
The New Composer

Ynna sighed in desperation. Oh god, what was she going to do? She seemed all confident earlier when she was with Chanyeol but after seeing Milan’s state, she has so clue where to side.

To understand her situation, let’s go back earlier that same day.

After meeting with Chanyeol, Ynna decided to of course message Chen. “I gave him advice. You have to push him to do my advice, arasseo, oppa?” She then hid her phone and looped her arms with Rae’s. Her friend gave her a confused expression but she didn’t resist from her grip. “Let’s go to my house. Umma made some spaghetti,” Ynna chimed. “Stop speaking Korean. We’re back at our home base,” Rae groaned. “Ah, sorry,” Ynna smiled sheepishly. “I got used to it after all.”

After a few minutes, Ynna didn’t expect a surprise visit from her best friend. She looked helpless like she went through a break up. “Eotteoke, Ynna? The fans hate me, not only EXO-L but also I GOT7,” she said as she sat on the couch. Rae put a cup of black coffee near Milan. “Gomawo,” Milan muttered before drinking the coffee. Rae only looked at her. “Plus Chanyeol-oppa says he loves me, what a joke! And I had to fall in love with Luhan-oppa!” Milan kept on complaining.

Ynna rolled her eyes as she looked down at her best friend. She pitied the young lass but Milan put this on herself. She wanted to reach her dreams and she got too dense around these men. She put her guard down easily. This is what Ynna hates about her. “Then quit,” Ynna said as she raised an eyebrow.

Milan’s eyes widened. “Q-Quit?” She stuttered. Ynna slowly nodded. “Quit,” she confirmed it. “Ynna’s right for once, Milan. If you can’t handle all of this then it’s better for you to quit right?” Rae agreed. Milan bit her lower lip. “Afraid of quitting?” Ynna had this smile of amusement. “We provided you with a way out of all of this mess. Milan, if you keep hurting, you know we feel that hurt too,” she added.

“You can’t handle the pressure right? Quit. Leave the country and start over here,” Rae said but in a challenging tone. “I can’t,” Milan almost squeaked. “What?” Rae and Ynna looked at each other with a smirk. “And why can’t you? I mean, Milan, you’re my best friend and all but you’re getting hurt. You’re getting tons of hate from the two fandoms you loved since well, when we were in high school. You loved EXO since Growl Era and you loved GOT7 since well their debut,” Ynna said as she tried to trigger Milan.

“I can’t leave EXO. I can’t,” Milan slowly removed something from her pocket. It was the laminated version of her EXO-L ID. “We are one,” she almost whispered. “But really, quit, girl. You can’t handle the heat of showbiz,” Ynna said in a sassy tone.

“Who are you to say that?”

Ynna was attending EXO’s last minute rehearsals before their concert proper. She was with Rae of course, she can’t leave that coffee maniac behind. But the thing that worried her was Milan was nowhere in sight. “Ynna,” Chen called out to her but she didn’t respond. “Yah,” Chen jumped down from the stage and ran towards her.

“Oppa, if Milan ever quits… Mianhaeyo,” Ynna looked down. “Quits? What are you saying?” Chen furrowed his eyebrows. Rae shot a look at Chen. “Don’t ask about it. You’ll know soon,” she said in a cold and harsh voice, not like the shy and timid one he knew her at first.

“What did…” Chanyeol whispered to himself. He has been putting himself in torture as he stared at his phone. Not one text from Milan was there. He felt guilty. He felt really guilty. He regretted everything but was it his fault to love someone? “She’ll turn up sooner or later,” Luhan patted Chanyeol’s back. “I know she will. Don’t lose hope. She won’t give up on us that easily,” he smiled at the younger.

The concert was almost starting, no Milan in sight. This is making all of her friends worried sick. Usually, Milan would be at the backstage, helping the stage crew and all that but she’s missing. Even the managers wouldn’t tell anyone of Milan’s whereabouts. EXO were already getting ready for their intro but they can’t shake their thoughts away.

Did she quit..?

Chen thought about it. Well, no one else in his group knew about it. And he was pretty much used to keeping secrets, not as used as Baekhyun, but he can keep his mouth shut about the sensitive topic. What if she did quit without telling them? It was still their first concert in the Philippines and this was… frustrating.

But nevertheless, the show must go on. Chen did notice their feelings were gloomier than the usual but the fans mustn’t notice. They were great actors, trained by the company, maybe better than other actors. But it did shock him during Luhan’s solo, just because it wasn’t the usual ‘for fan-service only’ act.

It was something different.

“Annyeonghaseyo!” Luhan greeted through the mic. “I’m sure this shocked you,” Luhan lightly lifted the guitar on his lap. “And I’m sure you’re shocked that I’m able to speak perfect English,” he chuckled a bit. “Anyways, I was supposed to serenade you all with a song written by our composer in Tagalog. Sadly, she’s not around to be proud of it but the show must go on, right?” he smiled wistfully before strumming the guitar.

After the serenade, Chen wanted to punch Luhan. No, what he did wasn’t bad. It was just, Luhan only made the situation worse. Chanyeol was so shocked to hear what Luhan did and Chen was infuriated. Chen understood how Chanyeol felt. He could only imagine what the fans would say when they hear Luhan sang a song written by a female composer who was getting close with EXO.

Oh, the scandals!

He should get used to it but he can’t when it affects someone who has nothing to do with it. Milan may be stupid and all but she’s still EXO’s little sister first before being Luhan’s fangirl and Chanyeol’s crush. Chen threaded through the crowding staff and managed to reach Luhan who was drinking a bottle of water.

He really did look tired but refreshed. He looked darn attractive. Chen wanted to mentally slap himself for thinking this again. It wasn’t his fault he could see the reasons why Luhan was the visuals but he would be happier if it was him. And Luhan didn’t look like his age, he looked like a 19 year old, and he completely was not.

Never mind that. Chen tapped Luhan’s shoulder and the older raised his eyebrow at him. “Hyung, we need to talk,” Chen said urgently. “I know what you’ll say. I did a foolish thing, didn’t I?” Luhan’s smile didn’t escape his lips. “But I promised to sing one of her songs. It was to boost her confidence. It would be a waste if I won’t perform it,” he added, wiping sweat off his forehead. Chen nodded. “I understand, but still,” he hesitated.

“I hurt him, didn’t I?” Luhan’s expression softened. “A promise is a promise. And it’s not like I grew feelings for her,” he laughed a bit. Chen hesitated on nodding but he did. “Chen! Luhan! Prepare for the next stage in 5 minutes!” One of the managers shouted and the two nodded at each other.

“Let’s do our best for our fans!”

Ynna hugged herself as she watched the boys perform in front of her. Last time she went to this place was her first concert and she was with Milan. The feeling was cold, even if Rae was with her. No one can replace her best friend, even someone who she practically grew up with can’t. Milan was too special for her but that girl is sometimes so dumb.

After the concert, she hurried backstage, showing her SM ID to the crew to let her in. She dragged Rae behind and the poor girl only tried to keep up with the idol. “She’s still not here?” Chen asked. Ynna shook her head, looking down. “I can’t call her or anything. I don’t even have her parents’ numbers,” she said as she covered her cheeks.

“What if she got kidnapped? What if she ran away forever? What if she reunited with that blasted ex-boyfriend she has?” Ynna panicked. Rae held on Ynna’s arm and almost twisted it. “Calm down, she can take care of herself. Stupid she may seem, she can take care of herself,” she whispered. “She’s a pushover, Rae! How can I leave that girl alone? She keeps on lying to us,” Ynna whined.

Rae shot a look at Ynna and that shut Ynna up. “I understand your worry, even I’m worried but whatever Milan is up to, we’ll find out soon. She can’t disappear forever,” Rae said and then she faced Chen. “Chen-ssi, please tell your members not to stay in Milan’s place for now. It’s better for the current situation and you,” she turned to her dear friend again.

“Stop interfering with her decisions. I swear you can get clingier than Milan. Even if she elopes with her ex, you’ll still be her best friend right?”

Chen did as he was told when the girls left. He told the managers and Suho what Rae told him. He didn’t tell the reasons though and it looked like they understood. When Chen left their company, Chanyeol grabbed his arm from behind the door and pulled him. “What happened to her?” Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows.

“She…” Chen looked down and then shook his head. “I promised not to tell anyone, Yeol. Stop being so clingy with her and start being the professional idol we knew you for. You can’t let her control your world,” he said and left the younger frozen in his spot with his mouth open.

Chanyeol was shocked of what Chen said. Chen wouldn’t normally say that, words that could pierce through someone’s heart but yet, he did. He said all that. “I’m being professional,” he whispered. “No, you’re not,” Baekhyun said as he appeared from the shadows. Actually, he just emerged from his dressing room after removing his stage make-up. He looked fresher now.

“You’re not being professional and I can assure you that. Even hyung is not being professional with this childish game you’re calling love,” Baekhyun coldly said. “Game?” Chanyeol blinked a few times. “Have you ever thought of her well-being aside from that throbbing heart of yours? Maybe yes, but what about her dream? She wanted to be a composer for her best friend but Yeol, I’m not blaming you,” Baekhyun continued.

“She may be stupid and dense since she’s working with men for Pete’s sake and she keeps on lying so partially, all of this is her fault. Actually, if she never worked with us, all of this drama wouldn’t happen right? Let her be alone for once. Let her think this through. If she ever returns to us, then we’re lucky. If not, well, we just have to accept it.”

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It was fun and all but yeah Milan didnt end up with anyone ㅋㅋㅋ


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lilnugget #1
Chapter 1: I like the character a lot. she breaks from the cookie cuter form most people have for their ocs. I'm excited
ThatGiirlSteph #2
Chapter 21: Omg you added nana (wife of zhang jie) in the story (well sorta) !!!!
mizukki #3
Chapter 68: Oh my gosh. The story is really awesome although chanyeol is like suffering so much
But. Its a really good piece of work!
Chapter 67: SEASON 2 pleaseeee I'll love you foreverr
avisdawn #5
Chapter 67: Make a season 2 if you have time and already motivated okay? :))
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 67: What...I need season 2!!!!>< plz
Chapter 67: ANDWAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE author-nim I am in love with this story!!!!!!!!!! please make a season two soon!! looking forward to your other works and thank you!
shiryokeii #8
Chapter 67: oh god please make a second season
SHINee456 #9
Haha first time reading a d my friend think this is good!!!
redpanda123 #10
Hope it is good!!!