series.

GOT7- Mark: "The heart wants what it wants"

I was waiting for Jackson to get out of the bathroom when I heard her laugh, It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. I turned looking for the source of it and spotted her. She was gorgeous, she was smiling brightly her face was pink seemingly from the cold weather outside. She walked by me with her friends not noticing me. I stared at her as she walked away. I knew right then that I wanted to be with her. "Dude?" I glanced at Jackson. "Come on lets go!" I sped off wanting to catch up with her. "Mark? Why are we walking so fast?" I stopped and turned. "You she that girl? the one in the light blue skinny jeans, red and grey shirt,  and the grey beanie?" "Yeah. What about her? Do you know her? And could you introduce me to her friend because she is seriously cute!" I glanced back. "No I don't know her, but I need to meet her! You have to help me Jackson." We both turned to the girls they were hugging, the two of them left while she walked into Journeys. "Let's go in there!" "Dude, and say what? Look, I just saw you and had to get to know you. Don't you think she has probably heard that numerous of times before?" I walked away from him and stopped in front of the store. Jackson caught up with me I turned to him "Well, I guess I'm in need of some new shoes aren't I?" I walked into the store.

"Hey, guys " I smiled at the guy who welcomed us. I surveyed for her and saw her coming from the back. "Mark are you really doing this?" "Jackson, the heart wants what it wants, I cannot stop my heart from feeling what it does. And at this moment no matter how stupid or ridiculous it sounds I know that she is my soulmate." Jackson stared at me like I'd lost my mind. "Alright, I'm just gonna sit right here." He sat in the chair and stared at me. I glanced at the smiling girl who was talking to the guy who welcomed us. She caught me staring at them and smiled moving towards me. "Hi, can I help you find anything?" I froze for a minute. "Shoes" Jackson snorted at me while she laughed at my stupid response. "Well, You've came to the right place. Do you know what kind of shoes you want?" I glanced around and spotted the Converse. "Converse.'' She smiled again and walked over to the Converse. "Okay, and now was there a particular one you were looking at?'' "Well, I can't decide which ones I want. Which ones do you reccomend?" She looked at the converse for a minute. "Personally I think the Black and White high tops are a good choice. They go well with a lot of clothes." I grabbed the shoe. "I agree could I see this in a 11 please?" ''I will go check for you" I watched he walk away. ''How's it going there romeo?" "Shut up." 

She walked back with a box in hand. "Would you like to try them on?" "Yes please" I sat down next to Jackson. "So are you just shopping for fun or are you shopping for a special occasion?" "Oh, we're on break so we decided to spend a few days here in New York." "Oh, are you having fun?" "we are." I laced the shoes up. "There is a mirror right up there." I walked to the mirror even though I knew I'd get them. When I returned Jackson was talking. "I hope this doesn't sound weird- He glanced down at her name tag - Mia, but when do you get off work? We are kind of lost having never been here before and people are rude when they see us assuming we don't speak English we would love if you could show us around for a little bit?" She looked a bit shocked. I sat back down and started removing my shoes. "Oh, uhm I can't.. I'm not sure my friend would be okay.." she indicated to a girl who just walked in. "I'll take these." "okay. I can cash you out up front when you're ready" she walked off. I followed and paid for my shoes. "The total will be $51.99." I pulled out my card. "Credit or debit?" "Credit." "Hit the green button and I need to see your card." "Okay, sure thing." "Here you go your all set. Have a great Night." "Thank you, you too." She smiled and turned from me. "Mike, is it okay if I clock out?" "Yeah, Go ahead Mia." She walked into the back and I returned to Jackson.

"Let's go talk to her friend Mark." "Are you serious?" "You want to get to know her right? Plus, I wouldn't mind getting to know her friend so lets go." We headed over to the girl she had pointed out. "Hello? Sorry to bother you, are you friends with Mia?" She looked at us like we were weirdos, but I don't blame her. "yeah, I am." "My name Is Jackson, and this is my friend Mark, we are visiting from South Korea we're on break, and we asked Mia if she would mind showing us around but she said no, because she was worried you would have a problem with it. I know this may be odd, but we would really love it if you two could show us around?" She looked confused at the request. Mia walked back out dressed ready to leave. "Ready to go Krstina." "Mia, let's talk for a minute, Excuse us we will be right back." They walked away. I turned to Jackson. "Do you think it will work?" "Yes I do." "What is going on? Who are those guys?" "Oh my gosh, Kristina that is Mark Tuan and Jackson Wang from GOT7! " "They asked you to show them around and you said no why?!!?" "It is just weird, since I know who they are I don't want to be like that fan. Kristina where are you going?" "Come on." I held my breath as they came back.

"Here is the thing, Mark, Jackson. You see my friend Mia here knows who you are." I looked at Mia, her face was turning red and she looked so cute. "Because of that reason she does not want to be kind and show you around because she doesn't want to be 'that fan'." Mia turned her head away from us. "You know who we are? Really!?!? Why wouldn't you want to spend time with us then?" Mia looked at Jackson. "Why would I want to? Who cares if you're in a band? You're still normal people, why should I treat you any different from other guys who ask me to 'show them around?'" I chuckled at Jackson's face. "You're totally right we are just normal people, but we would love to hang out with you and get to know you both. So you can just treat us like friends, not famous people." I shot here my bright smile hoping it would help the situation. She glanced at Kristina. "It is up yo you Mia, I don't mind being nice and showing them around, It isn't like we had things to do. " She turned back to face Jackson and I and smiled. "Alright, I'll be nice, where did you want to go first?" I smiled brightly, this was going to be the start of somthing beautiful.


I'm sorry if this one really , It isn't my best... But I hope you can still enjoy it. :). 

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ascarybook #1
Chapter 2: Aw this was really good!
BBCPenguin #2
Aww, thanks! :D Keke, I shall do more Zico in the future!? :)
Chapter 2: Cute! ^^ I like Zico and I also like 200%, so you got me there kekeke