Chapter 1. The begining

Ghost Whisperers {ON HIATUS}

Author's P.O.V (if this story was a show, then this would tottaly be the OP theme. Anyone else agree?) 


It was a cloudy day in Seoul, South Korea. A girl with pierceing stormy blue eye's and long brown hair tied in a pony tail, stepped out of the Private jet to solid ground. The wind blew her side swept bangs out of her face, she then took a deep breath and exhaled.

"I'm Home........This time for a new start." Her soft voice said over the wind, She then walked over to the motorcycle, where a old man was waiting for her, the old man who was wearing an old fashion buttlers suit, gave her the keys.

"Madame Park, Welcome back." The said man then bowed and stepped back as the motorcycle's engine roared to life.

"Thank you. It feels good to be home." She then put her helment on and sped off.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hangeng's P.O.V


I was sitting at my desk, waiting for someone to call so we can check if their house was huanted. But for almost a month we haven't got a call. I look over towards our leader: Woo Hye Rin, she was doing papers with her partner Heechul. They should really go out, they're perfect for each other, but not the part where my best friend has his moments.

"Morning~!!" Donghae sang as he and AeChan come walking threw the door.

"Hey!" I say getting out of my chair.

"Where is everybody?" AeChan asked.

"Oh they're up stairs cleaning." I say while heading over to the coffe pot.

"OH! I almost forgotten!" AeChan gasped and pulled out a note from her messenger bag.

"This was taped to the door, when we arrived."

AeChan then handed me the folded piece of papper. I open it..........!


Everyone came rushing down stairs and into the loung room.

"What is it?!" Henry asked.

"We got a note today. Here I will read it out loud......"

Dear Ghost Whisperer's


         I would like for you to come and see if my house is haunted,

I fear something is learking within these walls.

My Address is   XXXXXXX Road.

Please hurry!

                From: PJK.


"Sweet! Finally we got a haunted house!!" Kyuhyun said gleefully and pumped his fist in the air.

"Come on guys! Get everything into the vans!" Hye Rin, ordered.


Everyone quickly rushed upstairs to get the gear we needed, I look over towards Hye Rin with a smile on my face. But Hye Rin was looking out the window with a sad face, Shindong, Heechul, and I knew why she was so upset. Today was the day............That our former leader and founder of Ghost Whisperer's dissapered 7 years ago. That person was...............My Chilhood friend, Park Kaylajo.


Sorry that its short, but I have to get off now but I will be back on to write chapter 2 tonight!!! or morning to some readers ^^

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parkhyojin169 #1
Very good well done
Update soon i love the concept!
Shindong xD
Lol! Shindong is so funny XD<br />
And pity donghae >< He falls on him ><"<br />
wow @@<br />
60 reports ><"<br />
It's really haunted ><"<br />
JoJongHaeFantasy #6
Shinee is Helping??.. Okay YAY more of Shinee! XD<br />
Lol Shindong XD Poor Donghae..
Oo SHINee helping them too. This will be interesting. <br />
Lol Shindong! XP
Aw poor Kaylajo :(<br />
I hope she gets better.<br />
Aww Kaylajo's arm is broken ><"<br />
How will she able to help later on? ><""