
Decisions ~

Hello, I'm sorry this is a little late ~ anyone else drowning in exams at the moment?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Don't forget to comment/subscribe/upvote!

Sophie x 


“Do you think that’s sensible?” I looked up from my book to see two students standing around a row of the shelves, whispering. I rolled my eyes, looking at Jaewhan who just smirked before looking at his work. I couldn’t help but think I’d seen them somewhere before, the brown-haired boy striking something within me. Glancing at the clock on the wall I decided it was better to leave the study now and head to the studio. I was confident I would at least pass the upcoming test and that was enough for me and my mother. I could put it on the back burner now and actually focus on my dreams.

Saying goodbye to Jaewhan, I hurried out of the library and scuttled down the street. It was slightly breezy, not enough to wear a coat but just the right amount to raise goosebumps. It had been raining whilst I was in the library, puddles scattered across the paved that I had to dance around in order not to get my feet wet. Cars drove past, slowing down so they didn’t splash me and the other people out walking as they drove by. I felt my heart flutter slightly as the studio came into view and soon I was through the doors and heading along the corridor.

I peered through the glass and seeing that Ravi was in there, I pushed open the door and entered. He was in the middle of composing, headphones on and focused on the mixing board as his foot tapped along to an invisible beat. I smiled as I watched, carefully placing my bags and books on the table before taking out my own notebook and scrawling doodles across the corners of the pages.

“Oh, hey Jen,” I smiled at Ravi and sat up straighter now I knew he had recognised I was there.

“Hi, how’s it going?” I asked as I pulled my phone from my bag and started to compose a small piece on the built in music player. It wasn’t as good as Ravi’s who deck but it did the job when I was just jotting down ideas.

“Good, how’s your mum?” Ravi, although we hadn’t known each other for too long, we often talked and asked about each other’s songs. He knew my mum wanted me to be a doctor and not a singer however; he supported my dream and helped when I was stuck with my songs.

“Annoying as ever,” I rolled my eyes. “Time for a haircut?” I asked as I watched him continuously pushing his hair out of his eyes. He nodded, shoving it again for emphasis before turning around and pressing some buttons I didn’t know the function of.

“Yeah but I don’t have the time or the money,” he grimaced. I laughed before an idea flashed through my mind. Jaewhan had always told me how he wanted to be a hairdresser and therefore wanted to get out of med school as quickly as he came in.

“Yah!” I said, catching his attention and earning a frown, “I have a friend who likes hairdressing and would probably do it for free,” I said, hoping Jaewhan would agree.

“Sure, anything would be good,” Ravi laughed as I moved across the room brandishing a bobby pin. He let out a not-so-manly squeal as I tied his fringe into a little pony-tail before I went out the room to ring Jaewhan.

Uh ... hi?” said boy answered the phone. I chuckled into the microphone as images of him puzzling over a question and not focusing on the phone ringing.

“Jaewhan-ah, I have a job for you,” I chirped and soon I had all his attention.

“What is it?”

“Well you know Ravi,” I paused for effect whilst he hummed excitedly into the phone. “He’s in desperate need of a haircut and I may have said you’d do it for free ...” A silence followed afterwards that I couldn’t decipher.

“You ... you got ... Ravi?” he asked, or more like squeaked.

“Yup,” I confirmed for him.

“I’ll be there twenty minutes tops,” he said quickly before the phone line went blank. I chuckled to myself before heading back into the room and telling the news to Ravi.


True to his word, twenty minutes later, Jaewhan appeared through the door carrying a big silver box. I placed down my paper before hurrying over to help him. Ravi, who was still in the booth and still had his hair tied up like a unicorn horn, turned bright red and emerged a few seconds later.

“Hi,” Jaewhan greeted shy before he opened the box and started to pull combs and scissors and a whole array of tools of he’d need. I just sighed before sitting back and watching the two of them.

“Uh hi,” Ravi stuttered rather cutely. It was strange to see the brave and manly Ravi being turned into a small child due to one man.

“Do you have anything in mind?” I could see Jaewhan was trying to play it off cooly, but failing all the same.

“Not really, just do whatever you want,” I thought it was very brave of the boy to say that to Jaewhan but I sat back, not interfering as they both got to work.


I lost track of time as I wrote and sang and sang and wrote but it seemed to take forever until Jaewhan was finally finished.

“NO! You can’t look!” Jaewhan had said to Ravi but shouted at me when I tried to peek. All I could tell was there had been a very drastic colour change and now flecks of red hair were covering the floor of the practice room. Over time, Ravi had relaxed slightly but had turned pale when he noticed the change, worry evident on his face.

“Ok .... done,” Jaewhan announced before spinning the chair around and showing me. I gaped, impressed at the rapper who had had long, black hair, now red and cut so one side was shaved and another came down to a fringe over his eye. It looked amazing and every detail was thanks to Jaewhan who stood looking very smug.

“What do you think?” he asked the rapper nervously as he picked up a small mirror and presented his work. Ravi turned scarily quiet for a moment, hands flitting across his head as his calculating eyes tried to take in everything that had happened. Suddenly, a bright smile was painted on his face and Jaewhan, who was looking close to tears, visually relaxed.

“I love it,” Ravi said as he continued to check himself out. “Thank you so much.”

“No problem, I needed a new ... victim?” Jaewhan giggled it off. I smiled as well, pulling my friend into a hug as I gathered up my stuff and then helped Jaewhan with his.

“I need a coffee now,” Jaewhan sighed as he placed the last pair of scissors into his bag. I laughed as he then tried to pry the mirror off of the rapper.

“I’ll treat you two. It’s the least I can do,” Ravi said as he stood and grabbed his wallet. We all headed out of the studio, sadness coming over me when I glanced into Hakyeon’s studio and saw him with the two models again. I didn’t bother to say hi, instead just following the other two out and to ‘Le Maison Bleu’.


“Coffee, coffee, coffee,” Jaewhan sang as we waited in line to order. Jongdae was at the till, smiling rather theatrically at the elderly couple in front of us who were taking an age to order. As soon as they were gone, Jongdae leant against the counter in relief as he chatted to us.

“Hey Jen, Jaewhan,” he greeted before nodding towards Ravi. “What can I get you?”

“Uh ...” Ravi muttered before looking at us.

“I’ll have a milk tea please,” I said before looking at Jaewhan who ordered the same. Ravi sent us to get a table as he paid and waited for the order to come through. I slid into the seat. Suddenly, I noticed how red and flushed Jaewhan looked. I smirked, wanting to fuel the fire as I let out a low whistle. I soon received a kick in the shin for that to which I reciprocated with a punch in the arm.

“Yah!” He hissed. I just laughed, hitting him again. “Stop, they’re looking.” I looked around, subtly mind you, to see both Ravi and Taekwoon looking at the two of us with interest.

“Oh,” I hushed up when Ravi came over with the drinks.

“Thank you,” Both Jaewhan and I sang like children once we receive the much needed beverages and both took huge gulps of the liquid.

“It’s ok,” Ravi said before taking a sip of his own drink. “So, tell me about you. I know enough about her,” Ravi said, directed at Jaewhan whilst pointing at me. I pouted before poking my tongue out and sitting quietly.

“Well, we go to the same med school, but I don’t want to be a student. I want to be a hairdresser,” he said proudly.

“You can be my hairdresser,” Ravi said absentmindedly as he swirled his cup around. I couldn’t help but notice how quiet another person in the restaurant had become. I glanced over to the counter to see Taekwoon drying dishes whilst glaring at the back of Ravi’s head. I had to smother a laugh at the thought that the one person that Jaewhan wanted the attention of was now giving it, a little too late.

“Oh hey,” I glanced away from Taekwoon to see Hakyeon looking between the three of us, calculating why we were here.

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Chapter 18: I don't know what to think of this story anymore... I mean it's getting REALLY good! I wonder if N really loves Jen -_- idek~
Chapter 17: Hmm... that was *ahem* hot? Before this I really shipped Jongin and Jen, although Hakyeon is from my bias group. I still ship them thou.
luluhunnie #3
Chapter 10: Awh Hyukkie TT^TT The cuteness of Jaehwan is unbearable! Yey, can't wait to see how Ravi is~ I'm keeping an eye out for that N >_>
Chapter 9: You two write so well that whenever I see N, I see a jerk! ... Which is both weird and amazing (because you guys are so awesome) at the same time
luluhunnie #5
Chapter 8: Such a good chapter! I want to know the reason why she's with Hakyeon than Jongin :o and also about how the new girl really is! The way Hakyoen acts bothers me so I'm curious as to why he's being like that .-.
luluhunnie #6
Chapter 7: Awh I feel so bad for Jongin! T^T I want him to win Jen over!!
luluhunnie #7
Chapter 6: Jaehwan is so adorable! >w< Lol poor Jen just can't get away from Jongin xD I laughed so hard at the end! keke~ Update soon~ ^^
luluhunnie #8
Chapter 5: Another great update! ^^ Omg, I'm curious as to why Hakyeon is acting like that and just... everything >< I love this story!
luluhunnie #9
Chapter 4: I wonder why Jongin says Hakyeon isn't a good guy o.o or is he just jealous? Poor Jongin not wanting her to go :c But I guess I'll have to stick around and find out everything! Ready for the next update ^^
luluhunnie #10
Chapter 3: Aww Jongin ;-; I love all the detail in this chapter and the characters are hysterical! xD