
The New Composer

Milan was puffing her cheeks and both men were poking them. She looked like she lost the battle and wanted to tear their bodies limb from limb but she was restraining herself. She only smiled when she saw Ynna’s discontented face when she and Chen didn’t get to kiss.

“Hey, Ynna-ssi,” Xiumin called out, Ynna turning her head. “Hm?” she asked. “How is Mil-ah back in your high school days and I mean, how did you meet?” He asked. That was the only time Chanyeol and Luhan turned their attention to other than Milan’s cheeks.

“We’ve been friends way before high school so that’s about eleven years maybe? Or twelve? Not sure, though. She had a different circle of friends when we first knew each other and we were exact opposites because I was shy and she was noisy and like a social gorilla,” Ynna shared, receiving a hit from Milan’s scrunchy.

“Anyways, when we were in high school, she was still noisy and had this reputation and she was such a big Lu—I mean Taemin and BamBam fan,” Ynna was relieved she stopped herself. She remembered Milan telling her to never mention about her being a fan of EXO. “She excelled in foreign languages and math again when we were in ninth grade, when her sister finally became a student of our school. She got more hardworking and stuff,” the boys laughed at how Ynna ended her tale.

“Imagine Mil-ah in our country’s high school uniform being noisy and always smiling,” Chen said. “She could be the batch’s troublemaker!” Baekhyun reacted. “No, that’s you,” Milan stuck her tongue out.

They all talked and talked, maybe waking up the neighbours a few times until they decided it was time to get some hard earned sleep. Ynna decided to sleep in Milan’s room and her best friend agreed with that to keep an eye on her. She might Chen without Milan knowing after all.

The two chit chatted until Milan’s phone rang and when she looked at the caller ID, a smile crept on her face. “Hello?” Milan said as she put her phone to her ear. “Milan!” The person on the other line called out. “BamBam, shh!” Milan heard also. She chuckled a bit. “So what’s up?” Milan asked, earning naughty smiles from Ynna. It was obvious this girl will ask who that is to Milan. “Want to go out tomorrow? I mean, if you’re not busy after all,” BamBam asked. “I would be delighted!” Milan chimed. “Then around 9-ish?” “Hm, sure.” “Good night then! Sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite.” “You too.”

When Milan hang up, Ynna tackled her with questions mainly with who, what, where and when and also how. The composer managed to answer all of them and tried her best for Ynna not to have the wrong idea. She and BamBam were only friends after all. They’re friends who use informal speech with each other.

The next day, Milan was nowhere in sight. By the time Ynna woke up, the boys were scurrying about the dorm. “Annyeong, Ynna-ssi. Have you seen Mil-ah?” Chanyeol asked, it was obvious he was worried after all. “It’s her turn to cook breakfast,” he added, trying not to look any more flustered than he already is. “Is that so? I’ve heard she’s planning to go out for her birthday,” Ynna said, smirking.

The boys paused for a moment when they heard what Ynna said. “IT’S HER BIRTHDAY?!” They reacted. “And just a day after Luhan-hyung’s too,” Sehun pouted. “Nah, I think she’ll forget it’s her birthday. She always does. She’s more forgetful than an ahjumma,” Ynna swatted the idea away. “But still,” Chanyeol frowned.

“I actually have a gift for her,” Luhan blinked innocently. “BWO?!” The other members reacted. “She told Sehun and me about her birthday and I think she told us before when’s her birthday so I planned ahead,” he smiled sheepishly, looking cuter than he already is with his bed hair. “What did you get her? Wait—How did you know what to get her?” Suho asked. “She’s a girl plus she hates the cold plus she loves music. I bought her a jacket with the SHINee logo at the middle pockets and then headset with I assume her favourite anime plus the latest GOT7 and SHINee albums,” Luhan said.

“Woah, you spent a lot,” Xiumin said in awe. “She’ll be the reason why we’ll earn a lot,” Luhan snickered. “EXO, want to go out and buy some presents before she goes back here?” Kris looked around. “NE, LEADER!” They all shouted, pumping their fists high. “Well, I think you should eat first,” Ynna pointed out. “I’ll be preparing breakfast then,” KyungSoo said before going into the kitchen.


“Hey, so how did you two meet?” Mark asked as he pointed his pen to BamBam and Milan. “Bumped in the streets, oppa,” Milan answered for the fifth time already. “Chincha? That’s like the start of a beautiful love story,” Jackson teased. “Eh, hyung, Milan and I are only friends,” BamBam tilted his head to the side. “I said the start, I hope it was a happy ending~” Jackson chimed, making Milan chuckle.

BamBam picked her up at the dorm this morning and they headed to the GOT7 dorm for breakfast. So far, Milan enjoyed herself. The other members welcomed her warmly though sometimes, she could get annoyed when they call her BamBam’s girlfriend but they haven’t really made her want to tear them limb from limb.

“Bwo? You’re going already? Wae?” Jackson whined, wanting to spend more time with the female since he doesn’t really had time to spend time with non-idol females. “You just want to have her all to yourself!” Yugyeom whined also. “Maybe I do, hyungs,” BamBam pulled out his tongue and then pulled Milan outside.

Milan lightly blushed as she heard that. “Why did you have to say that? Those dudes will have wrong ideas,” she mumbled. BamBam ruffled her hair. “Well, it is true. You always hang out with those EXO people and we seldom meet with each other these days. At least I can have you all to myself,” he childishly smiled at her.

“Don’t do aegyo on me, BamBam. I swear that’s my only weakness,” Milan covered her eyes. BamBam chuckled. “Cute,” he whispered. “What?” Milan said as she uncovered her eyes. BamBam shook his head. “Nothing, nothing.”

Chanyeol almost ripped his hair off as he wandered around the mall. Baekhyun offered to accompany him but the vocal can’t calm his best friend down. “Aish! What to give to a girl!” Chanyeol almost screamed. “Give her a stuff toy,” Baekhyun offered. “Girls love stuff toys,” he added in a jokingly manner. “I want to give her something special and hyung already bought the albums I want to give her,” Chanyeol whined. He looked desperate. Baekhyun laughed at his face.

What a true friend he is.

“She’ll be contented with whatever you’ll give her, idiot,” Baekhyun told him. “You’ve always been by her side and you’ve opened her up to us. I think you even have the right not to give her a present for all you’ve done,” he said truthfully. “But hyung…” Chanyeol sniffed like a little kid. “He stole Mil-ah’s first kiss. The presents are for saying sorry mostly,” Baekhyun told him.

“What are you going to give her then?” Chanyeol asked. “Easy, I heard she loves books so I’m going to give her Dan Brown’s latest book plus Rick Riordan’s too. Could you believe she read all of their books and even researched on the topics?” Baekhyun laughed. “Ch-Chincha? Never knew she loved those kinds of things,” Chanyeol said with widened eyes. “You don’t even know that? Aiya,” Baekhyun contacted his palm with his forehead.

“You’re her best friend but you don’t know her favourite authors,” Baekhyun shook his head disapprovingly. “I might even think hyung knows Mil-ah more than you and maybe BamBam-ssi too,” he told Chanyeol. The taller one frowned. “Well then, I’ll just buy ummm…” Chanyeol thought for a moment.

Milan hates pink so no pink objects. Milan loves dark colors. Milan has a weak spot for cute things. A stuff toy may be a perfect gift but he wants something different for her. He wants to give her something very special. Milan was a girl he really does like and he wants to impress her after all.

And that’s when Chanyeol’s phone rang and when he answered it, it was Luhan. “What’s up hyung?”

“I saw Mil-ah with someone.”

“With who?” Chanyeol’s eyebrows furrowed.

“BamBam-ssi and it seems like they’re on a date. I see BamBam carrying paper bags that are impossible to be men’s things so it was possible BamBam treated her.”

“Aigooo…” Chanyeol massaged his temples with his other hand. “We better act quickly before she gets stolen by GOT7,” Luhan told him. “I know. We’ll win her over tonight,” Chanyeol said confidently. “Well, I better go,” Luhan said before hanging up.

“So what’s up?” Baekhyun asked. “I know what to buy her,” Chanyeol said, his voice full of determination.

That night, Milan really did come home late. She had her paper bags on her arms. It was the shopping of the lifetime if you ask her. The dorm was quiet and Milan wondered why but she was too happy to be worried but when she collapsed on the sofa, she sat on someone.

“Happy birthday!”

The lights went on and Milan found herself on Luhan’s lap. Her face grew red as she immediately stood up. “What the? It’s my birthday?” She asked after regaining her composure. “What day is it already?” she asked them. “21st,” Luhan gladly answered. “Oh, is it? Aiya, forget my own birthday,” she crouched down on the floor. “So it’s basically, I’m basically 20 already huh,” she mumbled to herself.

The boys began singing the usual song when it comes to birthdays and they let Milan blow the candles after making a wish on her chocolate birthday cake. “Thank you, dudes,” she smiled sincerely. “Open your gifts now! We want to see how you’ll react,” Sehun insisted. “Hm, sure,” Milan nodded.

“By age, please,” Milan pleaded and so, Xiumin was the first one to give her a gift. She was sure she was able to use Xiumin’s gift, knowing him. When she ripped the wrapping paper, she saw a t-shirt and leggings. The t-shirt had the 4th EXO logo on it with the word “OVERDOSE”. “I heard your first leaked anything about us was the dance practice of EXO-K so umm…” Xiumin shyly smiled. “Thank you, oppa!” Milan put it on the side.

Next was Luhan and Milan’s reaction was expected. The boys luckily already covered their ears. She squealed in delight and hugged Luhan tightly. “These even have their signatures! Ah, Taemin-oppa!” Milan was jumping like the girl she is. “Taemin-oppa’s signature plus the album and the photocards and GOT7’s Got Her! This is the best!” Milan squealed and wore the jacket tightly around her. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, oppa!” Milan kept on bowing.

“Give me a kiss as a token of your appreciation then,” Luhan pointed his cheek. “But you already got my first kiss,” Milan pouted. “I was just joking, ne,” Luhan said. Then the opening of the gifts continued with Kris.

“Ooh, it’s cute,” Milan raised a hairpin with a crescent moon on it. It glowed silver under the light of the room. “Thanks, oppa,” Milan said. Kris only nodded with a smirk. Suho gave her a nice wallet with cute skulls printed on it. Inside it was of course a few extra cash which Milan will likely spend soon. Lay gave her a hat that resembled his eyes.

“Here!” Baekhyun tossed his gift and Milan caught it. She hugged it and already guessed what was inside. “Uwa, a teddy bear plus books!” Milan smiled widely. “I’m going to name you LuYeol,” she told the teddy bear, making the others laugh. “So it’s a new ship I see,” Baekhyun teased.

Chen gave Milan a pair of earrings matched with a necklace. “Thank you!” Milan said and then there was Chanyeol who looked nervous. “Oppa?” Milan tilted her head. Chanyeol gulped while gripping the paper bag.




Long birthday special yes. Hurhur cuz the writer's birthday is very special.

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It was fun and all but yeah Milan didnt end up with anyone ㅋㅋㅋ


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lilnugget #1
Chapter 1: I like the character a lot. she breaks from the cookie cuter form most people have for their ocs. I'm excited
ThatGiirlSteph #2
Chapter 21: Omg you added nana (wife of zhang jie) in the story (well sorta) !!!!
mizukki #3
Chapter 68: Oh my gosh. The story is really awesome although chanyeol is like suffering so much
But. Its a really good piece of work!
Chapter 67: SEASON 2 pleaseeee I'll love you foreverr
avisdawn #5
Chapter 67: Make a season 2 if you have time and already motivated okay? :))
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 67: What...I need season 2!!!!>< plz
Chapter 67: ANDWAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE author-nim I am in love with this story!!!!!!!!!! please make a season two soon!! looking forward to your other works and thank you!
shiryokeii #8
Chapter 67: oh god please make a second season
SHINee456 #9
Haha first time reading a d my friend think this is good!!!
redpanda123 #10
Hope it is good!!!