xian_hee97's Character

Ghost Whisperers {ON HIATUS}

Username: xian_hee97

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/28842


Name: Woo Hye Rin

Nickname: N/A

Birthday: 04-02-1985

Birthplace: Seoul

Height: 163 cm

Weight: 45 kg

Blood Type: B

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Korean, Thai, Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, Sanskrit


Hye Rin is nonchalant to small matters. She always knows her priorities. She would thinks before she acts but she never thinks before she speaks. She is frank, blunt and straightforward. People thinks she is rude but she never cares about it. She is quiet and cold to new people and takes times to warm up with them. Once they gained her trust, she will protects them and will always worried about them. She doesn’t like people to joke around when the situation is serious. She is matured and serious, and always thinks wisely. She likes to look elegant and matured and thinks that she is old >//<

She has a tattoo at her left shoulder blades "Knowledge is power", a tattoo at her right collarbone, "It's a short journey after all", a snake tattoo around her right ankle and a butterfly tattoo at her right upper arm.








-martial arts






-loud places

-nosy people



-reading books

-learning new languages

-practicing martial arts

-listening to ballad


-bluntly comments what she doesn’t like about someone

-kicks or punches wall when she is mad

-bites her lips when she’s worried

-hugs someone when she’s happy or sad.



Ulzzang or modles name: Lee So Ah



Family (idol or fictional):

Woo Jun Ho (father, 48) is a novelist.

Lee Hye Mi (mother, 45) is a pianist and teacher.

Woo Hye Sung (sister, 15) deceased, was hit by a truck on the way to school in front of Hye Rin

Friends: Kim Ji Hyun (OC, 23) a girl that reminded Hye Rin to Hye Sung. She is a waitress at a café.

Super Junior Leeteuk (27) They are childhood friends.

Partner: Kim Heechul


Ever since her sister’s death on 2000 she can hear her and see her. She thought she has gone mad but as a year passed she finally accepted her gifts. She learned other languages claiming that it might be useful for her to speak with ghosts. She left her home once she is 18 and stayed with an old lady that she called halmoni. She knows Hye Rin gifts and teaches her a lot of things.


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parkhyojin169 #1
Very good well done
Update soon i love the concept!
Shindong xD
Lol! Shindong is so funny XD<br />
And pity donghae >< He falls on him ><"<br />
wow @@<br />
60 reports ><"<br />
It's really haunted ><"<br />
JoJongHaeFantasy #6
Shinee is Helping??.. Okay YAY more of Shinee! XD<br />
Lol Shindong XD Poor Donghae..
Oo SHINee helping them too. This will be interesting. <br />
Lol Shindong! XP
Aw poor Kaylajo :(<br />
I hope she gets better.<br />
Aww Kaylajo's arm is broken ><"<br />
How will she able to help later on? ><""