Last Unexpected Incident


Your POV:

                Right after school the six of you headed to Jongup’s condo. He looks better, you thought after he opened the door.

                “Yah! Are you faking again?” Yongguk head locked him.

                “Hyung, take it easy. He’s an ill person,” Zelo tried to defend Jongup.

You and the rest of the guys strolled into his living room and made yourselves comfortable. “You seem comfortable for your first time being in his house,” Himchan said. You shrugged, didn’t know how to reply to that statement. The seven of you sat in a circle in front of the couch, first talking about your day, and then the topic bounced in different directions. When everyone was comfortable Himchan brought up a question. “So what’s up with you guys?” he shook his finger and you and Yongguk. Yongguk told him? Does he know about last night already?!

                “She’s living with me because her parents are overseas,”

                “Ah’s,” came from everyone including head nods. A silence emerged.

                “Aren’t you going to answer part two to that question?” Himchan smiled mischievously.

                “What do you mean,” you noticed Yongguk was fiddling with his shirt, almost like he was shy. An ambiguous giggle came from the guys, everyone except you, Yongguk and Jongup.

The ringing of the doorbell saved you and Yongguk from answer such question. Jongup stood up and opened the door. “Oh, hi Mrs. Anne,” you saw him bow slightly.

                “I brought you soup after you told me you were sick,” the old lady barged through the door. “Oh I see you have friends over. Don’t worry, I’ll be quick,” her high-pitched voice was unusual for her age. “OH! It’s you!” everyone turned to look at her. She pointed straight at you. “You’re the girl that visited him at lunch and ran into me,” she set the soup on the countertops and smiled at you.

                “So that’s where you were,” Daehyun and the others mumbled, of course all expect for Yongguk and Jongup.

                “Ah I’m so sorry again,” you stood up and bowed.

                “It’s okay. I’m just happy for this little boy to finally have a girlfriend,” she giggled.

What? You looked at Jongup, who was still by the door, and then you turned to look at Yongguk. His blank face scared you. You felt guilty all of a sudden. Why didn’t I tell him I wanted to check up on Jongup? The lady felt the growing awkwardness and said, “Or am I wrong? You guys aren’t dating?”

“We’re not,” your fake smile emerged.

                “Ommo, I’m sorry. This old lady here needs to keep shut. Anyways, I should be on my way. You kids take care,” she exited the same way she entered. Jongup slowly took his seat in the circle again.

                “We’re dating,” All eyes were on Yongguk. “That’s the answer to your second part,” he stared at Himchan. You felt so bad. It was your entire fault. Now Yongguk will think you’re some kind of who goes from one guy to the next.

                “I have no excuse,” you finally said in a small voice. “I was too worried so I had to go by myself,” you saw a flash of frustration in Yongguk’s eyes.

                “You could’ve texted me I need to go check on Jongup instead of I need to go check on something really fast. It made it seems like you didn’t want me to know you were with Jongup. As if the two of you had a secret,” he said coldly.

            “What’s wrong with checking up on a sick friend? Do I need your permission to go anywhere now?” you knew that wasn’t the point but you didn’t want to “lose” this argument.

            “You think I’m that bad of a person? You think I’ll lock you up so that you could only think of me? I wish!” he exploded. ” I told you already,” he sighed,” I’m not going to force you into this one-sided love,” Your heart sank. He’s pushing me away. He doesn’t even want me anymore.

            “And I won’t force myself into it,” you stood up.

            “Wait!” Jongup’s voice pierced the rising mood. “Hyemi answer one question before you leave. Do you like me?”

            “No,” you staid sternly. “You’re more like a quiet Zelo to me,” your gaze softened on him. You felt bad for having a fight in front of him, dragging him into this mess.

            “Then why are you guys fighting? You guys obvious love each other to death,” he looked at the boys for approving nods, in which, he did received. “Also, to guarantee that I will never have that kind of a feeling for you, I want to announce something,” you all looked at him, very interested. “I’ve known this girl for a long time now and I think I’ll confess to her right after I recover from this cold,” the guy’s eyes widened.

            “Who?” they chimed in.

            “Mrs. Anne’s granddaughter, Anna,” he showed everyone the picture of him and Anna. She was breathtaking. Not only was she a beauty on the outside you could just tell by the look that she had a good heart.

            “Didn’t you say you ran out of milk?” Himchan suddenly asked Jongup.

            “Yeah,” he answered slowly, not sure why the sudden switch of topic.

            “Hyemi-ah, why don’t you go with Yongguk to the store close by? Yongguk’s really bad at picking the right kind,” Himchan winked at you. What? No! It’s so awkward between us right now. “Hurry!” he yelled at the two of you. The two of you was forcefully kicked out of Jongup’s condo.

            The streetlights were on although there were still plenty of lights outside. Leaves colored: red, yellow, orange, and brown, slowly found its place on the ground. The two of you walked side by side in silence. You followed him to the milk section and stood there. “Well. Which one is the ‘right kind’?” he seemed calmer. You stepped in front of him and grabbed the milk you usually buy. He took the bottle away from you; your hands came in contact. After the process of check out was done the two of you strolled back silently. You lagged behind him even more as you got close to the condo. Dammit, why isn’t he saying anything? “Yongguk,” you whispered. “Yongguk,” this time a bit louder but you were sure he heard you but ignored you. “Bang Yongguk!” you screamed from a block away. He stopped then turned around. His blank face frustrated you. You didn’t like how he wasn’t giving you any attention. Suddenly, you threw your arms up, curled them into a heart shape. What the hell am I doing? You mouth “I love you” as you jumped up and down like a happy kid. I swear he thinks I’m weird. I can’t read his straight face!

            “I can’t hear you. Say that again?” he yelled in a stoic face. How could he ask me to say it right here?!

            “I,” you screamed as you jogged forward. He also walked forward. “Love,” the distance between the two of you shortened. “You,” you didn’t have to scream that one because he was right in front of you.

            His smile mesmerized you, “why didn’t you say that earlier,” he smirked before wrapping you in his arms.

            “I’m sorry. I love you,” you whispered into his ear.

            “From now on the only sick people you can take care of are your parents and me,” he whispered back. He backed away from the hug and gave you a kiss. A kiss he should’ve done years ago. A kiss filled with a long memory of love and hate, cries and laughter. He broke the kiss, “you were so cute. I couldn’t hold my straight face for long,” he chuckled. The memory of 5 minutes ago rushed back. You mentally face palmed yourself.  

Thank you so much for investing your time in this piece of work. I think I might've wasted your time though :l

I enjoyed writing this, although I wish I could get into a thicker plot but testes are coming up so I had to get it done.

I can’t believe I even managed to get more than 5 subscribers *claps* The comments made me smile so much <3

I'll see you soon?- ChewyIce



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Updating on Yongguk's Birthday!


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Chapter 16: Ah~ You should do it soon, Yonggukie~
Thanks for the story, keep writing and supporting B.A.P
Chapter 13: Must be with Yongguk (*^*)
Chapter 9: Booo~ Disappointment (-. .-)
There Jieun~ Is it arranged marriage between her and Yongguk?
Chapter 8: Nice house! So what about 9PM appointment with Mr. Bang Jr.?
Chapter 7: Don't tell me Hyemi will go to another country
Don't tell me Yongguk will confess
Chapter 5: Oh no! What happened to them?? All coincidences make their relationship fall apart!
Chapter 1: LOL
He isn't! I thought you will use him with the school uniform, he is in an annual photobook?
No problem btw, you are able to make me laugh eventhough the story doesn't have comedy tag
firstzyx #8
Chapter 16: my god this coootie one
Ame-chan #9
Chapter 16: That was a sweet story !