Chapter 5 - It should have been...

What if...
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[Continuation from Chapter 2]


GD stopped the CD and sat at the edge of the bed.



So many thoughts ran through his mind.






The late nights.



The CD he produced.



For Seungri.



The back in the cafe.



Dumped guy.






Seungri's hometown.



GD facepalmed himself after he figured things out.



The song that YB had secretly produced and polished up for Seungri and sent it back to him as a surprise,  was the same song that Seungri had wanted to give it to his their first year anniversary.



Suddenly a loud telephone ringing interrupted his train of thoughts.






GD was startled but picked it up before the third loop.



A few minutes later, he started packing up his belongings.



Turns out BB manager hyung had called earlier, telling him a slight change of plan.



The BB members would have to check out of the hotel after dinner in order to reach Seoul early the next morning.



YG sajang-nim wanted to have an early morning meeting with the BB boys.



As he was packing, he contemplated telling YB about the day's event.



But decided against it.



He didn't want to deal with YB incessant FBI styled questionings.



Nor do he want to embarass the kid about witnessing his embarassing breakup.



And especially NOT blow his secret of being a nosy eavesdropper.



GD doubted Seungri knew it was him in disguise.



He did disguised himself in a hat and shades.



He slid the CD back into the casing and placed it in his luggage before heading out for dinner with the rest of the BB members.





[Back in Seoul the next morning..]



When the van pulled into the YG basement carpark, the boys and their managers hurried up the YG office on the seventh floor.



Tired due to the long bus journey from Gwangju, they lean against the sofa while waiting for YG to arrive.



When he entered the office, the BB boys quickly sat upright, looking tense. 



Both the managers and BB did not know the reason why this particular meeting was called.



YG immediately spoke the moment he sat on his chair behind the big majestic dark mahogany desk.



YG : I am sure you boys are wondering why I called you all back from Gwangju at the last minute.



The boys nodded their head in unison.  YG continued.



YG : The concert tour was a major success.  From the reports I've been getting, I understand you boys are tired.  Not just physically.  Mentally as well.



YG paused for a few long minutes while the BB boys hung onto his every words. 



DS didn't even realised his jaw were wide open. 



HS got his usual blank look.



TOP's mind seemed to be wandering. 



YB looked intently at YG.



GD's face was sullen and drained from lack of sleep.



YG : So the board and I decided to give you boys one weeks break.  No music program appearances.  No

radio interviews.  No photoshoots.  No newspaper interviews.  No vocal lessons.  Nothing.



The faces of the BB guys brightened up immediately upon hearing the good news that YG just delivered.



TOP decided to break the silence.



TOP : No dance practice as well?



YG turned to look at TOP grinning face before answering with a rare hint of a smile.



YG : Yes.  No dance practice. *rare hint of a smile*



TOP looked pleased with the confirmation.



A week of boozing and laying in bed.



And the best part of all, NO nagging from Jae hyung hounding him all around the dance studio about his awkward robotic dancing.



GD looking pleased, signalled the rest of BB to thank the president for his generosity.






YG : Don't thank me yet.  You each will received 1000 000won for all your hard work.






YG : Yah!  Don't spend it all on nonsensical stuff!  It's for you to buy some nice gifts for your parents back home.  Treat your mothers to a nice bag or something.



BB : Yes sir!!!



YG : But YB-ah...



YB : Yes hyung..



YG : The rest will be going home except for you.



The BB boys stopped celebrating.



YB : I don't understand hyung...



YG : You need to prepare for your solo debut.  The MV director is only available to work on it this weekend.  So you should use the week off to practice on your dance routine and vocal lessons. 



YB tried to hide his disappointment upon hearing the sudden news.



YG : Plus I had engaged a foreign choreographer to work with you.  From Movement Lifestyles.  A guy!!! What's that American guy's name?



Note : Lee Bohyung was YG casting director during the BB documentary days.



BY : Oppa, his name is Sean.  Sean Evaristo.



YG : Ah Sean.  That guy.



YB nodded his head and forced a smile towards YG.



YG : So after BB last schedules this week...Bohyung-ah!!! What is their last schedules this week?



BY : This coming thursday.  TV appearance in Star King.  From 9am to 4pm tentatively.



YG : So after that Star King recording, you guys can go back home straight.  Report back to YGe by next Sunday morning at 8am.  I want to discuss the next mini album with you all.





The BB boys excused themselves from YG office. 


Except for YB.


YG had noticed YB reluctant face and motioned him to stay behind.


YG : You are not happy with my decision Bae?


YB : No Sa..jang....nim...*YB stammers*


 YG : Hyung...we are alone now....just speak to me informally...


YB : Yes Sajang-nim...HYUNG! (YB quickly corrected himself)  I just had some other plans this weekend....


YG : Bae..


YB : Yes hyung...


YG : What is your job?


YB heart sank.


YB : A singer.


YG : Yes.  A singer.  In order to be a good singer, you need to sarcrifice alot of things in your life.


YB could only nod his head.

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shahielol #1
Hope u can update this story soon,take ur time but dont abandon it please
Foreverdreamergirl1 #2
Hope u come back and update this :(
tixhenataho #3
Chapter 13: this storyy is soo greattt!!!!!!! :D :D i really hope you update even though it seems to me as if you've abandoned this story :(
Girl95 #4
Chapter 13: Woooaahhhhh..daebak..chinjja daebak..!! Please..we need an update.. I NEED it..not WANT it..because your story are such a drug that cause my addictions..!! ^-^v
Chapter 13: ahahaha, this chapter is so funny! i like TY! XD
And this is so interesting; making me wonder why would you hesitant to post it. :/

keep going! this is awesome!! xD
This is why I was hesitant to post the subsequent chapter 12 and 13. Back then, in LJ, there wasn't much AU (vampire/sci-fi/time-travel/magic) plots. So I was afraid that the readers might find it ridiculous. lolx. Hence part of the reason for my writer's block. I wanted these 2 chapters to be normal BUT I had always been fascinated with space-time travel. Plus, if you noticed, in my fics, I tend to use flashbacks. I hope I don't overextend the use of flashbacks. My first venture into space-time travel and magic. You probably have to read this chapter 13 again and again to understand the whole space-time travel thingy.....I know it is probably too much to put all sic-fi + time travel + magic + fairies into one whole fic....but if this is to be my first and last?? chaptered fic, might as well go out in a BANG! lol.....I will take time to develop the next few chapters....not sure which turn I will is killing me right now....but I will update as soon as I can! I hope these 2 chapters update will make up for the delay. thank you for reading and being patience so far!
#3 View All Reply
Chapter 13: I just read chapter 13, and it's really confused me. I guess the whole concept of time travel, sci -fi are new to me and I need time to digest. Anyway, the story seems to be even more interesting than I expected. Looking forward for your future update ^^
Chapter 13: So ji made a wish nd he is in alternate universe. Somehow i guess his wish... lets see my guess r right or not.. anyway good job authornim... ur story is nice...
Chapter 12: He changed reality O.o what a twist!
Chapter 12: Wow, you updated ^^. Thank you very much my friend :)
I was kind of confused when I started reading, but I get it now. So all the things happen because Ji made a wish? Haizz, Ji indeed is very childish :/
Anyway, you're really amazing my friend -3-