Chapter 12

Behind The Cameras

You remembered how his soothing voice was like a lullaby to you, rapping you to sleep. The carpeted floor of the music room served as a temporary bed for the both of you who were simply too lazy to walk out into the cold again to get back to the apartment. Sunmi and his managers would no doubt be fuming mad the next day, but it could wait till the next morning, when the sun was up and the weather a little warmer.

Baro had his head rested against the back of his own arm while you rested your head on top of your folded up hoodie. "Jagi." He shifted and leaned in closer to you till your faces were just inches apart. You hummed softly in response. Your heavy eye lids slowly starting to droop close despite how you were struggling to force yourself to stay awake to listen to what he had to say. His lips moved as he spoke but you could no longer focus on him, your eye already fluttering close.

All you remembered was his soft smile, his gentle gaze, his warm soft lips.




Stirring in your sleep, your eyes snapped open, your fingers immediately reaching up to touch your lips. It was one of the sweetest dreams that you ever had. One that felt so surreal you weren't quite sure that it had been completely just a dream. Yet the though of him actually kissing you seemed so impossible, that you quickly dismissed the fact that it could have actually happened.

His leg brushed against yours and you stiffened. Mumbling incoherent words in his sleep, he tightened his hold around your waist. With his face buried in the crook of your neck, you could feel his lips brushing against your exposed skin as he snuggled closer to you as if you were a bolster. Being this close to him sent a tingly feeling all the way down to your toes and you swallowed. Despite the rather awkward position that the two of you were in, he was sleeping so peacefully that you didn't have the heart to wake him up.

So you stayed as still as a rock in his embrace. His hair that was tickling your chin was starting to irritate you. Running your fingers through his hair, you pushed it out of the way. Only to groan softly when his hair fell back into place as soon as you pulled your fingers away. His black hair felt softer than it looked and you couldn't help but run your fingers through his hair again, enjoying the way it slipped through your fingers.You ignored the way tht his hair tickled your chin when it fell back into place over his forehead.

The door creaked open and you felt your pulse racing at the thought of being caught with Baro alone, in an awfully weird sleeping position. Your fingers were still tangled in his hair when Sandeul froze right at the entrance of the room, his mouth hanging wide open with and his hand still on the silver door knob. "Yah, why aren't you going in?" 3 other curious heads popped over his shoulder before a chorus of shocked gasps broke the silence.

CNU's immediate reaction was to slap his hand over the innocent maknae's eyes. " What? What happened? I want to see too!" Gongchan pouted and tugged on CNU's sleeve, demanding to see what the early morning commotion was all about. "Did... Did the both of you..." Blushing, Sandeul forced himself to look away while the others exchanged hushed whispers. It earned him a smack on the head and Sandeul winced in pain as Jinyoung pushed past the him into the music room. "Don't be stupid Sandeul, they both still have their clothes on." Jinyoung scolded.

You mentally thanked Jinyoung as he approached the both of you with a knowing smile plastered on his lips. As if he had already seen it coming and wasn't at all surprised to see Baro displaying this much skinship with you. "I see the both of you have finally made up." His teasing tone made you blush and you struggled to get up without waking Baro up. After all, he was still sound asleep. "Its not-" You started to say, but he cut your explanation of with a casual wave of his hand.

"Don't worry, i know. He isn't the touchy type anyway." Chuckling, Jinyoung turned his back to you and ushered the boys out of the room. "Erm..." Slipping out of jinyoung's reach, Sandeul walked further into the room and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "They're probably heading out for some breakfast. Want to join us?" He asked. Your lips tugged upwards into a small smile at the fact that Sandeul was personally inviting you to eat with them.

"The Christmas special is coming up and i though that i could consult you on what to get for Jieun over some hot chocolate." He said. There was that same sinking feeling in your heart, again, whenever he mentioned Jieun's name. You felt silly for believing, even for a brief moment, that he had actually wanted you to be there with him for breakfast. "Breakfats will be my treat" his lips, he hurriedly added, sensing that you were about to reject him.

"I cant really get up now but i'm sure we can pick something out together later." You replied. Sandeul's face lit up and he nodded with a huge grin before hurrying out of the room to catch up with the rest of the members. "He likes her." You whispered to no one in particular and you wondered if his feelings would ever be returned.




You must have drifted off to sleep again, because when your eyes opened again, it was already mid afternoon. "Baro." You shook his shoulder gently as you glanced over at his phone that was ringing loudly on top of the piano lid.  "Wake up, someone is calling you." You shook him again. He stirred in his sleep groggily and his eyes flittered open sleepily.

His eyes rounded when he realised how close his face was to your chest and he jerked away abruptly. Getting up into a seating position you couldn't help but laugh at the redness that had spread from his face down to his neck as he walked over to the piano to pick up his phone. "H-hello? Ah hyung. Are you in the midst of filming weekly idol again?" Though he sounded calm as he spoke into the phone you could tell by the way he was avoiding your gaze that he was clearly embarrassed.

Chuckling, you mouthed the words 'It's okay.' which only caused his face to turn even redder. "Ne, see you soon hyung. Goodbye." Hanging up the phone, he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Erm..." Giggling, you held out your hand and he pulled you up from the floor. "You can make it up to me. Lets go grab something to eat. I'm starving." You said, grabbing your hoodie as you headed out of the music room with Baro following closely behind.

Your smile faltered slightly when Sandeul and Jieun emerged from the lift together, hand in hand. Hurriedly pulling her hand away from him, Jieun visibly stiffened. Stepping out of the lift, she lowered her head while Sandeul greeted the both of you with a cheerful hello. "Tell Jinyoung hyung that i'll be a little late. You guys can start practicing first." Baro said to Sandeul. Taking your hand in his, Baro pulled you into the lift just before the lift doors dinged closed.

Digging into your pocket you pulled out your phone and scrolled through your chats till you came upon Jieun's name. Even with your eyes fixed on your phone you could feel his gaze on you. Pressing on her name you quickly typed in a few words.

To: Jieun eonni Its okay. Really.

"Do you mean it?" Though his face was straight, you could tell that behind his professionally trained facade, he was more concerned than he appeared to be, from the way his grip on your hand tightened as if he was afraid that you would slip away from him if he didn't hold onto you. His eyes bore into yours as he waited for your answer. Locking your phone you slipped it back into your pocket. "Yes." You replied, and for once you weren't even lying to him.

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Chapter 20: Wooow this is awesomeeee!! Just like all your other stories!! I wish I could write like you hehe
Ever considered a sequel for this? ;)
I love this!
Chapter 20: Daebaakkk!!!! Love ittttt!! So cuteeeeeeeee!! Thanks;u; made me feel special! Love the story it was great. I didnt found it unprofessional it was fine!
allivion #4
Chapter 20: Oh one question though, why is her/my son 5yrs old already? XD did we adopt?
allivion #5
Chapter 20: Waaahh your story kept me up all night!! Loved it to bits! Thank you for writing this! I had a lot if fun reading it <3
Luuvingmusic #6
Chapter 20: Awww thank you!! Your story was amazingly great! And I feel that your doing great with your writing! Trust me I would have never been here if I didn't like your writing girl! Keep up the good work and let me know when you write another story! :) ( ESPECIALLY IF ITS A BARO ONE HAHAHAHa!!!) thanks again and great job girl!
Chapter 20: yay happy ending!! >w<
gaudiel2928 #8
Chapter 15: oh my gosh awesome story:-)
Chapter 15: AWWW!
Luuvingmusic #10
Chapter 15: OMG OMG omg omg she finally realizes it.or i do hahaha