Witty Comments and Amusing Remarks (I)

Things That Annoy Me

So, I actually promised this, I shall keep to my word. I’ll pick out and filter the more interesting ones so far, then mash them all up together. Furthermore, when I reply to these comments, I tend to add in more content so the others would not be able to read it. So now, none of you will miss out on anything! Some are not exact though, as I merely extracted the key points out and changed a bit of my replies. This will be in parts, adding on as I go along, so leave those comments to your heart’s content!

P.S. I could’ve done this way earlier, but I was distracted by other stuff, and I assure you, it wasn't excessive gameplay of Maplestory. Who am I kidding? I’m staring at my little character jump around the screen even as I type this. I need to get a life. Or a boyfriend.

--Skye: That topic of unrealistic one, of course I won’t bring the stranger home, no matter how hot he is (except if only exo comes visiting my home lmao)
But still, my parents won’t allow me to. Plus following a guy home? Sorry, but that's totally not a right thing to do. Unless it's some emergency cases which are avoidable. My opinions though.

Yes I know right? Like who in the right mind would do that? Haha, I’m pretty sure any fangirl would open their doors wide open for Exo.

--Skye: TAOtally -.-

Haha, I see what you did there ;)

--Skye: eh? reaLAY? lmao

namzUd: I have also commented on stories lightly criticising them only to have to coming up with an excuse to defend or justify themselves one way of the other. Another scenario that I find totally unrealistic is the arranged marriage scenario. Sometimes it’s written in a way that sounds forced or totally weird without any logical explanation (at least to me). I also find authors that don’t research their situation (let’s say their OC is supposed to be in the filming industry) or make an effort to do into detail or pace their stories. Or make character into an unrealistic symbol of perfection who can do no wrong and look perfect at every angle every minute of the day. Just my opinion though.

Yes, please at least make things logical or pace it suitably.

vipelf13: When authors use "bare with me" instead of "bear with me" OTL

Yes! And when they use "loose" instead of "lose"! I actually made a chapter on that one if you noticed. ;)

Lilikoi: Also, for Ch.1 Preggers, I'd do like to add morning sickness. Not every woman experiences it, it irks the hell out of me when I read the female (or male) lead is hovered over a toilet in tears as she (or he) pukes their guts out. No...just....stop.

Okay, authors who take years to update don't particularly bother me so I can't comment on that; however, I am right there with you in all of what you said. I'm currently writing four stories all at once, I haven't updated one for 7 months due to loss of interest and I now have nine in the making. Yeah, I'm kicking myself, but I can't help it!

Omg I agree with you on the morning sickness one! I mean, when my mom was pregnant with my brother, she didn't even experience morning sickness (well not a lot)!

And and and, I think it's just absurd for a male to get pregnant (just my thoughts though). Is it even possible in the first place? I think it's more realistic for the couple to adopt a child instead of conceiving one on their own. I think I'll elaborate this in another chapter, thanks for the idea!

Haha so I guess we're on same boat huh? I have like story ideas stored up in my computer and I feel the urge to write something whenever I look at them until eventually boom, new fanfic. And yeah, I'm gonna start another story, I even got the prologue done...

Lilikoi: I'll admit male pregnancy fics are a guilty pleasure of mine (I'm even writing on to satisfy my desire), but! But I do prefer when they adopt for the more realistic aspect you mentioned, especially in a realistic setting fiction.

Also, don't forget to include the fact that they always seem to write the pregnant male screaming and whining all the time or his water breaking and him pushing during delivery. This always leave sitting there like...'HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?!"

Haha actually, giving birth can be a pain, and it's normal for people to scream when they're pushing the baby out. Unless you get some injection to annul the pain, it's going to be super painful! Especially during contractions and when there's dilation, it can be so unbearable that some might faint!

Lilikoi: Haha true, true *shudders contractions*; however, what I'm referring to is their emotions.

I get that most women's emotions get out of whack and some will probably become whiny, clingy, crying mess, but not all. Especially not to the extremities written, it's such a negative stereotype towards pregnant women.

And about the male delivering...why is he pushing!? Where is he even pushing it from? Through his urethra!? A caesarean section is much more logical for males.

Haha it's true that whiny people get on people's nerves sometimes, and these stories paint a negative light on being pregnant.

And I totally agree on the male part. There is no freaking way he could deliver a baby naturally simply because there is no part in his body that can dilate enough to allow a baby to push through. Yep, a caesarean would be a more logical solution.

In response to Lilikoi’s submission, namzUd: And about arranged marriages.. I come from a family where arranged marriages are very common and still are but they are no longer as forced, it's usually done in a logical manner with consent... but I have seen family and friends get manipulated into it :(...but not in the way it’s depicted on this site which irks me.

I cannot imagine myself forced into an arranged marriage, ever. I would probably elope with my friend.

No, I am totally not on a Party Quest with my friend right now.

luckluvlyfe: The only way a man can give birth is if he was actually a she who changed her gender but keep all the female organs needed for reproduction. It has happened but is unlikely and any other way is impossible...

Oh well, I have to say that us fans have unlimited imagination, even though it's not possible...

luckluvlyfe: That is the truth.


Homophones: I come across that a lot so I can usually decipher what the author is trying to say. I still have to stop sometimes and go back, but I can't blame some of them.

Spelling: I see so many authors with spelling mistakes and sometimes they're minor so I overlook them. Sometimes I have to stop and go back so I can get what they're trying to say. Sometimes I think I KNOW what they're trying to say and then I continue reading and I get so confused because it turns out that I didn't. It really is frustrating. Sometimes I can't even read a chapter and/or understand it because I'm too busy trying to sort out spelling errors. I don't usually tell authors this because I think it's disrespectful to them and I know I'm not perfect, but I would still appreciate if they could minimize their spelling errors.

I don't have a huge issue on the homophones, it's just that some may change the whole meaning of the sentence but most of the time, it's still understandable so it's okay.

For the spelling problem, I know exactly how you feel! I sometimes misinterpret what the author is trying to say and get very confused when moving on with the story. But I don't usually say anything, I'll just try to figure out what they're trying to say by myself.

luckluvlyfe: It can get a little complicated when it comes to spelling. Sometimes I have to skip entire sentences or paragraphs because they confuse and frustrate me.

Haha I do that sometimes too. I feel ya.

miszkittie: Reminds me of those authors who don't know how to use your and you're.

YES I cannot stand that particular mistake! It’s so annoying!


Ch.13. That is why I check all my words I'm going to use in a dictionary. It takes longer, but at least I have the correct word and meaning.

Ch. 14...forever will be a problem for many. I lose interest in fanfictions with so many spelling mistakes. Just get a Beta, it's not that hard. I'm not great at spelling and I sometimes forget to insert words, but I always go back at least four times at different times with dictionary on hand to check my stuff.

Ch.15. YAAAASSSS!!!! I can't stand when authors do that. It irks me to the Z. That is not fair to readers who took the time to read it up to that point and then you decide to take it down because of the lack of subscribers, comments, or upvotes. I made it my ultimate goal to finish ALL my fictions despite if I lose interest in them because of this reason.

Chap 13: Yeah I do that too! Every time I'm unsure of a word, I'll check the dictionary so I know I'm not using it wrong.

Chap 14: Everyone is not perfect, so I understand that spelling mistakes pop up occasionally, but if it's repeated, that just proves that the author is totally unaware of the mistakes he/she is making. I would also check through my fics at least two times to make sure that these errors are minimised.

Chap 15: I think if the author takes the story down because of important personal reasons, I can understand. I'm also quite okay with people stopping because they had no inspiration, as writer's block is really a pain in the . Which leaves the lack of subscribers, comments, upvotes a reason to halt a story, and this, I cannot stand.

Lilikoi: I agree, personal matters and writers block, heck! Life in general are total passes and I don't mind those either. Also you know the whole ransom fiction thing? Authors refuse to update their fictions unless they get 'X' amount of request, comments or subscribers? Can't stand that.

Writing lesson: One must remember the silent readers....they never comment.

Ah I see I'm not alone on that one haha.

To be honest, I'm a silent reader. I don't comment much on stories unless the author asks me for advice. Although there are some cases when the story really touched my heart, that's when I'll leave a short encouragement comment. (Now I know what you guise are thinking, she’s a silent reader?? Ugh. Yes I am, unless the story is really awesome and it gives me an Infinite amount of feels. But don't worry, I don't forget to give my upvotes to good stories.)


Chapter 15: It's horrible for authors to write stories just for recognition. If someone is going to write they should do it because they like writing, not because they'll gain fame.

Chapter 16: I can understand where you're coming from. Even if authors don't want to go through describing everything, there are some instances (like the first example provided in this chapter) where words can be italicized instead of being capitalized.

Yes, I think that writing is only a hobby here and authors should continue because they genuinely enjoy writing. To me, only those established writers have more rights to write stories for recognition.

Yeah, that's why I don't capitalise my work often.

luckluvlyfe: I agree.

I actually level up faster than him- Oh wait, we’re done?

Regrettably, we have come to the end of part one, I hope that these comments have provided you with more entertainment, if not insight. (I find it a little messy though, I shall improve on that in the next part!) I will probably do this again after fifteen to twenty updates later but if there is a sudden spike in comments then I will do up part two after maybe ten? It all depends on the amount guise!

P.P.S. I only found out about the ‘Insert Horizontal Line’ function today, someone please strangle me, I’ve been using underscore (this:_) since last year. OTL. Let this be our little secret?

Now for something fun! I don't know why I’m doing this, I’m just crossing my fingers, hoping that people will participate. I think I may have mentioned it once, but still, who do you think are my bias groups and who are my biases in those groups? Clues, clues everywhere.

First one to guess it correctly gets twenty karma points I suppose?

If you have any other issues you wanna bring up, lemme know in the comments or you can pm me in the messages if you wanna have a chapter/topic all to yourself (I’ll credit you!). Ciao!


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I just realised aff censored my title in chap 19... :/ -Jihyun


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Exofan12345 #1
Male preg does not bother me as much but what makes me cringe in when the male who is pregnant calls the baby ' my bundle of joy'....I don't really know why it makes me cringe, but it does.
Chapter 22: I agree with you ONE THOUSAND TIMES OVER!!!!! Those smart Alecks just makes me want to punch them in the throat! Just GTFO! And I despise fictions that use Xi as LuHan's last name it had me hating LuHan for a while because for the life of me it confused me when I started out. It's the same with those who us Li for HanKyung/HanGeng. It's Lu Han and Han Geng, dammit!
Chapter 22: A lot of fanfics here have this: except the main female character(s) who is supposedly "different": while the rest female population is "obsessed" with the main male character(s), she doesn't even care about them, the rest is filled with makeup, she doesn't put on much (sometimes even purposingly uglify herself), the rest is always in short, revealing clothing, she doesn't even like dresses... I know it's to make the main female character look good, but that doesn't mean the other regular females are all the same. And even if they do things like that, why authors have to make them become so easy, so... disgusting? It's only how they choose to dress, how to act... not because they're all bad like how they're discribed. Sometimes main male character(s) suffer this as well.
Sorry for the rant, but I hate it when people make other people look bad just to make someone look good.
mysoulisstarving #4
Chapter 22: omg., from all the exo fics I read i really thought luhan's last name was xi...
Chapter 8: You're not alone
I do this on my stories too :'DDD
I haven't even posted the first chap for my current story yet :'DDD
Chapter 19: Somehow chapter 19 suddenly makes me want to rant all day long. Okay i have to admit, i do curse alot sometimes (okay, i do it all the time tbh) but let's all think again, there are freaking CHILDREN on asianfanfics (mainly my little brother, who now curses alot due to the fanfics that he was reading), wouldn't it be a bad influence on them? For instance, in my country (mostly my juniors) say alot. When i was in fourth grade, i didn't even know what that word meant. But now, the fourth graders at a school nearby says it like it's not a big deal. I don't know why, it irritates me alot when the ones that seems so innocent says a word they shouldn't even know. End of rant :3

P.s Anime? Should i list alot? I mean i can give you a whole page of animes you can watch. I don't know which genre you would like so, for starters if you haven't watched it yet, you can watch “Kaichou wa maid-sama”, which is very funny to be exact. I'm feeling the urge to give you a whole list to be honest.

P.p.s You made me check my comment for a long time before actually posting it. Ahaha, you changed my writing style, and to be honest, it helps me alot in my writing exams. So, Thank you :3
I still think there are alot of mistakes though.(^ω^)
Chapter 21: I have to agree on this, particularly the first point. It is just really unrealistic to conceive after you have just had a miscarriage. I know that some people are just misinformed when it comes to certain things, but things shouldn't always be put in a story just because they could happen in real life.