
The End Where I Begin
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Later they hopped off at a bus stop, which surprisingly was the same one she always got off at in the last few days. Sunhee was letting Jin led the way, but the guy stopped and turned to see her, signaling her to walk beside him, which she did in the end. They walked in silence. Sunhee made a gap between them, just in case.

Sunhee frowned as she realized they just walked into her apartment complex. Nonetheless, she felt safe that she just one step away from home. She kept going since Jin hadn’t told her to stop yet.

Jin unlocked the door to his place, which turned out just two towers away from hers. He opened the door wider for her to get in first, again, just signaling her using his gestures. Sunhee waited for Jin to get in after her and close the door first before going in further since she could hear some voices from the living room.

“Come on.” Jin surprisingly took her by the hand and half dragged her into the house.

The noises were shut right away at the appearances of them. Three boys Sunhee knew were stuck staring at them;Hoseok, Jungkook, and Jimin. Sunhee finally noticed that they weren’t really looking at Jin and her. It’s their twined hands their gazes had been fixed at. She hastily pulled her hand away from Jin’s grip.

“Ya, what are you guys doing here?” asked Jin who was still standing side by side with Sunhee.

Jungkook snorted. “You think?” he gestured referring to the two other boys around him.

“We’re choreographing new moves for the competition,” Hoseok explained.

Jimin was just awkwardly watching their conversation, not budging to open his mouth like the others. Sunhee knew that he had been stealing glances at her in horror. He still hadn’t got the idea of Jin and Sunhee coming together with their hands twined.

“Why here? Just go to the studio instead,” Jin complained.

“If we could, we wouldn’t be here, jerk,” Jungkook replied. “The rooms are all occupied.”

Jin hissed. “Fine then, just don’t be too loud. I’m gonna work with her.” He referred to Sunhee who had been silently standing still before him.

Hoseok smirked. “Work on what?” he .

“Working on Mr. Choi’s task for tomorrow that you’re not gonna finish since you’re working with Namjoon. Congrats,” Jin quipped back. “Oh, by the way, it’s Sunhee.” He introduced her to Jungkook.

“Jungkook.” He nodded as he introduced himself back coldly without even slightly bowed.

“Ya! Manner!” Jin scolded his brother. “And she’s Taehyung’s noona for your info,” added him.

Jungkook rolled his eyes before he forced a wide grin. “Nice to meet you, Noona. Seokjin-ssi talks about you a lot,” he innocently told her as he finally bowed to her. Sunhee just forced a faint smile to reply.

Jin shot daggers at him, clearly pissed off by the younger. “And that’s Jimin.” He introduced Jimin to change the topic.

Sunhee smiled at the person whom being introduced to. “I know him. He’s my favorite dongsaeng,” replied her. Jimin puffed his blushing cheeks, awkwardly grinning at the others.

“Ya, he’s flattered. Look at him,” Hoseok chuckled at Jimin’s reddened face.

They were laughing at Jimin, even Jungkook whom Sunhee thought couldn’t be as bright as she’s seeing that time.

“Let’s go.” Jin signaled Sunhee to follow him. “Just don’t be too loud!” he shouted to remind the younger boys as he walked down the aisle towards his room.

Sunhee stood still at the doorway nervously, hesitating to come into his room. She just watched him throwing his bag on his bed before taking off both his blazer and his shirt, leaving him with just a plain white t-shirt as his top. She moved her gaze away from the sight, which then brought her to admire the tidiness of his room which was quite amazing despite his annoying flirty playboy nature.

“Just sit anywhere you like,” he told as he tidied up his uniform onto the hanger.

Sunhee walked in slowly. She put her bag down and took out his chair from the study desk to sit there. She was too focused digging inside her bag to get her books, causing her to jolt up at the sound of the room’s door being closed by Jin.

Jin chuckled a little, “Someone’s being nervous here,” he quipped. “Relax, girl.”

Sunhee held herself back since the situation was unfavorable for her. She insisted not to budge and kept on preparing the stuffs. “Now, let’s just-“ she was about to ask him as she finished taking out her stuffs, but she couldn’t finish her sentence by the choke she got from the view.

“Let’s just what?” Jin, who was lying on his bed with his arms crossed under his head, smiled slyly.

Sunhee sighed, “You should’ve let me go home and do this all alone if you’re just gonna lie down lazily like that.” She turned back to the desk and decided

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LadySyndra #1
Chapter 21: I was really surprised that SunHee stayed with him even though he killed's like she didn't care about her previous life. Or her family who's mourning for her...
rhein_1101 #2
Chapter 21: wow this is one of a kind. Dor me it's (half) happy ending
cyjames #3
Whoah what a crazy plot twist!! I totally didn't see it coming! Thanks for the great story !!!
it was strange that yoongi always stayed at the same spot but the thought that he might be a ghost never crossed my mind. but now that i think about it, it was obvious that he was a ghost!
well not that obvious, his 'friendship' with tae makes it harder to guess that he was a ghost.
i got a bad vibe about yoongi since he beat seokjin up, the way he talked about sunhee to jin was disturbing me. it's almost like he didn't actually give a with sunhee and came off as obsessed, which is kind of true at the end.
i don't know what to feel about yoongi killing sunhee.........
if the both of them happy then, yeah........
anyway, thank you for sharing the story, i enjoyed it :)
Chapter 21: This reminds me of a movie actually but the ending is different. I honestly don't know what to feel about the ending thou. Great story anyway!! Keep it upppppp....
alleesor25 #6
Chapter 21: The ending made me laugh. Hahaha! But this story is way too different to all the stories i read at asianfanfic. Really. Kudos author-nim.
Chapter 21: It's kinda creepy but the plot was original and you write beautifully so I'll give an upvote for that. ^^
ooh_nana #8
Mannnnn so I was right about Yoongi at the very beginning! I know this has been posted for quite a while now but I still wanted to comment on how good this was!
namjoonbabe #9
Chapter 21: Much plot twist!! I never expected yoongi to be a ghost! But nonetheless i enjoyed it!! Hehe
Chapter 21: That was a hell of a twist of story. Totally caught me off guarf. Good story <3