Chapter 13 - The Green Fairy

What if...
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After he swallowed his 9th tequila shot, GD turned towards the window and look out into the clear night sky over Seoul.





GD thought to himself that if he can't hold on to his maknae's undying affection, no one else can have it too.  Not his friends.  Not his GFs.  Not his hyungs.

Little did he knew, FATE had heard his wish...

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   POOF!   Green smoke started to fill the roadside restaurant that GD and TOP were drinking soju in.   All the patrons inside the restaurant stopped moving.   Frozen midway.   Frozen in time.   GD rubbed his eyes to get the mysterious green smoke out of his eyes.   Through watery eyes, he noticed the pedestrians in the streets outside of the restaurant, stopped dead in their track.     It's like the whole world had stopped spinning in its axle.   GD looked over at TOP.    His hyung looked funny.  His mouth was half-open with soju stopping mid-air, just inches from entering his mouth.   Cough! Cough!   GD turned his attention towards the source of the coughing.   There stood a muscular built guy with mohawked bleached tips.x   Armed with back shades and a killer smile.   However, his outfit was a different story altogether.   In his hands, he held onto a pair of red shoes.   Red sparkling shoes.   The strange little man noticed a stunned GD giving him the once-over.   He moonwalked towards GD and introduced himself.

NOTE: I shall use TY for the fairygoddaddy in order to differentiate between real life Yongbae, YB.

TY: Hi!  I guess you must be shocked by my appearance. 

GD: Who the hell are you!?

TY: Well, well.  Manners my boy!

GD: Manners? You want to lecture me about manners?  You tear-gassed the restaurant with green smoke and sashayed your way into the restaurant like nobody's business and I will be damn if the people being frozen mid-air has anything to do with you!

TY: Fine, let's drop the act!  My name is TY.

GD: GD's the name.  You haven't answer my initial question.  Who the hell are you?

TY: Patience my boy!  I am your fairygoddaddy.

GD: My WHAT!?!?!

TY: Your fairy goddaddy...You know?  The one who can grant your wishes to come true....yaddah yaddah yaddah....

GD: I understand the concept of fairygodmother thank you very much!  Just that...

TY: Just what?

GD: Fairy goddaddy??? THAT's a little.....

TY: Yes?

GD: Gay.

TY: Excuse you!

GD: I meant...just look at yourself!  You are in a freaking can can dress!

TY: This is our dress code.

GD: Fairies has dress code?

TY: Yes.  Capes were taken up by Superman.  Since the majority of fairies are female, the ''dress'' was given to us fairies.

GD: I see...

TY: Don't be a smartass!

GD: I am not.  It's not everyday I get to see a male fairy.

TY: Shut up!  You are ruining the moment...

GD: Fine.  Explain to me again why the hell you are here?  Why am I the only one still moving?  Are you a good fairy or a bad fairy?  Aren't fairy supposed to be tiny and have wings so they can fly?  What's up with you moonwalking?  Are you Michael Jackson incarnate?  What's with the tear gas?  Was you childhood dream to be in the Commandoes?  And why the colour green?  You got a thing for the Hulk or Green Lantern?  If yes, shouldn't you use purple tear gas instead?  Then again, you don't have to answer the last question!

TY: ...

GD: Well?

TY: I am here as your fairygoddaddy because you made a wish earlier.  Remember?

GD shooked his head.

TY: TSK!  You don't remember the meteor shower that occurred earlier?

GD: ...

TY: You don't remember getting sloshed and dozing away on the table that you were seated with your TOP hyung earlier?

GD: Oh yes!  Now I remember...

TY: Great!  As for your next question, 'why am I the only one still moving?'.  Well this is your dream state.  Your wish land.  So naturally, you are the only one not affected in this limbo dream state.

GD: Ok. Pretend I understood whatever you just said.  Carry on.

TY:  Fine.  The next question, 'Are you a good fairy or a bad fairy? '.  I think I am a badass fairy HAAHAHAHAH!!!!

GD stared at TY with a look of sorry for this fairy being.

TY: I am a good fairy.  Next question! 'Aren't fairy supposed to be tiny and have wings so they can fly?'  Now that is discrimination towards fairies.  There are fairies of all sorts.  Winged fairies are a minority right now.

GD: Okay. If you say so.  Next is moonwalking.

TY: Moonwalking?? Really now!?!?  Your question is about MY MOONWALKING? 

GD:  Here, I am the human being right here!  You tell me!

TY: Michael taught me how to moonwalk.

GD: And...

TY: I thought it would give my entrance the impact it needed.  Old skool fairies used puffs of smoke to mask their entrance and exit or swirled around in fairy dust during their dramatic entrance and exit.  I moonwalk.  

GD: Okay. Right then.  Moving along.

TY: As for tear gas, it is NOT tear gas!  It's fairy dust.  Fairies have to make a dramatic entrance and exit.  It's like OUR thing.  You know?

GD: ...

TY: Superman has his red cape and flying in to swoop derailed trains, Wolverine has his growl and shiny metal claws and thus, jumped into action at the bad guys.  Us fairies has our puff of fairy dust.

GD: I see...

TY: Your enthusiasm is astounding.

GD: WHAT!? I am still trying to digest what is going on here!

TY: Anway, you got stinking drunk after all those soju bombs and tequila shots and passed out at your table.

GD: Ok.  Let me get this straight. I made a wish upon a star and passed out afterwards.  

TY: Yes.

GD: What was my wish again?  To meet a male fairy with a penchant for can can dresses?

TY: You do realised that I probably can turn you into a toad right about now. (TY smirked)

GD: Yes.  I do realised that. But I am sure you won't do so because you are probably bound by some fairy code of ethics.

TY: Dammit!

GD: HHAHAH!  Okay fairygoddaddy of mine.  What did I wish for? A lottery win?  A new car? A Miss Korea for a girlfriend? What? What What?

TY: You seriously don't remember?

GD: Nope.  So tell me.

TY: I can't.

GD: WHAT? What do you mean you can't?

TY: THAT'S the part of the whole 'wish-being-granted' deal!  

GD: Huh?

TY: THAT'S the catch!  Once you made a wish, FATE will step in. A fairy will be assigned to the subject and then the fairy dust will start their magic.

GD: Which is...???

TY: The fairy dust will stopped the world from spinning at its axle.  Except for the one who made the said wish.

GD: I see.  So that's why the rest of the world stopped moving except for me.

TY: Yes. Glad you get that part right.  Another feature of the fairy dus

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shahielol #1
Hope u can update this story soon,take ur time but dont abandon it please
Foreverdreamergirl1 #2
Hope u come back and update this :(
tixhenataho #3
Chapter 13: this storyy is soo greattt!!!!!!! :D :D i really hope you update even though it seems to me as if you've abandoned this story :(
Girl95 #4
Chapter 13: Woooaahhhhh..daebak..chinjja daebak..!! Please..we need an update.. I NEED it..not WANT it..because your story are such a drug that cause my addictions..!! ^-^v
Chapter 13: ahahaha, this chapter is so funny! i like TY! XD
And this is so interesting; making me wonder why would you hesitant to post it. :/

keep going! this is awesome!! xD
This is why I was hesitant to post the subsequent chapter 12 and 13. Back then, in LJ, there wasn't much AU (vampire/sci-fi/time-travel/magic) plots. So I was afraid that the readers might find it ridiculous. lolx. Hence part of the reason for my writer's block. I wanted these 2 chapters to be normal BUT I had always been fascinated with space-time travel. Plus, if you noticed, in my fics, I tend to use flashbacks. I hope I don't overextend the use of flashbacks. My first venture into space-time travel and magic. You probably have to read this chapter 13 again and again to understand the whole space-time travel thingy.....I know it is probably too much to put all sic-fi + time travel + magic + fairies into one whole fic....but if this is to be my first and last?? chaptered fic, might as well go out in a BANG! lol.....I will take time to develop the next few chapters....not sure which turn I will is killing me right now....but I will update as soon as I can! I hope these 2 chapters update will make up for the delay. thank you for reading and being patience so far!
#3 View All Reply
Chapter 13: I just read chapter 13, and it's really confused me. I guess the whole concept of time travel, sci -fi are new to me and I need time to digest. Anyway, the story seems to be even more interesting than I expected. Looking forward for your future update ^^
Chapter 13: So ji made a wish nd he is in alternate universe. Somehow i guess his wish... lets see my guess r right or not.. anyway good job authornim... ur story is nice...
Chapter 12: He changed reality O.o what a twist!
Chapter 12: Wow, you updated ^^. Thank you very much my friend :)
I was kind of confused when I started reading, but I get it now. So all the things happen because Ji made a wish? Haizz, Ji indeed is very childish :/
Anyway, you're really amazing my friend -3-