-Chapter 16-

Melody of your Voice (음성의 멜로디)

Weeks passes by in a blink of an eye. Daehyun's album were released and made it on the top music charts. He performed onstage professionally that made his fans go crazy. On the other hand, there's his manager, watching him from the backstage. Thinking of all his hardwork makes you feel very proud. Suddenly, tears roll down on your face out nowhere. It made you move back to reality. You didn't expect tears fall from your eyes. At that moment, you knew that you didn't care what happened in the past. You just love to see him performing and somehow it makes you.... happy. You know there's something wrong, you can't help it and it seems like you're falling for that bastard.... again.

" To Mr. Jung Daehyun,
Thank you for coming into my life and making it a total mess. After you left me, I promised to myself that I will get over you once and for all. The tears I shed for you is just a proof that you really hurt my heart. But after I moved on and lived the life I had before I met you, you're coming back to make my blissful life back to mope. And my biggest fear is to stupidly fall for you again. I made my mistake once and twice means terrible."

That thought prove you that everything is not right. The worst part is, you promised to help him find his girl. No other than.... you. You slapped your face for being bubble-headed. Suddenly your phone vibrated and saw that there's a call. You decided to answer it since it's from an important person. And from that call, it made you run fast as if there's a ert guy trying to catch you.

" Youngjae-ssi, don't worry. I will be there for you."

= Daehyun's POV =

While I was preparing for the next song, I saw manager-nim slapping herself. And it made me burst out laughing. I didn't have an idea that she can be cute on her own way. I always have the thought that she's a harsh girl. But knowing that she worked herself hard just to promote and release the album, is very encouraging. It somehow affects me. From now on, I will treat her nicer because she's my way to find (Y/N) again. Speaking of (Y/N), I should discuss it to manager-nim.

Staff: Daehyun-ssi, you will be going up in a minute!

Haish! I was about to ask manager-nim, when this staff called my name. Could they just give me a minute! I released a big sigh when I realized that I'm in a concert. And in this kind of situation, every minute in meaningful. I will just talk to her later.

I went back onstage for the next performance. Two more songs to go and this concert will finally come to an end. I have to enjoy and at the same time, have fun, for the fans as well. My stage presence makes the crowd scream. Lightsticks made the concert hall glow. It's like seeing a bright star in the middle of the night. As I was about to close the big event, I saw some of the fans crying and some are shouting, "Oppa! We will always support you!" I was moved by their warm actions towards me. And I was hoping that (Y/N) is watching me so I did everything to make the flow of the concert wild.

I went backstage to change my outfit and to talk to my manager. But she's missing in action. Where could she have been? I asked the other staff about her and one of them told me that she's running so fast as if there's an emergency. She told the staff that she will be heading to Seoul's hospital. What could have happened? Does she feel sick? Or is there someone she knows that's in emergency? Without any reason, I immediately asked the company's driver to drive me to the hospital. There's something in my mind sending chills all over my body. I was worrying that something might happened to her, to the point that she have to leave me at the concert. I halted at the moment, I realized that I am having this kind of feels towards (Y/N) and now with manager-nim. Maybe I just jumped to jittery. I'm not sure and I know this is not right but I could feel that.... I'm falling for her.

= Your POV =

I was in a rush to know what happened to Youngjae. I went straight at the hospital's nurse station to ask. Then they told me that he's stable and resting at room 104. They mentioned that he was involved in a car accident. I'm usually ill at ease when my friend is not alright so I immediately proceeded to his room. There, I saw him sleeping with some minor bruise and wounds on his left arm. There's also a small cut on his lower lip and right cheek. I didn't bothered to wake him up because it's so obvious that he's in pain. I just grab his hand to assure that I'm with him. He helped me a lot specially in times when I was down. He's a precious friend of mine. Suddenly, he opened his eyes gently and looked at me.

You: Youngjae-ssi, gwenchanna? What happened? Why are you here? 
YJ: Mianhae _____-ssi for making you worry. I was planning to visit you in Seoul for your birthday but I just let it flop.
You: Mwo?! Thank you for remembering my special day. But to think that, you traveled from Busan to Seoul just for me and getting involved in an accident is....
YJ: Sssh~ You don't have to worry anymore. I'm alright. As you can see, I'm still here having a conversation with you.
You: *smiled* *relieved that YJ is still normal* But I should still take the responsibility. I will pay for the hospital bill.

He smiled back to me and held my hand tightly. This person really cares for me, he even wanted to give me a surprise birthday. Because of tied-up schedules, my birthday didn't even popped in my mind. That's why whenever I'm with Youngjae, I feel so important.

Me and Youngjae are laughing so hard about the experiences I had when I first came to Seoul. But the expression on his face suddenly changed while he was looking at my back. His eyes are widened and there's a jolt drawn all over his face, making me worry. So I turned my back and to my surprise....

" Daehyun-ssi! What are you doing here?!"

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Baby92 #1
OMG!! I LOVE THIS!!! Please Update the story!!!!! :)
sarahsohn77 #2
Chapter 17: I hope daehyun and the girl will get back to being the cute couple they were :)