The Date

The Story of Kang & Nam of WINNER

Double update for ya :] Hope you enjoy them~. Thanks again for supporting me when I was writing my essay >_< Thanks again, new subscribers and commenters! Enjoy!


Seungyoon’s POV

We’re all sprawled out on the seats of the van after the meeting. It was pretty stale since it was a business meeting, but we made sure to eat our fill, much to the tour coordinators’ amusement. Minho occupies the entire front seat as he lays there, the hyungs ate a bit less so they were able to sit upright normally, and Taehyun and I were slid down in our seats in a half-seated position. I don’t know about Taehyun, but I’m about ready to fall into a food coma. I imagine drifting off to sleep to the movement of the van rocking me asleep.

“Well, there goes our efforts at the gym this past week,” Jinwoo laughs. Seunghoon whines in response, about the abs he was trying to get. Minho is dead to the world, as we haven’t heard a sound out of him since he collapsed onto the seat. I simply don’t care enough to answer, so I stare out of the window.

As time passes, the food settles a little more, and we eventually sit up. Seunghoon gets bored enough to start browsing through new apps to download on his phone. Soon, he hums, sounding pleased with himself. Then he gets all of our attention. “Guys. Let’s use this truth or dare app on my phone.”

We’ve got nothing better to do, so we all agree, Minho propping himself up over the seat. Seunghoon begins the game with Minho. “Truth or dare?” he questions.

“Dare,” Minho answers immediately.

“Okay… I dare you to stick your head out of the window and make crazy faces at the car behind us.”

Minho smirks. “No. Problem.” He then rolls down the window and sticks his head out, his eyes and mouth wide. His expression becomes mortified as he realizes that it’s still raining a little and he got drenched. We all laugh as he hurriedly rolls the window back up, complaining about his wet snapback.

“Gimme that…” Minho snatches the phone out of Seunghoon’s hand and immediately frowns. “Hey! That wasn’t even the dare, you !” Seunghoon’s laughter says he doesn’t care.

We end up playing until we’re about five minutes away from the dorm. I’m about to nudge Taehyun, who is asleep on my shoulder, awake when I make the mistake of looking down at him. His face is so peaceful and beautiful when he sleeps… absolutely angelic. I sigh and look out of the window warily, hoping this weakness doesn’t become a problem in the future.

Jinwoo turns around in his seat and addresses me. “Seungyoon-ah~,” he sings.

“Jinwoo-yah~,” I sing back.

“When are you and maknae gonna go on a date?” he asks cheerfully.

I shrug. “When we have time, I guess. We only got together a couple days ago, hyung.” I laugh at how earnestly he shakes his head.

“It doesn’t matter! Going on a date is the dreamiest, most romantic thing a couple in love can do together,” he sighs happily. “You must. It’s the best thing in the world. It feels perfectly amazing to be out with your lover, in your own little world, being togeth—“

“Has Seunghoon-hyung taken you out before?” I cut in.

His expression turns sour as he glares at the oblivious rapper sitting next to him. “No…” he growls.

I laugh. Leaning forward a little, I reach out and slap the back of Seunghoon’s head. He jumps and spins around to stare at me with shock. “What did I do??”

“It’s what you didn’t do,” I reply, snickering. “Looks like you’re in some real trouble, hyung.”

“Wha…” The poor guy just looks confusedly back and forth between me and his lover. He suddenly pouts. “Whatever I did, I’m sorry, my love.” I groan and look away; he looks so pitiful.

I turn right back when Jinwoo’s mean expression has disappeared and I hear him coo, “Aww!” as he pulls the rapper into a hug. Seunghoon just smiles at me smugly. I’m in shock. How did he do that? I might need to learn how, too, since Taehyun is easy to annoy…

Jinwoo turns back to me and says, “Seriously, though. You two should go out. It’s what couples do.”

“You could go tonight,” Seunghoon pipes in. “We’re not doing anything. Even the president said it was okay for us to slack off.”

“That’s not what he said!” I laugh at him as he shrugs. Then I look back down to see that my Taehyun is still sleeping. I’m going to have to wake him soon despite my reluctance; I can see the dorm in the distance.

I poke his cheek, waiting for him to stir. No dice. I poke him again, a little harder this time. His mouth just opens adorably as he sleeps. I smile. This silly man… he’s already winning this fight and he isn’t even aware of it. “Come on, Tae…” I kiss the top of his head and pinch his cheek lightly. Once again, I don’t get the reaction I want—he just frowns a little. I’m losing the will to wake him up when I see one of Seunghoon’s giant paws approaching Taehyun out of the corner of my eye. I watch in horror as he slowly reaches toward his bare leg (Taehyun’s wearing shorts today), his hand creeping forward ever so slowly before he quickly gives his knee a hard slap and turns back around in lightning speed, pretending he had done nothing. Taehyun immediately startles awake, his hand flying up and slapping me across the face.

“AH!” I cry out, immediately cradling my cheek in my hand as I turn and face the window, closing my eyes in pain. I hear Seunghoon lose it and start cackling. That !! He knows Taehyun wakes up violently if not woken up right! I moan, swearing to get him the moment we walk in the door. Taehyun leans forward and double-smacks Seunghoon’s cheeks.

Minho calls out that we’ve arrived, and we all start to get out of the van. As I’m ambling toward the door, Taehyun shuffles next to me and looks at me, sleepy and a little remorseful. “I’m sorry,” he says.

I shake my head. “It’s fine.” I rub my cheek. “You’ve got a fierce backhand… Remind me to always stay on your good side.” That makes him laugh until he suddenly starts squinting at me. He moves to my other side and gasps, mortified.

“Oh no! There’s even a red mark!”

“What? Aw, man…” I groan.

Taehyun just fidgets guiltily next to me as we all get into the elevator. I turn and death glare at Seunghoon. Oh, he was gonna get it.

As soon as we get inside, Taehyun pulls me aside and starts kissing my wounded cheek over and over. “I’m sorry, Seungyoonie,” he apologizes again. “Does it hurt really bad?”

I chuckle at how sweet he’s being. “I said I’m okay, baby, it’s fine.”

“Okay…” He’s not convinced, judging by the way he’s still staring at my cheek. He moves away and heads for the couch. I go into the bathroom and check my face in the reflection of the mirror. It’s not even that bad. I shrug and go out to join him on the couch, plotting my revenge against Seunghoon.


Later, Jinwoo and Minho have gone out to replenish some of our groceries. Taehyun’s spread out on the couch watching TV, looking bored. Seunghoon is out there with him.


I walk out into the living room from my room and casually address the rapper. “Hey, there’s a weird smell coming from your room, hyung.” I pretend to be looking for a snack as he sits up, alarmed.

“Wha? For real?” He frowns. “What could it be…?” He jumps up to go into his room, and I follow him nonchalantly. He enters the room and looks around, sniffing. “I don’t smell anything.” I close the door and lock it loudly, causing Seunghoon to spin around and look at me.

“Trapped.” I grin wickedly and he backs away from me.

“W-what are you gonna do to me…?”

“You’ll find out,” I reply as I stalk toward him.

“C’mon. That red mark on your face looks quite cool.” He laughs at his own joke and I roll my eyes.

“Oh yeah?” Without further delay, I pounce on him. He lets out a surprised “Whoop!” as we fall to the ground. We wrestle, both of us struggling to subdue the other. I manage to get on top of him and turn him on his stomach under me as I wrench his arm behind him painfully. He’s whining and struggling to get his hand away before realizing that it hurts more if he squirms. “TAP OUT!” I yell gleefully. He shakes his head. “TAP OUT!” I demand again. He shakes his head furiously again, and I jerk his arm back further. He cries out and taps the floor with his free hand. I let go and get off of him, satisfied. “Ha! Don’t mess with Kang Leader! I will knock you out!”

I start walking to the door, leaving him cradling his arm. Before I can turn the knob, though, a hand grabs my ankle and yanks, making me fall to the floor hard. Seunghoon drags me back, grinning menacingly. “Oh ho ho, you think this is over?” I gulp as he jumps on me and lets out a barrage of attacks. I cry out, hoping someone will hear.


Taehyun’s POV

My eyes are wide and my brows are knit in confusion. It’s been a while since Seungyoon and Seunghoon disappeared into the latter’s room. I keep hearing loud thumps and thuds, and even more groans and screams. What in the are they doing?

Jinwoo and Minho come home carrying groceries. They dump them on the table and Jinwoo looks around. “Where are the boys?” he asks like a mother inquiring about her sons.

“In his room…” I reply, still trying to make out the sounds.

“What? Whose room?” He leaves Minho with the bags and heads into the hallway. I get up and follow. He tries to open the door but can’t. “Why is this locked?” I shrug. The screaming is louder now and so are the thumps and thuds.

What on earth…? We both look at each other.


Seungyoon’s POV

I’m clinging to his back for dear life as he’s spinning around, trying to shake me off him. I pound on his chest with my fists and he cries out as he tries to stop me. “Get off me, you damned spider-monkey!”

“Never!!” I just pummel harder.

He groans and falls back hard onto the bed, knocking the wind out of me. I let go of him and he springs away, digging around in his closet. “Hey, no props! This isn’t the WWE wrestling tournament!” I whine. He ignores me as he continues rummaging. Finally, he comes back over to me holding shoelaces. I frown up at him before he starts trying to my stomach. In response, I violently flail my arms and legs around, making it nearly impossible for him to subdue me.

“Hot damn!” he exclaims. Unfortunately, he’s finally able to swiftly move in and grab my arms and legs. He holds my limbs together as he starts doing something. When I realize what it is, I wail mournfully.

“Noooooooo!!” That’s so embarrassing! “Please don’t!”

He just cackles triumphantly. “You started this, and now I’m gonna end it!”

After he’s finished, he bolts over to the door, unlocks it, and runs out, leaving me hog-tied on the bed. I watch him go, humiliated. At least no one sees—

Oh no.

Jinwoo and Taehyun are standing there with half-confused, half-amused expressions on their face. After a pregnant pause, they both look at each other and bust out laughing, soon after in tears. They collapse, rolling around. “Yeah, yeah, laugh and don’t help me… Leader will get you later,” I mumble.


Later, after the embarrassment has (mostly) been forgotten and I’ve been helped out of my predicament, the hyungs are all standing by the door. I look over at them from my sprawled out position on the couch; I’d refused Taehyun being near me after he so cruelly laughed at my embarrassment. I’m supposed to look cool to him, not like a dork! I’m still sullen over it.

“Seungyoon-ah,” Jinwoo calls. “We’re leaving. Seunghoon’s taking me out.” He looks up at the younger lovingly and receives a kiss from him in return. He just giggles in response, making Seunghoon smile.

I nod at him. “Alright, shoo.” They shuffle out of the door, leaving Minho standing there awkwardly. “And what are you doing?”

“A-Actually, Bobby is free tonight, so we’re doing something too…” How cute. He’s nervous about their first date. I smile and wave him away. He runs out excitedly, and I sigh, turning back to the TV.

It’s about five minutes before I realize that Taehyun’s been pouting at me. I turn back to the TV. “What do you want?”

“Why aren’t we going out?” he whines.

I look back at him. “You want to?”

“Mm.” He nods eagerly.

I snort and turn back to the TV. “Why should I take you out anywhere?” I tease. “You made fun of your poor boyfriend while he was in need.”

He snickered. “Oh, come on. It was funny! What did you want me to do?”

“Um, get me out, perhaps? Minho came and rescued me in the end. My hero…”

“Hey.” His voice gets stern. “Don’t go falling for him.”

“Yeah, yeah…” I say, not really listening to him. I focus on the drama that’s on TV right now. Taehyun just gets up and sits directly in front of me as he pouts pitifully. “Aish, stop looking at me like that,” I say, trying to see around him. I’m having fun teasing him. But then a tear comes rolling down his cheek and I groan. “Awww, don’t start…” More come and he sniffles for good measure. I know they’re fake tears, but it still gets to me. “Stop that,” I sigh in defeat, getting down and hugging him to me.

He holds me tightly and says, “I wanna go out, too. I want some alone time with my boyfriend.”

I chuckle. “We’re alone right now.”

He leans back. “Seungyoonie…” he whines softly.

“I know, I know…” I wipe the tears away from his face. “Damn you and those acting classes you took… look at how you use them.” He laughs. “Okay, then.” I move my legs out from under me and sit with my to the floor, and Taehyun does the same and moves his legs on either side of me. I slide my hands down to his waist as I ask, “What do you want to do?”

“Eat,” he answers immediately.

I start cracking up. “We can eat here!”

“But I wanna go out.”

I shake my head. “You’re so high-maintenance.”

“You love me anyway, though.” He smiles at me.

“Maybe.” I lean forward and kiss his nose. “Alright, then. I’ll go straighten up a little and then we can go.”

“Okay.” He gets up off me and skips merrily to his room. I shake my head and laugh at him. This man…

I’m in my room spritzing a little cologne—not a lot, gotta keep some of your natural scent in there—when my phone rings. “Who is that?” I mutter, walking over to it and inspecting the caller ID. I answer it. “Hey, noona.”

“Don’t ‘hey, noona’ me,” breathes the voice from the other end. “You were supposed to call me!”

“Sorry, sorry… I got… preoccupied.”

“Preoccupied?” she asks, surprised. “And what does that mean?”

“It means it went well,” I say, smiling as I go back to the mirror.

“Eh? How well?”

“As in, um… gosh, I can’t say it. It’s too…” I sigh contentedly.

“Too what? Shall I guess?” CL hums as she thinks. “Oh! Did he accept your feelings??”


“That’s great!” Her laughter bubbles out from the speaker. “Wow. So are you guys an item now?”

I nod, but then remember she can’t see me. “Yes, we are,” I say happily.

She squeals excitedly. “Well, congratulations! I’m really happy for you.”

“Thanks!” I beam at myself in the mirror.

“What are you doing?”

“We’re getting ready to go out.”

“Ah. Well, have fun! I’ll see you soon.”

“See you soon.” I hang up and then exit my room with my phone in my pocket. I pat my other pocket and make sure my wallet’s in there—I’m gonna need all the money I can get tonight with this human vacuum I have for a date.

I find Taehyun bouncing in place in front of the door, clearly excited. I chuckle at his cuteness. “Excited much, baby?”

“Of course!” he chirps to me. “I get to go out with Seungyoonie~!” I swear I see hearts floating around him.

“Gah, stop being so cute! Where did all of this aegyo come from?” I ruffle his hair.

“I dunno.” He even shrugs cutely. Then he giggles as he looks at me.

I just stare at him for a long moment, feeling my cheeks turn red from blushing. Then I shake my head and open the door. “Aish, let’s get going… if I keep standing here looking at you acting like that, we’ll never make it out of here.” He blushes at the implications of what I just said and I smirk. Then I lock the door and we make our way outside.


We find a nice restaurant and go in. The hostess looks up and greets us but starts upon looking at us, recognition in her eyes. “O-Oh! You guys are Winner, right?” We nod and she laughs. “The boss is a huge fan! I don’t think she’ll mind if I let you guys have the private dining area… We usually only do that for people who call and pay in advance.” Taehyun and I just look at each other… Jackpot.

We follow her and she leads us up some stairs. We’re wondering where the hell we’re going when she takes us up on the roof. My jaw drops a little. It’s really cool; it’s close to the river, so all you see is a bike path and then the river. There’s a clear view of the moon, too, and it’s really clear tonight. The table is shielded from the slight wind by a partition that has a vine design on it and it’s lit up so we can see. There’s also a candle on the table, and the table is set quite nicely.

We sit down and the hostess giggles nervously. “Sorry if it’s too romantic… I just thought you guys might like the privacy from the public. We can go back down if you want…”

“No, no. It’s fine,” Taehyun assures, smiling at her. “Don’t trouble yourself.”

She beams. “Okay! Your waitress will be up soon.”

I thank her and look back at Taehyun once she’s gone. “Nice,” I say lowly, still cautious about speaking too loud. “Now we can be as romantic as we want.” I smile really big and he laughs at me.

“You’re such a cheeseball,” he replies, shaking his head.

The waitress comes and takes our orders soon. As predicted, Taehyun ordered a lot of food. My wallet cried out in pain. Our food arrived rather quickly, and we ate over animated chatter. We talked about this and that while occasionally commenting on how good the food was. It was really nice to be out and alone with him like this; I wish this moment could last forever. Even though he didn’t do anything special to himself, he still looks more amazing than usual in the glow of the moon. I decide to tell him so.

“You’re so pretty, baby,” I tell him softly. He just blushes and drinks more of the cocktail he has in his hand. I smile at him.

After he puts his drink down, he sighs and puts his chin in his hand, closing his eyes. “I really like spending time with you like this, Seungyoon-ah.” His cheeks have a faint flush, partly from my previous comment and partly from the alcohol. “I wish we could do this all the time.”

“Me too.” I sigh and stare down at my drink thoughtfully. If we weren’t who we were and didn’t live where we lived, we could live freely and be in love in peace. But the reality is that we can’t. It’s not fair, but that’s how it is. It makes me want to cry, how we have to hide who we are. Why can’t people just be more accepting? The only reason I can enjoy being with him like this is because we’re away from people and no one’s watching; if we were sitting downstairs, I’d have to keep my hands to myself and be more careful about what I said. That’s no way to live.

“Seungyoonie?” I look up—Taehyun’s looking at me with concern in his eyes. “You okay?”

I sigh; this is no time to think of such thoughts. We just have to press through it, and we will. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I smile to reassure him.

The waitress comes up and takes our plates, leaving the bill with us. I just stare at it, afraid to open it and see how much Taehyun’s appetite has cost me. I look up at him and notice he has a little bit of sauce on the corner of his mouth.  I motion for him to wipe it away, but he just looks at me, confused. I shake my head and chuckle. “I’ll get it,” I say. I lean over the table—careful to avoid the candle—and he leans forward a little. Instead of wiping it away with my thumb, however, I lean all the way forward and kiss him on the corner of his mouth, away the sauce as I did. I lean back into my chair and am satisfied to see that I’ve made him flustered. I then pick up the bill and peer inside. I sigh in relief… I’m gonna live.

I put the money in and the waitress comes to retrieve it, wishing us a good night as we leave. We stroll back to the dorm at a leisurely pace, neither of us really wanting this night to end. As we’re about to turn onto our street, I notice the moon again. I stop walking to look up at it, and Taehyun notices and comes to stand next to me. “Come on,” I say, grabbing his wrist and tugging him with me across the street and into the park there. We walk until we have a clear view of the moon and just stand still, looking at how pretty it is tonight. I itch to hold him, but I can’t, so I just settle for gripping his wrist tightly.

I smile up at the moon, happy for the chance to look at it. Usually, we’re so busy that we don’t even have time to stop and do this. I look over at Taehyun to see him looking at me. He opens his mouth like he wants to say something, but thinks better of it and closes it.

“What?” I ask softly.

“Nothing,” he answers breezily.

“You sure?”

“Yes.” He gives me a small smile.

“Okay.” I turn back to the moon, tugging his wrist so he stands a little closer to me.

“I really want to kiss you right now,” he says, breaking the silence.

I laugh. “Now who’s cheesy? Kissing in the moonlight is so cliché.”

“Whatever.” He chuckles. Then I turn to him, putting my hands on his arms. He his head. “What’s up?”

I look down, wondering if it was okay to say this. I don’t know if I’m going too fast and being too forward right now, but here, under the moon, I don’t really care. I have to say what I have to say.

“Taehyun-ah.” He looks back at me attentively. I swallow, suddenly nervous. “Um…”

“Just say it.” He doesn’t say it harshly; he’s encouraging me to go on. I do.

“I… I hate this. How we can’t truly live our lives together because of who we are and where we live.”

Taehyun looks down and then back at me. “But we chose this life. We wanted to become singers, and here we are. We’re bound to have people looking at us; it comes with the job. That won’t change.”

“I know, I know. And I couldn’t be happier anywhere else than I am in Winner. It’s just… now that we’re in love, I guess I’m seeing our situation as it really is.” He hums, looking down again, and nods.

“Me too.” A tear—a real one—makes its way down his face. “I don’t want to have to hide you, us, either. But we have to right now. It just .”

“I know. But that’s why I want to make you a promise.” I lift his chin back up so he’s looking at me and wipe the tear away. “…Maybe it’s too soon to be saying things like this, but it’s not too soon for me.” He looks at me curiously, the sadness in his eyes ebbing away a little. “I want you to know that it won’t always be like this. One day, when we stop promoting as Winner, we’ll leave. We’ll go away, maybe to America or England, and we can be together freely. We won’t spend our whole lives like this, having to keep our love hidden. One day, I’ll take you away from here, and it won’t be like that anymore. We’ll be even happier.” I lean in and kiss his forehead. “That’s my promise to you.”

For a moment, he just looks at me. Then more tears come to his eyes, but he smiles this time. He wipes them away as he says, “I can’t believe you just said that.” Then he hugs me, and I hold him tightly. We stay in the embrace for a few minutes before we break away and start back home.

“I’d like that very much, Seungyoon-ah,” he says softly once we’re in the elevator. “I’m gonna hold you to that promise.” He looks at me. “So make sure you follow through, okay?” Then I’m graced with a smile. I smile back at him and nod, happy that he accepted me, though I should’ve known he would.

When we get inside the dorm, Minho is the only one back. He’s sitting at the table eating some fruit. “Where are the other two?” I ask.

He shrugs. “How should I know? They weren’t with us.” I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. They better not get into trouble. It’s easy to with Seunghoon around…

I turn to Taehyun and kiss him on the cheek. “Today was really fun.”

He beams at me and nods. “It was! I hope we can do that again sometime.”

“We will. I promise.”

“Oooh, look at you. Making all these promises tonight. Make sure you keep them all.”

I laugh. “Of course I will. I’m a man of my word.” I sigh happily. This really was a wonderful night. I reach up and his cheek as I smile gently at him. “Well. Although I’m reluctant, I’m really tired. I’m gonna head to bed.” I kiss his cheek again. “Good night.”

“Good night…” he says quietly, looking down. What’s the matter, I wonder?


Taehyun’s POV

I lie back onto my bed and stare up at the ceiling. Tonight was really great, and it just seems a shame that we have to say good night already. Well…

I roll over onto my side. It wouldn’t so much if we were sharing a bed like I wanted to. I mean, Jinwoo and Seunghoon are. They started the night they got together. They get to wake up next to each other every day; I want that. I want Seungyoon to be the first person I see every morning. I just…

Sighing, I hold a hand to my chest. I just love him so much, my heart feels full, like it’s going to burst. This is all really new to me, but when it comes to him, I never want to be away from him. I missed my chance earlier to ask him, but now I wonder if it’s too late.

I decide to check. I don’t want to sleep alone tonight again. I tiptoe into the hallway, as Minho has already gone to sleep and the hyungs came back earlier. I pad quietly to Seungyoon’s room and knock. The light flicks on. Then, I suddenly remember my pillow, and dash back to get it. I make it back in time to see Seungyoon open the door. He’s trying to stick his head through the correct hole in his shirt and is wearing basketball shorts. I stifle a giggle at how funny he looks, squirming in that shirt.

He finally figures it out and addresses me. “Hey,” he says, a little breathless.

I can’t help but laugh a little. “Hey.” I shuffle my feet awkwardly.

“What’s up?”

“Um…” I’m suddenly embarrassed. Seungyoon was able to tell me the plans he has for us in the future, and I’m shy over asking him to share a bed with me? With that in mind, I straighten up.

“Tae?” he asks, curious.

“Um… is it okay if we… sleep together from now on…?” I gesture to my pillow and hope he doesn’t say no.

He blushes a little, surprised. “O-oh! Really?” I nod. “Ahm… Yeah, okay. Of course.” He steps back to let me in, and I enter.

He shuts the door behind me and walks to the bed. I follow him and stand there awkwardly, waiting for him to climb in. He just looks at me before he chuckles and says, “I guess you want me to jump in first.” He crawls under the covers and lifts them up invitingly, raising an eyebrow. I shake my head and laugh at him, taking the invitation and crawling in next to him. I place my pillow next to his and fluff it up, sitting upright in the bed. He stares at me before he busts out laughing.

“Are you really so shy? We did this before, you know.”

I pout. “Yeah, well you were asleep already, not looking at me with those eyes.”

“What eyes?” He covers his eyes with his hands. “I have no eyes.”

I groan. “Oh my gosh. Just how big of a dork are you?”

“Well fine, then. Get out of my bed.” He sticks his tongue out.

“Noooooooo!” I whine, clutching the covers to myself. He laughs at me.

“That’s what I thought.” Then I just stare at him, and he stares back. Then he spreads his arms open, another invitation. I take this one as well. I crawl over to him and lay down, snuggling into his chest and wrapping my arms around him. Then he groans. “Forgot the light.” He tosses one of his hats that was on the bed at the switch and, surprisingly, it catches and turns the light off. He laughs. “Well that’s a way to do it.” He holds me to him then, settling under the covers. He finds my lips in the darkness and gives me a long, lingering kiss. “Goodnight, baby.”

“Goodnight, Seungyoonie.” I cuddle closer to him, content.


A week passes…


Seungyoon’s POV

We’ve started rehearsals for the All Or Nothing tour. The girls have gotten most of theirs out of the way already and are relaxing backstage. Right now, Winner is doing ours.

Taehyun had messed up the most, so he was onstage working with the director alone now; the rest of us are sitting in the audience. We’re at the dress rehearsal stage at this point, so he’s in his all black outfit with his makeup done. He looks so good, I have to restrain myself from jumping up there and eating him up.

I’m playing on my phone as well as watching his progress with both a lover’s eye and a leader’s eye, making sure he gets everything right as well as checking him out. They have the jumbo screens on, so we can see Taehyun up close. His eyeliner is really prominent today, especially since his eyes are downcast while he’s listening to the director. As he’s talking, Taehyun is nodding at everything he says. Good… I don’t need him sassing the director and getting us in trouble with both the girls and the president.

I’ve gone back to looking up at him when he looks directly at me and winks before going back to looking at the director. The others snicker at me as I just look back down at my phone, smiling. Over the past week that we’ve been together, I noticed that Taehyun was clingy. He was touching me whenever he could when we were together, and he was basically attached to me when we were alone. I don’t mind, though; it’s cute, and really, he’s just possessive. Even when we’re meeting with the tour staff, he makes sure to sit next to me and he’s either flicking my earrings or stealing my hat and putting it on himself. Sometimes I admonish him and tell him to pay attention, but other times it’s just too cute and I let him be.

After a few more hours, we’re done, and we head home. Tomorrow is opening night, and I can’t wait. We’re all excited. In the van, I decide to give a little pep talk.

“Okay, guys,” I begin. “Tomorrow, All Or Nothing opens. It’s just like when we were guests for Bigbang-hyungs’ tour, so let’s do our best this time as well.” They agree, cheering. “We’re not only representing ourselves, but we’re also representing 2NE1-noonas, so we can’t embarrass them or ourselves. Sleep well tonight so you’re in the best shape possible; after all, we only want to present our best selves to the fans, right?” A chorus of “Right!” is heard. “Now who are we?!” We all shout “WINNER!” and we whoop as the van pulls up to the dorm.

Everyone does as I say and heads straight to bed after washing—no midnight snacking tonight. As Taehyun crawls into bed with me, he asks me a question: “Are you worried about tomorrow? Nervous?”

I nod. “A little. But it’s not as bad as last time, with the hyungs.” He nods. “Overall, it’ll be fun to be onstage again and we’ll show a good performance. We’ll have a great time with the noonas and the fans. That’s how I’m looking at it.”

The blinds are letting in a little bit of moonlight, so I see the smile on Taehyun’s face. “Look at my leader, being all positive. No more Pessimist Yoon.”

“Yeah,” I agree. “I can’t think like that. It doesn’t help anyone.”

“That’s right.” Then he leans up and kisses me on the cheek. “We’re gonna be awesome tomorrow, right?”

“Mm.” I his cheek. “We always are.” He smiles at me once more before snuggling into my neck. He then throws a leg around me possessively and squeezes me tight. I kiss the top of his head and close my eyes. I’m almost asleep when I feel him smile against my neck.

“Ah,” he says, leaning away. “I forgot my goodnight kiss.” I know that tone. I chuckle and turn my head so he only gets my cheek.

“Taehyun, go to sleep. Now is not the time for a make-out session. You hear me? S-L-E-E-P.”

“Who says I wanted to make out with you? The big head strikes again.”  I snort. “Come on, just a little one. I can’t sleep without it.”

“You have for the past 20 years.”

“Don’t sass me. Just do it. I shouldn’t have to beg my boyfriend for a kiss,” he whines. I sigh; aigoo, this brat… I turn back and lean in to kiss him, and he meets me halfway. I let it linger for a while, and when I’m about to pull away, I feel him slip his tongue in my mouth.

I laugh and pull away. “You dirty liar. Don’t act innocent ever again.”

“What?” he asks innocently anyway, laughing as he snuggles back into me.


A couple weeks have passed, and it’s the night before we go on our first All Or Nothing concert abroad. The first concert in Seoul went very well, and it was fun, just like I said it would be. Now, we’re preparing for our flight tomorrow morning.

Everyone’s packed, and now the others are all in my room, preventing me and Taehyun from sleeping. Minho is abnormally hyper, and Seunghoon’s just rolling around on the floor. Jinwoo’s just a chatterbox, talking about anything and everything. I face-palm for the fourth time in an hour.

“Would you guys just go to bed??” I snap tiredly.

Seunghoon gets a glint in his eye. “Wae? You two kids gonna do naughty things when we leave?”

“No. Unlike you, I’m an actual normal human being and want to sleep before I have to get up at an ungodly hour in the morning.” I frown at him to emphasize my point, and he snickers as I raise an eyebrow.

“Oh! Speaking of getting up early!” Jinwoo is bouncing on the floor. “You two should go get us coffee in the mor—“

He’s cut off by Taehyun’s obnoxious snorting laughter and I join him. “Omo, hyung!” he says, wiping his eyes. “That’s a funny joke!” He smiles through grit teeth.

Jinwoo looks a little hurt, but shakes it off. “I was serious. Come on. Please? You can make a date out of it!”

“What kind of date happens in the wee hours in the morning?”

Jinwoo answers “the romantic ones” as the other two answer “the y ones.” All three of us turn to look at them and they shrug and high five each other, unashamed.

I shake my head. “Alright, out!” They finally scurry out and I flop back onto bed, exhausted from the past few weeks. Taehyun turns out the light and climbs onto me, and we both go to sleep right away.


I nudge Taehyun awake. “Taehyun,” I call gently. I rub his back until he opens his eyes and looks at me.

When his eyes focus and he sees me, he closes his eyes and scrunches up his face. “Wae~?” he wails pitifully.

“We’re gonna get coffee for everyone.”

“The we are. Hell no.” He tries to go back to sleep.

“Come on, baby. Please?”

“Nu-uh. You go by yourself.”

I sigh; I really was not looking forward to waiting in that line with only a bunch of old people to keep me company. I remove myself from Taehyun’s embrace and get up to get ready. I brush my teeth and shower like a zombie. Then I put on all my clothes tiredly. I look at myself in the mirror. At least my airport fashion is on point today. I do a few poses.

“Oh my god.” I look over to see Taehyun on his side, looking at me sleepily. “You’re seriously posing right now?” He laughs, putting a hand over his face as he rolls onto his back. “You’re hopeless.”

“Shut up and go back to sleep,” I mutter, but I made sure he could hear me anyway. He rolls out of bed and stands up to go to the bathroom.

“I decided to take pity on you. I’ll go.” I smile at him as he grouches his way out. I wait patiently for him to get dressed and we head out together.

Once in the café, we have to wait in line behind a bunch of elderly people, as I predicted. They mostly come for the tea. I look over at Taehyun, who’s standing there with his eyes barely open, mere slits on his face. I reach over to his hair, but he growls at me like a dog with rabies, so I chuckle and leave him alone. We make it to the barista, and I give her everyone’s order. She’s a fan of mine specifically, I’ve come to learn, so I make it a point to wink at her and smile extra brightly. If I was working this early in the morning, I’d want Jason Mraz to walk in and brighten my day, so why not do it for this girl since she likes me. I know Taehyun doesn’t approve from the way he reaches in my back pocket to grab my wallet to pay her and makes sure to pinch my . I bite my lip to refrain from crying out or laughing.

As we walk back to the dorm, Taehyun sidles up to me. “What was that?” he hisses.

“What was what?”

“That flirting.” He pouts.

I snort. “Was not. I was merely being nice to her.”


“Look, she’s a fan,” I say, laughing at his possessiveness. “I always make sure to be extra nice to her because I know she is.”

“Omo! So this is a common thing!” I crack up at him. “Well I’ll be coming every time you come here then!” I just snicker, and he slaps me upside the head. “Stupid boy,” he mumbles, trying to hide a smile.


No One’s POV

Seungyoon and Taehyun have come back with everyone’s coffee, and everyone is enjoying their drink as they go through final preparations before they leave. The youngest two are making sure they have everything while the oldest two are lounging on the couch. Minho is standing by the door, waiting.

Finally, the person he’s been waiting for comes barreling in. “Hey,” says Bobby.

“Hey,” Minho replies.

Bobby looks around. “So you’re leaving, huh? Everyone got their stuff all packed up?”


“Are you excited? It must be really fun to tour around with the noonas.”


“…Sorry. Am I talking too much…?” He looks down.

“No no no, Ji. I’m sorry.” Minho yawns. “I’m just sleepy.”

“Oh… of course you are. You like to sleep like a bear in hibernation.”

Minho just laughs as Bobby smiles. Then he scoops the younger into a hug and squeezes him tightly. Bobby sighs and breathes in his hyung’s scent.

“I’m gonna miss you,” he says, his voice muffled by the older’s shoulder.

“I’m gonna miss you too, jagi.” He holds him close by his waist with one hand and clutches at Bobby’s hair with the other. They rock back in forth, the embrace tight as they cling to each other.

Bobby moves to hide his face in Minho’s neck as the tears start to come, and he struggles to stay quiet since Seunghoon and Jinwoo are still in the room. “Ooooh~,” Minho coos, looking back at his hyungs. They take the hint and leave. Minho rubs his back. “Don’t cry, jagi-yah. You’ll make me cry.” Bobby just leans back to wipe at his eyes, and Minho helps him. After the tears are gone, he goes back to squeezing his young boyfriend. He bends down a little and moves his arms so he can pick Bobby up, straightening up and swinging him around. The younger smiles and starts laughing, telling him to put him down but not really caring if he didn’t.

“There’s the smile,” Minho says, smiling himself. He puts Bobby back down and holds him close again. Then he turns his head slightly so he can press a kiss to his temple.

Bobby fidgets. “Minho…”

Minho sighs. “There’s no one even out here.”

“But still,” the younger insists. “We’re out in the open, and anyone can walk by…”

“Are you really gonna make me take you into my room so I can get a goodbye kiss?” he asks, already knowing the answer. Bobby nods, and Minho walks them to his room, not letting him go for a second. Once the door is closed, Minho moves in to kiss his boyfriend tenderly. Bobby is very shy about being affectionate in public or just around other people, so he never lets Minho do anything more than hug him or hold his hand.

They pull away and Minho buries his face in Bobby’s hair, planting little kisses on his head, sighing when he’s finished. Bobby places a kiss onto his neck and leans his head on Minho’s shoulder again, a hand coming up to tug on the bill of Minho’s snapback.

“I love you,” Minho whispers.

“I love you too, hyung.”

 After a few more minutes, they break the embrace, Minho sliding his hands down to grip Bobby’s smaller ones. “Send me pictures every day of you smiling.”

The younger rapper snorts. “What? No! Wae?”

Minho looks at him like it should be obvious. “Because I can’t live without your beautiful smile, genius.”

“Hm. I’ll think about it.”

“And I want to make sure you can still smile without me.”

Bobby smirks. “I smile without you every day, don’t worry about it. The only time I frown is when I’m around you.”

Minho lets go of his hands and steps back, a pained look on his face as he holds a hand to his heart. “Oof… right here, Ji. Right here.”

Bobby just laughs before walking back over to him and placing his hands on either side of his face. “I’m just messing with you. You always make me smile.”

“Yeah?” Minho’s smiling again.

“Yep.” Bobby leans up to press one more kiss to his boyfriend’s lips before he sighs. “I guess I’ll go now… you make sure you have everything.”

Minho deflates slightly, waving. “Okay, jagi. Bye bye.” He makes a crying face. “I love you~!” Bobby just rolls his eyes and blows him a kiss, opening the door and leaving.


The boys get into the van and head to the airport. They’re all sleeping; Minho snoring against the window, the hyungs both sleeping with their heads tilted back over the seat and their mouths open, and the youngest two sleeping leaned against each other.

They make it to the airport, the familiar flashes of cameras and squeals of fans everywhere. Jinwoo makes sure to wave and Seunghoon messes with Minho while they wait in line. Finally, they board the airplane. They try to get more sleep, but find that they can’t with Dara’s chattering and Bom’s antics.

When they arrive at the hotel hours later, they’re all tired. They decide to stick with the room situation they had before when they were in Japan. Minho is happy to have a bed to himself as he sprawls out like a starfish over the mattress; Jinwoo and Seunghoon, of course, share a bed.

Taehyun and Seungyoon barely speak to each other when they get in, they’re so tired. They quietly undress and put on their pajamas. Seungyoon sets his alarm to wake them, then crawls into bed and waits for Taehyun before he falls asleep. Taehyun gets in finally, and this time, it’s Seungyoon who crawls over to Taehyun and rests his head on his chest. Taehyun just his hair gently as they both fall asleep.


Hehehe... click next... >:3

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anjanief #1
Chapter 11: omoooo... bear hyung <3 i cant handle it ???
anjanief #2
so late I know reading this by now... but, when I read "I leave winner" there... and yes he did years ago. still. it hurts :'(

I miss him with winner :(
Lightmeup23 #3
Chapter 9: I’m going to go get my man.

babyyyyyy....... :3
chuiyan #4
omfg the feelsss! kangnam is life thoo and how come I never notice this earlier! love this fic❤ amazinggg wooo
Chapter 26: This was really good!
Chapter 27: JUST FINISH READING THIS!! OH GOOOOOD! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE IT!! MY KANGNAM!!! you should make more stories about them! Ofc it must be FLUFFY and HAPPY ENDING!! Will wait another story of kangnam!! YAY!!
KangNamShipper #7
Chapter 16: the cutest maknae >_<
KangNamShipper #8
Chapter 15: actually Im afraid with conflict in this caphy. makes me to take inhale then exhale. kkkk~~

I like when Minho said that Tae is a "Mom" :-D
KangNamShipper #9
Chapter 14: awww i like you guys :-)
hope u'll be together forever ^_^
KangNamShipper #10
Chapter 13: awwww how sweet they r?? >_<