Ninth Unexpected Incident


Ommo- Oh my/ Oh my gosh

Colored Text = Flashback

Yongguk’s POV:

               Her wet footsteps slapped the floor as she quietly made her way upstairs. Quickly, she opened and closed the door, afraid it would squeak if she had done it slowly. After dimming up the lights a little, she saw me sitting on her bed. That must’ve scared her because she quickly stepped back with her hand on her heart, “Gosh! Yongguk what are you doing here?” she said in a raspy whisper. Before I could respond she released a big sneeze, her signature sneeze, loud and proud. Moments later there was a knock on the door.

                “Hyemi? You’re home?” the voice of my mother ranged in wariness.

                Hyemi mouthed, “HIDE!” before I slipped under the bed sheets. I guess that was too obvious because next thing I know she unlocked the door and slipped into bed next to me. She also shoved many pillows down to where I was. “I’m sorry I came home late,” she bowed her head.

                “Ommo, you’re drenched. Go shower, I’ll go make you hot tea,”

              “No no no, you don’t have to do that. It’s already so late and you have work tomorrow. I don’t want to bother you,”

                “Alright then, but still, go shower or you’ll catch a cold. It’s easy to get sick around this season,” she exited the room.

                She immediately hopped off the bed and locked the door. She jogged over to her bed and flung the blanket revealing me and bunch of pillows. “What are you doing here?” she asked for the second time.

                “I waited for you,” I guess she didn’t expect that reply because her expression softened.

                “Well I’m home now, go back to your room,” she walked over to her dresser, pulled out a comfortable outfit to sleep in and headed for the bathroom. What’s up with her? Why is she so irritated? A squeak from the faucet released an endless sound of water. Not wanting mom to think she’s still up, I turned the lights off. I wanted to talk to her so I sat there on her bed. Laid there. Closed my eyes.

Your POV:

                While you shampooed your hair, you were questioning if he had left or not. You lathered your body with the light cucumber body wash as the steam eased your muscles. Then stood there awhile, taking your time. You slipped on the baggy T-shirt laying on top of the black shorts before brushing your teeth. After throwing the dirty clothes into the laundry basket in the corner you head towards your bed. He must’ve turned off the lights before he left. You flopped the blanket back and slipped into the comfy bed. You inched your way towards the center but some object stopped you. You slowly felt around. Clothe…stiff…squishy…skin? Grabbing your phone you shined the glowing screen towards the object. “Yah! Yongguk!” you kicked him on the side but his body didn’t budge. He did however, slowly opened his eyes; waiting a few seconds for it to adjust itself to the dark before sitting up.

                “You’re done?” he said lazily.

                “Are you crazy?! What are you doing in my bed?”

                “I need to ask you something,” his face turned serious all of a sudden. The two of you were sitting with legs crossed across from one another.

                “You can’t wait for tomorrow to do it?” You also want to hear his question but your crankiness took over due to your mind’s desire to sleep but couldn’t.

                “Yeah. It’s that serious,” he hesitated when you didn’t say anything back,” do you like me?”

                In almost an instant you let out an awkward laugh, “Ppffftt. What?” your absurd laugh died down as you saw what a serious face he had on. “No. I mean yes but no,” you felt hot all of sudden. What does he mean? Do I like him? “Do you like me?”

                His eyes widened, not expecting the same questioned asked. “Yes…but no?”

                “We’re childhood friends so it’s natural to like each other right?” you paused,” but recently, after seeing you with other girls, I don’t want this ‘childhood relationship’ to be in the way of your love future,” you made a do-you-understand face.

                “See, that’s what I thought too…until today,” he paused,” when I saw you with Jongup. It was straight up jealousy I was feeling,” His eyes trembled a bit,” I already confirmed my feelings…now I need to know yours,”

                “Are you sure? Maybe we haven’t been around each other and you’re just feeling protective of me. Maybe it’s an older brother kind of feeling—“

                “Does older brother kind of feeling include wanted to hold you in my arms and crush our lips together? If that is, then yes. I have an older brother feeling towards you,” his bluntness cast a spell on you, made you forgot how to breath. He likes me? Why? For how long? But he’s with Jieun now? What? You didn’t notice your mouth dropped until you felt dryness invading it. “Hyemi,” he fiddled with the corner of the blanket,” if this is a one-sided thing then let it be. I’m not going to force you,” He stepped onto the floor, walking towards the door.

                “I,” he stopped and look back at you,” feel the same way,” you said in a light whisper. A quick curve appeared on the corners of his lips but he stopped himself and hid it.

                “Say that again?” he slowly made his way back.

                “No,” you felt a slight pout emerging.

                He broke out into his big grin before he dove into the bed, pulling you down with him. He had you in his arms, staring at you, as if he was storing this precious moment in his eyes. His face, too close…breathe Hyemi breathe! There was a soft knock on the door. The two of you froze. It’s his mom. What if she sees us like this?! After moments of silence you heard footsteps fading away. The two of you relaxed. His gaze was attached to yours and you felt your blood pumping faster, you could almost hear the Ba-dump Ba-dump from your heart. “Take it easy. I won’t eat you, yet,” his voice entranced your body. He leaned in closer and dove into the side of your neck; pecked it slowly, upward. His lips ventured its way to your lips and the moment couldn’t be any better.

                The blinding white flash of lightning and the cracking sound of thunder shook the both of you. You curled your body partially, squeezing your eyes shut. He rolled off of you and tugged you into his arms. He whispered, “It’s okay. It’s almost over,” This reminded you of 5 years ago. Dad was at work; mom went shopping with Mrs. Bang and left you and Yongguk home alone. You guys didn’t do much: listen to him rap, play board games, tag, and then T.V. The night became stormier while the two of you sat in front of the glowing screen. The quick flash of lightning before the rumbling of the thunders occurred. You curled up in a ball right away. “Hyemi, what’s wrong?” the next clash of thunder hindered his voice. Next thing you know, the lights were out. You cried. Cried like there was no tomorrow. “Hyemi are you okay? Where are you?” Yongguk didn’t know about your fear of thunders, so you sat there thinking he would judge you and not be friends with you anymore if he found out. That thought made you cried even more. Then, his hand found your shoulder. He felt for your face, carefully wiped your tears away. He then hugged you, swaying back and forth slightly, whispering, “I’m here, stop crying,” Although he said it in a cool tone, you felt protected and finally you calmed down. He didn’t let you go until the lights came back on.  

Happy Birthday Bang Yongguk!~

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Chapter 16: Ah~ You should do it soon, Yonggukie~
Thanks for the story, keep writing and supporting B.A.P
Chapter 13: Must be with Yongguk (*^*)
Chapter 9: Booo~ Disappointment (-. .-)
There Jieun~ Is it arranged marriage between her and Yongguk?
Chapter 8: Nice house! So what about 9PM appointment with Mr. Bang Jr.?
Chapter 7: Don't tell me Hyemi will go to another country
Don't tell me Yongguk will confess
Chapter 5: Oh no! What happened to them?? All coincidences make their relationship fall apart!
Chapter 1: LOL
He isn't! I thought you will use him with the school uniform, he is in an annual photobook?
No problem btw, you are able to make me laugh eventhough the story doesn't have comedy tag
firstzyx #8
Chapter 16: my god this coootie one
Ame-chan #9
Chapter 16: That was a sweet story !