-Chapter 1-

Melody of your Voice (음성의 멜로디)

You're just an ordinary 3rd year senior high school student from Busan Academy, who loves to sing. You joined many singing competition and you always won the 2nd place. You thought that something is missing when you're singing. Since your parents supports your talent, they hired a private music expert to teach you and to improve your skills.


You: Annyeong haseyo *bows*

Mr. Jung: Annyeong haseyo, I am Mr. Jung, your music teacher. It's nice to meet you.

You: It's nice to meet you too. I am looking forward on our music lessons. Please treat me well *bows again*

Mr. Jung: *smiles* Aigoo, (Y/N) is so kind and pleasant. I am looking forward too. Don't worry, we will enjoy our music lessons. 

You: *smile*

Mr. Jung: *talks to your parents* Mr & Mrs. (Your surname), I won't be able to come here every weekends (music lessons schedule) because of some reasons. I will teach her in my house, don't worry I will treat her well.

Omma: Aranaeyo. We understand. I allow my daughter to be in your house every weekends. 

Mr. Jung: Thank you for your consideration. *smiles*


Weeks past and it is already your music day, you need to go to Mr. Jung's house to have lessons. It is your first day so you felt so excited. After riding a bus, you finally arrived in front of Mr. Jung's house.


You: *talks to yourself* Wooaah~ It's a big house. 


You pressed the door bell button and Mr. Jung opened the gate. He welcomed you and told you that you need to start the lesson. First, Mr. Jung told you to sing. You sing a song and after that he talks to you.


Mr. Jung: _____-ssi, your voice is sweet and a quite powerful. I think you have a good quality of voice. Hmmm .... and I don't think there's a problem.

You: Nae. But if there's no problem, why do I always get 2nd place every time I join competitions? .... I think there's a problem.

Mr. Jung: Hmmm... *thinking* ... _____-ssi, what do you feel when you are singing?

You: What I feel? Hmm .... nothing. I just sing the song and give my best.

Mr. Jung: Ah! I think that's the problem.

You: ???

Mr. Jung: You have to enjoy and love what you are about to sing. You have to feel that, you should have an inspiration for singing that certain song. So that you can deliver the message of the song for someone. If you didn't improve that kind of feeling, then your songs will be empty.

You: Aaaaahh~ I understand Mr. Jung, I will always think of it.

Mr. Jung: Ok, so for now we will start thinking for your inspiration.


Suddenly there's a sound coming from upstairs and it sounds like a ringing bell. Mr. Jung told you to practice singing for a while and he will check for it.


You: *talks to yourself* What was that?? ... weird~ Maybe there's a ghost here. ..... creepy~ 


You just decided to think of an inspiration. And after a minute, Mr. Jung came back.

You: Mr. Jung, what was that?

Mr. Jung: N-nothing. *awkward laugh* It's just my .... phone. Someone called me.

You: Oooohh~ Arasseoyo. 

Mr. Jung: So did you practiced the song?

You: N-nae. *pretended that you sang the song*


After that lesson, you went back home. When you are about to sleep, you keep on thinking about an inspiration. But your mind is empty so you just decided to sleep. 

The next day, you went to Mr. Jung's house again. But it looks like he is not around. So you just decided to sit on a couch and sing a song while your eyes are close. 


You: *singing Goose's Dream* 


After singing, you opened your eyes and you're so shocked to see a guy seating beside you. You stood up as you shouted so loud.


You: Waaaah! Who are you?

???: Mianhaeyo for disturbing. I will leave now. *left the room*

You: *talks to yourself* Who is he? This is so weird!!!!

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Baby92 #1
OMG!! I LOVE THIS!!! Please Update the story!!!!! :)
sarahsohn77 #2
Chapter 17: I hope daehyun and the girl will get back to being the cute couple they were :)