Missing Youngjae

It was a mistake

/Youngguk's phone rang/
"Errgh...." he rolled under his blanket and answered the phone lazily. "Hello???"
He abruptly sprang up from bed with eyes widened "What???!!!!"
He quickly put on his shirt and his trousers and ran out from his house. He drove his car fastly down the street ignoring the honk sounds from other vehicles.
When he reached the hospital he quickly make his way towards the room where his boyfriend is.
He saw Dr. Lee came out form the room and quickly approach him.
"Dr.Lee how's Himchan???"he chocked out as he panted from all the running.
"Oh Dr.Youngguk you're here...Himchan-ssi's condition is quite stable now .We luckily manage to stop the bleeding from the cuts on his body. His body is full of wounds but it will heal in 2 to 3 days. I suggest him to rest until he is fully heal.Youngguk-ssi take a good care of him alright??" Youngguk nods.
"But Dr.Lee what happened to him???"
"Some passerby saw him laying uncounsciously on the ground beside his car. They said that he might be beaten up by someone judging from his his condition at that time." Youngguk clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.
'Whoever did this to him...i swear i'll beat the out of that person'. Dr.Lee patted his shoulder and left.
Youngguk entered the room and approach his boyfriend. He caressed his face and held his hand tightly.
"Who did this to you channie??" he whispered. He stay there holding Himchan's hand until he eventually fell asleep till the sunrise next morning.

/Youngguk's phone rang/
He groan and answere the phone.
"Hello?? Youngguk-ah??! Is Youngjae with you???"
"Eh??? No...why?? Is something wrong Mrs.Yoo???" He asked worriedly.
"Youngjae...my son..my honey jae didn't came back home since last night!!!!"
"What??!" Youngguk then went out the room and continued. "Do you know where he'd gone to???"
"No....i had call him a hundred times already but still he didn't answer his phone...." Mrs.Yoo was crying heartedly.
"Mrs.Yoo where are you right now??"
"At our house.."
"Okay wait there I'm coming" Youngguk then went to the counter.
"Hyeri-ssi i'm going out, please looked after Himchan for me okay??" the nurse nods and Youngguk said thank you before rushing out to his car and made his way to the Yoo's house.

"Mrs Yoo???" Youngguk calls out as he entered the house.
"Oh..Youngguk-ah.." She hugged  Youngguk tightly.
"Youngguk we are so glad you're here." Mr Yoo hugs and pats his back.
"Youngguk-ah...Youngjae do you know where he could be??" Mrs Yoo askes with scared eyes.
Youngguk sigh. He can feel that Mrs Yoo was scared. She was practically trembling.
"I'm sorry but i don't know Mrs Yoo.....did you try looking for him???"
"Yes everywhere...I even went to his apartment...but there was no one there...."
"Well how about we take a look at his apartment again?? Maybe Youngjae had went back there???"
"I think we should" Mr Yoo said.
Youngguk then drove all of them to Youngjae's and Daehyun's apartment.

"Youngjae-ah!! Daehyun-ah!!" Youngguk bang the door hardly. But there were no response. Mrs Yoo sigh.
"How about we break into his apartment??? Mrs Yoo...did you know the password???" Mrs Yoo shooked her head.
"Mr Yoo??"
"Aish....."  'If i was Youngjae or Daehyun...what password would i put??' Youngguk thinks.
He tried Youngjae's and Daehyun's birthdate and the date Youngjae knows he's pregnant..but its till didn't work.
He tap his index finger on his chin...'the most precious date to them..??'
He suddenly snap his fingers making both Mr and Mrs Yoo startled. Youngguk push in the password and the door opens.
"How did you know??"
"The most precious day for them is the day they married..."

They all went into the house.
"Youngjae-ah???" They all Call out...but there were no one there.
"Eottokhae?? He's not here...yeobo our son......" Mrs.Yoo sobs. Suddenly the door to the bathroom opens and there was a girl coming out. She was startled to see three of them standing in the living room.
"Who are you???" she asked. Mrs. Yoo looked at her.
"I should be the one who ask you that....who are you????" Mrs Yoo asked coldly.
"I...I'm Jung Daehyun's wife..." They all were shocked to hear that.
"W...What??? J..Jung Daehyun's wife??? You must be dreaming little girl....you-"  a picture on the coffee table stops Mrs Yoo on her trance. She picked up the picture and clenched it tightly. A picture of Daehyun in a suit kissing the girl...in a wedding dress. She throws the picture across the room and it smashed against the wall.
"You.....Get out of this apartment now!!" Mrs Yoo said angrily and pointed her finger towards the girl.
"Why should i???? This is mine and Daehyun's apartment!!! You're the one who break into this apartment!!!! Now get ou-" Mrs Yoo slapped her across her face. The girl then pushed Mrs Yoo and made her fell down.
Suddenly the apartment door opens..
"Oppa!!!" she faked sob and ran to Daehyun.
"Theres people in our apartment and they asked me to get out!!!"
"Nugu??" Daehyun walks into the living room and was shock to see Youngguk and his in-laws.
"Y..youngguk-hyung,..U..umma...a...a.appa...what are you guys doing here??" He pushed away the girl's hand that was clinging on him.
"You......" without hesitating Mr Yoo punched Daehyun hard on his face. Daehyun hold his now bruised cheeks and looked at the fuming Mr Yoo.
"A..appa w-"
"DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME YOUR APPA!!!! Now...tell me the truth Jung Daehyun...is she really you wife???" he asked with a low tone. Daehyun nods his head.
"When you marry her??"
"The day i went to Jeju.." Mr Yoo clenched his fist tightly.
"S..so you lied to our son...that you're on a business trip???" Daehyun nods and Mrs Yoo fell onto her knees.
"Wae??? wae????!!!!! Isn't he good enough for you??!!! My son loved you with all his heart... but you did this to him!!!!" she shout out angrily.
"You little" ,Mr Yoo was about to punch Daehyun again but Youngguk stopped him.
"Move away Youngguk!! I promised myself that if he did to my son...i'll -" he struggled against Youngguk.
"Mr Yoo!!! This is not the way to settle this matter...Youngjae is missing and we need to find him!!!" Mr Yoo stopped struggling after hearing the statement.
Daehyun's eyes widened...."Y..Youngjae is m...missing???!!!"
"Nae he hadn't return home since last night...." Youngguk said sadly.
"This is probably your fault..if you had-"
" Mrs Yoo...enough" Youngguk messaged his temple. Mrs Yoo then stood and went out from the apartment followed by Mr Yoo.
"Youngguk-hyung is it true Youngjae is missing??!!! Hyung tell me!!!!" Daehyun said pleadingly. Youngguk nods.
"I don't know what happen...its a bit hectic...Youngjae is missing..Himchan currently in the hospital...and then theres you...aish" Youngguk messed up his hair.
"Do you have might a chance know where Youngjae is???" Daehyun looks to the ground and shooked his head.
Youngguk sigh and heaved out a 'should've known'. He then looked towards Minhi.
"Yah you....do you know where Youngjae,my friend is???" he shot out the question coldly.
"N..no" she answered hesitantly. Youngguk raised and eyebrow and looked at her skeptically. She fiddled a bit under Youngguk's cold stare.
Suddenly Youngguk's phone rang. He picked up and muttered a quick ok and was about to head out but Daehyun grip his arm.
"Youngguk-hyung....let me follow you...i wanna find Youngjae..."
"Ummm..i don't know daehyun..."
"Hyung please!!! He's my husband and his my responsibility!!! If something happens to him...i swear hyung...i swear i would never forgive myself!!!!" Daehyun cried out.
"Dae i -" Youngguk sigh.
"Hyung...are you...you don't me do you??"
"Things are hard now Daehyun..*sigh...Mr and Mrs Yoo...they just don't you anymore.....I'm sorry"Youngguk then left.
Daehyun clenched his fist....'If only all of this didn't happen..if only.. i didn't left jae...if only i'm stronger....nothing like this would had ever happen...' he sigh.
He turn and saw Minhi sitting on the sofa. Staring blankly in front of her.
"Yah....you know something about this don't you???"
"I'm sorry daehyun...i...i don't think that she'll be doing this....."she looked scared.
"Ok now spit it out....what did you know???" he stand in front of her.
"During we went shopping that day...i overheard you and Youngjae's conversation...more like an argument maybe...and i...kind of.."
"You told my umma didn't you????" Minhi nods.
Daehyun ruffles his hair in frustration and looked at Minhae.
"Oppa i'm sorry!!!"
"Just shut up!!!!" Minhi flinched.
"Do you know what you had done????!!! My Youngjae is in danger and so goes for my child!!! And this is your fault!!!"
"And why is it my fault??!! Huh??? You know how i felt when i saw you hugging him and kissnig him???
I'm your WIFE oppa!!! I-"
"YOU ARE NOT MY WIFE!!! I've NEVER loved you!!! Don't you get that??!! I was forced to marry you by my umma and i even lied to my husband!! You think i want to marry you??!! Hell NO!!!" daehyun spat out angrily.
"You...never love me???" she squeek out.
"No and i'll never will." Daehyun then left the apartment and headed towards the hospital.
Minhi clenched her fists.

"Alright Jung Daehyun..i'll make sure your husband gets your 'Love'...."
she smirks.


Annyeong!!...sorry for the late update..../grins/
so anyway...err this chapter is a bit boring.....so yeah
thanks for reading-sunbscribing and commenting this story...i really appreciate it!!~~~^^ <3
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Chapter 12: NUUUUU!
Chapter 12: Update? You cant leave us like this.
Chapter 11: Nooooo! Zico help him!!
Figuremeout #4
Chapter 12: I wish you would have finished this:( it was the only Daejae based fic I was enjoying, I ship Youngup as well as younglo so I try to avoid Daejae like the plague!
jungholeyoo #5
Chapter 12: chapter 12 : kya kyaaaa please update soon authornim please pleaseeee omgggg dont make a sad ending or i will kill myself. please make a happy ending for daejae huu changes your genre being romance and not angst ;;;;-;;;;
Chapter 12: Pls update...T.T. I really want to know what will happen to them..will zico hurt them... :(
lyethequeen #7
Chapter 12: Omg pls update pleaseeee. My DaeJae feels overload now. Huwaa i want to cry T.T
I hope you update soon so we can know what's gonna happen... :x
Chapter 12: OMG! Mrs. Jung is going to kill her own son?! well maybe this is the only way for DaeJae to be together~
but I bet Zico won't do it...
Chapter 11: May I hang Mrs.jung and that Minhi girl, authornim?