Chapter 7. Mission 2/2

Ghost Whisperers {ON HIATUS}

Author's P.O.V (Warning: some bad words)


After everyone checked the house out, the owners had left to stay with a friend. Kaylajo had asked them to come back down stairs and go to tha living room.

"Everyone sit please." Kaylajo said. Everyone sat down or stood up.

"The owner has given me imformation about the house that date back to when it was first built." Kaylajo took out papers that had Japanese writeung on it.

"The house was owned by a man from Japan, his name is  Urado Suki, his mother was scottish and she had fallen in love with a man from Japan. It was said that after his mother gave birth to him this house was being finished, her husband built the house as a wedding gift to her." Kaylajo said while everyone was looking at some pictures of Urado Suki.

"Apperently Urado had some health problems that he inherited form his mother, who died a month after she gave birth. He would have a shorter life span than an ordinary man, he was to die young."

"What are you saying Kaylajo-ssi?" JaeHwa asked.

"I'm saying, That Urado was always staying in this house, he never left to go out side. He had maids from Japan, about 20 or 30 of them, he also had buttlers as well. He had made the maids carry either his child or one of the buttlers child."

"That sick bastard." HyeRin said.

"Mm. Only one of his children survived his name was Harushi Suki he died when he was 96, when Urado was 52 he died in his sleep and Harushi was only 19. Urado's child then took over but Harushi never went outside either, but the owners here said that when they first moved in they had found a diary of one of the maids."

"Can you read some of it for us, unnie?" Seobi asked.



Sept. 5. 1889.


Master Urado has been acting strang and some of the teenage girls and boys who are the some of maids children have been dissapering. there are a total of  8 boys and 10 girls, and now there is only 6 Boys and 7 girls here. I wish I knew what has been happening with them, But the most oddest thing is Master Urado's two helpers. They always walk around the manor at night.


"Thats all we could read since the rest of the page is ripped off."

"Are you saying that this has something to do with the missing people?" Leeteuk asked.

"Yes, the owners who now own this house now found it in 1985, that is when they bought it, Harushi had died in 1982. He had no children, so he was the last of the Suki clan."

"Interesting." Kibum said.

"They also gave us the floor plan from back in the 1800's when it was first built." Kaylajo then took out a paper.

"Its seems that there is a hidden room." Everyone looked shocked.

"When I looked at the floor plans of no, the hidden room was not there. I think there is something going on in this house other than the dissaperences."

"Wait! What dissapereces?" HeeMae asked.

"The reason we were called here was because...Some of the maids have been dissapering inside the house."

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US!!!" Heechul and HeeMae screeched.

"BECAUSE THEY JUST ING TOLD ME!!! NOW SIT DOWN." Kaylajo slammed her hands against the table, causeing everyone to flinch back.

"Please don't do that again, and let me explain." Kaylajo sighed.

"Sorry." Heechul and Heemae said together.

Jeese they are so much a like. Kaylajo thought.

"I checked where this hidden room entrence would be and I found noting that would look like a door. But when I showed them the floor plans, they said that there was no hidden room and that it allways looked like it did now. That got me thinking, I think there is a reason why the hidden room was sealed off, and I think Harushi was the one who did it.

"I think there might be something evil in that hidden room." Siwon said while looking at the old floor plans.

"Wait unnie, when we were outside you had been glareing at something in the window. What was it? and what about your eyes and that thing you said!?" Rainee asked.

"I was glareing at a ghost, but this ghost was not normal and it wasn't Urado's or Harshi's ghost, more like to body guards. They did something that caused the weather to change but mostly was trying to get us away. What I had said was Japanese exorcism spell or White Magic, It was a small one though."

"Wait you know-" Kaylajo cut Rainee off.

"Yes. It has been taught in my family for years now."

"Thats so cool! Can you teach me!?" MayRin asked.

"Sure! But first lets get everything set up, and when you go set the cameras go in groups of four or three, Me, Donghae, and AeChan will set the computers ups."



MayRin's P.O.V



After setting up the cameras in the halls and in the rooms we headed back down stairs, Donghae was just finishing setting up the moniters while AeChan was getting the signas from the cameras onto the screen. Kaylajo unnie was sitting at a table she brought in from another room and was writeing something on slips of papers. She was using a brush and black ink.

"What are you writeing?" I ask.

"This is a japanese spell, there is also a chant to it aswell."

"Can you teach me?"

"Sur-" Unnie wasn't able to finish when something happened.

"UNNIE!!" Rainee screamed.

The lights went out, there was bounding on the walls. The house started to shake, I looked at Kaylajo unnie she was looking at the screens. I looked around and saw blood being written in japanese, the computor monitors flashed red with black letters say GET OUT. I look over at Kaylajo Unnie, she put her hands together and made a hand sign, her eye were glowing and she started to chant something fast.

" SowakaNaumaku Sanmanda Bazaradan Kan

On Kirikiribazara Bajirihoramandamanda On Sarasarabazara Harakya Unhatta
On Amiritodo Hanba Unhatta On Bisohoradaraki Shabasarahanjara Unhatta
On Asanmagini Unhatta On Shaugyarei Makasanmaen Sowaka

On Habahabakiuta Sabasabakitsudokan
On Datagatonaubebaya Sowaka
On Batamarinau Habaya Sowaka
On Bazaramagini Harachihataya Sowaka

Taritsutaboritsu Haraboritsu
Takimeitakimei Karasantan'uenbi." Kaylajo chantted, then she did something else

"Kuji 9 letters! Rin Byou Tou Sha Kai Chin Retsu Zai Zen!" She made different hand signs while saying each word, then put two of her fingers that would usually make a peace sign and had them together and it look like she tryed to cut the air infront of her, but we saw a white line when she did that.

A pierceing scream echoed through the house, then the lights came back on.

"Is everyone alright?" Hangeng asked


"What was that?! And waht did you do to stop it?" Yesung questioned unnie.

"I did Japanese spells, or magic like white magic and fire shamanistic magic, the first was Mantra and the second was Kanji they're both white magic." Unnie answered

"Now lets get back to work, and make sure to check the computers." HyeRin ordered

Everyone followed her order, I went up to Kaylajo unnie to ask her if she could teach me the spells she did and she said yes!


Author's P.O.V



It has been one day since the first ghost expirience, Everyone has been sleeping in sleeping bags in the livingroom. Since Kaylajo was worried that might happen to one of the Ghost Whisperer's.

That night was the night before the grand ball, Kyalajo decided to do a seance in one of the small rooms that was just finished being remodeled.


At around 11pm they all gathered in the room, Kaylajo had brought a stack of paper and a black marker with her.

"Now I want Rainee, HyeRin, and MayRin to sit at the table with me. I want the rest of you watching, since we will be watching the table I need eyes to examin the outside perimeter." Everyone nodded.

Kaylajo then had everyone surround the table, Kaylajo had HyeRin, Rainee, and MayRin come over to where she was and made a hand sign again.

"Bogyo Kekkai!" She yelled out.

A barrier of wind swirld around the others.

"This is a protection barrier, we'll be back in a moment." Kaylajo said then her and the girls left the room. Five minutes later they came back in and Kaylajo and the girls was wearing a different outfit and Kaylajo had different earings.










Kaylajo released the barrier. Everyone stared at her, she then lit a candle and put it in the midile of the table. She then sat down, took the marker in her hand and made the others sit.

"Uhmm. Whats up with the outfits?" Henry stupidly asked.

"They're Shrine madien outfits stupid." Micha said.

"You're right Micha-ssi, The one I'm wearing belong to my grandfathers sister and this was a gift for me, she died when I was 15. The ones the girls are wearing belonged to her as well."

"Oh" Henry said.

Kaylajo, Rainee, HyeRin, and MayRin held hands. Kaylajo's right hand was holding the marker, Kaylajo then looked at HyeRin and nodded her head.

"Spirits hear me now! Use this women as your voice to us! Comunicate with us!" HyeRin spoke out.

Donghae, AeChan, Kyuhyun, and Sammie had night vision cameras, they were standing in a square formation around the table. Nothing was happening till Kaylajo released HyeRin's hand and started writeing like crazy on the papers, she didn't look up and kept writeing.

Then they could here banging on the walls, they could also hear women and men screaming or in terror. The candle that was in the center of the table then fell over and went out, the room became dark as the noises got louder and louder. MayRin then stood up quickly, she was going to prefourm the Kanji.

"Kuji 9 letters! Rin Byou Tou Sha Kai Chin Retsu Zai Zen!" MayRin did the exact same thing that Kaylajo had tought her earlier the other day. Everything stopped and so did Kaylajo, Hangeng went up to her.

"Are you all right Kaylajo?" He asked softly.

"Yeah. Its not the first time I did a seance, but man it felt like if I had stopped writeing then my arm would fly off."

Everyone was looking at all the scattered papers on the floor, Zhoumi the lights. Kaylajo stood up and went over to MayRin.

"You did the Kanji perfectly! I'm very proud of you!" Kaylajo smiled.

"Thank you!" MayRin smiled back.

"Guy's look at this!" Leeteuk said while holding one of the papers.

"They all say help!" Heemae said while looking at the paper Leeteuk was holding.

"Guy's!!!" It was Hyerin, her and Ryeowook were looking at a paper.

"What?" Kangin asked.

"This one says something else but I don't know Japanese!" Hyerin said.

"Here let me see it!" JaeHwa said.

"It says 'I don't want to die' and its in red! Unnie you have a black marker and not a red one!!"

"What!" Kaylajo quickly went over and looked at the paper.

"You're right." Kaylajo mumbled then she turned the paper over and gasped.

Everyone looked at her, she then quickly started to head down to the base, everyone quickly followed along. Kaylajo then quickly went on her laptop and started typing very fast, she stopped and headed to the library and serched the shelfs the others watched confused.

"A-HA! There you are!" She yelled. Everyone jumped and looked at her.

Kaylajo quickly went back to the living room and slammed the book down on the table.

"Look!" She showed them the paper that was in red, and showed them the back. The word on the back was black instead of red.

"It say's Vlad!" She said.

"So!?" Heechul snapped.

"Vlad is short for Vladamire and Vladamire is known as Vladamire the inpaler or....Drucula!"

"BWOH!?!?!?!" Everyone shouted.

"Then there is Elizabeth Bathory or The Blood Countess, they say that she wanted to look beautiful forever and use to kill young women and drained their blood and would bath in it!"


"She killed around 650 girls."

"W-what are you saying?" Haera studdered.

"I'm saying that I think I have sovled this case."

"Tell us then!" Eunhyuk yelled.

"My theory is that when Urado was alive and was told he was going to die young becuase of his illness, I think that when Bram Stokers Dracula came out, he was interested by the way he lived forever. Then he probably heard of the story of Elizabeth Bathory, and about how she bathed in blood and lived for along time."

"I still don't get it?!"

"What I'm saying is back when the maid had wrote her diary entry it had got me thinking, Teenagers who were living in the mansion had been dissapering but one lived. I think Urado had been killing them and draining their blood like Elizabeth did but died before he could kill his last child. But there was also his two body gaurds going around the house at night, they were probably takeing the kids to that hidden room! but before that he had outsiders come work for him and they had gone missing too."

"So what your saying is-" Kaylajo then cut Siwon off.

"I think Urado might still be in this house, the maids here have been going missing aswell the past few months."

"But if the room is sealed off how can they get the maids in there?" Donghae asked.

"Time warp space continuem." Kaylajo simply replied.


"Look lets get some sleep for tomorrow, okay?"


Everyone gotten into their sleeping bags and driffted off to sleep.


JaeHwa's P.O.V



I can't belive that might be what is happening in this house! I mean come on she knows so much and the White magic! I amased Kaylajo knows so much about ghost and is the same age as Hangeng oppa!! But she looks so young she looks like she is my age!!!

Wait I-I-I can't move! I can't talk either!!!!


Eh!? W-W-WHO ARE THOSE GUYS??!?!?! KAYLAJO! HYERIN UNNIE'S(both HyeRin and Hyerin is older than JaeHwa) HENRY OPPA!!!! WAKE UP!!! H-H-HELP ME! The men then took my arms.


The men dragged me to were the stair case was in the entry way.

They brought me to the side of the staircase and I ended up at another staircase that went down, this time it was a spiral stair case.

When we got to the bottom there was a room, a fire was going in the fire place it ws the only light source in the room, there was a chair and a small table with a wine glass with some red wine is it, sitting on the table. They brought me into another hallway but it was small and there was a closet with double doors at the end of it.

One of the men opened it and dragged me down the brick covered hall way, there was no light at all. Thats when the smell hit me, it smelt like rusted metal or like a rusty nail. I felt as if I was going to be sick, but I saw a hint of light, it was greenish though like in those horror movies.

When we reached the end of the hall we were in a room covered in white tiles. There was an operating table covered in little tiles and......BLOOD!!!!!!! OH GOD!HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPP!!!

The men then took off my pajamas, I was in a white kimono now, but how did I get one on me? They then shoved me on the operating table, I hit my neck hared on the eadge of it cause it to bleed a little. They strapped me down to the table, my head was hanging of the edge. I look a head, everything was up side down but I saw one of the men walk over with a butcher knife in his hand. I felt my heart stop, I-I-I'm going to die here, I won't be able to see Henry again. Please God save me.

The man put the blade up to my neck, I felt cold liquid run down my neck.






I look up to see Kaylajo unnie nealing next to me, I felt the tears well up in my eyes. Henry was on the other side of me, I quickly hug him and start crying.

"I-I-I thought I was dead! I thought I wouldn't be able to see you any more!" I sobb into his chest, he hugs me and starts rocking back and forth.

"Tell me JaeHwa. What happened?"

"I-I-I was laying there thinking about your theory, everyone was asleep. Then I couldn't move or talk, I heard a loud creek and saw two guys. They took and dragged me to the staircase and some we ended up to another staircase but it was different, I was taken to a room and through a closet that was acttually a hallway. T-T-Then I was strapped down to a operating table and they cut my throat. It was horrible!"

"Oh my!" It was the owner.

"Ma'm I think you should cancle the ball tonight." Hangeng tried to make her cancle the ball but no luck.

"I will not! They will be ariving in 4 hours!!"

"I guess we'll help decorate for the ball." Kaylajo sighed.


4 Hours later.



"Welcome to the Ball!!!!"

We were all wearing mask at the ball.






(to make this easier I posted a pick with 6 mask so I will tell you which is who's mask, from top to bottom starting with the black one to the saphire blue)

Black: Heechul               

Green: Kyuhyun

Saphire blue: Eunhyuk

Red: Ryeowook

Light blue: Donghae

Purple: Henry

(Like the one before I will post a picture of 5 mask and will do it from top to bottom starting with the gold to the silver)

Gold: Kangin

Silver: Siwon

White: Leeteuk

Black: Yesung

Red: Shindong (gotta ad him)

(Like before but this time only three)

Gold: Sungmin

Red: Zhoumi

Black: Kibum

(Now the girls)














I watched every geust to make sure they don't leave the ball a lone, While looking around I saw Hangeng ask Unnie to dance. She agreed and they started to litterily glide across the dance floor, unnie's dress flowed out with every spin. They're such a beautifull unofficial couple.

Next thing I know I'm on the dance floor danceing with Henry, the dance floor had been cleadred of the other guest as they watch the strangers in masks dance, well not Shindong though. We all danced the same dance at the same time like in those movies!

We had danced for about 19 minutes and I was tired out and sorta dizzy, I decided I would go and get some fresh air. I walk out of the ball room, when.........


Author's P.O.V



Everyone was haveing fun but Kaylajo and Rainee sensed something evil and ran out of the ballroom, the others followed along. When they got out of the ballroom and to the stair case they found JaeHwa's mask on the ground.

"We have to find her!" Henry yelled.

"When she told us about her dream she said that they dragged her here! Leeteuk! Heechul! You guys tell the owner to not let any one near the entry way!" Kaylajo ordered

"Got it!" They both say while heading back to the ballroom.

"Siwon-ssi, come help me look for an entryway on the side of the staircase! you guys go and get some flashlight!" Kaylajo quickly went over to the side of the staircase along with Siwon and started searching. When the others came back they had found a hollow spot by the stair case.

Hangeng went over and took the heavy board off to reveal a spiral staircase.

"Lets go!!" Everyone quickly but carefully went down the steps.

when they got to the bottom, they found a door. Hangeng opened it and flashed his flash light in, there was a fire palce, a chair, and a table. He went over to the fire place while the others checked the room.

"Guy's!" Hangeng called out.

Everyone came over and gasped, there lied a body, It was one of the maids that went missing recently. MayRin then had felt sleepy, so Kaylajo told her to take a quick nap while they look around. MayRin did so.


MayRin's P.O.V




I had fallen asleep but the next thing I knew I was standing in the same room but the walls were black with white out lineing the features. I saw Kaylajo standing there wearing her Shrine maiden outfit, wait! She was wearing a dress when we came down here!

"Unnie! Do you know where JaeHwa is?" I ask

She nodded her and pointed to a hall way, I follow her towards the hallway and through double doors. We were in another hallway, when we got close to an entry way Kaylajo unnie dissapered. I walk into the room and slipp on something and hit my arm of the table.

Thats when I saw JaeHwa sitting against the wall softly crying.



"Thank god you're safe!"

I rush over and hug her, I look at her but she started to cry harder.

"This has to be a nightmare or I'm dead!" She sobbed.

"No you're not dead! Here!"

I rip my necklace off and hand to her.

"See it didn't go through you! You're still alive! I'll rescue you! I promise!"

"Please hurry Rin."



"MayRin! Wake up!" Zhoumi was shakeing my shoulder.

"Come on. Lets bring you upstairs while the others look for JaeHwa."


I get and run to were I unnie had shown me the hall way in my dream, there was the double doors I saw. I quickly open them and start running down the hall, A foul smell hit me but I didn't care right now. I finally got to the room, I walk in and slipped like in my dream and had hit my arm off the table.



I rush over and hug her.

"Rin. Is that b-blod?"

I look at my arm, it was wet and that when I noticed my arm was covered in blood. I look at the floor, there was a huge pool of blood.

"Quick! We have to get out of here!"


I turn slowly and look at wear the noise came from. There was an old bathtub with red liquid in it, OH MY GOD ITS BLOOD! There was something rising from the blood filled tub........W-W-WHAT T-T-THE F-F-!!!

"Kuji 9 letters! Rin Byou Tou Sha Kai Chin Retsu Zai Zen!"

The thing then fell back into the tub.

"GO!" I yelled.

We started to run but something grabbed my waist and pulled me against the wall.

Squish. Squash, Squish, Squash.

There were bloody foot prints heading my way. I closed my eyes not wanting to see that thing again, I felt something breathing on my face. I looked up to see that thing infront of me.

It then was about to grab me when.

"Kaosu Sutoringu!"

The butcher knifes moved on their own and came flying at the thing. Next thing I know he is in pieces on the ground.

"MayRin-ssi are you allright?" Zhoumi ran over and hugged me tightly, I hugged him back for I was still terrified from what happened, I look over at JaeHwa. She was passed out but Henry carried her bridal style out of there, Zhoumi then picked me up bridal style as well. I look at Kaylajo unnie she did another spell but it wasn't white magic this time.

"subete no chikara no minamoto yo
kagayaki moeru akaki honoo yo
meiyaku no kotoba ni korite
waga te ni tsudoite chikara to nare!"

The thing was destroyed, the next thing I knew was that I had passed out.




Author's P.O.V


The next morning everyone was getting on the plane.

"Thank you so much!!" The owner said hugging Kaylajo.

"Your welcome. Now we have to go! Bye!"

When the plane had finally took off, JaeHwa went over to MayRin.

"Hey I just wanted to give this back."

JaeHwa handed MayRin something....It was MayRin's necklace that she gave JaeHwa in her dream.


"Well looks like you got a gift kid!" Leeteuk said looking at the necklace, since she explained her dream of giving JaeHwa her necklace.

"Oh My Siwon!!!"

"Somebody say my name?"


Finally I'm done with this!!! Hope you like it!!!




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parkhyojin169 #1
Very good well done
Update soon i love the concept!
Shindong xD
Lol! Shindong is so funny XD<br />
And pity donghae >< He falls on him ><"<br />
wow @@<br />
60 reports ><"<br />
It's really haunted ><"<br />
JoJongHaeFantasy #6
Shinee is Helping??.. Okay YAY more of Shinee! XD<br />
Lol Shindong XD Poor Donghae..
Oo SHINee helping them too. This will be interesting. <br />
Lol Shindong! XP
Aw poor Kaylajo :(<br />
I hope she gets better.<br />
Aww Kaylajo's arm is broken ><"<br />
How will she able to help later on? ><""