Sorry i'm a bad boy [Seungri]



Maybe a lot of people think I am always full of confidence but in reality, this isn’t entirely true. I have a fragile heart… very fragile. I don’t like showing my weakness to others so I just practice and practice and act confident. Toward my [confident] self, I am sometimes still bothered when other members say, “Why are you so proud?” - Seungri

You’re so sick of all of this. You had enough. You are simply, had enough. Of waiting, canceled dates, hiding from fans, he’s work. You’re always the one who says sorry first, always. You. Sometimes, you think, What if?

What if Seungri is not my boyfriend?

Sometimes, you just want to escape your reality and live your life. 

Inhale. Exhale. You sit on the edge of your bed, waiting for him. Another canceled date. You take a glance of your clock 10.00 pm. You sigh, What can i do? 

You hear your door open and ask you guess, it’s him. 

“Hey, _____” He said closing the door behind.

“Why are you this late? I think you said we are going to dinner at 7!” 

“I’m busy. You know that.”

“You should call or something! At least so i don’t bother to dress up! Tch, you’re not even sorry!!!” You said, shouting.

“And why are you complaining? You know me, you know my work! I already told you in the beginning that i’m not like the other boyfriend! Stop being like this! I’m tired.” 

“Mwo?!” You disbelieve what he just said. “Fine! Go find new girlfriend that can understand you SO WELL.” You grab your jacket and open the door. You fight over stupid things numerous times a day. He always win, so you simply. Had enough. You take off crying.

She will comeback tomorrow, she’ll definitively call me first in the morning.

  1 day, 2 days, 3 days passed and you still didn’t contact him, you’re mad. Of course.

After recording with the rest of Big Bang members, Seungri checks his phone.Sigh. Still no messages, nor miss call.  He starts to dial your number, and erases it again. Then he finally types a message. Where are you? 
*beep* Your phone vibrates. Pfft. You chuckled, So he finally giving up? You don’t bothered to answer his messages.

*beep* Your phone vibrates again. 


You smirked. Sorry? Haha. You put your phone and go to your favorite coffee shop near your apartment. 

You order machiato, since it’s your favorite. Open your laptop, put your headphone and relaxing. Since not to much people here, it’s peaceful. Then you look someone opening the door with a hat and a black glasses. Quite familiar.

He goes to your direction and sit in front of you. Open up his glasses a little.

“Yah, _____. How dare you not answering my phone?!” He said.

You glare. What’s up with him? Shouted at me, and still have a confidence to meet me? And still blame for not answering his phone? Is he insane? 

“What’s up with that look on your face? He closes your laptop. 

“Yah! I have work!!” You snapped.

“If i didn’t do that, you will ignore me! Yah! Let’s go!” He packs your laptop and pulls you out.

“WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” You pull back. 

“Get in to my car.”

“Do i have to?!”

“Yes.” He pulled you to his car. He locked the door.

“Are you insane?! What do you want?! Why are you treating me like this!?” You glare to him.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, okay? I’m ill-tempered. I was too harsh last night.” He sighs. 

“OH, so you are sorry?! That’s all?! And you thing it’ll change everything?” You fake a chuckle. “Oh, you are insane Seungri. I am leaving you.”

“Yah! You know there’s no one who will understand me like you! I’m sorry. I’m really sorry and i will make it up to you. I’m sorry. Can you give me a chance?”

 ”Oh, you are too confidence if you think i will forgive you.”

“Don’t say a thing!! I act though but i’m not.. inside” He look away. “I’m sorry.”

You look at him, smiling. “Hiahahha. Got you.”


“Lol, i already forgave you from along ago, i understood your situations back then, i know you’re busy, Sorry i acted like a jerk. You chuckled.

“No, sorry i acted like a jerk. Thank you. I really love you.” 

//OMG. This scenario is full of bad boy lyrics hiahaha, it’s one of my 7 favorite song in alive. LMAO, OH DID I MENTION 7?! IS THAT ALL? HIAHHAHAHA. Mmkay, just kidding. I love all alive song GAAHH *A* By the way, new followers, gomawo!!^^ I’m sorry my grammar isn’t that..good. LMAO, i write for fun! Not really a pro of it but, um, just,

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lilokp #1
Chapter 1: How i wish is Taeyang oppa scenario?!
Chapter 16: wit... is that quote from seungri real o.O
Chapter 19: I hope you feel better, author-nim. If you need it, just take a break or talk about it?
loveyoseoblove #4
Chapter 19: love this chapter..
Hiahahaha!! Thank you!! Sure! Later! Thank you!! I love you. :)
CookieBeast #6
I love your little stories to death!Please update soon ^_____^
Ahahah, Sure! :)
Update soon! <3 ^_^
Ahahah.. Yeah, it's so sad:P Yeahm ahahah.. OF COURSE:P Thank you!:)
Sorry but I skipped to chapter three because I love GD. XD<br />
And chapter three was so ;______________;<br />
I laughed when he went all "I DID IT BABY!" but I know I'm not supposed to because it's a sad scene..<br />
and chapter four, don't we all wish to have babies with Jiyong oppa? ;))<br />
It made me blush reading it! ^_^