Not so called enemy

It was a mistake

The group of men started approaching Youngjae who was been tied down onto a chair. Youngjae saw them approaching him and started to panic. He squirm around and wringgled his wrists and his legs as an attempt to loosen the ropes and escape. Suddenly he felt a hand caressing his cheeks yet again.
"What's wrong pretty?? Are you scared??" It was the same man whom approached him first when Mrs.Jung and Minhi were here minutes ago.
The man smirked wickedly at him.
"What should we do to him Zico??" i heard one of the man asked.
"Hmmm...i don't know...should we ask him?? the man named Zico then proceed on taking off the blindfold and the cloth on Youngjae's mouth. Youngjae blinked rapidly to adjust his sight.
Zico bend down to Youngjae's eye-level.
"So.....what do you want us to do huh??" he smirk. Youngjae didn't uttered a word and looked away and it makes Zico pissed. Zico cupped Youngjae's face harshly.
"Yah...i'm talking to you here pretty boy...what do you want us to do??"
"I'm not a very patient man you know...."he growled.
And when Youngjae didn't answered again...Zico had lost his patience. He smacked Youngjae hard across his face and then pulled Youngjae into a harsh kiss. Zico darted his tongue out but Youngjae close his lips tight. Zico growled and tugged Youngjae's hair that made him gasp. Without seconds to waste he entered his tongue into Youngjae's carvern.
"AAAhh!!" suddenly Zico's scream echoes throughout the warehouse.
He wiped his tongue and saw blood. He looked at Youngjae angrily.
"You !!! You wanna play hard eh??! Well i'll give you hard!! Guys untie this and held him against the floor!!"
"Andwea!!" Youngjae started to squirm around.
"AH!!!" He shouted out as he was been harshly pushed on his back on the floor.
"Andwea!! Let me go!! Let me go!!!" Youngjae trashed around as he was been held down by four strong men. His eyes were now blurred with tears.
"You had to do it the hard way don't ya???" Zico then approached Youngjae.
"If the hard way you want..its the hard way you get!!!" he said sinisterly.
He started to unbuckle Youngjae's belt.
"Yah stop squirming!! Yah Jaehyo!! Hold him down properly!!"He shouted to one of his men.
He was about to pull down Youngjae's boxer when he saw Youngjae's tummy. He looked at it weirdly.
He then lift Youngjae's oversize sweater and shirt at the same time. He caressed the tummy and Youngjae shivered at the touch.
"Zico what's wrong??" one of the men asked....he was the shortest one in the group.
Zico didn't answer but continues to caress the tummy...he then looked up at Youngjae who was in a crying mess. He stop caressing and pull down the shirt and started to buckle up Youngjae's pants back.
"Yah Zico!! What are you doing???!!" Zico didn't answer and just stood.
"Tied him back onto the chair....."
"Yah??! what are you saying??!! Are you nu-"
All the men obliged to his command and tied him back onto the chair.
"Just let him be for today......"
"What??So you are just going to give up this grand opportunity that the boss gave to him???!! Yah Zico since when you're this 'gentleman' huh??? From what i remember you practically anyone out of their life!!!" one of the men said.
"Shut up Zi-"
"Or does this right here finally opens your tinny winny heart so that you can be humanly for once??!" he scoffed.
"I said-"
"I don't care...if you don't wanna him then i will!!!" he approached Youngjae but was stopped by a punch by Zico. Zico then grabbed the man's collar harshly.
"Listen here Zikyung....who is the leader here??"
"......" Zico then took out a gun and pointed it towards Zikyung's head.
"Who's the leader here...Zikyung-ah??" he asked darkly.
"Then....if i say to leave him be....what should you do???"
"What i didn't here you??" a clicked sound was heard and Zikyung started to panic.
"Leave him be!!!"he shut his eyes tightly out of afraidness.
"Good boy" Zico lowern his gun and tap Zikyung's cheeks. He turned and look at the other members.
"Jaehyo, Bomb, P.O,Kwon, Taeil......guard the area and make sure no one come close to this place....and if i see either one of you guys doing dirty things to this ....*smirks and plays around with his gun......well you get the picture....are we clear??!!" he glared to them.
"Now go to your positions and guard this place...and you just...sit in the van..."
With that Zikyung left the warehouse and headed towards the van with an annoyed face.
Zico took a chair and sat nearby Youngjae to avoid him from escaping.

An hour later, the entrance to the warehouse creeks and Minhi comes in with a plastic bag in her hands. Zico bowed to her.
"Is there something you need Ms Minhi??"
"Nothing.....oh...that is still breathing???"
"Nae...we didn't get any orders from Mrs Jung yet...."
"Aish...can't you just kill him now??? Its frustrating!!" she groans and walks towards Youngjae.
"Hello .....awww look at are a looked like a peasant and smelled like one too..hmm  looks like you are back to your habitat eoh???" she snickered.
"Look what i brought??!! A sandwich bun..anndd...oohhh mineral water!!!" she looked at Youngjae sadly and pouted.
"You must be hungry don't you??? Well don't a kind woman i am..i will give these food to you peasant..."
she opens the wrapper to the bun.
"Yah open the gag on his mouth for me....." she instructed Zico.
Zico complied and unwrappes the gag from Youngjae's mouth.
"I will feed you okay?? say ahhh!!!" Youngjae didn't open his mouth as he was afraid the food contains things hat might kill him. Minhi scoffed.
"Yah i'm trying to be nice here...if i wanna kill you...i would just shoot you or stab you right now...."she then ate a bit of he bun and spit it out.
"See i'm still alive...ewwww i can't believe i just ate a peasant's aaahhh.." Youngjae opens his mouth a bit and ate the sandwich.
"Delicious isn't it?? Now open you mouth a bit more and say ahhh!!!" Youngjae open his mouth wider.
Minhi smirks and stuffed the whole sandwich into Youngjae's mouth. She then grab another one and stuffed it harshly into his mouth. Youngjae's coughed..he felt like he wants to vomit.
" must be some water..." she open the cap of the water bottle. She then tugged Youngjae's head to the back and let the icy cold water pour down onto Youngjae's face. Youngjae trashed around and tears escape his doe eyes.
Minhi stood in front of him. "There...full now???" she smirks out of satisfaction.
"A peasant should eat like are lucky enough i didn't let you eat out of the ground.." she slid on her sunglasses.
"Now if you may excuse HUSBAND is waiting for me at home...." she slammed the door closed. Soft cries escaped Youngjae's mouth. The bread was still in his mouth.
Zico looked at him with pity. He took a plastic bag and direct it to Youngjae's mouth.
"Here..spit it.." Youngjae looked at the plastic bag and spit the sandwich out. Zico then took out a cloth from his pocket and wiped the cold water from Youngjae's face.
" me??" he looked at Zico.
Zico pulled a chair and sat in front of Youngjae..
"Tell me....." he pointed his finger towards Youngjae's stomach.
"A..are you pregnant???" Youngjae nods. Zico's eyes widened as he was shocked to hear that.
" could a man be pregnant??" he looked at Youngjae in bewildertment.
"I don't know...maybe i..i was just lucky???"
"Zico-ssi....why are you being nice to me??" Zico looked at Youngjae and smiled.
"Its reminded me of my umma...." his expression suddenly falls.
"She was been.... and..kill...when she was pregnant with my dongsaeng....i couldn't bring myself to hate the man who did it to him.I love my umma....and i was so happy when i knew that i was getting a dongsaeng..but...she didn't live long" Youngjae could see tears b in Zico's eyes.
"When i saw your tummy reminds me of my umma......and i just realise that...i'm no better than that man....."he smiled sadly.
"Zico-ssi...why did you do these job?? i mean...from what i heard just are a good boy..."
"Its money.....our lives won't be complete...heck even the world couldn't spin without money Youngjae-ssi....year after year i had done this job...and you don't know how greedy people are..." he sigh.
"And you did you end up being their target??"
"I...i...i married Mrs Jung's son......and she didn't like me at all..i don't know why she hate me...and...and then my...husband lied to me..he went to Jeju and married Minhi-" he burst out into tears as he couldn't handle the pain.
"I was one ever wanted me..i..i.."he then felt a hand patted his head. He looked up and saw Zico smiling warmly towards him.
"Zico-ssi.....can...can you let me go???" Zico sigh.
"I'm sorry...but this is my job....i can't let you go..."
"'ve got to help me!!!"
"I'm sorry..." Zico then put back a blindfold onto Youngjae's eyes and a cloth on his mouth.
Youngjae moved aroud and muffled a scream.
'Please help me!!'
"I'm sorry" Zico whispered into Youngjae's ear and left.
/waves shyly/...i'm sorry for the late stuck doing my homework..
i guess maths doesn't run in my famiy..-_-
this is a  bit boring.../grins/
block-b just pop up in mind so i just use them~~~
sorry for my english and grammar erros...enjoy


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Chapter 12: NUUUUU!
Chapter 12: Update? You cant leave us like this.
Chapter 11: Nooooo! Zico help him!!
Figuremeout #4
Chapter 12: I wish you would have finished this:( it was the only Daejae based fic I was enjoying, I ship Youngup as well as younglo so I try to avoid Daejae like the plague!
jungholeyoo #5
Chapter 12: chapter 12 : kya kyaaaa please update soon authornim please pleaseeee omgggg dont make a sad ending or i will kill myself. please make a happy ending for daejae huu changes your genre being romance and not angst ;;;;-;;;;
Chapter 12: Pls update...T.T. I really want to know what will happen to them..will zico hurt them... :(
lyethequeen #7
Chapter 12: Omg pls update pleaseeee. My DaeJae feels overload now. Huwaa i want to cry T.T
I hope you update soon so we can know what's gonna happen... :x
Chapter 12: OMG! Mrs. Jung is going to kill her own son?! well maybe this is the only way for DaeJae to be together~
but I bet Zico won't do it...
Chapter 11: May I hang Mrs.jung and that Minhi girl, authornim?