chapter 4

Imaginary Friend

“Jongin, what are you doing?”

I heave a frustrated sigh, setting my eyes on anything else but him. The said boy suddenly popped out of no where in the middle of my algebra class just before this, and it scared the living hell out of me. I practically jumped out of my seat and my teacher asked what was wrong, so I just embarrassed myself saying that I started my period and I need to go to the bathroom.

“I’m accompanying you at school, what does it look like I’m doing?”

“It looks like you’re trying to give me a heart attack because of your sudden appearances!”

My back is placed firmly against the girl’s bathroom door, just to make sure no one comes in. I don’t want random girls to think I’m talking to myself. I groan, “If you wanted to come with me, you could’ve just shown yourself to me instead of turning invisible! No one else will see you, anyways!”

It’s been two days since Jongin revealed himself to me, and I’m still really confused about this whole thing. Now that I know he’s always around me, it makes me sort of uncomfortable.

"Just... don't do that again, alright?"

The boy nods and we leave the bathroom and go to class. My classmates whip their heads to my direction when I enter and I make eye contact with Jaekyung. She raises her eyebrows. She knows I lied when I said I started my period.

I mouth the word 'later' and I take my seat, slightly looking back at Jongin, who is right behind me. The boy, having no where to sit, plops on the floor and pouts. I try to hide a slight smile by covering my mouth with my hand. He's just really cute, okay?

The rest of the day flies by quickly and I meet Jaekyung at Starbucks. I make sure Jongin is following me—I don't want a replay of what happened when I last walked home alone.

"So, what happened in algebra?"

I sigh, "You won't believe me even if I told you."

"Just tell me! You're my best friend, I'll understand you."

I hesitate for a while. She may think I'm crazy, but I want to at least tell someone. "Did you have an imaginary friend when you were little?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Just answer me."

Jaekyung purses her lips. "Yeah. His name was Luhan."

I make eye contact with Jongin. He nods, knowing what I want him to do.

At the corner of my eye, I see Jongin turn into smoke. I turn back to Jaekyung, "Do you remember that one time I told you that weird things were happening to me?" The girl nods.

"I figured it out. I know why those things happened."

Jaekyung slowly leans forward, curious as to what I'm going to say. I explain the whole thing to her—Jongin, the whole Imaginary Friend thing, etc. The girl listens to me wholeheartedly, nodding at some parts and forming into a shape of an 'o'.

I think she understands me, but it turns out she doesn't when she turns her nods into shaking her head after I ask her if she gets it. I make a face at her, scrunching my nose.

We stay at the store for a while longer. Jaekyung has a very confused look on her face, probably letting the information sink in her head. She looks like she wants to tell me to go to a doctor, but she doesn't. For that, I'm thankful.

Jongin suddenly pops up beside me and this time, I don't freak out. I look at him with a hopeful look in my eyes, but he sadly shakes his head. Sighing, I finish my drink and bid Jaekyung goodbye.


"What did Luhan say?"

"He said that he stopped caring a long time ago. Just like all the others."

Jongin tsks after speaking. When Jongin disappeared, he went to go find Luhan. Apparently, he knows the dude pretty well.

"How do you even know him?"

"We're... actually in a popular dance group together..." Jongin scratches his neck, embarrassed.

I'm silent for a second, but then I start giggling. "You're in a dance group? Oh my gosh... are you like K-Pop stars in your world? Do you perform with eyeliner and sparkly clothes?"

The boy reaches his hand out to ruffle my hair. "Shut up."

"SO, I'M RIGHT? ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I laugh wholeheartedly, plopping my back on my bed while kicking my feet up in the air. Jongin groans, "I'm leaving. Goodnight."

I roll to the side of the bed and grab Jongin's wrist. My hair is covering my face and some strands are even in my mouth. I use my hand (the one that's not holding onto Jongin's wrist) to get the hair out of my mouth.

I should care what I look like when I'm with him, but I don't. He's been around me all my life, right? He's seen the really embarrassing sides of me already, so why hide it?

"Wait," I give the boy a goofy smile. "I want to know more about your boy band." I wriggle my eyebrows when I say the words 'boy band' and Jongin rolls his eyes. I think he's going to leave, but he plops his onto my stomach.

"You're heavy! Get off!" I try to push him off, but I fail miserably. I start tickling him, and he bursts into laughter. The two of us have a tickling competition for about a minute.

I suddenly hear my doorknob turning and my mom's head pops in. "Who are you talking to?"

"I... umm," I hold up my phone, which was thankfully under the pillow my head was on. "I'm on the phone with Jaekyung."

"Ah, okay. You were laughing really loud though." My mother tells me to go to sleep and says goodnight.

When my mom leaves, I start giggling. "That was so close!" I whisper.

Jongin laughs. Did I ever mention how much I love his laugh? Well, now you know.

He tells me about his group — there's 12 members, four are Chinese and the rest are Korean. Luhan's one of the Chinese members and I giggle, because Jaekyung has loved Chinese food ever since she was little. It totally makes sense for her to make her imaginary friend Chinese.

Somewhere along the way, Jongin's soft voice drives me to sleep. The last words I hear from him are 'good night' and I feel something soft on my forehead.

If this is a dream, I don't think I want to wake up from it.



Hello readers! I'm sorry for not updating last week. :--( I had half of this chapter written but I just didn't have enough inspiration to write the other half! But I'm here now! Yay!

By the way, if you haven't noticed, I will be updating every Friday! (Or I'll at least try to update every week lol)

Oh, and today's a special day! Happy birthday, Sehun! And also, my EXO story is today's New Daily Random Story! Woo!

Happy reading♥

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Thank you all for being on this journey with me! Currently working on the Epilogue!!


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Mar007 #1
I love your story! Hahaha.. I even upvoted ^^ LUCKY me I found this story. Thank you for the amazing work *bows*
Chapter 17: Wow this is quite different from what I expected but really sweet! It kinda reminds me of that episode about imaginary friends in supernatural!
Chapter 17: Your story make me wish I do have one imaginary friend that will turn out to be real... I'd probably explode if mine looks like Jongin. What a great great writing!! Love it so much, thank you!
pastelkitties #4
Chapter 17: this story is so beautiful in every aspect. honestly one of the best fantasy stories I've read and I even missed my train stop while reading this, I was just so engrossed <3 keep up the great work :)
Chapter 8: The disappearing tugged my heart in a sad way :(
Chapter 3: Ooohh oohhhh I'm getting excited!!
Chocoholic_Exo-L #7
Chapter 7: As soon as you described the performance, I was like: OMG IT'S OVERDOSE!!!
Hariniisawesome #8
Chapter 16: Uhh why I'm crying! This fanfic made cry so much! Why can't they just live happily ever after? Is that too much to ask?
Chapter 15: What is up with the numbers at the end of the chapters? Cute story keke makes me wish I had an imaginary friend
09mion #10
wow! this is one great light read. tho the 2nd to the last chap did clenched my heart a bit. nonetheless, you did great here dear. and this deserves more reader and upvotes! hwaiting!