
The End Where I Begin
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Sunhee couldn’t focus during the last class. She had no idea why she suddenly was all excited to meet Yoongi after school. Well, she usually was, but something doubled up the excitement that day. She just wanted to meet Yoongi.

Sunhee was staring out the window, had completely lost her focus on the lesson. Then her gaze was fixated at one of the third floor’s window up across her window. She spotted a figure sitting on the window’s sill. No other than Min Yoongi who was waving at her teasingly, grinning. Haish! He’s skipping class again!

“How is it in hell?” Yoongi wrote on the dusty window. The boy was giggling while he wrote it. Sunhee pouted in reply. “See you soon.” He wrote it beneath the previous one. Sunhee ‘s pout was gone as her face turned brighter. She gave a positive nod at him who was busy writing another sentence. “I love you.”

Sunhee’s eyes widened in shock. Yoongi had never expressed it before. And he just did.

On the other side, Yoongi smirked. He was pleased by Sunhee’s surprised face. He waved again, more teasingly, at the girl before forming a love above his head with his arms and ended it by throwing kisses.

“Seems like there’s something more interesting than my lesson out there, Miss Lee?” the teacher’s quip startled her. Mrs. Shim’s sharp gaze was ready to tear her into half.

Sunhee flashed an awkward grin at her. Fortunately none of her classmates bothered to turn and look at her, which she loved. “N-nothing, Mrs. Shim. I’m sorry.”

Sunhee stole a glance out again when Mrs. Shim was back on teaching. Yoongi was gone, so were the sentences he wrote. Except one.

Sunhee smiled to herself. I love you too.


“Yoongi-ya?” Sunhee glanced around, searching for the boy. “Min Yoongi! Where are you?” she even wiped the dust on the window, making a small circle for her to peek inside one of the abandoned classes. “Woah!” she squealed as she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to find Yoongi standing behind her.

“You’re so noisy, really.” He rolled his eyes before chuckling at her pissed face while messing her hair. “So, you’re caught by Mrs. Shim, eh?” he asked, irritating her more.

“It’s because of you!” she smacked his arm. “Wait. How do you know it’s Mrs. Shim who’s teaching in my class?” she frowned as they both sat down on the same spot again.

He smiled proudly. “I’m positive that I know your schedule better than yourself.”

“So, you skipped class again? Uh wait, let me correct it. You skipped class or classes?” she emphasized. Her fingers were on his stomach, ready to pinch it.

“No, I didn’t skip today, but I ranaway from class.” He tucked out his tongue before letting out a scream because of her pinch. “I’m fed enough by Mr. Kang’s high-pitched voice!”

“Do you think I’m all okay with Mrs. Shim’s?” she rolled her eyes. “Don’t skip classes again, Yoongi-ya,” she half-whined as she leaned her head on his shoulder while playing with the tip of his uniform.

He ruffled her hair lovingly. “I don’t belong to classes, dear,” he chuckled again. “So, will your dad be late again today?” he slightly turned his head, leaning his cheek on her head.

“No, but I asked him to come here later so I could spend some time with you first,” she shyly answered.

“Uuu! So sweet!” Yoongi pouted as he tapped her cheek lightly a few times. “Just admit that you really like to be here with me, don’t you?” he smirked at her. Sunhee gave him a disgusted look jokingly. “Yah, by the way, did you see what I wrote on the window?” Yoongi bombarded her with another question already.

“Hmm…” Sunhee by pretending to be unsure about it.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. “Haish! Come on! You even reacted to it! How come you didn’t see it?!” he frustratingly shook her body. Sunhee just gave him a teasing smile. “Lee Sunhee,” he called her full name as he glared at her.

Sunhee planted a kiss on his cheek. “Shut up, I did read it.” Yoongi wished his face could burn red to show her how happy he was. He was dazed both by her smile and her kiss. “I love you too.” She smirked, forming a heart above her head like he did to her before.

Yoongi chuckled, “Congrats, Sunhee-ya. You successfully made me fall for you.” He awkwardly scratched the back of his head as he smirked back at the girl. “You don’t like Jungkook for real, do you?” he asked a nonsense one.

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LadySyndra #1
Chapter 21: I was really surprised that SunHee stayed with him even though he killed's like she didn't care about her previous life. Or her family who's mourning for her...
rhein_1101 #2
Chapter 21: wow this is one of a kind. Dor me it's (half) happy ending
cyjames #3
Whoah what a crazy plot twist!! I totally didn't see it coming! Thanks for the great story !!!
it was strange that yoongi always stayed at the same spot but the thought that he might be a ghost never crossed my mind. but now that i think about it, it was obvious that he was a ghost!
well not that obvious, his 'friendship' with tae makes it harder to guess that he was a ghost.
i got a bad vibe about yoongi since he beat seokjin up, the way he talked about sunhee to jin was disturbing me. it's almost like he didn't actually give a with sunhee and came off as obsessed, which is kind of true at the end.
i don't know what to feel about yoongi killing sunhee.........
if the both of them happy then, yeah........
anyway, thank you for sharing the story, i enjoyed it :)
Chapter 21: This reminds me of a movie actually but the ending is different. I honestly don't know what to feel about the ending thou. Great story anyway!! Keep it upppppp....
alleesor25 #6
Chapter 21: The ending made me laugh. Hahaha! But this story is way too different to all the stories i read at asianfanfic. Really. Kudos author-nim.
Chapter 21: It's kinda creepy but the plot was original and you write beautifully so I'll give an upvote for that. ^^
ooh_nana #8
Mannnnn so I was right about Yoongi at the very beginning! I know this has been posted for quite a while now but I still wanted to comment on how good this was!
namjoonbabe #9
Chapter 21: Much plot twist!! I never expected yoongi to be a ghost! But nonetheless i enjoyed it!! Hehe
Chapter 21: That was a hell of a twist of story. Totally caught me off guarf. Good story <3