
love square?

The both of you woke up by the sound of your alarm. You grogily stood up and dragged your self to the bathroom to take a bath, while myungsoo continued sleeping on the sofa, now sprawling his whole body over it taking your previous space. After a good ten minutes bath including wearing your school uniform and preparing your books, you went out of you room to find myungsoo lightly snooring on your seems to be comfortable sofa wrapped in you warm duvet.

"myung..yah come on, go get ready I'll make breakfast.."

You tapped his forehead to wake him up, he's not that heavy of a sleeper so you really had no trouble waking him up. He instantly stood up and also drag him self to your room to get ready. You have a mini wardrobe for him, it holds some of his clothes and uniform. Like you said this is like his second home to him. You went to the kitchen to make some omlete for breakfast since you haven't done any grocery shopping, all you have in the fridge are eggs and some other stuff. Myungsoo came out of your room fully dressed with his uniform, he brought his bag last night containing stuff that he needs to bring to school.

"Wagii~ what's for breakfast?"

Myungsoo called you again with that ridiculous name while sitting on one of the chairs that are surrounding the small dining table near the kitchen. He seems to be comfortable enough waiting for you to finish your cooking. You came out the kitchen holding two plates of omletes and set them down on the table.

"Rice and omletes sorry myung i haven't done any grocery shopping so this is what i got"

"Gwenchana~ I'll get the drinks"

Myungsoo stood up and got both of you drinks while you sat on another chair and started digging in on your breakfast.

"Here you go"

Myungsoo put your glass near your plate. Your mouth was full since you're very hungry at the moment so you just dig in into everythong on the plate, but you're able to muffle a thankyou.

Myungsoo tutted "Girls are not supposed to do that! Chew and swallow your food first then talk, you pig"

You only grinned like an idiot. It didn't take long as you guys are now on your way to school, you go to the same school as Myungsoo and the distance between your house and school isn't that far. It's in a good and healty walking distance so both of you choose to walk.






You're not really the kind who is interested in school, simply because you dispised studying. Hate to study doesn't mean your grades are bad, it is in an average state because even tho you hate it, you still want to finish school and go to the university of your dreams.

Woolim High. That's your school. it's not as big as SMHigh or YGhigh but it's still a good school. The school is famously known for Infinite's school, yeah.. Infinite.. They're the kingkas of Woolim high. Basically consist of Myungsoo and his dorky hunk of chunks friends. There are seven of them, all of them looks like they just fell right out of heaven. So maybe right now you'll think 'So i'm his nerdy anti-social secret friend?' hahaha. No. That ain't gonna happen ciz you're bea-ti-ful and boys in this school are head over hills for you. You are one of the school's beauty, you're not that smart but you're definetly not a dumb bimbo either. You're pretty nice and kind making you like to help other people, students teachers even seniors respects you. You don't like to talk and gossip with a bunch of girls like in those movies, you're more like the type of person who gets talktive and fun with a few people who you are comfortable with.

You're not really a fan of getting constant love confessions and all. firstly because you're inlove with a certain someone, second is that you don't do well with attention, you won't know what to do or how to act in those kind of situation.. luckily Myungsoo knows about how uncomfortable you are when it comes to those things, so he made sure to have either or one of the Infinite members to be by your side almost at all times to back you up if you need it. But he still doesn't know about your little (or more likely gigantic) crush on him.. which is weird knowing how much he knows about you.. he knows a lot about you.. basically you guys could be twins.. or even more than twins.. you can predict each others thoughts choices and movements.. it is creepy.. but hey that's how close you both are.


Probably you're thinking again 'whereare the mean ay queenkas that are going to beat me up?' Well in here, Woolim, the queenkas are not that bad.. there aren't a lot of queenkas in your school and when there is a queenka, she won't dare to rule the school. You are a very respected person in this school and you're very nice and also kind, plus you're beautiful. I mean you are one of Woolim high's most wanted girl. You know about your fame but you choose to ignore it simply because you don't like attention. You rarely use your status to order or demand anything around school and you tend to keep it that way.

There are some queenkas in your school, not that much tho.. They respect you and you did the same, they are nice queenkas, not fake and doesn't feel so highly of them self. There's also some y queenkas.. but they don't matter much as they don't cause any major problems. They don't bother you, maybe because they're to scared to. You don't really mind them unless tehy do something that's out of line. Luckily they're not clingy.. there are a few but it's like once in a blue moon that girls like to cling on guys in here.. You are seen by people as someone who is always happy and helpful, you rarely get angry or say. Mainly because you choose not to trust people that easily.. you do let out yur anger sadness and frustrations but to only a few people. You're quite picky when it comes to choosing who to trust on your anger, sadness and stress issues..

You don't get speacial treatments just because you're famous or well respected and you don't wish to. You want to be treated the same as everyone else. You're the same age as myungsoo, sungyeol and sunjong. While the other four are older than you.


As you walked to school beside myungsoo both of you were silent, it's not awkward.. more like comforting and relaxing. You love silence as it helps you think and calms you down. You feel very comfortable around myungsoo with silence, you don't have to put an effort in talking to him. With him you could just be your self which is nice. Both of you reached school and found six guys talking and laughing while a group of girl were gazing lovingly at those boys. You chuckled.

'those girl.. what will they think if they saw those boys at home.'

One of the boys saw you and myungsoo, a goofy grin appeared in his face.. he waved like a freakin seven year old to the both of you.


He yelled while coming towards you with his arms open wide as if he wanted to give you a big bear hug. You quickly hid behind myungsoo who is now being attacked by the bear hug. You giggled holding on to myungsoo's bag. But on the other side, myungsoo was dying of the bear hug.

"Hyung get of me!! you smell!!"

Letting go of the hug because he realized that he wasn't hugging you.

"eh? where's my geegee? she was here a second a go"

A giggle came out behind myungsoo as you popped your head oit of myungsoo's back, still holding onto his bag.

"hehe I'm here yeol oppa~"

Sungyeol eyes widen and grin wildly again. He opened his arms again trying to hug you again, myungsoo moved out of the way and shrugging your hand from his bag so sungyeol can hug you. Your eyes went wide so you tried to escape, but sungyeol was quicker and cought you with his arms.

"ahhhh oppaaa!!"

You yelped when you felt him lift you up. Sungyeol let out a small chuckle and let you down, you were fixing your skirt and he ruffled your hair. Before you could say anything to him the bell rang. Your hand got dragged by Sungyeol to class, you looked back to see myungsoo and the other guys kaughing and chuckling seeing the both of you ran off.

"Yah! Sungyeol!! I haven't even said hello to the others yet!!!"

His head turned to you, still dragging you to class. People made way for the both of you, all of them are used to this anyway.

"oh please, you can say it when break comes~"



heol~ the third update? is it good? i hope so... nyeh.

Don't foget to comment and subscribe~

i dont know if i should add picture in it.. what do you guys think? should i edit this and insert some pictures?

i'll update on my other stories soon hokay~ im in my test week like try outs and exams.. stress..




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thankyouu hehe.. i'll do my best to make it faster~
Asyanafis #2
Chapter 8: Huhuhu TT.TT
Btw i love your story hehe
Hurry up unnie ^.^
Chapter 5: yaa! just make all the chaps like this ^^ [[long]]
and don't be sorry for that heheh.
update soon~
Wow I really enjoyed this.
Chapter 3: Add add!! ^^ [pic]
Chapter 1: wah!!?♫ I already love your story?✿ unnie❣ ^^ *LOL*