KissesMissed - lee seobi

Ghost Whisperers {ON HIATUS}


Username: KissesMissed

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Name: Lee seobi

Nickname (optional): bibi

Birthday (month-date-year): 10may1994




Blood Type (optional):O

Ethnicity:(must be asian or part asian at least) singaporean

Languages (4+): chinese, english, korean, minor jap.

Personality: seobi grows up in singapore. She is a very naive girl believing in everything ranging from fairytales to finding her prince charming. however, she is also very sceptical. She hates being alone alot, but she is alone most of the time, e.g going home or doing project work. This is because no many people can handle her weirdness. She trust people easily, however, once you break her trust it is not going to be easy to earn it back. .She is very aware of her surrounding wherever she go, always the most observant person. she can tell what a person is thinking or want to do, or personality very easy just after observing them for awhile . 

Seobi is weird in the sense that she is very crazy. Sometimes she can randomly pull people to go with her to  haunting expeditions. very little things scare her except for her biggest nemesis, BUGS. once she see a ant on her , she will have the urge to go and bath, IMMEDIATELY. She also unknowningly act cute alot because she has a little girl face.

She is also very hyper, especially around boys as she has violent tendencies. She has the habit of being violent towards boy, but it wouldnt hurt them for she has little strength, just that she has a loud personality. but that is only after you become friends with her. 

If you hurt her, she wouldn't mind. but if you hurt her friends, she will make sure you cry. she can be very sarcastic making harsh snide remarks, that can make people cry even without using vulgarities. he find loopholes in people's words easily, hence often winning every argument she ever had. 

She also does not show her feelings easily, always plastering a smile on her face, hence little people know when she is upset.



 Likes (5+):

- Chocolate ( not too sweet )

- reading

- singing/dancing

- winning 

- animals

- going on wild trips 


Dislikes (5+):

- bugs

- liars

- people who hurt her friends

- inscrutable people

- losing



- writing lyrics

- dancing

- swimming

- daydreaming

- baking cookies

- playing with her pet


- bite her lip whenever she thinks of something or in any situation

- keeps very very quiet, to the extent of extreme shyness when she meet new people for the first time

- pursed her lips, pout, eyebrows together when she is upset with something or angry

- pout whenever she cant get what she wants

- BEWARE. when seobi is hungry, she will be extremely snappy (scolding anyone in sight) , whine-ny (whining for food) .

- her voice is devoid of emotion when she is serious

Appearance (4+ links):

Ulzzang or modles name: Kim shin yeong

Style (4+ links):

(she likes baggy jackets, sweaters, hoodies ^^)


(likes wearing baggy shirts with shorts )


Family (idol or fictional):


Parents and two younger siblings (twins). 

Younger brother : lee jun, the bane of her life but she still dote on him alot.

Younger sister : lee kiae , a mature girl


.Friends (idol or fictional): everyone :) 

Partner: yesung

History: Yesung and seobi met while she went to buy story books one day. However it was not a encounter that set the both of them in love. they always bicker, calling each other names, yet stick together because they both like wild expeditions. 

 Extra (optional): 

Ghost history :

As mentioned earlier, seobi has always have a liking for wild expeditions. the more scarier it is, the better. sometimes seobi can see ghost, or dreams of them when they need help. thats why seobi is a regular visitors to places that are rumored to be haunted, either searching for the ghost who find her or just seeing if there is ghost. 

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parkhyojin169 #1
Very good well done
Update soon i love the concept!
Shindong xD
Lol! Shindong is so funny XD<br />
And pity donghae >< He falls on him ><"<br />
wow @@<br />
60 reports ><"<br />
It's really haunted ><"<br />
JoJongHaeFantasy #6
Shinee is Helping??.. Okay YAY more of Shinee! XD<br />
Lol Shindong XD Poor Donghae..
Oo SHINee helping them too. This will be interesting. <br />
Lol Shindong! XP
Aw poor Kaylajo :(<br />
I hope she gets better.<br />
Aww Kaylajo's arm is broken ><"<br />
How will she able to help later on? ><""