
Decisions ~

Hello it's Sophie here. I hope you enjoy the chapter and please leave a comment :)


Guilt; it crashed over me like waves on a beach as I lay on my sky blue covers and wallowed in the emotion. I hated myself; annoyed that I had lost my cool and emptied all of my feelings and thoughts to the person I loved. It hurt to think that I’d hurt him.

Sighing, I got up and walked to the mirror. I was appalled at the reflection I saw. A Korean girl with red eyes and hair that looked as though it had been used to drag her through a bush. Tear tracks marked her cheeks whilst a white crust from sleeping marked a line from down to her jaw. I stood there, frozen as I stared. I could feel the tears welling in my eyes as I bought my hand up and wiped it across my forehead.

“Look at yourself,” I spoke, watching the way the lips of the girl in the mirror moved like mine. I picked up my flannel, wiping it across my face. It was refreshing, the marks and white line disappearing with the cloth. I smiled slightly, picking up the mascara and fixing my make-up. I then picked up my hairbrush, brandishing it like a sword before attacking the mess that was my hair.


“You look better,” I shot a glare at Chanyeol followed by a grunt when Sophie smacked him round the head. I let out a small smile as walked past the couple; high fiving Sophie as I headed to the kitchen. I felt better, refreshed as I poured a glass of water, chugging it down before wiping my hand across my mouth.

“Hey Jenny-ah,” I jumped when two arms made their way around my neck and I was squeezed into a hug. I turned around, shoving the person away in a moment of surprise before clutching my chest and glaring at the person that made me jump.

“Jongin!” I shouted and smacked him on the arm as he burst out laughing.


“Sorry,” he continued to chuckle as though he was wetting himself. I stood there, pissed off with my heart pounding in my chest whilst taking deep breaths to calm myself.

“YAH!” He stopped, looking at me like he was a rabbit in the headlights and I burst out laughing. Jongin stood, worried for a moment before joining in. The only think that stopped us was when a sleepy Yixing walked in and nearly tripped over the two of us.

“What .... are you doing?” he asked looking at us as though we were madmen. We both froze on the floor before bursting into another fit of giggles.

“Oh and Jen? There’s someone at the door for you.” I nodded, standing from my place before heading through the hall. I stopped and looked in the mirror, sorting out some stray bit of hair before stepping out to see Hakyeon. My blood froze, a blush rising to my cheeks as I stepped out and shut the door behind me.

“Uh ... hi,” he smiled sweetly before pulling a small box out from behind him. I looked at it with wide eyes as a lump formed in my throat.

“Um ... hi. Look I need to say sorry,” I muttered quickly whilst Hakyeon watched. I gulped when I finished, still feeling like rubbish as he pulled me into a hug. I shivered slightly as the wind blew and I stood in his embrace.

“It’s fine, I’m sorry I haven’t treated you well at the moment,” I felt tears prick in my eyes as he spoke; wanting to slap him and tell him to stop. I had been rotten for no good reason.

“You’re ok, I’m sorry,” I sniffed before pulling away and wiping my eyes.

“Shhh,” he whispered before kissing me on the head. “Go change, I need to take you somewhere.” I looked at him curiously before he shoed me in the direction of my room and I hurried to change.

One I had deemed myself presentable enough, I hurried down the stairs (nearly tripping from excitement and the fact I wasn’t very stable in my high shoes) and out the door; not telling anyone where I was going. Hakyeon and I had just made up and I wasn’t going to let two boys get in the way of that.

“Where are we going?” I asked as I jumped into his car. He looked at me, smirking before kissing my hand once and driving away; the question still lingering in the air.


"One second," I glanced at Hakyeon, watching him as he made his way to the ice cream vendor and got two cones. I watched his figure, from the way he stood to the way he smiled at the female who was scooping out the ice cream. It still felt awkward, like something had changed between the two of us but I couldn't put my finger on it. It pulled at my heart strings and it burned deep in me. The more I pondered on it, the more disgusted with myself I felt. 

"Here," I looked up from my hands to see Hakyeon holding a cone of chocolate ice cream in his hands; my favourite. I smiled, gladly accepting the food before taking a big bite. I noticed how he smiled, amused at my antics to which I just giggled. "You know, you're so cute." 

I choked on the ice cream, coughing when his words took me by surprise. His eyes went wide, panic flashing across them whilst I tried to clear the sweet treat from my wind pipe. 

"I'm ok," I managed to cough out, not really sure whether it was a peice of ice cream or his words clogging my pipe. He nodded wearily, taking the cone whilst I coughed hard one more time. "Sorry."

"No, it's ok. Stop apologising silly girl," he muttered before patting me on the back and checking me over one time. I took back the ice cream and ate it a little slower this time, weary of every bite. "Now come on." He demanded whilst taking my hand. 

We walked further into the park, only at the gate by that point. The sun was warm, not too bright though as we strolled along the paved path. Children played in the grassy area whilst parents sat on the picnic blankets, looking boredly on as dogs ran around in between the children. I felt a smile come across my face and I felt peaceful for once as we walked on.

"It's such a nice day," Hakyeon started, trying to make conversation. I snorted under my breath before turning and smiling at him. 

"It is isn't it? I wish it was like this more often," I wasn't just refering to the weather and Hakyeon knew it. For once his gaze was on me and not other women around us. There were plenty of them but for once, I felt like the most important thing in his life and not just a play-thing that would be discarded the next day. The two of us weren't hiding anything as we spent time together. There was nothing going on in the world apart from the two of us just sharing a moment in the middle of the main park. 

"You're so pretty," I looked at Hakyeon to find him staring at me, smiling like a love-sick idiot as he pulled me further into his grip. I let out a small giggle, my gaze on his plup lips and the close proximity between us. Slowly, I tilted my head up and connected out lips, loving the feeling as we kissed. His lips were soft and tasted like strawberry ice cream; I could have stayed there, in that moment, for a life time. 

"Come on. I want to take you home."

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Chapter 18: I don't know what to think of this story anymore... I mean it's getting REALLY good! I wonder if N really loves Jen -_- idek~
Chapter 17: Hmm... that was *ahem* hot? Before this I really shipped Jongin and Jen, although Hakyeon is from my bias group. I still ship them thou.
luluhunnie #3
Chapter 10: Awh Hyukkie TT^TT The cuteness of Jaehwan is unbearable! Yey, can't wait to see how Ravi is~ I'm keeping an eye out for that N >_>
Chapter 9: You two write so well that whenever I see N, I see a jerk! ... Which is both weird and amazing (because you guys are so awesome) at the same time
luluhunnie #5
Chapter 8: Such a good chapter! I want to know the reason why she's with Hakyeon than Jongin :o and also about how the new girl really is! The way Hakyoen acts bothers me so I'm curious as to why he's being like that .-.
luluhunnie #6
Chapter 7: Awh I feel so bad for Jongin! T^T I want him to win Jen over!!
luluhunnie #7
Chapter 6: Jaehwan is so adorable! >w< Lol poor Jen just can't get away from Jongin xD I laughed so hard at the end! keke~ Update soon~ ^^
luluhunnie #8
Chapter 5: Another great update! ^^ Omg, I'm curious as to why Hakyeon is acting like that and just... everything >< I love this story!
luluhunnie #9
Chapter 4: I wonder why Jongin says Hakyeon isn't a good guy o.o or is he just jealous? Poor Jongin not wanting her to go :c But I guess I'll have to stick around and find out everything! Ready for the next update ^^
luluhunnie #10
Chapter 3: Aww Jongin ;-; I love all the detail in this chapter and the characters are hysterical! xD