
Decisions ~

Hello, sorry I'm a little late. I hope you like this chapter.


Sophie :)


“Hyuk-ah?” I watched as he shuffled further into the room. As he moved, it became evident that something was wrong, tears springing in his eyes as he dived onto the bed next to me and wrapped me in a hug. I froze, not knowing what to do as he cried silently into my shoulder. My stomach lunged and flipped, worry overtaking me as I rubbed his back, trying to calm him down.

“What’s wrong?” I asked once he had calmed down slightly.

“Umma ... she said that .... I have to marry some foreign girl,” he sniffled and hiccupped as he wiped his eyes. The scene was heart-breaking as his face scrunched in an unknown way whilst more tears spilled from his eyes. “Why?” I asked as I pulled him into another hug as his body shook.

“For money,” he whimpered. “And the worst part is .... I think I’m gay,” he said before just giving up. I tightened my grip around him, trying to comfort and console him as I wiped the tears away. He was my baby brother and I wasn’t going to see him hurt, see him marry someone he didn’t love for my parents' own selfish devices.

“It’ll be ok Hyuk-ah,” I snivelled, feeling my own tears pricking in my eyes. He pulled back, looking at me with red, wide, puffy eyes before letting out a small smile.

“Why are you crying noona?” he asked with a laugh before wiping them from my cheeks. I smiled, slightly embarrassed as I hid behind my textbook.

“Let’s sleep, you can stay over,” I said after a fit of giggles, the work completely forgotten. Soon we were knocked out, dreamless sleep filling our heads.


“Uh ... I don’t think so,” I smiled when I snatched the chocolate muffin from my brother’s sneaky hands. He laughed as well, smirking as his hands swiped to take it back. I chuckled, pulling it further away and sending him a playful glare.

We had visited the next best place to ‘Le Maison Bleu’, a small cafe the other side of the block called a simple ‘Sky’. It was smaller than the cafe Jongdae worked at with a cosier feeling: old books and nick-nacks covered the surfaces whilst all of the cups and dishes were different. It was Hyuk’s favourite and so I thought I would treat him after the shocking news later yesterday.

“Jen-noona?” I looked at Hyuk, puzzled when he pointed to the counter. I made sure to make a note of the blush that now adorned his cheeks before looking to the other side of the room and noticing a familiar figure at the bar. It was Hongbin, Luhan’s helper, and he was ordering what looked like a caramel latte; I liked the boy already.

“Hongbin-shi,” I shouted causing him to spin round. His eyes went wide as well when he took as in and I tried not to shout when my shin received a hefty kick under the table. He scooted over, smiling widely as he approached the two of us.

“Hello Jen-shi, Hyuk-shi,” he bowed politely before staring at Hyuk. I smirked, wanting to cause some mischief for my brother and get his mind off the news of my parents forcing him to marry some random girl for money.

“Why don’t you join us?” I asked, motioning to the empty chair next to Hyuk. The poor boy only blushed before nodding slightly and slipping into the seat. I could feel him squirming under my gaze as my brother just glared at me obviously not amused. I opened my mouth to speak, the silence almost unbearably awkward but was cut off when my phone bleeped. I whipped it out of my pocket, sending the two quiet boys a look before checking it.

From; Jaewhannie

I need your help! It’s Taekwoon.

I read the message and worry plummeted in my stomach. Finishing off my drink, I sprang from the seat and hurriedly said goodbye, leaving to confused boys with each other as I dialled Jaewhan’s number.


“Jaewhan-ah, what’s wrong?” I asked as I hurried down the block, heading subconsciously to ‘Le Maison Bleu’.

I need your help with Taekwoon-hyung. He won’t accept me,” I stopped, skidding to a halt in the middle of the street. Annoyance and disbelief washed over me as I walked with purpose the last few steps to the door of the cafe before huffing into the phone.

“Don’t do that!” I shouted into the receiver. Jaewhan whimpered over the other end.


“I thought something was actually wrong, like there was danger,” I scowled as I held the device to my ear.

“No, it’s just ... wait, what are you doing outside? Come in,” I glanced up to the window to see Jaewhan with his nose against the glass, looking at me like a puppy in the window of a pet shop. I laughed, cutting off the line before heading through the door and towards the boy.

“Hi Jen,” I smiled at Taekwoon and I nodded in his direction before slumping into the seat opposite  OFJaewhan.

“Don’t do that,” I scolded before pinching a bit of his cake, causing him to pout. Jaewhan just stuck his tongue out, eyes still on Taekwoon who was currently making a coffee for a business-like customer.

“Sorry, but I’m getting desperate. He’s not even responding anymore. He even gets other people to serve me when I come,” my heart ached as I looked at the poor boy. He looked so lost and disappointed that I just wanted to pull him into a hug, so that’s what I did.

“I need to go to the studio: I haven’t been in a while because of school, why don’t you come?” I asked as I pulled Jaewhan from his staring. He nodded, slinging his bag of work over his shoulder before we headed out of the cafe. I noticed the look of sadness Jaewhan gave Taekwoon and I hoped that would be the last one.


“LUHAN OPPA,” I shouted over the noise of the busy dressing room. He was currently plastering make-up on the face of an idol. He looked un-amused and irritated as my friend worked around him, making him over with a new look. Luhan paused and looked over to the two of us, smiling and waving before going back to the grumpy boy and getting on with his job. Satisfied, I hurried along the hall way and stopped off at the dance studio next, showing Jaewhan everything.

“This is where the dance instructors work and practices go on,” I put in the code and the door slid open, leaving Jaewhan standing in awe as I stepped through. Hakeyon, who was sitting by the speaker and flicking through his iPod, looked up when the two of us entered, a smile adorning his face.

“Babe!” He exclaimed before standing and walking over to pull me into a hug. I planted a kiss on his cheek before turning to look at the inquisitive Jaewhan who was looking at all the pictures on the walls.

“This is my friend Jaewhan,” Hakyeon looked at me sceptically before nodding, “and Jaewhan, this is my boyfriend, Hakyeon.”

“Ahh, the illusive Hakyeon, we finally meet,” Jaewhan smirked as he shook his hand. “I’ve heard much about you,” I face-palmed as Jaewhan tried to sound cool, only ending up being more dorky than usual.

“Nice to meet you,” Hakyeon said before saying he had to go back to work. I nodded, letting Jaewhan watch for a moment before I continued our tour. We visited the other departments before going to the last, the song-writing. It was one of my favourite departments where I go to practice singing and writing with Hakyeon’s roommate Ravi. Jaewhan and I hurried into the room as they  were in the middle of trying out lyrics. I didn’t realise how still Jaewhan had become until I was elbowed in the ribs. With a frown, I looked to the side to see a red Jaewhan looking directly at the boy in the booth.

“Who’s that?”


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Chapter 18: I don't know what to think of this story anymore... I mean it's getting REALLY good! I wonder if N really loves Jen -_- idek~
Chapter 17: Hmm... that was *ahem* hot? Before this I really shipped Jongin and Jen, although Hakyeon is from my bias group. I still ship them thou.
luluhunnie #3
Chapter 10: Awh Hyukkie TT^TT The cuteness of Jaehwan is unbearable! Yey, can't wait to see how Ravi is~ I'm keeping an eye out for that N >_>
Chapter 9: You two write so well that whenever I see N, I see a jerk! ... Which is both weird and amazing (because you guys are so awesome) at the same time
luluhunnie #5
Chapter 8: Such a good chapter! I want to know the reason why she's with Hakyeon than Jongin :o and also about how the new girl really is! The way Hakyoen acts bothers me so I'm curious as to why he's being like that .-.
luluhunnie #6
Chapter 7: Awh I feel so bad for Jongin! T^T I want him to win Jen over!!
luluhunnie #7
Chapter 6: Jaehwan is so adorable! >w< Lol poor Jen just can't get away from Jongin xD I laughed so hard at the end! keke~ Update soon~ ^^
luluhunnie #8
Chapter 5: Another great update! ^^ Omg, I'm curious as to why Hakyeon is acting like that and just... everything >< I love this story!
luluhunnie #9
Chapter 4: I wonder why Jongin says Hakyeon isn't a good guy o.o or is he just jealous? Poor Jongin not wanting her to go :c But I guess I'll have to stick around and find out everything! Ready for the next update ^^
luluhunnie #10
Chapter 3: Aww Jongin ;-; I love all the detail in this chapter and the characters are hysterical! xD