03 Days 'til Christmas; Xiuhan

Christmas with EXO

3 Days Until Christmas

Xiuhan: Untitled

“Hey, hey, Minseokkie.” Luhan says, appearing behind Minseok and back-hugging him. “We should make Christmas cookies together!”

Minseok sighs. “Can’t you see I’m already making some?”

“That doesn’t mean we can’t make more together.” Lu Han responds. “We need to spend more time together, Baozi. And this is the perfect way to bond.”

Minseok awkwardly looks over at Lu Han, whose head is resting on Minseok’s shoulder. “I dunno, Lu…”

“Maybe later we can do something else…” Lu Han whispers, moving his hand down Minseok’s chest seductively. “But only if we make cookies.”

Minseok considers. It’s fairly hard to think when Lu Han’s hand is nearing Minseok’s no-no zone, so he just sighs in defeat and stops Lu Han’s hand before it can go and further.

“Fine, we can make cookies together.” Minseok says.  “Just stop touching me there.”

“Why? Do you like it? Dislike it?” Lu Han questions.

Minseok ignores Lu Han and continues working on his cookies. At that, Lu Han pouts and removes his hands from Minseok’s body. He stands next to Minseok and watches him avidly. Minseok notices Lu Han watching and sighs. He turns to Lu Han and touches his shoulder.

“Lu, I know I’m pretty.” He says. “And I know you think I’m prettier than anyone. But I thought you said you wanted to make cookies together. Staring at me isn’t helping me make cookies.”

Lu Han smiles. “Alright. Tell me what you want me to do then.”

“Find me some cookie cutters.” Minseok says. “I know we have some Christmas ones. I saw Kyungsoo-ah buy some.”

“Roger that.” Lu Han salutes playfully and goes off to find the cookie cutters.

Minseok shakes his head and chuckles. “And he’s the second eldest…What a cutie.”

Minseok knows he’s not one to talk, but he tries to be mature when he can. It’s mainly just Lu Han’s childishness that makes him childish as well. And the childishness of his other dongsaengs. Lu Han appears next to him again with a bunch of Christmas cookie cutters.

“Now help me with the dough.” Minseok says. Not that he needs any help lifting the mixing bowl with the dough. He changes his mind. “Actually, sprinkle some flour on the cutting board. Then when I put the dough down, sprinkle some flour on the dough, too.”

“Then can we use the cookie cutters?” Lu Han asks.

“Yes, then we can use the cookie cutters.” Minseok responds. “And decorate.”

Minseok puts the dough on the flour covered cutting board, then, after a light sprinkle of flour on the dough, Minseok rolls it out and they start cutting out the cookies with a cookie cutter. They put the cookies in the oven and take a break.

Their breaks, naturally, consist of snuggling on the couch for 15 minutes. And of course Lu Han trying to flirt and failing terribly. So Minseok and Lu Han sit on the couch and Lu Han rests his head on Minseok’s chest. Minseok wraps one arm around Lu Han and uses his free hand to caress Lu Han’s hair.

“See, I told you this was the perfect way to bond.” Lu Han says, looking up at Minseok.

“You just wanted to cuddle, didn’t you…?” Minseok questions. “You could have just asked that you know…”

“Making cookies with you is fun too…” Lu Han says.

Minseok laughs and leans down to peck Lu Han’s nose. “You’re so cute.”

Lu Han manages to sneak a quick kiss before Minseok sits up straight again. Neither of them really care about their cookies anymore. Only each other. And Minseok still secretly anticipates what Lu Han promised would happen after they finished the cookies.

word count: 618

A/N: I could have made this longer but I didn't. I may have gotten a little carried away, though... My love for Xiuhan is too much. They're just so cutee. ;-;

Still a little behind. But I'm about to get started on the next chapter. ^^

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Chapter 18: omg..
Taochen so cute..
But, i still confuse, chen is a top?
Chapter 18: Merry Christmas to you too!
Yay. Really cute taochen!!! Will the next chappie be kray? If it is, i will be kray kray. Hahahah really nice stories you have. I read them well. : ) thankkyu authornim!
Chapter 18: Merry Christmas~!!!
I was kind of hoping for all the pairings, but I'm happy with TaoChen.
It would of probably take you a long time to write about all the pairings.
Thanks for the great chapter~ ^^
Chapter 17: awwwww >.<
so cute~
akahashi #5
Chapter 16: Wow.
Damn hot Kris!!
Love it.. thank you so much much much.. :))
akahashi #6
Chapter 14: Love every pai, but where is krisyeol?(」゜ロ゜)」
Chapter 14: kaibaek!! woohoo!! finally one fic of dem since they r a rare couple..hehehe..yea!!
Chapter 13: aaahdnsmdmskdnskdmdjdj..so fluffy taochen..chenchen being cheesy is da best..love it
Chapter 12: Aww the sweet ChenBaek~ I think Baek likes Jondae, right, right?
Thanks for the update! If I come up with another pairing, I will let you know! ^^
Chapter 12: 'If you didn’t have a better voice than me, I wouldn’t love you as much as I do'
baekhyun love chen or not? still dont understand