Chapter 2 - 1000 Won CD...

What if...
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[At the YMCA cultural centre]


SR : Thanks guys!  See you same time, Studio B next week ok?


Students : BYE!!!


Seungri slowly dragged his tired body out of the dance studio that he teaches every Saturday afternoons for the past year. 


He was tired but happy at the same time as he was on his way to meet his girlfriend, Ayu at their favourite coffee house.


The coffee house where they first met.  He fondly reminisced about that day as he quicken his steps to meet her, armed with a CD.


It was raining heavily that day.


Seungri was on his way back from the Gwangju bus terminal.


He did not call up his parents to pick him up.


He didn't know how to face them.


Instead he decided to walk all the way back home from the bus terminal.


What was normally a 15 mins car ride back home, took 40 mins by foot.


But he needed that.


He needed time to think.


To clear his clouded mind.


All of a sudden, it started raining heavily.


He hastily took shelter at the front porch of a coffee house with white picket fences bordering their alfresco dining area.


That's when he met her.




Dressed in a white lace tunic dress.


With long shouldered black hair and almond eyes, she smiled at him.


The front porch had a little roof but not enough to keep out the rain which was aided by the strong, gustful wind.


Ayu extended her umbrella nearer to the very wet Seungri, sheltering him from the rain.


He felt his heart skipped a beat then but still manages to smile back.


After half an hour of waiting for the rain to stop, Seungri had managed to convince Ayu to exchange phone numbers.  He knew where she lived and which high school she went to.  Turns out she had just broke up with her long term boyfriend who she caught cheating on her with an older noona of his in college.


They parted ways when her father picked her up in her family beaten up van.


A year later, Seungri was on his way to meet the love of his life to celebrate their 1st anniversary.


The coffee house had an English cottagey feel to it.  White picket fences marks the al fresco siting area right outside of the coffee house.  Inside, cozy English styled armchairs with green cushion covering were peppered all over.  Random reproductions of famous western paintings such as the 'Girl with a pearl earring by Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer provide a touch of elegance.  The wall coverings were either in deep peppermint green or red maroonish colour.  Fresh white starched table cloths lined the table while brass lamps were mounted high up on the walls.


Kling Kling Kling!!!


A small brass bell ring throughout the coffee house, indicating to the staff about the arrival of guests.


Seungri pass by a guy with glasses at the doorway.  A familiar smell triggered his attention at the handsome stranger.  But he brushed off his paranoia.  How many bottles of Hugo Boss for Women were sold in S.Korea.  He was bound to dump into someone wearing that scent.


After the usual customary hellos and welcomes exchange with the staff at the coffee house, Seungri made his way to the back of coffee house.


He spotted Ayu sitting by the window.  Their favourite spot.


Seungri mentally laughed at the very thought of actually having a 'favourite spot' with his girl.


He made his way over to Ayu, without even noticing a handsome stranger with a red fedora and black shades sitting alone in the table next to her while listening to his ipod, looking slightly mad with knitted eyebrows.


[Half an hour earlier....]


Big Bang was having a nationwide concert tour 'Want You' since their debut a year ago.  With all the hectic concert schedules, GD was happy to be given a day off to rest.  But he don't want to lie in bed like the rest of his BB members.  He had never been to the countryside like Gwangju and wanted to explore the area around their hotel. 


After a whole morning of sightseeing and gift shopping for his family back home, he finally sat down for a light afternoon meal of espresso (a habit he cultivated while being cooped up in the recording studio all night...) and a turkey ham sandwich. 


When he finally sat at a table near the window, he slowly look around the coffee house and its surrounding.  In the table right next to him was a couple drinking and chatting up.  The guy looked like a college student while the girl was rather sweet looking.  Maybe still a high school kid. 


Feeling bored and alone, he decided to plug in his ipod and listen to some music while resting his aching heels.  But his ipod was low on battery.  Feeling embarassed for forgetting to charge his ipod back in the hotel room, he silently cursed himself.  But then the conversation between the couple on the next table by the window caught his attention.  He decided to leave his earphone on in spite of not having any music blasting through it. 


Ayu : Oppa you don't have to wait for me here.  It's going to be awkward later for him and me.


Oppa : But what if he turn violent or something?


Ayu : Don't worry about him. He maybe flirty with other girls but he will never turn violent. He loves me too much to do that to me.  A real love sick puppy.  He even told me he had specially made a mixtape for me.  And even planned a whole day of fun to celebrate our first year anniversary.  How corny is that?


Oppa : Are you sure?  I mean, you are going to dump his sorry after all.  If it was me, I would probably go ape crazy....


Ayu : But oppa, YOU are NOT him.


Ayu smiled lovingly while caressing the gift from her Oppa - a monogrammed LV speedy tote.




Ayu quickly turned towards the source of the violent cough as she could almost swore she heard the word ''.  But the guy sitting next to her was listening to his ipod.  There is no way he could have heard her conversation with her oppa.  Brushing away her paranoia, she turned back her attention to her oppa.


Oppa : What if he won't let you go?


Ayu : Well, I will just have to tell him the truth then.  That we had been seeing each other the past two months and I had given myself to you.


Oppa : WHAT??


Idiot Oppa nearly spit out his tea when he heard Ayu boldly declaring that she will tell her current boyfriend that she had been sleeping with him.


Oppa : Are you nuts!!! *whispering* 


Ayu : Well it's the truth right?  Or are you regretting it now? *Ayu glared at her Oppa*




Ayu was getting irritated by the random coughing of the guy sitting next to her table.  She took out a tissue and angrily handed it over the ailing stranger.


GD who was intently listening to the conversation all this while, somehow manages to keep his composure and took the tissue while thanking her.  PHEW!!! He thought to himself before he continued his evergrowing interest in his new hobby - eavesdropping.


Oppa : No.  I never regret it at all!!!*sheepish grin*


Ayu : Good.  If you did, I will rip off your balls and personally seasoned it with salt before feeding it to the pigs back in my family farm.


Oppa : O....O....Okay *gulp*


Ayu : Oppa you should go now before the movie tickets sold out.


Oppa : Okay then.  I will buy the tickets first.  Call me if anything crops up.


Ayu : GO!!! He will turn up anytime now.


Ayu got up to hug her Oppa.


Oppa : I see you are wearing my favourite scent. *smiling cheekily*


Ayu : Oppa!!!


Ayu pretended to hit her idiot Oppa on his chest but her hands were caught on time.  Her Oppa planted a quick kiss on the lips before making his way out of the coffee house.





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shahielol #1
Hope u can update this story soon,take ur time but dont abandon it please
Foreverdreamergirl1 #2
Hope u come back and update this :(
tixhenataho #3
Chapter 13: this storyy is soo greattt!!!!!!! :D :D i really hope you update even though it seems to me as if you've abandoned this story :(
Girl95 #4
Chapter 13: Woooaahhhhh..daebak..chinjja daebak..!! Please..we need an update.. I NEED it..not WANT it..because your story are such a drug that cause my addictions..!! ^-^v
Chapter 13: ahahaha, this chapter is so funny! i like TY! XD
And this is so interesting; making me wonder why would you hesitant to post it. :/

keep going! this is awesome!! xD
This is why I was hesitant to post the subsequent chapter 12 and 13. Back then, in LJ, there wasn't much AU (vampire/sci-fi/time-travel/magic) plots. So I was afraid that the readers might find it ridiculous. lolx. Hence part of the reason for my writer's block. I wanted these 2 chapters to be normal BUT I had always been fascinated with space-time travel. Plus, if you noticed, in my fics, I tend to use flashbacks. I hope I don't overextend the use of flashbacks. My first venture into space-time travel and magic. You probably have to read this chapter 13 again and again to understand the whole space-time travel thingy.....I know it is probably too much to put all sic-fi + time travel + magic + fairies into one whole fic....but if this is to be my first and last?? chaptered fic, might as well go out in a BANG! lol.....I will take time to develop the next few chapters....not sure which turn I will is killing me right now....but I will update as soon as I can! I hope these 2 chapters update will make up for the delay. thank you for reading and being patience so far!
#3 View All Reply
Chapter 13: I just read chapter 13, and it's really confused me. I guess the whole concept of time travel, sci -fi are new to me and I need time to digest. Anyway, the story seems to be even more interesting than I expected. Looking forward for your future update ^^
Chapter 13: So ji made a wish nd he is in alternate universe. Somehow i guess his wish... lets see my guess r right or not.. anyway good job authornim... ur story is nice...
Chapter 12: He changed reality O.o what a twist!
Chapter 12: Wow, you updated ^^. Thank you very much my friend :)
I was kind of confused when I started reading, but I get it now. So all the things happen because Ji made a wish? Haizz, Ji indeed is very childish :/
Anyway, you're really amazing my friend -3-