I You Not

Things That Annoy Me

Warning: The following content contains a lot of swear words, reader's discretion is advised.

I’m guessing some readers are very fairly interested in this chapter because of the title, and some are just plain turned off.

I don't know if this topic has been tapped on, but I’m just going to go ahead anyway.

So I’ve noticed that some fics excessively using vulgarities, even when it’s not needed.

Now I know that swearing is a way to express anger, but I don't exactly feel the need to use it every time a character in a story is angry. It can be expressed in other ways too, like using more words to describe the character’s emotions or replacing the vulgar words with smarter ones that can convey the character’s feelings the same way.

It’s the same as yelling when someone’s in an argument. Being loud doesn't make that person’s reasoning any more logical. In fact, it is the content that decides whether one’s argument is valid or not.

Also, there exists this effect that if someone is correct but rude -or in this case, vulgar- people will be less willing to hear the person out. However, if someone is wrong but polite in conveying his/her thoughts, then people will be willing to hear them out and maybe correct them.

Once a student in my class asked, “I’m writing about gangsters and fights, so to prove the authenticity of the composition, I have to add vulgarities, right?”

And the teacher, not lacking in any way, answered, “There are many different ways to prove the authenticity of your composition, it just depends on whether your writing skills are good enough to express the thoughts of your characters inside. The use of vulgarities, is one of the easiest ways out.”

I’m not fond of swearing myself, so it would be a rather rare occasion for me to actually utter out the F-word or any other swear words. And somehow, my guy friends would gape at me like I murdered someone or make a huge deal out of it when I really do swear. Though I have to admit I enjoy letting those offensive words slip out of my mouth in Korean or Swedish. That’s when my friends will ask me (again), “It’s okay for you to swear in Korean but not okay for you to swear in English?” I am a weird person. A very weird one.

Let me go off in a tangent, once I was having a good-hearted chat with my friends and whenever they swore, I would give them a glare and tell them not to. On the table, there was a sign that went something like “Please return used utensils and plates to the stalls”, and one of them said, “Please ing return used ing utensils and ing plates to the ing stalls”. Yeah that made no sense. And you could just imagine the killer-glare I gave him.

However, I’m not saying that it should be banned or anything, in fact if used appropriately, it would beautify(?) a story and add feel to it. For me, I replace those swear words with something else, so it would be comical and would also bring out the emotions I’m trying to convey. Though when it comes to serious matters, I prefer using the real deal rather than the comical version because it would destroy the whole feel.


Examples (based on real cases):

“! Did I do that?”

Not-so-vulgar version: “! Did I do that?”

I realised that I haven’t made the situation better at all, because the replacement is just as bad. It’s more acceptable for me maybe.

He didn't have to ing embarrass me in front of so many ing people.

Not-so-vulgar version: There was absolutely no reason for him to embarrass me in front of such a huge crowd.

Yes, I know you’re angry but we still have to stay civilised, right?


I can’t think of more examples as my mind is not capable of generating anything vulgar at the moment, but you know what I mean. (I’m actually secretly enjoying this because I don't usually swear in real life, I don't know, it excites me) Sorry about all the curse words though.

That’s it for now, I’m sorry I haven’t posted anything for the past two months (Oh god that was long), I kinda forgot about this, please don't kill me. I realised this when a reader recently commented (I’m so thankful for that) so here I am.

Also, if you want to ask me about anything else, my Askfm account username is immainspiritvip, I don't mind anonymous questions. ;)

If you have any other issues you wanna bring up, lemme know in the comments or you can pm me in the messages if you wanna have a chapter/topic all to yourself (I’ll credit you!). Ciao!


(On a completely unrelated note, do you guise watch anime? If you do, which one? This is completely off-topic but I can’t help it since I just started.)

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I just realised aff censored my title in chap 19... :/ -Jihyun


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Exofan12345 #1
Male preg does not bother me as much but what makes me cringe in when the male who is pregnant calls the baby ' my bundle of joy'....I don't really know why it makes me cringe, but it does.
Chapter 22: I agree with you ONE THOUSAND TIMES OVER!!!!! Those smart Alecks just makes me want to punch them in the throat! Just GTFO! And I despise fictions that use Xi as LuHan's last name it had me hating LuHan for a while because for the life of me it confused me when I started out. It's the same with those who us Li for HanKyung/HanGeng. It's Lu Han and Han Geng, dammit!
Chapter 22: A lot of fanfics here have this: except the main female character(s) who is supposedly "different": while the rest female population is "obsessed" with the main male character(s), she doesn't even care about them, the rest is filled with makeup, she doesn't put on much (sometimes even purposingly uglify herself), the rest is always in short, revealing clothing, she doesn't even like dresses... I know it's to make the main female character look good, but that doesn't mean the other regular females are all the same. And even if they do things like that, why authors have to make them become so easy, so... disgusting? It's only how they choose to dress, how to act... not because they're all bad like how they're discribed. Sometimes main male character(s) suffer this as well.
Sorry for the rant, but I hate it when people make other people look bad just to make someone look good.
mysoulisstarving #4
Chapter 22: omg., from all the exo fics I read i really thought luhan's last name was xi...
Chapter 8: You're not alone
I do this on my stories too :'DDD
I haven't even posted the first chap for my current story yet :'DDD
Chapter 19: Somehow chapter 19 suddenly makes me want to rant all day long. Okay i have to admit, i do curse alot sometimes (okay, i do it all the time tbh) but let's all think again, there are freaking CHILDREN on asianfanfics (mainly my little brother, who now curses alot due to the fanfics that he was reading), wouldn't it be a bad influence on them? For instance, in my country (mostly my juniors) say alot. When i was in fourth grade, i didn't even know what that word meant. But now, the fourth graders at a school nearby says it like it's not a big deal. I don't know why, it irritates me alot when the ones that seems so innocent says a word they shouldn't even know. End of rant :3

P.s Anime? Should i list alot? I mean i can give you a whole page of animes you can watch. I don't know which genre you would like so, for starters if you haven't watched it yet, you can watch “Kaichou wa maid-sama”, which is very funny to be exact. I'm feeling the urge to give you a whole list to be honest.

P.p.s You made me check my comment for a long time before actually posting it. Ahaha, you changed my writing style, and to be honest, it helps me alot in my writing exams. So, Thank you :3
I still think there are alot of mistakes though.(^ω^)
Chapter 21: I have to agree on this, particularly the first point. It is just really unrealistic to conceive after you have just had a miscarriage. I know that some people are just misinformed when it comes to certain things, but things shouldn't always be put in a story just because they could happen in real life.