Wedding Preparation Pt. 1

You're my Husband?!



I went to the room feeling pissed, really pissed. He's such a baby. Geez, at his age he shouldn't be like that. I plopped on the bed feeling exhausted for goin' out. We don't share a room, just so you guys know. I grabbed the remote and turned the T.V on. Oh! It's The Return of Superman, one of my favorites especially Sarang, she's so cute and Junu, he's such a well-mannered guy. I watched the episode minutes later my eyes started to get heavy. I yawned feeling sleepy. With that I drifted to dreamland.

End of you



30 minutes later. Myungsoo was busy watching T.V on his room when his phone buzzed. His mother was calling him. He got confused 'cause it's like midnight already. He picked the phone and said, "Hello, Mom."

"Oh, Myungsoo. I forgot to tell you that you guys will be shopping for the wedding tomorrow at 9 am." The voice on the other line said.

"Alright, I'll tell her." He answered.

"Okay then. We've already arranged for the appointments so make sure that you guys won't be late, understand?"

"Yeah, yeah. Is that all? He asked.

"Yup. Make sure to be there on time. Goodbye and have a good sleep."

"Okay, goobye and goodnight too." He said and then he turned off the phone. He stood up and walked out of his room to tell you about appointments. He walked near your door and knocked softly. "you" He called softly almost like a whisper.

"you" He called but no one answered. He turned the doorknob and was surprised that it wasn't locked. He went inside and found you sleeping. You were sleeping without a blanket, you shivered from the coldness but you didn't mind. Myungsoo walked near you and kneeled on the side of the bed. He studied your features and caressed your hair. He touched your forehead, nose, lips, and chin softly.

"You're such a beautiful girl even if you're a dork and prankster." He whispered. Seconds later realized what he was doing. Making him snap out of his thoughts. *Myungsoo, What in the world are you saying? Are you perhaps falling inlove with this girl? Oh crap. No no no.* He thought. He grabbed the remote from your hand and turned the T.V off. He grabbed the blanket and covered your shivering body with it. As a reflex you snuggled deeper the blanket. Myungsoo saw and thought how silly you are even when sleeping.

He then went to his room and climbed on his bed. Feeling tired he easily slept with no worries. 


7:30 am.

The alarm snoozed making Myungsoo annoyed. The slivers of the sunlight hit Myungsoo's face that made him groan like a kid. He lazily turned the alarm off and looked around his room. He went to the bathroom and took a shower as fast as he can. He walked out his room and made his way to yours. On the other side, you were sleeping soundly and comfortably in your room. He went inside and shook you real hard that made you fall off the bed. You groaned touching your feeling the pain of falling off to the hard floor.

You glared at Myungsoo, who was staring at you blankly. "What do you want?" You muttered in an annoyed tone. 

"Mom said that we have to go to the wedding prep. appointments. So you better hurry and shower. Sleepyhead." He blankly said.

You groaned and sighed, "Arghh, fine. Get out of my room." You commanded.

"Okay, fine. Whatever." He said and went out the room. *This guy is not a gentleman, pfft. He has no manners at all. How could you push a girl sleeping off the bed? Gosh. He's such a jerk. I wanna choke him.* You thought. You stood up and stomped your way to the bathroom and took a shower. It took you 3o minutes. You wore a sky blue crop top with a white cardigan and a white skater skirt. You walked downstairs and made your way to the dinning table. You saw him eating toasted bread. You looked at the table and saw two toasted bread and a glass of orange juice. 

You stared and asked, "Is this yours?" 

"Nope, its yours. Eat it and we'll leave." He answered and walked into the living room. You raised your eyebrows feeling weird. *Did he just cook for me? Woah, is he showing his good side?*  You thought that made a small smile formed. You ate it real quick so that you guys won't be late. You quietly walked into the living room, with soft steps. To your surprise, Myungsoo was playing with your babies, the dogs. Your eyes widened at the sight and you stifled a laugh. 

You walked near him and coughed. He looked up and saw you smiling like an idiot. He stood up and awkwardly scratched the nape of his neck.

"What? Why are you smiling?" He asked.

You giggled, "Nothing." He turned away and signaled you to follow him. Your smile turned into a frown because your babies would be left behind. You can't just bring your dogs to an appointment. You grabbed his hand that made him turn.

He raised his eyebrows and said, "What now?"

"Who's gonna take care of my dogs?" You asked. He scoffed, "Mrs. Jung and Ms. Ahn will take care of them." Suddenly 2 women appeared in front you. "Good morning. Ma'am and Sir." They greeted and they bowed. You got confused 'cause like who-the-heck-are-they? 

"Who are they?" You asked still confused. He stared at you and answered, "The maids, duh." 

"Since when did we have maids?" You said innocently. He rolled his eyes, "Arghh. Mom sent them just now. Now, stop talking and let's go. They'll take care of your babies. Gosh" He grabbed your hand and dragged you to the car. The both of you went inside the car. The atmosphere was quite and dull. You opened your mouth and started talking, "Do they know what my babies need?", "Do they know how to take care of them?" You bombarded him with a lot of questions.

"Will you shut up? Even just for once." He answered in an angry tone. 

"Geez,  you're such a hot-tempered guy. I was just asking. It's not bad to ask something." You said and turned away feeling pissed off.

He scoffed, "Whatever." After a long ride you finally arrived at cake shop. The first appointment was for your wedding cake. You went inside the shop feeling excited because you reall like sweets. Your eyes wandered around the store and was amazed, the cake designs was really amazing. A lady greeted, "Oh, Good morning. Dear customers. How may I help you?"

"We have an appointment arranged by Mrs. Kim" Myungsoo answered.

"Oh, our grand customers. Please proceed this way." She said and guided the two of you in the office. She asked the both of you to sit down and started asking about the flavor, color, design, and number of tiers. She handes as a guide book for wedding cakes showing different kinds of cakes. You looked at Myungsoo and he doesn't seem to be interested so you were the one who answered.

"For the flavor, I choose Choco Fudge for the first tier. Red velvet for the second and Vanilla for the third. The fondant will be cream white or light beige. And lastly the design on each should be flowers, roses to be exact. White and pink roses. To make it look elegant." You answered smiling. 

"You have a great taste Ma'am, we won't let you down." The lady said. You tapped Myungsoo who seemed to be in his own world.

"Yah. KIM MYUNGSOO." You shouted that made him flinch. You smiled at the lady then when you looked at him you gritted your teeth.

AUTHOR'S NOTE : 9th chapter is out. Hope you like it. Enjoy reading. Sorry for the mistakes, errors, & typos. 1st update of the week as promised. Although I don't reply on your comments, I still read it. And I really wanted to thank you guys a lot for showing support. For my silent readers, can guys make a comment? Please. Do remember to SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT AND UPVOTE. I love you all! ♥ Please continue to support this story. 






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Chapter 15: Woahhhh another awesome n amazing fanfic I really love it so much what well happen next I'm so excited to read the next chapter please update soon I'm going to wait for it until the end n also I will read all your fanfics too plus author_nim you're a wonderful writer.....♥xoxo ♥
Rice-A-Roni #2
Chapter 2: Lol chapter 2 my name is on there. AWESOME
lukluk #3
Chapter 16: i really loved this story...great job author-nim..its okay take ur time...and i'll be here support in the future and waiting for ur comeback...please do update...and Deepest condolences for ur grandma..
iBabyYc #4
Chapter 16: I love this story. Especially those scene when they're trying to hide their feelings yet being good to each other. Haha.. and the way Myungsoo .

Please do update soon if possible ^^ I'll be waiting..

Deepest condolences for your grandma. Stay strong..
aykwonnie #5
Chapter 16: Are you okay

What are you talking about you are an awesome writer and I'll be waiting for your story
leelidya #6
Chapter 16: Comeback when you ready to come back,,
I'll be waiting your update
And deep condolences for your grandma, may she rest in peace..
Keep hwaiting :)
Siriwan #7
Chapter 15: Update please
PakouYang536100 #8
Chapter 13: Update Soon Plz
CassInspirit97 #9
Chapter 13: aigoooo!!!!!!!!!!sooooo cuteeeeee<33333
ReinaPark #10
Chapter 13: finnaly you updated... cant wait for next chap