Doubting Own's Feelings

The New Composer

Milan slapped BamBam’s cheek with an angered expression on her face. “It was okay with you if you love me, BamBam but to kiss me… That’s just a sign of disrespect,” she said as she glared at him. “BamBam, you’re a close friend of mine but a kiss is something very special to someone like me. I only want my lips to touch someone I love… sadly, it isn’t you,” Milan said.

“Tell GOT7 I’ll be going home and take care,” Milan said as she escaped BamBam’s arms. “I can’t be mad at you for that long. We’re friends but I can think about your confession. Take care and be careful,” she said before walking away from him.

BamBam’s back slid against the wall as his hand had contact with his face. “Pabo… I should’ve controlled myself. I should’ve stopped my feelings. Darn it,” he cursed himself as he tried to keep in his tears. “Ah, pabo Bhuwakul. I was too stupid… too impulsive.”

Chanyeol couldn’t stop in one place when Milan didn’t come home at all that night. EXO-K came home from a concert by Myeongdeong and it ended when it was already 11 PM. And when he didn’t see any traces of Milan and her room unlocked and empty, there he found all the reasons to be worried. She didn’t even pick up her phone!

“Mil-ah…” He muttered to himself. Chen rubbed his back and said,” Want me to call Ynna-ssi?” Chanyeol lightly nodded. Recently, Chen has been on good terms with Milan’s best friend and they’ve been bumping into her ever since they met her personally. She was a good girl and she was a lot more of a socialite than Milan could be, to idols anyway. Anyhow, Chen got her number and he’s the only one in EXO to have that. Chen even told Chanyeol Ynna gave her number to CL because she was her bias and Dara introduced the lucky fangirl to 2NE1.

“Hello? Ynna-ssi… Oh? She’s staying there? What happened? Oh, I see. Don’t go lesbian on her woman, promise me that. Aniyo, I’m not jealous. The marvellous Chen does not get jealous. Stop teasing me, Ynna-ssi. Aish, okay, go back to her. Wait, what should I tell Chanyeol? Okay, okay. Take care. Bye,” Chen then hung up. Chanyeol looked at him with hopeful eyes.

“Mil-ah’s with Ynna-ssi?” He asked. Chen nodded. “How is she?” Chanyeol asked, furrowing his eyebrows. “Oh, she’s on the verge of death,” Chen answered. When Chanyeol looked like he was about to die, Chen suddenly laughed. It was a mean laugh really. Bad Chen.

“Mil-ah is going to sleep at Ynna’s place tonight. Something about catching up because we’re apparently taking her best friend and key to success away,” Chen said, repeating what Ynna told him over the phone. “Is that so?” Chanyeol said, obviously relieved.


“Aiya, who the truck is knocking at this late hour?” Ynna stood up from the couch with an annoyed expression on her face. She had this kind of anger with men right now and she has been trying to be the wise friend who knows everything because that’s what Milan needs. She was utterly confused and just plain broken when she arrived at the apartment’s door. Milan was even begging Ynna to let her sleep the night here so the boys won’t worry.

“Go get the door,” Milan said, her eyes were still red but she had this stupid smile on as she watched a Japanese animation on the TV. “I’ll just be watching my dear Norway on TV,” she said, hugging a pillow tightly. “Whoever the is at the door, I swear that person will get a beating like it’s already 2 AM,” Ynna muttered as she opened the door to see a familiar baby face.

“Sunbaenim? What are you doing here? Wait, how did you know I was living here?” Ynna asked Luhan who was only smiling at her. “Stop that. Stop giving me the creeps. You look like one of those sasaengs,” Ynna said, lifting a finger. “Mil-ah. I need to talk to her,” Luhan said when his smile faded.

“Waeyo?” Ynna raised an eyebrow. Luhan raised his phone and faced the screen to Ynna. “The news is getting out weirdly and fans are getting assumptions. I just want to know the truth, hoobae,” Luhan answered. “Aish… Alright, come in. Don’t try to do anything funny, deer-sunbae. I’m watching you,” Ynna stepped aside and let Luhan come in. “She’s in the living room and she’s—“


Ynna’s face darkened as she heard that. “Who’s Lukas..?” Luhan asked. “Don’t tell me she has a secret boyfriend and—“ “Don’t get your assumptions up and ready. Lukas Bondevik is Norway’s human name and let me tell you, he looks like a girl,” Ynna said, leading the way. “Norway…? Bwo..?” Luhan muttered to himself.

He then saw Milan, kneeling on the couch and anticipating every little thing the people in the TV do. And they’re all fictional people representing countries. “Get away from him, Mattias!” She growled in another language that Luhan was sure it wasn’t Korean nor English nor Tagalog. “She speaks either Norwegian or German when she watches that,” Ynna whispered. “Oh…” Luhan remembered when Milan was just a person posting on the fanboard. She did tell him she knew a lot of languages but he didn’t realize she was serious.

“Ynna! Bring me more choco—“ Milan stopped her sentence when she saw Luhan by the entrance of the living room. “The heck, the heck. WHY IS OPPA HERE?!” Milan asked, pausing the show on the TV. “I was worried—“ Luhan was cut off with Milan screaming,” GAH. OPPA STALKER. STALKER-OPPA. I didn’t know you were like this. I shouldn’t have stanned you!”

“Don’t mind her. Emotional wreck sometimes but got used to it,” Ynna whispered. “Anyways, Lulu-sunbae was just worried, along with the other boys and I’m sure Yeollie-sunbae is worried too,” Ynna said when she looked at Milan who seemed to calm down when her best friend spoke. “Oh…” Milan slowly nodded.

“When are you coming back to the dorm? KyungSoo-ah even cooked for you,” Luhan pouted a bit. “Then let the other boys eat it. I already ate anyways. Just, go. I’m not in the mood to see any dude right now,” Milan said, gesturing him to go. “Yah, why are your eyes red?” Luhan pointed at her and raised an eyebrow. “Did something happen between you and that GOT7 dude?” Luhan asked.

“None of your business,” Milan scoffed. “It is and I’m not leaving until you tell me,” Luhan said. “This is my apartment, hello? I can call the police,” Ynna said. “Are you sure you can do that? Your Manager will surely scold you,” Luhan challenged her. Ynna sighed. “Fine, you win. Just take the couch if you’re gonna sleep here and take Milan away from here once 6 AM starts because she gets noisy when it’s 7-8 AM for some odd reason I can’t comprehend,” Ynna said before going up the stairs.

And that leaves Luhan and Milan in the room.

“Bwoya?” Milan said before turning her head back to the TV. “Yah, tell me, pabo,” Luhan said. “Aniyo, I didn’t even tell Chanyeol-oppa and you expect me to tell you,” Milan said. “I know a lot of things Chanyeol doesn’t know, Mil-ah. You want me to tell him everything?” “A-Aniyo! Not yet, just not yet,” Milan shook her head. “Fine, have it your way,” Milan glared at him.

The next morning…

“She’s surely still asleep. Let’s just go. I already cooked breakfast for her,” Milan whispered over Luhan. Luhan nodded and followed her lead. She seemed enlightened or something this morning. She had such a crybaby vulnerable face last night and now, she’s smiling as if nothing happened. He actually felt sympathy towards BamBam, the dude just likes Milan after all. What’s not to like?

Wait… No Lu Han. No, you can’t grow feelings for this composer. Just no. It’s better if you’ll be gay for Xiumin or Sehunnie.

When Milan entered the dorm, she was suddenly hugged tightly by Chanyeol and had her feet flying in the air. “I was so worried! Mil-ah!” Chanyeol said, making Milan laugh. “Aigooo, oppa, I’m legal age already and you’re worrying like that,” she said. “Sheesh, you can’t make me stop worrying. You are too precious for me,” Chanyeol pouted. “Stop being cheesy. I’m not gonna leave you alone that easily, oppa,” Milan said, punching Chanyeol’s shoulder.

“Want to compose again?” Chanyeol offered his arm. “Why, of course!” Milan looped her arm with his. “Thanks for last night, Luhan-oppa!” Milan said before prancing to BaekYeol’s room. Luhan sighed but then smiled to himself. “Surely, she’ll be happier with Chanyeol,” he whispered.

Actually, when Milan said about last night, Chanyeol was kind of furious. Questions started flooding his mind. Why was she with Luhan? What did they do? Why didn’t she say anything about it? Did Luhan like her too? And what did happen in JYP seeing all those articles over the net? But he didn’t bother to ask them. He values Milan’s privacy after all.

He didn’t want to force Milan to tell him.

Aigooo… What am I going to do about you? You just keep on reeling more men into our love story.

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It was fun and all but yeah Milan didnt end up with anyone ㅋㅋㅋ


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lilnugget #1
Chapter 1: I like the character a lot. she breaks from the cookie cuter form most people have for their ocs. I'm excited
ThatGiirlSteph #2
Chapter 21: Omg you added nana (wife of zhang jie) in the story (well sorta) !!!!
mizukki #3
Chapter 68: Oh my gosh. The story is really awesome although chanyeol is like suffering so much
But. Its a really good piece of work!
Chapter 67: SEASON 2 pleaseeee I'll love you foreverr
avisdawn #5
Chapter 67: Make a season 2 if you have time and already motivated okay? :))
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 67: What...I need season 2!!!!>< plz
Chapter 67: ANDWAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE author-nim I am in love with this story!!!!!!!!!! please make a season two soon!! looking forward to your other works and thank you!
shiryokeii #8
Chapter 67: oh god please make a second season
SHINee456 #9
Haha first time reading a d my friend think this is good!!!
redpanda123 #10
Hope it is good!!!