
Decisions ~


Thank you you first few subscribers, I hope you'll stay until the very end! Welcome to any new people; I hope you enjoy the story ^_^ 


Sophie x


“Why Jongin?” I asked as I absent-mindedly drew circles in the condensation on the passenger window. My head was resting on the side of the seat as I stared out the window; annoyed at the boy next to me.

“Why what?” The airiness in his voice irked me. I sat up straight, staring at him with lasers coming out of my eyes. His eyes didn’t move from the road, his breathing calm as I began to bore holes into him.

“Don’t act like you don’t know. You do,” I snapped, “Why did you interrupt my date?” I demanded an answer: telling him out right so that he would have no way of evading the question. There was a moment of silence, an awkward one that seemed to leave a ringing in my ears.

“Jen, he isn’t a good man,” Jongin said rather calmly. I was surprised at how gathered he seemed. “I don’t want you near him.”

“Why not?” I asked, still annoyed.


“Because’ is not a good enough reason Jongin,” I hissed. Jongin slowed, the car turning into the driveway of the house. It rolled to a stop, Jongin slowly putting on the hand brake and turning to face me. His face was unreadable – it was almost scary – and he looked as though nothing and everything was running through his head.

“Yes ... it is,” he whispered before opening the door and jumping out the car. I sat there, dazed for a moment as I watched my best friend saunter into the house without looking back at me. I regained my senses and hurried into the house, shaking off all thoughts about what had just happened as I climbed the stairs to my room.

“Oh, hi Jenny,” I cringed when I ran into Luhan on the landing. His arms were full of washing as he tottered into each room and gathered the dirty clothes.

“Hi,” I smiled weakly, gritting my teeth before slipping inside my room.

It was smaller than the others but I love it all the same. The walls were painted a light blue with black butterflies flying across one of the walls whilst another one was covered in photos and other memories that could be pinned on a wall. Closest to the door was my chest of draws next to my wardrobe, a mirror hanging over the chest of draws. Make-up and other beauty products were splayed over the top of the chest as well as other photos and jewelry. Over the other side, my double bed with matching pale blue covers was pushed against the wall with my bookcase filled with fake medical books and singing sheets, spilling out of the draws and the shelves.

Slowly, I paced over to the mirror, a finger running over the bags under my eyes and across the stain where my lipstick had smudged. I smiled, hoping a little of my red make-up was on Hakyeon’s lips. I quickly shut that thought down though when there was a banging on the door.

“Dinnnneeeerrrr,” Luhan squealed. I shouted back, telling him I would be down in a moment before slipping out of my skirt and undoing my blouse. I gathered up a t-shirt and pulled it over my head as I yanked on some pajama bottoms. Taking one last look in the mirror, I wiped the make-up off and quickly wrapped my hair into a messy bun. I felt a little more satisfied as I trudged back down the stairs and scurried to the kitchen.

As I walked through the door, the smell of Raymun hit me dead on. Meat and noodles along with many different side dishes littered the table. Three out of five hungry boys were already seated in their places with eager looks on their faces.

“Pali! Paliiii!” Jongdae whined like a child. I rolled my eyes and slipped into my seat, snorting when he wiggled in the seat. Luhan signaled for us all to dig in: Chanyeol and Jongin sauntering through the door with coke cans in their hands. They looked as though they had been sitting on the Xbox for a while and all I could do was turn my nose away.

“You could have waited,” Chanyeol complained as he dug in: shooting me a glare. I shot him one back, assuming that Jongin had already told him I had been out with Hakyeon. I shot a glare at said boy as well, who didn’t notice as apparently the rice was more interesting than me.

“Luhan did signal we could start,” Lay piped in from the side lines but was soon shot down. The atmosphere in the room was annoying me. It was as though Chen, Luhan and Lay were the innocent peace makers whilst Jongin and Chanyeol were waging war with me.

“What is everyone doing tomorrow?” Luhan asked with a sigh. “Another boy band is debuting soon at the company and they want me to go in for practice.” Jongin snorted, knowing that Luhan actually loved to practice doing the make-up for cute new boy bands but dreaded having to get up before ten on a Saturday.

“I need to go into the company as well Lu. Composing a song with Ravi is taking way too long,” Lay nodded.

“Cafe,” no-one really needed to ask Chen as we all knew he would be busy working at the local cafe. Saturday was the busiest day for the cafe but we all made sure to pop in when we could.

“I’ve med school until one and then I’m going out to lunch with a friend,” I spoke once they all looked at me questioningly.

“Friend?” Jongin asked. I nodded, glaring at both him and Chanyeol again when they shot each other a pointed look. I sighed aloud before standing and taking my plate to the sink.

“Yes, friend. It’s Sehun. I’m meeting with him to see how he and Rose are getting on,” I confirmed with them before slinking into the sitting room and curling up on the sofa. Luhan joined me soon after, switching the channel to some K-Drama he normally watched whilst I became lost in my thoughts.

I was meeting Sehun after three weeks, a long-time friend since around one and a half a years ago. Luhan, being the lively and spritely person he usually had insisted that I was too introverted and needed to go on a date. Before I could even murmur an excuse, I was sitting in a restaurant with three other people. There was Sehun opposite to me, my date and two other people, Hakyeon who was a dance instructor at Luhan’s company. The final person was a girl my age called Rose. It had started off well, the four of us talking but by the time the shadows were covering the sky, forces of attraction had started to work. By the end of the date, Sehun took Rose home and Hakyeon took me back to the flat and now ... we had met quite a few times.

“Jen?” I looked towards the door where Jongin was standing looking like a lost puppy.

“Don’t go tomorrow.”

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Chapter 18: I don't know what to think of this story anymore... I mean it's getting REALLY good! I wonder if N really loves Jen -_- idek~
Chapter 17: Hmm... that was *ahem* hot? Before this I really shipped Jongin and Jen, although Hakyeon is from my bias group. I still ship them thou.
luluhunnie #3
Chapter 10: Awh Hyukkie TT^TT The cuteness of Jaehwan is unbearable! Yey, can't wait to see how Ravi is~ I'm keeping an eye out for that N >_>
Chapter 9: You two write so well that whenever I see N, I see a jerk! ... Which is both weird and amazing (because you guys are so awesome) at the same time
luluhunnie #5
Chapter 8: Such a good chapter! I want to know the reason why she's with Hakyeon than Jongin :o and also about how the new girl really is! The way Hakyoen acts bothers me so I'm curious as to why he's being like that .-.
luluhunnie #6
Chapter 7: Awh I feel so bad for Jongin! T^T I want him to win Jen over!!
luluhunnie #7
Chapter 6: Jaehwan is so adorable! >w< Lol poor Jen just can't get away from Jongin xD I laughed so hard at the end! keke~ Update soon~ ^^
luluhunnie #8
Chapter 5: Another great update! ^^ Omg, I'm curious as to why Hakyeon is acting like that and just... everything >< I love this story!
luluhunnie #9
Chapter 4: I wonder why Jongin says Hakyeon isn't a good guy o.o or is he just jealous? Poor Jongin not wanting her to go :c But I guess I'll have to stick around and find out everything! Ready for the next update ^^
luluhunnie #10
Chapter 3: Aww Jongin ;-; I love all the detail in this chapter and the characters are hysterical! xD