Chapter 9. Mission 1.5/2

Ghost Whisperers {ON HIATUS}

Seobi's P.O.V



We setting up our computer monitors in one the confrence rooms, I sat in one of the chairs and looked at the list with all the students that had experinced something supernatural. There was about 40 some odd students, jeesh this is going to be a long three days, thats for damn sure.

*poke..poke poke* =_=

"Yesung. . . STOP POKING MY CHEEK!" I yell while hitting his hand.

He grabbed his hand in pain, and pouted like a little kid.

"Kaylajo noona! Seobi hit me!" He whined. Jeezz this guy is such a baby!

"If you two, don't stop. Then I'll send you straight home." Hangeng oppa says while typing on his laptop.

"Waeyo? oppa?" I whine, I don't want to be stuck with Yesung in that giant house! Its bad enough that we have to share a bed!

"Hangeng, stop it. They're apart of the group." Kaylajo unnie said while looking outside the window.

Hangeng just slouched in his chair a little. Hnm, meanie.

"Uhm...exscuse me...Are you guys from GW?" A boy shyly asked as he stood outside the door with 4 others.

"Yes we are, come in please." HyunAe gestured.

"Thank you." I tall boy with big brown eyes and dark brown hair said.

"How may we help you?" Zhou Mi asked while sitting down across from the boy's.

"We are in the student councill, and we wanted to know if we could help out, you with the students and everything?" A boy said with different color shade of hair. He is actually kinda cute, kinda.

One of the boy's looked really creeped out for some odd reason, so I look at where he was looking and see Kyuhyun being extremely creepy-ish while looking at the poor guy. I see Sammie wack Kyuhyun's head and started scolding him, I feel like someone is next to me so I turn around to see another boy.

"May I help you?" I ask while tilting my head to the right.

"Your short, are you even old enough to have a job little girl?" OH.NO.THAT..DIDN'T!

"Imma kill you!" I was about to luange at him but Kaylajo unnie did one of her magic spells.

"ware nanji ni ansoku wo atae
hitotoki no yume ni izanawan!"

Next thing I know...ZzZzZzZ


Sammie's P.O.V


Kaylajo unnie had done a spell that put Seobi asleep, Yesung picked her up bridal style and sighed. When I looked at his face, I could see something like love in his eyes....YESUNG LIKE SEOBI DONGSENG!! Oh this is good, this is really good, I smell Black Mail~

"Kekekeke." I evily sniker, Kyuhyun looked at me then at Yesung. He then finally noticed and put on his famous evil grin. We look at each other and then looked back at Yesung.

"Black mail~" We sang together. Then someone's hands landed on our shoulders, Micha's hand was on mine and Kibum's was on Kyuhyun's shoulder.

"NO!" They say at the same time.

Me and Kyuhyun then frowned and looked back at the five guys who were talking to ZhouMi and MayRin, the tall boy with the big brown eyes was talking happily with HyunAe-ah. I wonder what they're talking about, so I walk over and introduce myself.

"Hi! I'm Choi Sammie!" I chirped.

"I'm Choi Minho. Nice to meet you."

"Soooooo. Whatcha talking about?" I ask.

"Oh! Me and Minho were talking about, when I was going to invite him over to see the new home! Kaylajo unnie said we can have friends over!" HyunAe smiled.

"Oh!" I then skipped away and sat next to Kyuhyun again. MayRin was talking to that guy, who called Seobi short and I over heard that he couldn't wait to see the new place. Jeesh I thought we came to investigate not talk.

"Everyone listen up!" Kaylajo raised her voice over the talking people. We all look at her, to let her know we're listening.

"Thank you. Now, Taemin-ssi can you please tell us what you have experienced."

"Ne. I was heading back to class after dilvering some papers, when I heard singing. It was a very beautiful voice so I decided to record the voice, after that I went back to class and when I replayed the recording for these guys to hear. All that came out was a creepy voice saying die!"

"I see. What about you guy's?"

"I'm Key. Well I was siting infront of this desk, a girl was just assinged to sit there. After the first week she said it felt like someone was pushing her stomach, so I yook a look and a hand was sticking out of her desk and was pushing her stomach!"

"Thats creepy." Kangin muttered.

"Minho-ssi, what about you?" Kaylajo asked while looking at him.

"Hmm. I was just finishing soccer practice and I had to put everything away since it was my turn to, so afterwards I went to change. I was the only person in there when the lockers started to rattle, I thought someone was playing a prank but then the showers started to shoot out hot water. Then the lockers were pushed over, I got out of there and told the others."

"Hmm, the locker room. Interesting." HyunAe said.

"Onew-ssi, what about you?" Hangeng asked this time.

"Well, I was in the tech lab and was working on a video project. I had recorded us doing an interview with the music teacher, while I was rewatching the video and adding edits. I noticed something in the back ground, so I zoomed in, but it dissapeared. I took it out of zoom and continued to watch it, then a face of a girl with her hair covering her face appered on the screen. When I showed them it wasn't there anymore."

"The music room." I mutter.

"Jonghyun-ssi?" Zhou Mi looked at him.

"I have a video, here."

(go to 3:20)

"I see." Kaylajo unnie said. I was about to get up, when I heard screaming.




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parkhyojin169 #1
Very good well done
Update soon i love the concept!
Shindong xD
Lol! Shindong is so funny XD<br />
And pity donghae >< He falls on him ><"<br />
wow @@<br />
60 reports ><"<br />
It's really haunted ><"<br />
JoJongHaeFantasy #6
Shinee is Helping??.. Okay YAY more of Shinee! XD<br />
Lol Shindong XD Poor Donghae..
Oo SHINee helping them too. This will be interesting. <br />
Lol Shindong! XP
Aw poor Kaylajo :(<br />
I hope she gets better.<br />
Aww Kaylajo's arm is broken ><"<br />
How will she able to help later on? ><""