
Love is but a series.

Micky: "Cafe"

I dragged my half awake self through the doors of Hard Luck Cafe, for the hundredth time this last couple of weeks. This is my favorite place to visit when I am home in the states; though I usually don't come in at such an early time in the morning. You see I saw a girl who I met my first day back home, and she comes here every morning sits in the same white chair, drinking the same drink -a Chai Latte- and eating the same muffin -Blueberry- "Moring, Micky! You're here early again!" I smiled, "Hey, John I just can't get enough of your face". We both laughed as I surveyed the Cafe.

  "Will it be the usual?" "Yeah, please, and can you make the coffee extra strong for me." "Sure thing, if you're looking for Minnie, she hasn't been here yet." I frowned; it was already passed 8 she was usually here already. "I wasn't, I was looking for a nice spot to sit, and her name isn't Minnie". John knew I liked her and constantly teased me about it. This was also the fourth day in a row that she had not been here. "Here you go Micky." "Thanks man". I took my Black Eye coffee and Chocolate Chip muffin and sat at my normal seat.

I was starting to worry; I wanted to finally talk to her. I looked at the door as it opened and she walked, I stared at her goddess like features, only today she looked more tired than usual. She smiled a beautiful smile nonetheless at John as she ordered. She grabbed her order and made her way to her normal seat. I picked up my muffin and Coffee and made my way towards her. "May I sit here?" She looked up, surprised. "Uh, yeah sure go ahead." I smiled as I sat down acroos from her. "Hello, my name is Yoochun Park but you can call me Micky nice to meet you" She smiled as she shook my hand "Nice to meet you Micky, I'm Trinity Lee."

We laughed and talked for an hour. "I have to confess something to you Micky." "What is that?" "I already knew who you are." I raised my eyebrow as she pulled out her Ipod. She gave me the headphones I put them in my ears to hear JYJ's In heaven playing. "You're a fan?" "I am just a little." I smiled, this makes it easier for me, would you like to go out on a date with me Trinity?" She smiled. "Really? I'd love too!"


Hereee we are!!! Sorry for any mistakes you see, I'm not a great writer. Hope you enjoy it!

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ascarybook #1
Chapter 2: Aw this was really good!
BBCPenguin #2
Aww, thanks! :D Keke, I shall do more Zico in the future!? :)
Chapter 2: Cute! ^^ I like Zico and I also like 200%, so you got me there kekeke