
It was a mistake

It had been a week since their trip to Jeju. Daehyun isn't going back home until next week. Youngjae gave out a loud sigh. He had calling Daehyun since the day they got back from Jeju but he never picked up. Youngjae can't help but to feel a little suspicious. Daehyun always picks up his phone eventhough he is in some kind of project or some meeting. He then gave up calling his husband and headed to the kitchen to cook brunch. He opens the fridge and there were no food except for a moulded kimchi.' I forgot to buy groceries again'. Recently he didn't have the appetite to eat or doing anything. Just a few days ago Himchan drop by and went completely insane when he saw Youngjae eating a cup of ramen for dinner.He sigh and decided to go buy some groceries.

'Hmmm now what should i buy??" Youngjae thought. He then walked through different aisles and nothing came to his interest.
"Hmmm...i should buy some milk....and some fruits......vegetables maybe??" he said to himself. He then fills the trolley with the items he needs. Eventhough his trolley is full with foods but he knew that he isn't going to eat any of does cause.....he just don't want to. His mind was all about Daehyun right now. What's his doing? or Did he had lunch yet? and sometimes he wondered Did he meet someone there? All this questions had lingered around in his mind since his beloved husband decided not to pick up his call. While he was busy scanning the vegetables, suddenly his trolley bumps into someone else. He bowed and apologise.
"Oh..i'm so sorry-"
"Eoh?? Look what do we have here??"a woman said with an arrogant voice.
Youngjae's eyes widened and kept his gaze on the ground. He knew that voice. The owner of the voice was the one hat makes his life miserable when she knew him and Daehyun got married.
It was....Mrs Jung.


"S..sorry ma'm..i'm going now.."with one last bow Youngjae was about to leave but the Mrs.Jung stopped him.
"Awwww why the rush??...come come i pay for your groceries." she said rather kindly.
"E...eh??" Youngjae was bewildered. He then follows Mrs Jung to the counter and she really paid for his groceries.
"How's my errr...son-in-law doing??" she asked Youngjae.
"Fi....fine ma'm."
"I'm glad to hear that...now should we go for some tea??"
They both when to a little tea house near the shop.They both settled down and ordered their drinks and some cakes and biscuits.
They were enjoying the tea silently.
"Mmmm the tea is quite good." Mrs Jung said.
"Now Youngjae....you know why i took you here right??"
"Eh....no ma'm"
"Its about my son Daehyun."
"You know that he's on a trip right???" Youngjae nods a little.
"Hahahahaha i'm glad you knew...and you know why he's on that trip??"
"F...for a b...business t..trip ma'm"
"Business trip??!! Hahahahahaha my son do know how to tell lies." She then sips some tea.
"W...what?? What do you mean he-"
"He's married to my sweet minmin" she said proudly with a bright smile.
Youngjae almost choked on his tea.He then looked up and met his gaze with Mrs.Jung.
"Your lying....." Youngjae said almost like a whispered but could be heard by Mrs Jung.
"My goodness child why should i lie??? I'm so happy right now that the girl that i want to make into my daughter-in-law is finally my daughter-in-law!!" she then laughed happily. But then stopped. Her expression then turn into a sour one.
She then took out something from her bag and threw it onto the table.
"Take a look"
With shaking hands Youngjae took the pictures and looked at them.
Its true...everything she said is true. Tears was streaming down Youngjae's cheeks non-stop.
"Now...that you know my son had married the girl that i had chose.....i want you to break up with him."
Youngjae looked at Mrs Jung straight into her eyes.
"No..."she scoffed.
"You think my son love you ???!!"she shouted. Her face was red and Youngjae flinched when she suddenly stood. Mrs Jung then took a deep breath and sat back down on the chair.
"Youngjae....i want you to think something...Why suddenly your beloved husband, or my son wants to marry her???"
She rest her chin on her hands that were propped on the table.
Youngjae think all the reasons that makes Daehyun suddenly wanted to marry Minhi(min min).
"Did you forced him to??"Mrs Jung snickered.
"No Youngjae i didn't force him..his the one who said that he wants to marry her...and i gladly approved....so do you know why he married her all of sudden??" Youngjae shooked his head.
She then leans in and whispered.
"Its because she's pregnant with your husband's child." Youngjae's eyes widened in shock.
"1 month to be precise." Youngjae sobs hardly 'Dae...how could you??!!'
"Awww poor thing...my son probably hates you until he had to ed someone behind you back..."
"Well Youngjae reconsider on my offer....break up with him and your life will be more unmiserable then before."
She said evilly.
Youngjae stood. "I'm sorry ma'm...but i will never accept that request of yours...i love Daehyun more than anyone else..and i'll never going to let him go!!" With that he fled.

"Yoo Youngjae....you should just break up with him when you had the chance.....i'm being nice to you but all you did was making it more complicated....oh well i'll make sure you regret
for declining my offer and make your life a living .." Mrs Jung wore her sunglasses and went out fron the tea house.


Youngjae slammed the door shut and slid down to the ground.
"Wae....wae?? Why is this happening to me??" he sobs hardly.
'Is it a mistake for falling in love with me?? Is it a mistake to make love to me?? I it a mistake for marrying me??'
Youngjae's mind were hectic. He can't accept what Mrs Jung just said in the tea house.

Youngjae then dragged himself onto the couch. His tears were just won't stop pouring out. He then caressed his tummy.
"Gwenchana...gwenchana.....i'm here...i'm here....umma's here..." he whispered to his child.
He then thought one thing...

'Will i had the chance to tell Daehyun about our child?'


Ok sooo sorry for the late update...i'm too lazy~~~
anyways...yaaay some of you had already know what daehyun is up to....
But please keep reading this story eoh???/aegyo/

I hope you like this chapter..!!! Its not that good...my brain had jammed..-____-
Feel free to subscribe and commenting!!! ^^Y


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Chapter 12: NUUUUU!
Chapter 12: Update? You cant leave us like this.
Chapter 11: Nooooo! Zico help him!!
Figuremeout #4
Chapter 12: I wish you would have finished this:( it was the only Daejae based fic I was enjoying, I ship Youngup as well as younglo so I try to avoid Daejae like the plague!
jungholeyoo #5
Chapter 12: chapter 12 : kya kyaaaa please update soon authornim please pleaseeee omgggg dont make a sad ending or i will kill myself. please make a happy ending for daejae huu changes your genre being romance and not angst ;;;;-;;;;
Chapter 12: Pls update...T.T. I really want to know what will happen to them..will zico hurt them... :(
lyethequeen #7
Chapter 12: Omg pls update pleaseeee. My DaeJae feels overload now. Huwaa i want to cry T.T
I hope you update soon so we can know what's gonna happen... :x
Chapter 12: OMG! Mrs. Jung is going to kill her own son?! well maybe this is the only way for DaeJae to be together~
but I bet Zico won't do it...
Chapter 11: May I hang Mrs.jung and that Minhi girl, authornim?