Chapter 16

Behind The Cameras
What was worse than coming to terms with your own feelings, was what lay ahead of you. Lost and clueless, you had no idea what you were supposed to do next. 
There was no doubt, after leaving him on the other side of the door in the middle of the night, banging loudly while calling your name (lucky for you Jieun, Minah, Abby and Eunji were heavy sleepers), that he was certain to bring up the topic again. 
Even if he didn't, there was no way you would ever be able to see him in the same light again.
The mere thought of meeting him again sent your heart into a fluttering frenzy. How you were supposed to act around him remained as the most puzzling question, which you still didn't have a answer to, despite having stayed up for almost the entire night. 
Your eyes snapped open whenever you remembered the pleasant feeling of his lips moving against yours. 
You didn't know if you were supposed to pretend that nothing had happened if he didn't bring up the topic, or if you were supposed to act like his real girlfriend, after you had unconsciously accepted his subtle confession. 
Hugging your pillow closer to your chest, you buried your face in it and groaned.
It was the second last day of filming and perhaps that was the main reason why the atmosphere in the kitchen seemed so gloomy in contrast to the usual bubbly chatter and gossip. 
Abby and Eunji sat in silence opposite each other as they munched on their slice of toast. Minah was in a corner by herself, reading a thick book. Jieun had her apron on and was rolling what seemed like kimbap into a circular shape. 
"Morning!" You chirped, trying to lift the atmosphere up by a little. 
Wiping her hands on her apron, Jieun placed a plate of pancakes and a glass of juice in front of you just as you took a seat beside Abby. "Eat up, we're leaving in 30 minutes." She said. 
Nodding, you quickly poured some maple syrup over your pancakes and stuffed them into your mouth. 
"I can't believe all this is going to end tomorrow." Dabbing her lips with a napkin, Eunji sighed sadly.
Your chest tightened at her words. 
"I'm going to miss all of you girls. And him. That's why i'm going to be completely honest with him today." Patting the pink envelope that was peeping out from her coat pocket, Abby announced. 
Shaking her head, Jieun carefully arranged the kimbap into a plastic container. "You're just being selfish. Dating an idol is tough and the long distance that separates the two of you is just going to make things harder. You're getting his hopes up only to hurt him in the end, Abby." 
Taking off her apron, Jieun headed out of the kitchen leaving the 4 of you to ponder over her words. 
"I don't really have an opinion on this... Just don't get hurt, okay?" Minah glanced up from her book, giving a small smile.
Pouting, Abby turned to you. The determination in her eyes now turned into a look of uncertainty. "It's still worth a try right?" She asked. 
Forcing the pancakes down your throat with a huge gulp of apple juice, you shrugged. "I guess so." Neither of you wanted to admit it, to face to cruel reality, though you both knew that Jieun was right.
"Jagi?" He poked his head into the dressing room cautiously. As if he was afraid that his sudden appearance might send you into another wave of shock.
"Oh hey hello." You laughed uneasily, your eyes darting around the room, looking at anywhere but him while mentally cursing the girls for having to use the wash room at the most inappropriate timing. 
Your mind screamed for you to run, to avoid him and just evade the entire issue. But the cameras were already rolling and you didn't want to come across as a weird woman on national television by suddenly loosing your cool and bolting out of the room.
"The boys are already on the set. I just came back to grab my mike. Where are the girls?" He asked. He looked different, with his fringe swept to a side, kept in place with gel and his hair dyed black. 
You swallowed, discreetly taking in small breaths to calm your heart down. "Toilet." You replied. 
Clipping his mike onto his denim shirt, he nodded. "Do you want to grab lunch after my filming ends?" Turning to face you, he asked. 
"Okay." You nodded.
Frowning slightly, he sighed at all of your short replies. "Jagi..." Taking a step forward, his hand reached out for you just as the door swung open. 
"Filming is starting, let's go." Waving his hand impatiently, his manager gestured for him to hurry up. 
"Bye." Grabbing your bag, still avoiding eye contact with him, you hurried past him.
"Hello everyone. Today we have with us 5 talented boys. B1A4! So, I heard that you are going to start your first world tour soon. What about 'Living With The Stars', your ongoing variety show, is it coming to an end soon?" The host Yura questioned just as the girls returned from the toilet and took their seats. 
Lifting the mike to his lips, CNU smiled into the camera, revealing his set of perfectly white teeth. "Sadly, all good things must come to an end. Tomorrow is actually the last day of filming. We want to thank all the fans who supported this variety show." 
Yura's mouth formed an O shape as she nodded. "That's sad. Is there anything that any of you boys have never had a chance to say to your partners? We'll give you a chance to say it now." 
Baro lifted up his mike, his gaze completely fixed on you instead of the cameras. Crossing and uncrossing your legs, you fidgeted around in your seat nervously. 
"Your nervous face, I can read what you're thinking. Your deep sighs, your laugh that's about to shatter. I can feel it, I know. Don't listen to anything, don't think about anything. I'm going to you right now. Why make things complicated when things are so good? No matter what anyone says, I don't care. Its hard to see you shaking, until when will you worry me? I can't grasp your heart, though I already know. If you keep running, then i'll stop chasing." 
Yura glanced around, flipping through her cue cards furiously. Flustered at the sudden change in script, she laughed awkwardly. "Okay... That's um nice. So anyway, how many countries will you boys be going to visit for your concert?" 
This time it was Gong Chan who answered her but you could no longer focus on the interview. 
"Let's talk." He said, as if he could sense that you would avoid him even after what he said during the interview. He ran up to you as soon as the PD had shouted the words "CUT!". 
You had barely even set a single foot out if the studio, when he grabbed you by your wrist and dragged you into the nearest empty waiting room. With the lights off, it was so dark that you couldn't even see your own fingers.
Your face clashed hard into his well built chest as he spun around suddenly and stopped right in front of you. Free from prying eyes and cameras he no longer bother to hide his emotions. 
"You kissed me back and now you're acting all strange around me. What is it that you really want?" His tone was laced with frustration and you knew that you had already pushed him to his limits.
When you remained silent he let out a exasperated sigh. "Jagi, if you tell me to stop now, to keep my feelings to myself, then i'll stop." 
Clutching onto the side of his stage shirt, you felt him tensing up under your touch, but relaxing as soon as your lips found his. When you pulled away words were no longer needed. He wrapped his long arms around your waist as he pulled you into a tight hug and you could feel his lips curling up into a smile against the exposed skin of your neck.
For once, you were going to be selfish. Everyone deserved a little happiness even if it was going to be short lived. Very short lived.
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Chapter 20: Wooow this is awesomeeee!! Just like all your other stories!! I wish I could write like you hehe
Ever considered a sequel for this? ;)
I love this!
Chapter 20: Daebaakkk!!!! Love ittttt!! So cuteeeeeeeee!! Thanks;u; made me feel special! Love the story it was great. I didnt found it unprofessional it was fine!
allivion #4
Chapter 20: Oh one question though, why is her/my son 5yrs old already? XD did we adopt?
allivion #5
Chapter 20: Waaahh your story kept me up all night!! Loved it to bits! Thank you for writing this! I had a lot if fun reading it <3
Luuvingmusic #6
Chapter 20: Awww thank you!! Your story was amazingly great! And I feel that your doing great with your writing! Trust me I would have never been here if I didn't like your writing girl! Keep up the good work and let me know when you write another story! :) ( ESPECIALLY IF ITS A BARO ONE HAHAHAHa!!!) thanks again and great job girl!
Chapter 20: yay happy ending!! >w<
gaudiel2928 #8
Chapter 15: oh my gosh awesome story:-)
Chapter 15: AWWW!
Luuvingmusic #10
Chapter 15: OMG OMG omg omg she finally realizes it.or i do hahaha