My Teachers

Things That Annoy Me

Yo wassup guise!

So a few of you commented on how funny my teacher was, so I asked myself, "Should I dedicate a whole chapter to my school people?"

Then I decided.


So basically this chapter will not have any complaints, just purely funny teachers and some interesting lessons I had. Figured I'll do something light-hearted! Careful though, there might be a few parts that might make you squeamish!

First, my Biology teacher (the ones who talked about balls and stuff).

We recently learnt the chapter about cell division and there were so many hilarious things that came out of it!

For instance, when she was trying to give examples, she would pick names from our class. Example (John represents one of my classmates): Homologous chromosomes from the dad and the mom would pair up and crossing over would happen. Like if John has this red hair gene, then his wife will have a yellow hair gene at the same location.

Then when we were learning about dominant genes: For example if John has a green skin gene and his wife has a purple skin gene, and the green skin gene is dominant, their child will have green-coloured skin.

And all this while we were just, "Is there even such a gene?" and "LOL green skin and red hair!" (They were just examples cited by the teacher by the way, they don't really exist)

Oh and another time, we were talking about male reproductive parts (somehow the topic on balls always comes back to us) and she said that was originally a medicine for the weak-hearted, but when people discovered that there was an interesting side-effect when consumed, someone used it to make the famous product we have today.

Also, she told us the story of how a man took too much and his stayed erected for hours until it turned blue, eventually having to cut it off because of the lack of oxygen supplied. Oh and she explained how a gets erected in the first place, which is totally unrelated by the way, but we didn't mind because it was too interesting!

Haha I can't think of anything else right now, so I'll move on!

During one of the Biology lessons, we were learning about plant reproduction so we had to know the parts of a flower. I made some erted references, and my friends thought that they were funny, so I figured to share them with you guise!

You guise know about pollen right? It fertilises the flowers. Then I said this to my friend: If pollen fertilises flowers, then it means that it is the of plants. And when we breathe in pollen, aren't we breathing in ?

I said this right after the first one: Wait, so if the ovary walls becomes the skin of the fruit later on, it means we're actually eating ovaries of plants?

I'm lame haha.

Next, my ex-Chemistry teacher.

If you had Chemistry lessons, you would most probably know about the different elements and how they react. In this case, he was explaining how metals will react with halogens.

He said, "In this reaction, the metal is like a boy. He has a relationship with a not-so-pretty girl, called Iodine. He sees a prettier girl, named Bromine. Now you know how vain boys are, they always go for the prettier ones. So he breaks up with Iodine, and goes away with Bromine. As you go up the group, the elements so-call get prettier, making them more reactive."

And one time, we were having this open house to our school and I was helping out. We had this electrostatic generator, everyone tried to touch it and we got out fine, but he went to use a controller to touch it. Now, using something that somewhat contains electricity to touch something else that gives off electricity is not a good idea. In fact, he got electrocuted (not badly) and we were just standing at the side laughing.

Did I also mention that he swears in class? He's probably one of the only few people who swears in front of his students and allows students to swear in front of him.

And my current Chemistry teacher.

Every time when we have Chemistry lessons, he would always crack jokes to try to make the class laugh but I have people in my class who thinks that he's lame. Well, I think that his jokes are pretty funny and I enjoy them, and I also appreciate the effort he's putting in to not make the lesson seem so dull.

However, I have two other teachers who think that his jokes are really cold (It's true to a certain extent though) and one of them told us this: One time I sat in the backseat of the car with him because someone else was driving and throughout the journey, he was just cracking his lame jokes non-stop. At one point of time, I couldn't take it anymore and I asked the driver to drop me off at the nearest drop-off corner.

Then, my ex-Maths teacher.

One time she was teaching the class Maths (like duh), and we got a little too noisy for the class to be conducted properly, and she uttered out, "Don't talk and listen to my deep manly voice!"

The whole class went quiet and then broke into laughter shortly after. And yeah, her voice was pretty deep but I think it's nice.

I had an English teacher a few years back too.

One time, the class was in the middle of a discussion when one of my class boys said something about G-strings. My teacher heard, and instead of reproaching us, his face became really red and he was laughing along with us. Ever since then, someone (different person every time) would just shout "G-string" in every lesson.

English lesson last year.

We were learning about visual texts and how we can pick out important points from the images during one lesson, and the response from one of my classmates was so funny!

My teacher was asking the boys, "If you see a beautiful female model beside a product, would it attract you to buy the product?"

And one of them said, "I would buy the girl."

My teacher was lost for words!


I think I'm done for today, and whoa, I wrote so much! This is even longer than normal rants. Well, I think happy/good things should always last longer right?

I really hope none of my friends will see this, and I certainly don’t wish for any of my teachers to know I’m talking about them here (although I’m not talking bad about them).

This update is not a rant but if you have any other issues you wanna bring up, lemme know in the comments or you can pm me in the messages if you wanna have a chapter/topic all to yourself (I’ll credit you!). Ciao!


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I just realised aff censored my title in chap 19... :/ -Jihyun


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Exofan12345 #1
Male preg does not bother me as much but what makes me cringe in when the male who is pregnant calls the baby ' my bundle of joy'....I don't really know why it makes me cringe, but it does.
Chapter 22: I agree with you ONE THOUSAND TIMES OVER!!!!! Those smart Alecks just makes me want to punch them in the throat! Just GTFO! And I despise fictions that use Xi as LuHan's last name it had me hating LuHan for a while because for the life of me it confused me when I started out. It's the same with those who us Li for HanKyung/HanGeng. It's Lu Han and Han Geng, dammit!
Chapter 22: A lot of fanfics here have this: except the main female character(s) who is supposedly "different": while the rest female population is "obsessed" with the main male character(s), she doesn't even care about them, the rest is filled with makeup, she doesn't put on much (sometimes even purposingly uglify herself), the rest is always in short, revealing clothing, she doesn't even like dresses... I know it's to make the main female character look good, but that doesn't mean the other regular females are all the same. And even if they do things like that, why authors have to make them become so easy, so... disgusting? It's only how they choose to dress, how to act... not because they're all bad like how they're discribed. Sometimes main male character(s) suffer this as well.
Sorry for the rant, but I hate it when people make other people look bad just to make someone look good.
mysoulisstarving #4
Chapter 22: omg., from all the exo fics I read i really thought luhan's last name was xi...
Chapter 8: You're not alone
I do this on my stories too :'DDD
I haven't even posted the first chap for my current story yet :'DDD
Chapter 19: Somehow chapter 19 suddenly makes me want to rant all day long. Okay i have to admit, i do curse alot sometimes (okay, i do it all the time tbh) but let's all think again, there are freaking CHILDREN on asianfanfics (mainly my little brother, who now curses alot due to the fanfics that he was reading), wouldn't it be a bad influence on them? For instance, in my country (mostly my juniors) say alot. When i was in fourth grade, i didn't even know what that word meant. But now, the fourth graders at a school nearby says it like it's not a big deal. I don't know why, it irritates me alot when the ones that seems so innocent says a word they shouldn't even know. End of rant :3

P.s Anime? Should i list alot? I mean i can give you a whole page of animes you can watch. I don't know which genre you would like so, for starters if you haven't watched it yet, you can watch “Kaichou wa maid-sama”, which is very funny to be exact. I'm feeling the urge to give you a whole list to be honest.

P.p.s You made me check my comment for a long time before actually posting it. Ahaha, you changed my writing style, and to be honest, it helps me alot in my writing exams. So, Thank you :3
I still think there are alot of mistakes though.(^ω^)
Chapter 21: I have to agree on this, particularly the first point. It is just really unrealistic to conceive after you have just had a miscarriage. I know that some people are just misinformed when it comes to certain things, but things shouldn't always be put in a story just because they could happen in real life.