A trip

It was a mistake

It has been 2 months to be precise, but Daehyun is still busy with his projects. Youngjae had spent nights sleeping in his bed without his beloved husband beside him. He felt cold without his husband. He sometimes wait for Daehyun until 3 in the morning but eventually gave up because he was too tired due to his pregnancy. he heaved out a sigh. he looked at the clock and it had past 11 p.m. He then pick up his phone and decided to call Daehyun.
"Hello??"Daehyun answered.
"Nae what's wrong babe??"
"Are you still busy??"
"Yeah i've got tons of work to be done here."
"So....you're not gonna be home tonight??"
"Sorry babe looks like it."
"Oh....umm goodnight then....saranghae."
Like that Daehyun ended the call. Youngjae sigh. He rubbed his tummy.
"It looks like it's just you and me tonight."

On the next day, Youngjae was surprise to see Daehyun in the room when he woke up.
"Daehyunnie??" he rubbed his eyes.
"Oh morning babe."Daehyun said while backfacing Youngjae.
Youngjae then stood and walk towards Daehyun. He then saw a suitcase beside Daehyun.
"Daehyunnie....why is the suitcase here??"
"Oh i forgot to tell you, i've to go on a business trip to Jeju Island."
"Jeju???!! But that's too far..." he mumble. "How long is this trip??"
"Ummm....not long maybe 3 weeks."
"3 weeks IS long." Youngjae stated.
He then observed as Daehyun packed his stuff.
"Daehyunnie i'll go make breakfast ok??"
"Oh you don't have to..i'm going to go as soon as i done packing."
"Why do you have to leave early." he pouted.
Daehyun turn and hug him." Mianhae...the boss ask me to. I'm the one he the most in the company."
Youngjae hug him back. "I'm gonna miss you."
"Me too." Daehyun said . Youngjae the look up and peck Daehyun on his lips.
"Daehyunnie i'll help you pack okay?? You go shower first."
"But i-" Youngjae then pushed Daehyun towards the bathroom.
"Don't worry this is not the first time i pack things for you." Youngjae smiled and close the bathroom door for Daehyun.
Youngjae then proceed on packing his husband clothes and necessary things that he would need for the trip.

After Youngjae had done packing. He prepared some sandwiches so that Daehyun can eat on his trip.
"Babe...where's my black suit??"
"Eh?? Your black suit?? Why do you need your black suit??"
"Well i've got to look good in front of the clients during the big meeting."
"I'll get them for you."
Youngjae grab out the one expensive suit that Daehyun haven't wore since the day they bought it.
"Here you go"

After everything had set, Daehyun was all prepared to go for his business trip.
Youngjae looked at Daehyun as he slipt into his shoes. Daehyun turned and smiled at Youngjae.
"I better get going now.."
"Wait." Youngjae said.
He then approaches Daehyun and fix his hair and clothes and then step back and smile.
"You've got to look neat and presentable in front of your boss."
Daehyun smiled and hug Youngjae by the waist. Youngjae then hug Daehyun by his neck.
"I'm gonna miss you." Youngjae said sadly.
Daehyun Youngjae's hair lovingly and looked straight into his eyes and kiss him. he let go and whispered "Me too." Then he waved goodbye to Youngjae and went out the door.

Daehyun was walking towards his car when he heard someone called him. He turned and saw Younjae panting. "Daehyunnie....i...forgot...to give..you..this.." he handed the sandwiches he had prepared for Daehyun.
Daehyun took it and smiled to Youngjae. "Gomawo." He then went into his car and drove off.
Youngjae suddenly felt light headed. He propped his left hand against the wall.
"I should'nt had run just now."Eventhough he felt tired but he was happy that he had given those sandwiches that Daehyun loved the most. He smiled and  walk slowly back to their apartment.


It had been a week since Daehyun left for the trip but Youngjae had miss him a lot. He was laying lazily on the sofa while watching documentary on babies. He sigh and switched it off. Why does everything looks difficult in the documentary. He sigh. Youngjae don't know anything about pregnancy. Heck he was a guy! Of course he doesn't know anything about it. Then an idea pop up.
' Maybe Himchan hyung knows a couple of things about pregnancy.' He then change his clothes, slipt into his sneakers and took a cab to the hospital.

Himchan was calmly sipping his americano in his office when suddenly...
"Himchan hyung!!!!"
Himchan chocked out his coffee and cough repeatedly. He looked up and saw his chubby cheeks friend standing in front of him smiling brightly.
"Oh my baby!!!" he ran and hug Youngjae. He then leads Youngjae and push him down to seat on a chair opposite his.
"So.....how its been??" he said excitedly.
"Nothing much....." he answered flatly.
"Yah why you look down all of a sudden??"
"I just miss Daehyun..."
"Aish this kid...he'll be back in two weeks time."
"I know....its just.... i don't know..." he rubbed his tummy.
Himchan look at him skeptically..."You didn't tell him about you being pregnant, don't you??"
Youngjae shooked his head and pouted.
"Why didn't you tell him??!!"
"i didn't had the chance to tell....he's too busy right now....i don't want him to worry about me when he's working...."
"Yah...he's suppose to worry about you!! He's your husband for crying out loud...aish"
"Hyung please don't be mad at me."
himchan sigh..."I'm not mad..but Youngie-ah...you're pregnant and you need Daehyun by your side."
"I know.....but hyung...i'm scared.."
"I watch a documentary on babies and about labouring....and i don't know if i'm ready for all of this...and i don't even knowhow to take care of a baby.." tears was glistening at the brim of his eyes.
Himchan held his hands tightly.."Yah yah...you don't have to worry about that arasseo?? As long as you have me,Gukkie and Daehyun by your side...you're going to be alright."
"You think so??"
"I know so..." he then hug Youngjae caringly.
"Youngie-ah tell you what....how about we made a trip to Jeju island?? Maybe if we're lucky..we might meet Daehyun there?...besides it helps you to relax a lot when you're pregnant"
"Jjinjja hyung??!!"he said excitedly.
"Nae...i'll bring along Youngguk if you don't mind.." Himchan grins.
"No...no, idon't mind at all!!"
"So it's set then...we'll go to Jeju Island on Friday morning."himchan smiled.
"Yaaay!!!" the thoughts of meeting Daehyun there was making youngjae tingle from the inside.

'Daehyunnie i'm coming to Jeju wait for me there'


Here's the 3 chapter~~ ^^
Omg thanks for reading this story,commenting and subscribing!!!
I LOVE YOU ALL !! <3 <3
Did you guys watch hunger games catching fire???
Omg i looooove it!!!!
I kept squeling when Peeta kiss Katniss /slaps myself/
And my popcorn was flying everywhere when they kissed!!... the person who seats next to me was looking at me like...is she crazy or somethin?? and i was like yeah its me @.@ i'm weird so don't bother :D
But the ending asdfghjkl...why is gale there(sorry for the gale fans but i ship everlark couple Y^^Y
Its a cliffhanger!!..errrhhhgg..now i can't stay put and wait for the next hunger games / aggresively hits Himchan/
So back to the fanfic....Hope you all like it~~~^^


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Chapter 12: NUUUUU!
Chapter 12: Update? You cant leave us like this.
Chapter 11: Nooooo! Zico help him!!
Figuremeout #4
Chapter 12: I wish you would have finished this:( it was the only Daejae based fic I was enjoying, I ship Youngup as well as younglo so I try to avoid Daejae like the plague!
jungholeyoo #5
Chapter 12: chapter 12 : kya kyaaaa please update soon authornim please pleaseeee omgggg dont make a sad ending or i will kill myself. please make a happy ending for daejae huu changes your genre being romance and not angst ;;;;-;;;;
Chapter 12: Pls update...T.T. I really want to know what will happen to them..will zico hurt them... :(
lyethequeen #7
Chapter 12: Omg pls update pleaseeee. My DaeJae feels overload now. Huwaa i want to cry T.T
I hope you update soon so we can know what's gonna happen... :x
Chapter 12: OMG! Mrs. Jung is going to kill her own son?! well maybe this is the only way for DaeJae to be together~
but I bet Zico won't do it...
Chapter 11: May I hang Mrs.jung and that Minhi girl, authornim?