Chapter 7 - The letters...

What if...
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[The next Friday morning]




SR was already brushing his teeth while GD was still deep in his slumber.


His mother was busy preparing breakfast for the whole family.


His father already seated on the dining table, reading his morning paper over his favourite cup of black coffee to ease his hangover.


His little sister was still in her room, getting ready for school.


Once he was done, now for the part he dread the most.


During his trainee days back in YG, being the maknae, he had been bestowed the job of walking up GD every morning.


That was a job no one really looked forward to.


GDragon was not called GDragon for nothing.


He sat beside GD and gently nudged his side.


GD did not stir.


SR shook GD this time.


Still nothing.


SR looked at his wall clock - 07:12AM.


He needs to be at the YMCA by 9AM for the practise with the kids from the special school.


The dance studio's key were with him.


SR resolved his will.


GD was in Gwangju, not in Seoul.


His hometown.


SR shook GD with both hands even harder.


GD who was sound asleep, felt rudely shaken by two hands.


He was not an early riser and was not about to start being one now.


Which insolent dongsaengs dare to wake him so early in the morning?


Without opening his eyes, he outright grab hold of his sleep interrupter into a chokehold, blankets and all.


ARRRGGGHHHH!! SR yelped as he was caught off guard.


He found himself rolling around the floor in GD's chokehold.


Let me GO!  SR shouted at GD.


GD refused to let go.


Hearing the commotion, SR's father decided to check on the boys.


His wife had already told him earlier about their late night guest's arrival the previous night and him staying over the weekend for SR's charity benefit.


Knock! Knock!


No response.  Only muffled huffing and puffing could be heard inside.


He turned the doorknob and saw his only son caught in a chokehold.


Aboeji!!!  SR called out to his father who was standing by the door, looking rather surprised.


Aboeji?  GD heard.


GD remembered that he was in SR's house and had spent the night in SR's room.


Thus the 'insolent dongsaeng' that had woke him up this early, could only have been SR himself.


He quickly let go of SR and got to his feet while unwrapping the blanket from himself.


He gave a deep 90 degree bow towards the older man in the room and apologised for his manners.


GD : Annyeonghaseyo Mr Lee Sir!  I am truly sorry for my bad manners.  I truly am Sir.


Father : (To GD) Annyeonghaseyo to you too adeul!  Go wash up and come on out for breakfast.  My buin is making sausages today.  And we only have those whenever we have guest over from Seoul, which is not very often.  *he chuckles* (To SR)  Adeul, help your hyung make his bed and come outside when you guys are done.


With that been said, he left the room.


GD looked at SR.  SR blinked his eyes thrice before asking. 


SR : Why are you looking at me like that?


GD : I didn't pack my toothbrush.


SR : What?  Why didn't you?  Who travels without packing their toothbrush?


GD : Look here!  Your dear old Yongbae hyung had booked a hotel room for me.  They do come with disposable toothbrushes.  Instead I found myself here in your house. 


SR : So?


GD : ...


SR heaved another sigh before continuing.


SR : We don't usually have visitors staying over last minutes.  So we don't actually have an extra toothbrush lying around.  If you want.....*SR paused*


GD just stares blankly at SR.


SR : can use.....mine instead.....*his voice trails off*


GD did not even took long to decide on whether to share such an intimate item with SR and simply shrug his shoulder in agreement.


What was more surprising to GD was that he was not even repulsed by the very idea of sharing toothbrush with SR.


YB will flipped if he knew about this, GD thought to himself.


GD entered the bathroom and instinctly picked the SR's toothbrush.  It was in the shape of a panda bear hugging the stem of the toothbrush which resembles a bamboo tree.


SR looked surprised at GD.


SR : How did you knew that was mine?


GD mumbled gibberish in between brushing.


GD : I.....SAhjklhklhlkW....BAljkhlkjE....PICkljghjKING....THserwefIS....UP....FOR.....YOU....


SR blinked his eyes thrice before he left GD alone in the bathroom without saying another word.


After drying his face, he walked back to SR's room.


SR had just finished making his own bed and about to do GD's.


GD took two opposite ends of the futon and held it up.


SR looked at GD. 


Not once had GD ever made his own bed in the morning. 


It was another one of a maknae's many jobs in the BB dorm.


GD looked stoic and stood there holding two ends, expecting SR to do the rest.


SR came up to GD with his own two ends and they started folding the futon together.


4 > 2


2 > 1


SR grabbed the folded futon from GD's arms and placed them back in his wardrobe.


SR : Thanks.


GD looked at SR with raised eyebrows.


SR stared at GD's raised eyebrow, trying to figure out their hidden meaning.


Failing to do so, he walked out of the room without any care.


GD uttered under his breath...'it's forgot to add in 'hyung'.....






The rest of the Lee family were already seated on the table.


Five plates were served.


SR's father and Mother sat on opposite end of the table.


SR's little sister was seated to SR's father right.


SR sat to his father's left and GD sat next to SR on the left side as well.


After the customary grace, they dig into a well deserved breakfast.


The mood was light and cheerful.


GD immediately felt right at home sitting among the Lees.


Funny how he felt that way since he was not even close with the Lee's family only son, SR.


SR's dongsaeng kept bombarding GD with questions about TOP hyung.


Is TOP really handsome in real life?


Is he really as tall as his profile in BB fancafe?


Does he have a gf?

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shahielol #1
Hope u can update this story soon,take ur time but dont abandon it please
Foreverdreamergirl1 #2
Hope u come back and update this :(
tixhenataho #3
Chapter 13: this storyy is soo greattt!!!!!!! :D :D i really hope you update even though it seems to me as if you've abandoned this story :(
Girl95 #4
Chapter 13: Woooaahhhhh..daebak..chinjja daebak..!! Please..we need an update.. I NEED it..not WANT it..because your story are such a drug that cause my addictions..!! ^-^v
Chapter 13: ahahaha, this chapter is so funny! i like TY! XD
And this is so interesting; making me wonder why would you hesitant to post it. :/

keep going! this is awesome!! xD
This is why I was hesitant to post the subsequent chapter 12 and 13. Back then, in LJ, there wasn't much AU (vampire/sci-fi/time-travel/magic) plots. So I was afraid that the readers might find it ridiculous. lolx. Hence part of the reason for my writer's block. I wanted these 2 chapters to be normal BUT I had always been fascinated with space-time travel. Plus, if you noticed, in my fics, I tend to use flashbacks. I hope I don't overextend the use of flashbacks. My first venture into space-time travel and magic. You probably have to read this chapter 13 again and again to understand the whole space-time travel thingy.....I know it is probably too much to put all sic-fi + time travel + magic + fairies into one whole fic....but if this is to be my first and last?? chaptered fic, might as well go out in a BANG! lol.....I will take time to develop the next few chapters....not sure which turn I will is killing me right now....but I will update as soon as I can! I hope these 2 chapters update will make up for the delay. thank you for reading and being patience so far!
#3 View All Reply
Chapter 13: I just read chapter 13, and it's really confused me. I guess the whole concept of time travel, sci -fi are new to me and I need time to digest. Anyway, the story seems to be even more interesting than I expected. Looking forward for your future update ^^
Chapter 13: So ji made a wish nd he is in alternate universe. Somehow i guess his wish... lets see my guess r right or not.. anyway good job authornim... ur story is nice...
Chapter 12: He changed reality O.o what a twist!
Chapter 12: Wow, you updated ^^. Thank you very much my friend :)
I was kind of confused when I started reading, but I get it now. So all the things happen because Ji made a wish? Haizz, Ji indeed is very childish :/
Anyway, you're really amazing my friend -3-