Chapter 2. We Meet Again.

Ghost Whisperers {ON HIATUS}

Shindong's P.O.V  (  

(I know its Japanese, but these are my favorite songs!!! hope you like them =3)


I was sitting next to Hangeng who was driving, we were in the smaller van so it was only: Me, Heechul, HyeRin, and Hangeng. I look in my side mirror to see that the others were still following, the others were in two other vans so it made it easier for us to talk about what happened 7 years ago.

"-sigh- Guy's I can't believe its been 7 years since Kaylajo noona dissapered." I say while sipping on a mega large drink as a river of tears pourd down TT^TT   Can someone pass the tissues! -sniff-sniff-

"I miss her alot. If you guys didn't say anything about making me the leader, then Kaylajo unni would still be here!" HyeRin said frustraded as a couple of tears fell.

"You're right....We should of kept our mouths shut." Hangeng hyung whispered, as a tear slipped down his cheek.


Author's P.O.V

7 years ago.


"Guy's, you keep on studying and I will go and get some snacks at the store!" Kaylajo chirped.

"Okay!" HyeRin answered, while the guys were still reading their books on ghost.

Kaylajo smiled softly and hurried down the steps to head to the store before it get dark out, she put on her jacket since it was cold outside. She grabbed her car keys and headed out the door, she hopped in to her car and started the engine, then headed to the store.

The minute Kaylajo pulled out of the drive way, Heechul closed his book laid down on the floor.

"Finally she left!" Heechul cheered. Hangeng and Shindong closed their books and laid on the floor aswell, HyeRin gave them a cold stare for doing what they're doing now.

"Guy's! Come on! There is a good reason why she is makeing us read about ghost!! And she is the leader and founder of Ghost Whisperer's!!." HyeRin scoulded them, but they didn't care, they just wanted to hunt ghost!

"Oh yeah! Tell me, do you know why she is makeing us read about ghost! from a book that is almost 30 years old!?!?!" Heechul snorted.

"Y-Y...-sigh- No. I don't know why, but I do know its for a good reason!" HyeRin said confidently.

"Look. I'm her childhood friend, but I have to agree with Heechul on this." Hangeng said while propping himself up on his arms.

"I agree aswell." Shinhdong yawned, then rolled in a circle till he was next to HyeRin, since she had the grapes with her, he then took them and quickly rolled back next to Hangeng.


To Kaylajo.


Kaylajo got a shopping cart and headed down to the aile where the junk food was, she then grabbed three bags of chips, some packages of cookies, then she got a bag of tootsie pops for her hidden stash. Kaylajo then walked over to the fruit stands and grabbed grapes, straberries, oranges, Apples, and bananas. Finally she got drinks, three different kinds of soda and three different kinds of juice.

She walked over to were the check out line was, there was a man infront her and he had dropped something. Kaylajo picked up an apple that had fallen out of his cart.

"Exscuse me sir, you dropped something."

The man then turned around, it was Kaylajo's older brother Jae!


"Haha, well isn't this a surprise!! eh JoJo?" Jae asked while useing Kaylajo's nickname

"You're really funny, you know that right?" Kaylajo said in a somewhat sarcastic manner.

Jae pouted at Kaylajo's sarcastic comment, but then acted as if it never happened.

"Want me to help you?" he asked.

"Sure! why not." Kaylajo shrugged.

After they got all of Kaylajo's food into the shopping bags and paid for the food, they drove to the house that Kaylajo shared with the others. They pulled in the driveway, got the bags out of the car and rushed to the front porch since it started raining cats and dogs.

Kaylajo opened the door quietly so she wouldn't desturbed the others, who she thought was studying. She told Jae to be quiet as they walk into the kitchen.

"Jae. Can you put away the food for me? but be very quiet." Kaylajo asked in a whisper.

"Sure." Jae whispered.

Kaylajo took off her jacket and quietly went up stairs to check on the others, when she got to the top she walked down the somewhat dark hall.

She reached the end of the hall and was now standing infront of the door, it was opened just a crack. A small ray of light shined, Kaylajo was about to open it more when she finally noticed the others were talking.

"I think we should have a different leader then Kaylajo-ah." It was Heechul's voice.

"But who should be the leader? I don't want to be the leader!" Shindong?!

"Me either. I think it should be HyeRin-ah!!" Hangeng?!

"NO!! I refuse to be the leader! Kaylajo is the leader and that is final!" HyeRin snapped.

"Well I think you should be the leader! Kaylajo at being a leader." Hangeng.

"It is final! HyeRin is the new leader!" Heechul said gleefully.

"We'll just ignore Kaylajo's orders and follows HyeRin's instead." Heechul added.

Kaylajo felt heart broken that her friends and her childhood friend thaought she was a horrible leader, she knew that HyeRin didn't want to be the leader but...... It seems that the others don't need her anymore. Kaylajo quietly but quickly went down stairs, tears where comeing out of her eyes.

Jae had just finished putting away the food when he saw Kaylajo crying, he was about to ask what was wrong when Kaylajo told him that she will tell him later. She then got a piece of paper and a pen, she then started to write.



Dear, Hangeng, Heechul, HyeRin, and Shindong.



          I over heard what you said up stairs

I wish I would have known that you didn't want me as the leader,

just because I made you read and not go on any hunttings.

Well there is a good reason why I make you study about ghost, but you just don't care.


Hangeng I feel as if you betrayed me, I trusted you to tell me everything. But I guess thats a lie.

I will leave the Ghost Whisperer's as you wish, for I am not the leader anymore. HyeRin will take my place.



Park Kaylajo.



Kaylajo then put the note on the kitchen island, she got her jacket and put it on.

"Jae. Lets go." she whispered.

Jae followed Kaylajo out to the car, once inside Jae started driving instead of Kaylajo.

"Kaylajo....Tell me, why were you crying back at the house?"

"They think I'm not fit to be the leader, so I decided to leave and left HyeRin in charge."

"I see. Where will you go to?"

"I'll go back to America, to New York."

"Hmm. Tonight or-" Kaylajo then interupted Jae.

"Yes tonight."

"I'll get the private jet ready, do you want Grandfather to know?"

"Of course!"

"What about your other frineds? not the ones you live with."

"Yes. Tell them as well, but make sure they don't tell the others."

"I will.



End of flash back.


Hangeng, Heechul, HyeRin, and Shindong all remember the note Kaylajo left for them, Hangeng was heart broken and wouldn't talk to anyone or leave Kaylajo's room for a week. Heechul was the only one who knew that Hangeng was actually in love with Kaylajo, but Hangeng didn't even notice that he was in love with his childhood friend.

While the four had talked about what happened 7 years ago, they didn't notice that the walky talky was on. The others heard the whole entire story, but the four stopped talking as they reached a forest entrance.








There was a sign that said:

This  XXXXX Road

This road is private

Unless you have a note

or permission to enter.


Luckly for them they had gotten a note to enter, so they won't get into trouble.

"Guy's, we are entering a forest entrance. So be carefull." HyeRin told the other by walky talky.

Hangeng then entered the forest path, with the others fallowing behind.


Author's P.O.V


After about a 20 minute drive they finally reached their destination.








Everyone got out of the vans and stood together, looking amazed at the building.

"Kyuhyun, did you shows how big this place is on the computer scale you made from those photos?" HyeRin asked.

"Yep! I printed out copys for everyone."

Everyone was handed a copy of the house the house, Kyuhyun had made.

Front view.                                                                                             











 Back view. 












"Danm this place is big." said Kangin.

"You got that right." Haera said while looking at the castle-ish house.

"Come on, get the stuff so we can go in!" Siwon said, he was not happy that it just started to rain, when the sun was just shineing so brightly out just a second ago. Everyone quickly got the stuff and knocked on the giant wooden doors.

An Old man in a buttler suit, opened the door slowly.

"May I help you?"

"We are the Ghost Whisperer's, I believe we recived a note earlier to come here." HyeRin said politely.

"Hmm. Yes, Please Come in." The man opened both of the doors to let everyone in, as everyone came in with the gear, they didn't noticed that they were being watched from affair.

"So you finally arive." the person said and vanished with in the shadows.

The old man then closed the doors, and faced everyone.

"My name is Jung. I am the buttler of the house, The owner had left earlier since they had to catch a plane and won't be back till monday, an they want you to find out whats been going bump in the night here in 5 hours. Now I must go." Jung then walked down the entry way, took a turn and dissapered into another room. Ryeowook quickly went after him, But Jung had vanished.

"Now thats creepy." He said.

"Come on guys lets go look around before we set everything up." MayRin say's while getting her thermal camera.


They all split up into groups.


Gr.1: Woo HyeRin, Heechul, Hangeng, Shindong.

Gr.2: HyunAe, Siwon, Micha, Kibum.

Gr.3: AeChan, Donghae, JaeHwa,Henry.

Gr.4: Sammie, Kyuhyun, MayRin, Zhoumi.

Gr.5: Haera, Kangin, RainHee, Sungmin.

Gr.6: Yoon Hyerin, Ryeowook, HeeMae, Leeteuk.

Gr.7: Seobi, Yesung, Jihyun, Eunhyuk.


The groups split up, The groups searched for hours. Each door they try to open was locked and they try to find any secret passege ways. But they would find little cards with either letters or words.

They all finally got back together in one group.

"Hey did you guys have any luck?" Zhoumi asked.

"No. But we did find pieces of papers with either words or letters on them." Seobi said, holding up some papers.

"We did aswell." Said Sungmin.

"Lets try putting them together!" said Kyuhyun.

Everyone put down a piece a paper they found, Kyuhyun them started to mess around and put them together, after about 5 minutes he finished.

"There, I'm done!"



Go to the second floor and find a door with a silver handle.


"Come on!" Leeteuk said, and started running upstairs, everyone followed him as they try to find the door with the silver handle. They checked each door till one had caught their eyes. It was the door they were looking for.

Hangeng slowly walked up to the door and grabbed the handle, he pulled the door open to reveal a large home office. It had a warm glow to it, a huge desk sat at the back of the room, there was a bluse card on it. Eunhyuk bravley walked up to the desk and picked up the card and read out loud what was written in it.

"You have won the game, congragulations. Ok..I'm confused." Eunhyuk said.

Everyone went over and read the card.

"I don't get it! What game?!" Heechul asked while freaking out.

"The game to see how far you have come to ghost huntung." said a soft voice everyone turned around.

In the corner of the room someone stood there wearing white skinnie jeans, just rest of them was covered by the shadows.

"Who are you!" Hangeng asked.

"That hurts Hannie, don't you recongnize me?" the person asked.

"What are you talking about? and how do you know my nickname?!"

The person then stepped out of the shadows and into the light, It was a girl. She had white skinny jeans on, with a red belt that had chains hanging down on her hip. She had a formal matching white vest that had silver buttons, she wore a black botton up shirt, the sleves were rolled up to her elbows, a button was undone at the top of the shirt. She also had a red skinny tie on, and she wore black fingerless gloves and sunglasses. her Hair was tied up in a pony tail, while her bangs side swepped across her forehead. she has different earings in both ears, one went from the ear lobe to the cartalige, covering some of the edge of her ear, the other was same put a chain with a croos on it.

"Who are you?" Hangeng asked.  But the girl didn't speak.

"I know who it is." Kyuhyun spoke up. Hangeng and everyone looked at him.

"She is PJK." Everyone look at the girl, but she did not move.

"Or other known as......Park Kaylajo." Kyuhyun smirked.


Everyone looked at the girl, she was clapping.

"Bravo. Bravo. you solved the game, Mr. Kyuhyun." Kaylajo said, she then took off her sunglasses to reveal her pierceing blue eyes. Hangeng, Heechul, HyeRin, and Shindong stared at her in shock.

"We meet again...Old friends." Kaylajo said then smirked.


CPT2. dang this was long, hope you like it!!! now if you notice there are 2 Hyerin's, Yoon Hyerin is with Wookie and Woo HyeRin is with Heechul, Woo HyeRin will have a capital R while Yoon Hyerin will have a lower case r. ok now that is resolved, see ya next time

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parkhyojin169 #1
Very good well done
Update soon i love the concept!
Shindong xD
Lol! Shindong is so funny XD<br />
And pity donghae >< He falls on him ><"<br />
wow @@<br />
60 reports ><"<br />
It's really haunted ><"<br />
JoJongHaeFantasy #6
Shinee is Helping??.. Okay YAY more of Shinee! XD<br />
Lol Shindong XD Poor Donghae..
Oo SHINee helping them too. This will be interesting. <br />
Lol Shindong! XP
Aw poor Kaylajo :(<br />
I hope she gets better.<br />
Aww Kaylajo's arm is broken ><"<br />
How will she able to help later on? ><""