Chapter 6 - They finally met...

What if...
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[In the Star King studio]








The managers quickly ushered the BB boys out of the studio and into their inviduals vans to drive them back to their respective homes.


All except GD and YB, whom had earlier insisted on sending GD off personally to the bus terminal before he had to go back to YGe building to meet the foreign choreographer, Sean Evaristo for the first time.


YB : ''...and you must not forget to pass those two envelopes to him okay..''


GD who was starting to regret his decision in going to Gwangju in place of YB, replied with a simple nod.


YB repeated himself for the nth time upon seeing GD non-enthusiatic reply.


YB : Remember Ji! Pay attention will you!  The white envelope is for the school while the green is for maknae.  And...and....don't forget to record everything.  Especially maknae!  *excitedly*


GD : Bae-ah...why are you so excited?  I am the one going...NOT YOU!  By the way, shouldn't you meant the kids???  *sarcastically*


YB : Oh...yes...OF COURSE THE KIDS!!! That too....*YB's voice trails off*


GD just shook his head, not getting why his friend like that kid so much.






GD was waiting in line to board the bus to Gwangju.


YB couldn't wait with him as his manager didn't want to deal with the evening traffic.


GD was thankful to his manager hyung for that.






GD boarded the bus and plonked his skinny at the very back of the bus.


He quickly dozed off for the rest of the bus journey.






GD alighted from the bus, stretching himself to relieve his aching body.


He had endured a 3hr 40 min bus ride from Seoul to Gwangju.


He headed towards the taxi queue.


The line moved pretty fast and soon he boarded a taxi that smelled of lemon.


Driver : Good evening.  Where to?


GD wanted to say the name of the hotel that YB had booked for him but he found himself stumped.


In all of YB's excitement, he forgotten to tell GD the hotel name.


The driver had started to drive off the moment GD closed the door behind him, and was growing impatient as they were heading to the start of an intersection  before the highway.


Suddenly, GD remembered.


A neatly, handwritten address.


GD : Dong-gu Geumnamno 1(il)-ga 19-1...please uncle.


The driver cursed under his breath while he made a sharp swerve to the right into the highway.


GD slumped back low in his seat to avoid the death stares of the grumpy taxi driver though his rearview mirror.






GD stood in front of an apartment building.


Looking up at the 19th floor, hoping to catch a glimpse of a lit apartment, indicating that the occupants were still awake in the dead of the night.


GD was starting to regret coming to Gwangju even more.


The lift hums softly on the way up.


GD made a promise to himself to make YB pay dearly for putting him through all these trouble.


Soon he stood in front of the unit with raised clenched fist, contemplating to himself if he should knock on the door to announce him untimely arrival and uninvited presence.


As GD was arguing a losing battle with himself, he failed to notice a dark figure (DF) walking towards him.


DF : What are you doing here?


GD jumped when he heard the ambiguous stranger.


GD : Yah!  You scared the out of me! 


DF ignored GD and asked again.


DF : What are you doing here?


GD : Now, look here!  First of all you startled me! So I think an apology is warranted.  Secondly, it is really rude of you to ask me that question without introducing yourself to me beforehand.  Thirdly, don't you think it's a little creepy to be standing in the dark like that...  *GD shudders*


The dark figure heaved a sigh before stepping forward into the light, revealing his face to GD.


GD's mouth gaped open in disbelief.


It was Seungri.


A few minutes passed by as GD tried to register this familiar face.


SR looked a little bit different from the last time he remember him,


He seemed older and possessed a 'hyung' disposition.


SR spoke again.


SR : What are you doing here? *coldly*


GD snapped himself out of his catatonic state.


He was starting to resent SR's cold attitude.


GD : Yah!  Is this how you greet your sunbae? 


SR : Not in Gwangju.


GD : What?


SR : In Seoul, you would have been my sunbae.  But here, I am your sunbae.  Gwangju is my hometown and people here knew me and my dance team way before they knew about Big Bang.


Fearing he would punch SR in the face, thus having YB being disappointed with him, he pushed SR out of the way and took the lift back down.


Cutting across the lawn, he finally stopped at a nearby playground and sat on a swing to catch his breath.


How could SR be so rude to him like that he reasoned.  It doesn't matter if they were in Seoul, Gwangju, Japan or Singapore!  SR should never be allowed to talk to him in that tone.  He was INGAWESOMEGDRAGON for God's sake!


The night air was cold and thin.  A gust of wind blew across the playground as GD pulled his bag in front of him to cover himself from the cold.  He cursed at the cold wind as he had forgetten to pack a warmer jacket.  He did not pack much as he intended to stay only a day or two in Gwangju.  But given the sorry situation that he is in, he might have to sleep outside in the open and take the first bus back to Seoul.


Suddenly, GD felt something being placed over his shivering shoulders.  He turned around and saw SR.  He had brought down a warm parka and placed it over GD's shoulder.  GD couldn't make sense of the whole situation.  SR blinked his eyes three times before he turned and walked back towards the direction of his apartment building.


GD : Yah!  What is this for? *pointing to the parka*


SR did not even bother to answer GD and continued walking.




SR stopped walking and answered with his back still facing GD.


SR : My Omma says that you can sleep over tonight.


Then he continued walking away from the very confused GD.


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shahielol #1
Hope u can update this story soon,take ur time but dont abandon it please
Foreverdreamergirl1 #2
Hope u come back and update this :(
tixhenataho #3
Chapter 13: this storyy is soo greattt!!!!!!! :D :D i really hope you update even though it seems to me as if you've abandoned this story :(
Girl95 #4
Chapter 13: Woooaahhhhh..daebak..chinjja daebak..!! Please..we need an update.. I NEED it..not WANT it..because your story are such a drug that cause my addictions..!! ^-^v
Chapter 13: ahahaha, this chapter is so funny! i like TY! XD
And this is so interesting; making me wonder why would you hesitant to post it. :/

keep going! this is awesome!! xD
This is why I was hesitant to post the subsequent chapter 12 and 13. Back then, in LJ, there wasn't much AU (vampire/sci-fi/time-travel/magic) plots. So I was afraid that the readers might find it ridiculous. lolx. Hence part of the reason for my writer's block. I wanted these 2 chapters to be normal BUT I had always been fascinated with space-time travel. Plus, if you noticed, in my fics, I tend to use flashbacks. I hope I don't overextend the use of flashbacks. My first venture into space-time travel and magic. You probably have to read this chapter 13 again and again to understand the whole space-time travel thingy.....I know it is probably too much to put all sic-fi + time travel + magic + fairies into one whole fic....but if this is to be my first and last?? chaptered fic, might as well go out in a BANG! lol.....I will take time to develop the next few chapters....not sure which turn I will is killing me right now....but I will update as soon as I can! I hope these 2 chapters update will make up for the delay. thank you for reading and being patience so far!
#3 View All Reply
Chapter 13: I just read chapter 13, and it's really confused me. I guess the whole concept of time travel, sci -fi are new to me and I need time to digest. Anyway, the story seems to be even more interesting than I expected. Looking forward for your future update ^^
Chapter 13: So ji made a wish nd he is in alternate universe. Somehow i guess his wish... lets see my guess r right or not.. anyway good job authornim... ur story is nice...
Chapter 12: He changed reality O.o what a twist!
Chapter 12: Wow, you updated ^^. Thank you very much my friend :)
I was kind of confused when I started reading, but I get it now. So all the things happen because Ji made a wish? Haizz, Ji indeed is very childish :/
Anyway, you're really amazing my friend -3-