
The End Where I Begin
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Jin took a deep breath as he stepped into the funeral home. He gulped at the sight of Sunhee’s coffin from afar, still not believing the fact that she was the one lying in it. Her mom was crying by the coffin while her dad was trying to soothe the wife.

Jin scanned the whole room. He then carefully approached Taehyung who was sitting at the corner with his face buried on his palms. He took a seat beside him and just sat there doing nothing else than watching the younger silently mourned his sister.

Nobody knew the real reason of her death except Jin and Taehyung. Knowing that it wouldn’t make any sense if they told the truth, they decided to cover Yoongi’s crime. He couldn’t be sued either though.

The day before, Taehyung just agreed on Jin’s idea about it since he couldn’t think of any better ideas. It was being said that she was found dead in the third floor which made everybody simply thought it was a suicide as well as Yoongi’s, but their speculations were later proved invalid. There weren’t any scratches or damages on her body. Yoongi’s choke on her miraculously didn’t leave any bruises as he did his magic again.

Jin glanced towards the other side of the room, there was Jimin sobbing on his own alone. He decided to get up and went to soothe him instead since he looked worse than Taehyung himself. He sat beside him and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

“She wouldn’t like to see you mourn this much,” said Jin.

But Jimin couldn’t stop himself from crying. “H-Hyung, why this happened t-to her?” he asked in frustration. “Why did she have to leave us this early?”

Jin faintly smiled. “It’s her fate,” whispered him. By that a drop of tears fell on his cheek. “Don’t worry, Jimin-ah. She’ll be happy in her new life.” Being honest, he hated to say that, but nonetheless that’s the truth. At least she got to live with Yoongi, her love.

Jin got back to sit beside Taehyung after calming Jimin down. Taehyung still didn’t budge at his presence there as he stayed silent, seemed to have lost his strength to sob. His swollen face was still being hidden over his palms.

Jin had been watching him for the last 10 minutes before Taehyung finally lifted his head up.

“Have you gone there?” asked Taehyung with his hoarse voice, gesturing his head towards Sunhee’s coffin.

Jin shook his head slowly. “I still couldn’t get over the feelings of having her lying in my arms yesterday.” He stared at his lap blankly. “Have you had lunch?”

Then it was Taehyung who shook his head. “I brought you a meal in my car. Come on, you should eat first,” told Jin as he got up from his seat.

Taehyung followed him doing so before the two walked towards the exit. He saw Jimin was still doing the same thing he’d been doing in the previous hour, giving others the same exact view of his face being hidden by his hands while his shoulder slightly going up and down from his sobs.

Jin led Taehyung to his car, asking him to get in as he opened the windows down and the sunroof for a better air. “Here.” He passed him the meal he took from the backseat. 

“Thank you.” Taehyung’s voice came out as a weak whisper. “You shouldn’t have bothered yourself bringing me this,” he said as he unpacked the meal in his slowest moves ever.

“It’s nothing. If you’ve had your lunch, it could be eaten by me or Jungkook later though. I was just guessing

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LadySyndra #1
Chapter 21: I was really surprised that SunHee stayed with him even though he killed her....it's like she didn't care about her previous life. Or her family who's mourning for her...
rhein_1101 #2
Chapter 21: wow this is one of a kind. Dor me it's (half) happy ending
cyjames #3
Whoah what a crazy plot twist!! I totally didn't see it coming! Thanks for the great story !!!
it was strange that yoongi always stayed at the same spot but the thought that he might be a ghost never crossed my mind. but now that i think about it, it was obvious that he was a ghost!
well not that obvious, his 'friendship' with tae makes it harder to guess that he was a ghost.
i got a bad vibe about yoongi since he beat seokjin up, the way he talked about sunhee to jin was disturbing me. it's almost like he didn't actually give a with sunhee and came off as obsessed, which is kind of true at the end.
i don't know what to feel about yoongi killing sunhee.........
if the both of them happy then, yeah........
anyway, thank you for sharing the story, i enjoyed it :)
Chapter 21: This reminds me of a movie actually but the ending is different. I honestly don't know what to feel about the ending thou. Great story anyway!! Keep it upppppp....
alleesor25 #6
Chapter 21: The ending made me laugh. Hahaha! But this story is way too different to all the stories i read at asianfanfic. Really. Kudos author-nim.
Chapter 21: It's kinda creepy but the plot was original and you write beautifully so I'll give an upvote for that. ^^
ooh_nana #8
Mannnnn so I was right about Yoongi at the very beginning! I know this has been posted for quite a while now but I still wanted to comment on how good this was!
namjoonbabe #9
Chapter 21: Much plot twist!! I never expected yoongi to be a ghost! But nonetheless i enjoyed it!! Hehe
Chapter 21: That was a hell of a twist of story. Totally caught me off guarf. Good story <3