Wedding Preparation Pt. 2

You're my Husband?!



Myungsoo snapped out of his thoughts, "Were you saying something?" He asked. you rolled her eyes and glared at Myungsoo. "Next time be more attentive." She warned. She then stared at him, and he felt uncomfortable. "Why are you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face?" He asked a bit of confused. you scoffed, "Duh, do you agree on the cake we just ordered?"

He looked at her and raised his eyebrows, "What, err. Oh, the cake. Yea, I agree."

"Gosh, you should listen. It's obvious that your mind is wandering off." 

The lady then barged in, "Err, is everthing alright dear customers? Is the order settled?" The two looked at the lady, "Yes." They both said in chorus. "Can we go now? Time is running and it's boring. Let's end this fast." He whined. She sighed at the behavior of her fiancé. "Then we'll be going now." She smiled at the lady. The lady bowed and lead the two outside. 

They went inside the car and headed to the next destination. The wedding dress and suit shop. It was a 20 minute ride from the cake shop.

10:02 am.

They arrived at the shop, the owner guided them inside the fitting room. The first one to try the clothes was you. The assistants helped her to get inside the big fitting room. Myungsoo sat at the chair waiting for her to come out.

End of AUTHOR.



Fitting dresses is very hard, you should know that. Every dress is sophisticated. Some takes a long time to put on and some takes a short time. I picked 3 dresses. So, I tried on the first dress. It's a bit revealing, I think. Because it's strapless and the back part is cut very low. Plus the skirt is above my knee. But it's too walk with this.



[A/N: Don't mind the face just the dress. :)]

   They pulled the curtains aside. I stepped out of the fitting spot. And Myungsoo just stared at me. "Yah! What can you say?" I shouted making him flinch. "It's okay. But it's too revealing. I don't like it." He commented.

I sighed and went back inside the fitting spot. I tried on another dress. This time it was black and still strapless. And it's very simple. 

I walked out facing Myungsoo. Well, as usual his expression is always blank. He tapped his chin and said, "Hmm, it's very classy and simple. But we're not on a 'halloween party' nor a gothic party, we're on a wedding. Remember? Your choices are really weird. Geez." 

I gave him a deadly glare. I turned back and stomped my way to the fitting spot. I tried on the last dress. This one is much more longer than the first one and much more lighter than the second one. It's a white strapless dress with a long lacey-ruffled skirt.

I walked out of the fitting spot, feeling annoyed of what Myungsoo is gonna say. He kept staring at me wide-eyed with his jaw dropped. *Is there something wrong with my face? Is there something wrong with my dress? What? Just what?* I thought. "Err, Myungsoo. Are you alright?" I asked a bit worried 'cause he wasn't saying and doing anything.

End of you.


She walked out with the third dress that really surprised me. She looked like a princess from fairytales. The white dress hugged her body gracefully. It fitted her perfectly. A goddess sent from the heavens above. Even though I wanted to say something. *Words just can't come out from me. What's happening to me? Why am I thinking like this?* It's like a new side of her, the beautiful side. Lol, whuuuuut?

"Myungsoo." She called, "Myungsoo." She called a little bit louder that brought me back to reality. "What?" I muttered. "What can you say about this, it's my last pick. Is it okay?" She asked. "It's not okay." I said. "What? Yah. Do you want t-" She shouted. "It's perfect." I cut her off. 

"P- perfect?" She asked with the tone of being surprised. I nodded and said, "Actually it suits you a lot. You're beautiful." I smiled. Her eyes went wide with my comment. I bet she's feelin' confused and surprised about it.  She gave me a did-you-just-praised-me look.

I smirked, "What? Can't believe that I just praised you?", "Err, well yeah. Sort of. It feels weird, it's just not like you." She confessed. "Uhmm, miss. We'll take this one." I said to the owner. She walked back to the fitting spot and changed into her clothes again. "It's your turn, Sir." The owner said. She led me to the fitting spot. I started to put on the first one.

I walked out, "What do you say?" I asked, expecting a compliment. She furrowed her eyebrows,  "No, no. Too plain. And it's almost all black." I rolled my eyes and went back inside. So this is what she feels when I kept saying things to the dresses she picked. I tried on the next one which is the last. I'm not into these kind of things so I wanna make this fast. 

I boredly walked out, "PERFECT!" She shouted that made me jump. "Daebak, it fits you well." She gladly said, giving me two thumbs up. She's quite enthusiastic just like a kid. "Err, okay. Then let's take this." I said, awkwardly scratching the nape of my neck. "Miss, we'll take this too." She said, smiling widely. She then signed on the order form/bill. "You two perfectly fit together. You guys make such a good-looking couple." The owner happily said. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder that made her flinch. "Really, thanks." I said, showing off our looks. 


*Did he just wrapped a shoulder around me, like WHAT THE HELL?!* I thought. "What are you doing?!" I glared at him. "Just showing off, how handsome I am." He replied, wiggling his eyebrows at me. Arghhh! This side again, really? Just really? The arrogant yet dork mode have been switched on again. Oh Gosh! I really hate this guy. "Such a visual couple." The owner chanted. I faked a smile, I wrapped my arms around Myungsoo that me him surprised. Let's play this game. I smiled at him and he smiled on me. The owner led us outside. She smiled and bid us goodbye. I turned my head to Myungsoo then I pinched his waist that made him squirm.

"Yah! What was that for?" He ranted. I pried his arms off me and I put my arms on my waist. "What do you think you're doing, Mister?" He smirked, "Don't you like it, Miss?" I glared and furrowed my eyebrows, "You're joking right? Why would I like it? Such a lame question. Mr. Kim Myungsoo." I answered back. He smiled mischievously, "Oh really?" He took a step closer that made step back. He kept going closer until my back hit the side of the car. Oh no! Dead end. 

He inched closer and closer until there's only an inch left. "YAH! KIM MYUNGSOO! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" I shouted at him. "Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna kiss you." He smirked. "Yah! Are you crazy?" I ranted. "Yes, I'm crazy." He replied. He leaned closer that made my eyes shut expecting a kiss from him. But I felt lips that touched my forehead, my eyes went wide like saucers. He smiled and patted my head, "Do you really want to kiss me that much?" Then he went inside the car. 

"Yah! I'll kill you. You blank-faced idiot." I shouted at him. "Hey, time's running. We still have many things to do." He calmly said. Aishh! I want to choke this guy, seriously! I stomped my way to the car and went inside. I turned my head and glared at him but he just gave me his poker face look.

"Why did you do that?" I asked in an annoyed tone. "Do what?" He asked. "Don't friggin' act like you don't know. You just kissed my forehead. You idiot!" I ranted. "Why make a fuss about it? Geez. It's just a kiss and it's normal we're going to be married anyway." He blankly said.

What? Just a kiss? Just a kiss? He thinks so highly of his self. You're gonna get it Myungsoo. You're gonna get it! I smirked and leaned my head on the window. We then went to the other appointments that we had.

AUTHOR'S NOTE : 10th chapter is out. So how is it? Please comment down your opinions on this chapter. ^^ Sorry for the mistakes, errors, & typos. 2nd update of the week as promised. Enjoy ~ Do remember to SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT AND UPVOTE. I love you all! ♥ Please continue to support this story.  




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Chapter 15: Woahhhh another awesome n amazing fanfic I really love it so much what well happen next I'm so excited to read the next chapter please update soon I'm going to wait for it until the end n also I will read all your fanfics too plus author_nim you're a wonderful writer.....♥xoxo ♥
Rice-A-Roni #2
Chapter 2: Lol chapter 2 my name is on there. AWESOME
lukluk #3
Chapter 16: i really loved this story...great job author-nim..its okay take ur time...and i'll be here support in the future and waiting for ur comeback...please do update...and Deepest condolences for ur grandma..
iBabyYc #4
Chapter 16: I love this story. Especially those scene when they're trying to hide their feelings yet being good to each other. Haha.. and the way Myungsoo .

Please do update soon if possible ^^ I'll be waiting..

Deepest condolences for your grandma. Stay strong..
aykwonnie #5
Chapter 16: Are you okay

What are you talking about you are an awesome writer and I'll be waiting for your story
leelidya #6
Chapter 16: Comeback when you ready to come back,,
I'll be waiting your update
And deep condolences for your grandma, may she rest in peace..
Keep hwaiting :)
Siriwan #7
Chapter 15: Update please
PakouYang536100 #8
Chapter 13: Update Soon Plz
CassInspirit97 #9
Chapter 13: aigoooo!!!!!!!!!!sooooo cuteeeeee<33333
ReinaPark #10
Chapter 13: finnaly you updated... cant wait for next chap