August Rain


It was a fine morning when Suho woke up from his slumber and realized that today was Monday. For him, Monday meant the first day of work for the week and it also meant meeting his girlfriend at the office. The later thought was good enough to energize him, to push himself off the bed and start the day. Of course, he had missed her so bad.


Whistling, he drove his car onto the parking lot of the Wu Enterprise. As he passed Luhan’s designed parking space, he saw the man’s white Aston Martin Vanquish there. Futhermore, the driver was the girl that he had missed. He stopped his car and saw that the girl was checking something inside. He pressed the horn to attract her attention. It succeeded as she looked up and smiled to see him. Suho waved to her and signaled her to meet up in front of the elevator. Ling understood and nodded as a reply. So Suho drove his car further to his designed lot and parked his car there before going out.


As he arrived at the elevator’s lobby, his secretary-slash-girlfriend welcomed him with a smile. “Good morning, Sir,” she said in polite and formal manner as she bowed.


“Good morning,” Suho chirped as he pressed the up button. He looked around, realizing that something, or to be precised someone, was missing. “Where’s Luhan?”


Ling grinned. “He asked me to drop him off at the bubble tea shop earlier.”


A lopsided smile appeared on Suho’s face. “An appointment with Sehun, right?” He guessed and Ling nodded timidly. Suho only chuckled. He wanted to say more, but the elevator dinged and the door opened. He held the door and looked at Ling. “Lady’s first.” With a thank you, Ling stepped in to the elevator and Suho followed after her.


“How’s your weekend?” Suho asked as the elevator climbed up.


Ling looked at the guy and nodded. “It’s fine, I think.”


“And Mr. Park?”


“Dad is still busy with managing his company with Uncle. It’s not easy after what has happened. Many shareholders withdrew and the stocks fell. They even sold some of the family’s properties to cover up some lost. But thanks to the joint business thing, I think the company will survive. Dad wants me to tell you, thank you for your help.”


Suho only smiled to hear it. “You’re welcome.”


Following up the revealing of the family’s affair and arrest of Madam Park, many things happened afterward.


First of all, Suho had predicted that JYJ Enterprise would have a downfall. Madam Park’s affair and the truth about Park brothers’ birth had caused them to lose their shareholders’ trust; it also affected their stocks. So Suho pushed forward the business deal’s discussion that they had before it happened. And after the revealing, he ordered Xiumin to quickly release the news about JYJ Enterprise and Wu Enterprise’ joint business. As they had predicted, it helped a lot to restore JYJ Enterprise’s name in market and diverted the public attention from the family affair. If Suho had to predict it a little bit further in future, Mr. Park would have no problem to restore the company’s business to the top of the business world.


And as for the Park family’s matter, the truth about their birth had given a huge impact to the brothers. Park Yoochun and Park Yoohwan instantly withdrew from their positions in the company, creating empty positions and chaos within the company on the following weeks. Mr. Park was forced to take over the position temporary and appointed his younger brother as the vice president. So the company was running under their leads. Mr. Park had also revised his family register, registering the brothers as his nephews instead of his sons. He was also putting Edward Park back to the family registration. For once, Mr. Park ever mentioned his plan to register Ling as his daughter. But Suho never heard anything about it afterward. And he also didn’t hear any gossips about Ling as Mr. Park’s daughter; even Chen didn’t hear anything regarding the matter. So he thought that perhaps Mr. Park didn’t execute the plan.


As for Madam Park, she was sentenced to prison because of embezzlement the company’s money, abuse of authority and attempt of murder charge. Mr. Park also filed for divorcement and served every tie with her. Suho was actually wanted to let her away from the murder attempt charge, but Mr. Park seemed not to forgive her for trying to hurt his daughter. It reminded Suho not to get onto Mr. Park’s bad side; he could be merciless despite of his kind and calm appearance.


As for Ling, it seemed that her first priority lately was her father because she sometimes went out to assist him or to go for lunches and dinners with him. And it had happened for the past three weeks. It was why Suho felt a little bit lonely lately. Despite of his loneliness, he didn’t have the guts to tell her because he knew that Mr. Park needed her as his moral support lately. So Suho could only wait for her in patience.


“Ah.” His girlfriend voice broke his thoughts and made him looking back at her. “Dad told me if Mama’s ban has been lifted.”




Ling nodded eagerly. “The immigration office sent the copy of the notification to Dad within last week. So, Mama will come to Korea next week.”


Suho smiled as he crossed his arms on his chest. He was leaning on the compartment wall. “So I can finally meet your mother?”


Ling turned her gaze to Suho. “I thought you have met her when you went with Gege to visit Hana’s new baby last week.” She looked confuse. “I’m sure Gege told me if you have met Mama.”


Suho uncrossed his arms. “Well, I did meet her while I was visiting the Lu Mansion to greet Mr. and Mrs. Lu. But I think I want you to formally introduce me to her as her future son-in-law.”


To hear the words ‘son-in-law’, shades of pinkish blush appeared on Ling’s cheeks. “S-s-son-in-law?” She stuttered on her words, making Suho to smirk playfully. He shifted his position to lean more toward the girl. “What? You don’t have any thought of marrying me?” He asked, teasing the girl.


Ling seemed surprise to hear the words. She looked at Suho while blinking, questioning why the guy suddenly brought up the talk about marriage. “No. That’s—“


But her words stopped abruptly since Suho stepped forward, bringing his face closer to the girl.  “Don’t forget that I’m not actually a patient guy, Ling,” Suho warned her softly.


Seeing his face so up-close, Ling blinked. She thought that she had been used by receiving Suho’s sudden kiss. But the thought of having him kissing her while looking so cool in front of her, it still made her heart fluttering. She gulped hard.





The elevator door dinged open, reminding Ling that they were actually still in the office. She quickly withdrew herself to a corner of the compartment, away from Suho while the guy dropped his gaze and heaved silently, mentally cursing whoever had pressed the elevator button. He turned his gaze and saw Kim Jongdae standing outside the elevator with a big mischievous grin on his face.


“Do I need to take the next elevator to buy you some time, Suho? You know that you can always press the emergency stop button for more privacy time with your girlfriend, right?”


Suho mentally rolled his eyes to the words. “Yah, Kim Jongdae, what do you mean with that?”


Another big mischievous grin came from Chen. “Oh, you know.” He then made a ing gesture with his hip.


Understanding precisely what the younger guy had meant, Suho literally facepalmed and groaned. Seriously, why did his bachelor friends always think about when it came to girls?


He lifted his gaze and stepped toward his friend while saying, “Yah, come here, you little rascal.”


Knowing perfectly that he would taste the CEO’s wrath, Chen quickly backed from Suho and ran away before the older guy caught him. Suho didn’t want to let him away, so he intended to chase the guy. But he remembered to remind his girlfriend about something. He looked back at Ling.


“Ling, tell me later when your mother will come, okay,” he said in hurry then turned back to Chen. “Yah, Kim Jongdae!”


It was Suho’s last words before he chased the guy and the elevator door closed. Ling only smiled and shook her head to see the child-like act from those two guys.





Li Fei turned her gaze to view the scenery outside the hotel’s café window and exhaled in relief as she propped her chin onto her palm. She couldn’t believe that she was able to see the view of Seoul’s busy street again, to hear people speaking the Korean language. It had been years since she last saw the view or to speak with the language.


Yup… Finally, she was able to come back to Korea after years of being banned from the country. At first, she couldn’t believe when she received a letter from Korean Embassy that notified her if the ban that prevented her coming to the country had been lifted. She tried to re-confirm by calling to the Embassy and they told her that it was true, that she was allowed to visit the country again.


Korea was the country with so many memories for her. It was where she fell in love with a man of her life and also where her daughter was born. It was also the country where she went through a hard life due to the family affair, resulting of her being banned from the country. And to think about it now, Li Fei had never once regretted to meet Park Junghwan, being in love with him or even to give birth to their daughter. So Korea had left both of bitter and sweet memories for her.


Nonetheless, she was relieved to be back in the country.


But what was her reason to be there at the country?


She was actually there with Mr. and Mrs. Lu for visiting their children. But both Luhan and her daughter seemed to be busy with their jobs at Wu Enterprise by the time when they arrived there. So they promised to meet them at dinner. The kids picked them up from their hotel then went to a restaurant.


At the dinner, Luhan surprised them by saying if her daughter was currently dating, earning him a slap on his back from the girl. It made Li Fei smiling to see the kids bickering because of it; she had missed it when they had grown up and left the house. Of course, Li Fei was surprised to hear the news. She had never expected that her daughter would date someone.


As long as she remembered, her daughter was always shy and timid. She wouldn’t think about anything other than study and work; Luhan had even given up chasing on her. So for years, Li Fei had never heard anything about guys coming out from her daughter’s lips. But now, Su Ling dated someone and she seemed to love this guy as well. And to her surprise, the guy that Su Ling dated was the young CEO of Wu Enterprise Seoul who had come to Lu’s Mansion with Luhan few weeks ago.


To think about, Li Fei honestly had never felt any harm coming from Kim Joonmyeon. He looked nice, kind, honest, and a proper young man who grew within a nice loving family and well-educated too. Besides, from her life experiences, she could tell which guy was the proper one and who was not, and Kim Joonmyeon was definitely a proper one and an outstanding man too, since he could break into her daughter’s solid walls.


So Li Fei was very happy to know if her daughter had finally found someone that she loved.


Although… she was a little bit worry and concerned. What if Kim Joonmyeon’s parents asked Su Ling about her father? Would they be despised her if they knew who he was?


She was concerned because Su Ling’s happiness would be depending on it. So she would need to do something about it.


But what?


The sound of a glass plate touching the table broke the terrain of her thought and she saw a cup of tea being served in front of her. It made her confused because she had never ordered the tea.


“I don’t think I order—“ Her speech stopped because of the figure of man who stood by her table as she had never thought of seeing the man. The name of the man then slipped through her lips. “J-Junghwan-ssi…”


Mr. Park smiled to hear the woman mentioning his name. “Hello, Li Fei.”


Unconsciously, Li Fei looked around to see whether there was someone who might know Mr. Park or not. She was afraid if the man’s wife would send someone to spy on her husband. She didn’t want to imagine what the woman would do later. Her gaze went back to Mr. Park. “What are you doing here?”


Mr. Park looked at the empty seat across the woman. “Can I sit here?” Li Fei nodded in wary as a reply. Mr. Park took out the chair and sat there in calm manner while leaning back on the chair. He looked at the beautiful woman across of him who seemed wary. But he could understand her action; she was treated so badly by his family.


“Don’t worry. My wife won’t bother you anymore.”


Li Fei looked back to the man because of it.


“We have divorced.” He finally broke the news to the woman.


Li Fei couldn’t help but to gasp. “What happen?”


“It’s a long story. But to keep it short, she has done something that I couldn’t forgive.”


Actually Li Fei wanted to ask more. But she prevented herself to involve further with Park Family’s affair. “I’m sorry to hear that.”


Mr. Park only smiled. “It’s fine. To be honest, I’m feeling more than relief to be away from her. She has caused me feeling bounded ever since our engagement. She also controlled many things around me and the company. So without her around, I feel that I can do more.”


His words made Li Fei remembering the past. It was true that Park Junghwan was seemed to be more restricted after his engagement with his wife; Li Fei felt the difference before he got engaged and after. Park Junghwan used to be someone who smart, talented and full with many ideas for proceeding his father’s company. Li Fei used to hear his ideas and witnessed the man succeeding every project that his father gave him. But after his engagement followed by his father’s death, Park Junghwan seemed to be under a lot of pressure. He became more and more restrained. Perhaps, the only times when Park Junghwan seemed so unrestrained were all those times that he spent with Li Fei and their daughter.


“Are you waiting for Yoori?” The question broke her thought and made her looking back to the man across of her. “Yes. But how do you know that I’m here?”


Mr. Park slightly scoffed to hear the question. “Don’t underestimate my ability, Li Fei. Did you really think that I didn't try to find you after you left our house in Jeju? I even know about what you have been gone through after my mother kicked you out from this country.” He went silent for a while. “And also about the entrance ban that she put on you.”


Li Fei went silent to hear it and dropped her gaze. She had actually guessed if he was the man behind her ban’s lifting. But she didn’t want to have a wild guess.


“I’m sorry…,” Mr. Park said softly, “…for not helping you earlier.”


An understanding bitter smile bloomed on Li Fei’s face. “It’s fine. It has passed. Now, I’m able to come to this country again.” Li Fei heaved a sigh, somehow feeling awkward to be alone with the man. She tried to find a topic to talk to but she couldn’t find any. So she looked around, hoping that her daughter would come soon. “But Yoori is surely late.”


“Yoori will come later.” The words made Li Fei to look back to the man. “I have her running an errand for me.”


“You have met Yoori?”


Mr. Park nodded. “I eventually found out that she’s in town and working at Wu Enterprise. I reached out to her on her last birthday and we keep in touch afterward.” He exhaled in awe. “But, wow, she has become a wonderful young woman. I can’t even compete with her skill in business. She’s a clever one.”


A proud smile bloomed on Li Fei to hear the praise. “Well, Yoori is one of the top students at school. It seems that she inherits your intelligence in business. She even graduated from business school with outstanding GPA.”


Mr. Park smiled softly. “You must be proud with her.” He then slightly dropped his gaze, a little bit regretting for unable to see those moments of his daughter’s life. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t be with you, watching her growing up.”


Li Fei only gave him an understanding smile.


“But…” Mr. Park leaned forward and rested his lower arms on the table. “Lu Su Ling?”


“Ah.” Li Fei suddenly felt obligated to explain why she changed their daughter’s name. “I changed her name when we came back to Beijing. And my employer, Mr. Lu, insists that she used his family’s name.”


“He’s not thinking for having Yoori engaged with his son, is he?”


Li Fei shook her head. “No.” She paused for a while before continuing, “Well, the matter was mentioned by Mr. Lu once when Yoori was still in college. But we decided to leave every decision to the kids.” She then smiled. “But I don’t think the talk will be possible again. Do you know that Yoori is dating someone now?”


Mr. Park nodded. “Kim Joonmyeon from Wu Enterprise, right? I’ve met him couple of time for discussing business.” Mr. Park heaved a sigh and leaned back on his chair. “I really wish to say that I can find his flaws so I can easily dislike him.”


Li Fei smiled to hear the man’s opinion about their daughter’s boyfriend. “Are you feeling jealous because a guy will take your daughter away from you?”


Mr. Park scoffed. “I think every father will think the same when they know if their daughter are having boyfriend. But Kim Joonmyeon is really a great young man. I can’t even go against their relationship.”


Li Fei slightly chuckled to see the man’s sighing over their daughter’s relationship.


“But, Fei…”


Li Fei dropped her chuckle and looked back to the guy.


“Do you have any thought of giving Yoori a father? She will surely need someone to her to the altar on her wedding day. And honestly, I don’t want my daughter to be escorted by someone else.”


The words made Li Fei becoming silent. “W-what do you mean?”


But before Park Junghwan could reply the question, a familiar voice had called Li Fei.




Li Fei turned her gaze and saw her daughter approaching. But when the young woman arrived, she saw her father there. Her expression turned into a puzzled one.


“Dad? What are you doing here?”


Mr. Park looked up at his daughter and smiled. “Nothing important. I just have a talk with your mother.” He stood up afterward. “You have done the errand that I asked you?”


Ling nodded. “Yes. Miss Jung Seojin has agreed to hold her fashion show at the JH Mall in collaboration with Wu Enterprise’s Fashion Unit. I have personally met her to discuss the term and contract. Secretary Jang will follow up the matter. As for Wu Enterprise’s Fashion Unit, Mr. Huang’s team will come to you to discuss further.”


“Good.” Mr. Park only nodded to hear the report. “Give my thanks to Mr. Do Kyungsoo. If it’s not for him, we won’t be able to reach out for Miss Jung.”


Ling smiled and nodded. “I’ll make sure to send your thank to him, Dad.”


Mr. Park returned her smile. “Then… I will leave you, ladies, to enjoy your time. See you, Yoori.” He turned to Li Fei and nodded at her to excuse himself before walking away.


Su Ling.” Her mother’s call made Ling to turn at her. “Why were you running errands for your father?


Ling only smiled and moved to the chair across her mother before sitting there. “I’m helping a little with Dad’s business.


Why?” Li Fei sounded concern.


JYJ Enterprise was having trouble lately. So I lend him a hand.


And your boss allowed you?


Ling nodded. “Well, Wu Enterprise has agreed to have a joint business with JYJ Enterprise. And everyone at Wu Enterprise doesn’t want the business to fail if JYJ Enterprise goes bankrupt. So Joonmyeon let me.


Li Fei pursed her lips to daughter. “Hooo… so you’re doing this for saving Mr. Kim Joonmyeon too, right.


Ling blushed to hear her mother teasing her. She only awkwardly chuckled while lowering her gaze and shyly admitted, “Yes.”


Li Fei chuckled to hear her daughter’s innocent confession. “Ah, I’m sure that your father will disappoint if he hears this.


Ling only smiled while brushing her fallen hair back to her ear. She then remembered something. “Ah, Ma. Joonmyeon invites us for a dinner tomorrow night. Can you come?


Of course. I won’t miss the chance to have dinner with my future son-in-law.” Li Fei daughter again, causing her daughter to pout and nag. “Mamaaa.



On the next day, Li Fei and Ling went to have dinner with Suho. Just as Li Fei had guessed, Suho’s parents were there as well. When she saw them, it made her a little bit worried. But they welcomed them with a friendly smile as Li Fei approached with Ling.


“Hello. You must be Miss Lu’s mother.” Mrs. Kim welcomed Li Fei with a hand-shake and warm smile. “I’m Kim Joonmyeon’s mother.”


“Yes, it’s nice meeting you.” She then turned to the man as Mr. Kim moved forward.


“Hi. I’m sure we have met before when I was visiting Mr. Lu’s mansion. But allow me to introduce myself again. I’m Kim Joonmyeon’s father.”


“Yes, I believe that we have met before. I’m Li Fei, Su Ling’s mother.” Li Fei introduced herself.


Mr. Kim spread his hand to the table. “Please have a seat.”


Then they proceeded to the designed seat where the Kims sat across of Li Fei and Ling. Mr. Kim then started to speak again.


“First of all, I’m very sorry for not telling you that we’re also coming along. But Joonmyeon told us that Miss Lu’s mother is currently at town. So we think that it’s the perfect time for us to meet.” Mr. Kim gave his wife a quick glance. “Actually, we’re curious about you. Because, Miss Lu is a nice and great woman. And she’s also a good worker at Wu Enterprise. So we want to know more about the one who have raised her so properly.”


Li Fei smiled as she dropped her gaze. “Ah, thank you so much. But I think to say that I’ve raised her to be a proper woman, it’s an overstatement for me. I just raised her normally.” She looked at her daughter on her side and held her hand. “But Ling was never been a problematic child.” She looked back to Suho’s parents. “She was actually supporting me in every way.”


“You must be so close.”


“Yes, we are.”


Mrs. Kim leaned forward. “But, Mrs. Li, is it fine for you if we’re speaking in Korean?”


Li Fei politely chuckled to hear it. “It’s fine. Actually, I went to college in Korea and worked here for a while after graduated.”


“Ah…” Mrs. Kim smiled warmly. “That’s explained why your Korean is so good. I almost thought if you’re actually a Korean.”


Li Fei nodded her head to thank her. “Thank you so much.”


“Well…” Mrs. Kim spoke again. “The reason of why we’re here is only to get acquainted and having dinner. So don’t feel too pressured by our present here.”


Li Fei only nodded. And Suho then signaled the waitress to deliver their orders. The waitress who had waited by the door nodded then went out.


“Well…” Mr. Kim opened up a conversation. “How’s your stay in Korea, Mrs. Li?”


“It’s great. It has been a while since I last came to this country. So I take the chance to reminisce.”


“Your life here must have been great then.”


Li Fei smiled. “Yes, I think it was.”


“Then… do you consider for staying here again with your daughter?”


But before Li Fei could answer the question, someone had answered, “No.”


Everyone’s gaze immediately turned to the door when they heard the man’s voice. There, a man was standing with his formal suit. His present made Li Fei gapping, Suho and Ling looking at each other while Mr. and Mrs. Kim seemed to wonder why he was there.


Mr. Kim stood up to welcome the man. “I don’t think we have an appointment tonight, Mr. Park,” Mr. Kim said as the man approached the table.


“No, I’m not here for any business appointment, Mr. Kim.” Park Junghwan then turned his gaze to Li Fei and Ling; both of them looked surprised to see him there although his daughter seemed to be more wondering about why he was there instead of surprised to see him. He looked back at Mr. Kim and smiled. “I’m here for family matter.”


Mr. Kim frowned to hear it.


“Perhaps I should introduce myself formally here.” Mr. Park quickly read the situation. “Hello, I’m Park Junghwan, Lu Su Ling’s father.”





















The dinner passed smoothly without any trouble although Li Fei was afraid if Ling would get into trouble because of her father’s sudden appearance. Suho’s parents seemed to be understanding enough as they didn’t ask any further about how Park Junghwan could become Ling’s father. But it made Li Fei becoming anxious.


As they followed Suho and Ling escorting Suho’s parents to their car at the lobby and greeted them goodbye, Mr. Park could tell if Li Fei was angry at him. Besides, before they went out, Li Fei mouthed him that they would need to talk after this. So, after the Kim’s car went away, Mr. Park called the younger guy.


“Kim Joonmyeon-ssi.” Suho turned to Mr. Park as he heard the man calling his name. “Can you drive Yoori back home?”


To hear the request, Ling looked back at her parents. “Huh? But how about Mama?”


“I’ll drive her back to the hotel.”


Understanding the atmosphere between Ling’s parents, Suho quickly replied, “Alright.” He looked at the girl. “Come on, Ling.” Ling turned to her parents and greeted them goodbye before going with Suho.


“What have you done?” Li Fei suddenly exploded as she turned to the guy. “How could you barge into the dinner just like that?”


“I have rights to attend the dinner. Yoori is also my daughter.”


“I know that you have rights. But don’t you think that you’ve ruined your daughter’s possible engagement?”


“What? Because she’s an illegitimate child?”


Mr. Park seemed to have guessed correctly since Li Fei only heaved in defeat as a reply. She dropped her gaze to the floor as she ran her fingers through her hair.


“Then… shall we make it official?”


Li Fei raised her gaze back to the man, questioning the meaning behind his words. “What do you mean official?”


Mr. Park looked at the woman. “Will you marry me?”


Again, Li Fei’s eyes almost fell out from its socket. “What?”


“I’ve told you before, right, that I don’t want someone else to my daughter to the altar on her wedding day. As her father, I’ve missed out years of her life. So, can you do me a favor and return my daughter to me for once?”


“By marrying you?”


Mr. Park heaved again. “I know I should have fought against my parent and asked you to marry me years ago. It’s my regret for many years. But can we fix it now, Fei?” He paused for a while. “Besides, do you not love me anymore?”


And seriously, Li Fei didn’t know how to reply without deceiving her own heart.



An update~

And I think I have deceived you and made you thinking that Ling and Suho are married, right? :D But yeah, we'll take a detour for a while and look at how Ling's parents are. But next chapter, it's definitely back to our lovely couple... perhaps.

As usual, this chapter is un-beta-ed. So please excuse any grammar errors and mistakes.



Alize Sakura

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Chapter 30 is up!
Sorry again for taking so long to update the chapter. I have too many writing projects in my hands now.
And for the next update, I hope soon because I've already drafted the next chapter in my head.

Toodles, sweeties~


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shiniheiji #1
Chapter 34: Waaaa, I just cant believe when I see this updated. Thank you~
Chapter 34: It’s been awhile and tonight I decided to drop by and you updated! Welcome backkkk ❤️
XingGirlLove #3
Chapter 33: Keep in update please.... I keep rereading this stories..
somahyunnie17 #4
Chapter 33: I’m really glad to see an update on this one, I love Xoxo and the squeal and thief characters so it’s typical to love this too and it deserves the wait
Keep up author-nim ^_^ <3
kathiitha #5
Chapter 33: Bienvenido espero que en esta oportunidad esta linda historia llegue a su final
shiniheiji #6
Chapter 33: Woww, welcome backk ! Cant believe finally you update this story. Thank you. Im sorry for your lost. Keep strong authornim !!
Chapter 33: OMG YOU CAME BACK!!! Deepest condolences to you and your family. It’s okay to take your time, I understand. You need some time to heal. I hope you’re doing okay.

I thought I will never find the ending of this story! Thank you for the update ❤️
Peach2900 #8
Omg thank you for the update? missed this story so much
shiniheiji #9
Hi auhornim, I watch Rich Man and suddenly I remember this story. Guess i miss August Rain so much :(
leetaehee #10
Author-nim, if you have time, please continue this story. I really love this story.