Chapter 9

Behind The Cameras

Placing both his hands beside you, he trapped you against the door. "Would you have rushed to the hospital with him if the filming crew hadn't stopped you?" He questioned.

"As much as you worry for him as a friend and as a brother i worry for him as a fan. You would have accompanied him too won't you?" You replied curtly.

Displeased at you answering his question with a question, his face darkened.

"Look, i'm sor- " You started to say, but the door opened and you stumbled backwards, falling down onto your before you could even apologise.

"Why are you on the floor? Are you okay?" Scratching his head, Jinyoung extended his hand out to you and helped you up onto your feet.

"Thank you." You muttered.

The door swung open and Baro came out of the bathroom with a towel hung over his neck.

"Baro ah, the rest of the kids are already waiting in the hall. Are you ready to go?" Jinyoung asked.

With a nod of his head Baro simply brushed past you as if you weren't even there.


Fidgeting in your seat, you your lips again. It was a habit that you had whenever you were nervous.

Looking down at your smudged lipstick that you had ruined again, the makeup artist sighed. It was time for you to fulfil the contract by starring in B1A4's comeback MV as the female lead.

It would allow the company to deny all dating rumours, by claiming that just like the rookie actress, you too were merely just rehearsing with Sandeul. It was something that all the other girls were jealous of while you dreaded it.

You had no prior acting experience and there was no doubt that you would definitely delay the filming process. You felt bad that you might be the cause of having boys stay up with you until the wee hours of the night just to finish filming their MV.

"You'll be fine, just stick closely to the script." Seated on the plastic chair beside you, having his hair done, Gongchan encouraged.

"You're good to go." The makeup artist said, drawing the finishing touches to your eyeliner. She gave a thumbs up sign to one of the filming crew.

"Can you please follow me?" A man holding a bunch of papers motioned to her to follow him.

Pushing yourself off the chair, you obediently followed him towards the indoor set where the filming would take place. The set was spilt into two. Half of it was made to look like the inside of a cozy apartment with a bed, sofa and a small kitchen. Meanwhile, the other half was made to look like a cafe with tables chairs and a few extras acting as customers.

"There's been a last minute change." The guy informed you as the both of you neared the set. "The scene will end with a kiss instead of just holding hands."

"What?!" Your eyes widened in shock.

The guy said nothing more as he ushered you in front of the camera. "Places, everyone!" Seated on a plastic chair behind the cameras with two monitor screens on either side of him, the director shouted.

With his hands in his pockets, Baro strolled onto the set. Pulling the blanket aside, he slipped under it and pat the empty space beside him. "Come here."

His commanding tone forced you to push aside all thoughts and did as you were told.

An unfamiliar song filled the place and your head unconsciously bobbed along to the beat. Until he gently pushed your head onto his shoulder, reminding you that the filming had started. You tensed nervously and it didn't go unnoticed by him.

His hands rubbed along your arm soothingly and you calmed down a little under his touch. "How do you find our new song?" He laughed, ruffling your hair affectionately.

He was smiling down at you and you couldn't help but smile back, as you gazed into his warm brown eyes. It suddenly struck you how much you had missed having a normal conversation with him. One that wasn't scripted.

"It's good. Your rapping is really good and i've always liked your voice." You replied.

Even though he was still smiling, his expression hardened slightly. "If you're trying to lie to make me feel better again. Don't."

Your lips parted to deny his accusation but the director was already up from his seat, singing praises at how good you were as a person who had never tried acting.

"Thank you." You bowed politely, not really paying any attention to the any of the praises that you were showered with. With a heavy heart, your watched as Baro disappeared down the hallway.

Lively chatter surrounded the both of you as Sandeul glanced at you over the rim of his cup of drink. "Hey. Is Baro still mad at you?" He asked.

A surprised look flittered across your face before you quickly composed yourself with what you hoped was a shy smile. "He still is." You replied.

Chuckling, Sandeul lowered the cup from his lips, placing it down onto the brown wooden table, he casually entwine your fingers together. "Don't worry, i'll fix that for you." A playful smile played on his lips and his eyes twinkled mischievously as he leaned across the table.

"How are you going to do that?" You whispered, just as the song was coming close to its ending. The words had barely left your mouth when he closed the distance between the both of you, his lips brushing lightly against yours.


Your parts for the MV had ended earlier than you had expected. Worn out from half a day of filming, you trudged your way back to the dressing room to change out of the sponsored clothes.

With his arm crossed over his chest and his face pulled into a frown, Baro was leaning against the dressing room door as if he was waiting for someone. "Did he really kiss you?" He asked.

You blinked blankly at the question thrown at you the moment your eyes had met, and you wondered briefly if your ears were playing tricks on you or if he really did sound anxious to know your answer.

"He.. Can you please just hear me out first?" You spoke.

Clenching his fist , his face visibly darkened. "Being able to kiss your real bias, you must have been happy." His tone was laced with obvious sacarsm and finally something in you snapped.

The guilt you had once felt was mixed with irritation at his words. There wasn't a need for him to be so sour about things when he was the one who didn't give you a chance to apologise.

On impulse, you reached out and grabbed him by the collar. Pulling him down to your level, you pressed your lips firmly against his. Pulling away you narrowed your eyes at him.

"I would have happily kissed anyone if it was necessary to film the MV. Even if it was YOU." Taking in a deep breath you jabbed his chest angrily as you ranted on. " I lied because i didn't want you to feel bad and i know its a bad reason for lying. For that i'm really sorry. Now just accept my apology and stop being an idiot."

Stepping past him, you swung open the door and slammed it shut in his face, leaving him completely and utterly dumbfounded.




Happy New Year! 2013 has gone by and it's now 2014! Make the most of your 2014 life! :D

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Chapter 20: Wooow this is awesomeeee!! Just like all your other stories!! I wish I could write like you hehe
Ever considered a sequel for this? ;)
I love this!
Chapter 20: Daebaakkk!!!! Love ittttt!! So cuteeeeeeeee!! Thanks;u; made me feel special! Love the story it was great. I didnt found it unprofessional it was fine!
allivion #4
Chapter 20: Oh one question though, why is her/my son 5yrs old already? XD did we adopt?
allivion #5
Chapter 20: Waaahh your story kept me up all night!! Loved it to bits! Thank you for writing this! I had a lot if fun reading it <3
Luuvingmusic #6
Chapter 20: Awww thank you!! Your story was amazingly great! And I feel that your doing great with your writing! Trust me I would have never been here if I didn't like your writing girl! Keep up the good work and let me know when you write another story! :) ( ESPECIALLY IF ITS A BARO ONE HAHAHAHa!!!) thanks again and great job girl!
Chapter 20: yay happy ending!! >w<
gaudiel2928 #8
Chapter 15: oh my gosh awesome story:-)
Chapter 15: AWWW!
Luuvingmusic #10
Chapter 15: OMG OMG omg omg she finally realizes it.or i do hahaha