Chapter 4

The Prince and The Maid

Kai and I stood in front of a small building called the Spring Cafe. I decided to find some more money as I'm staying in Seoul. I won't quit my job as Sehun's maid because it gives me a chance to get to know him more. But since I'm staying at his place for free, maybe I should find a second job to earn money for college. 

Dongho recommended that I should work at the Spring Cafe with him for the meantime. Working at a cafe won't be too bad right? You don't have to run much and the food and drinks are easy to carried. 

I greeted the owner, who I assumed knew that I was coming. He was an average age man with a warm smile. He asked me some questions like what's my name, age, and what day can I work here. Afterwards, he shook my hand and said, "Soojung - ssi, welcome to business!" I smiled at him and knew I made the right choice working here. 

Dongho and a few other workers came out and congratulated me. I was surrounded by so many people that I almost forgot the person I came here with until he put his right arm around me. He looked at me with warm and caring eyes but there was something different about them today. 

The two workers who were with Dongho began to introduce themselves to me. "Hi there, my name is Soohyun, and this is Kevin," one of the waiters said, "Kevin was actually born in America so if you have any trouble, you can come and ask Kevin I'm sure you guys would get along well." Soohyun, Kevin, and Dongho smiled at me.

The owner, whose name was Mr. Kang, gave me a light blue apron. That was when I realized I'm the only female worker here. I guess Kai noticed that too and pulled me aside. "I can't let you work here," he said in a whisper, "you don't know what they'll do to you. You just met Dongho, who's actually friends with Sehun, and those other waiters probably aren't nice either. They could be planning something like making you work more hours so that you're too tired to work for Sehun and he'll kick you out of the mansion. I don't want that." 

I thought about it but then I knew that Kai was being too overprotective. He's treating me as if I'm just a little kid who can't survive by herself. I'm 19 years old now and I can take care of myself. I gave him an annoyed look and walked away. 

"Mr. Kang, I'm ready to start work," I said to the owner, "whatever you need me to do, I'll give it my best." Mr. Kang and the guys gave me a "Fighting" pose and smiled at me. I looked over my shoulder to see Kai but he left. I'll show you Kai. I'll show you that I can do this. Just watch.

As the day passed, I began to find this job more and more enjoyable. The work isn't really that tough and Mr. Kang gave me breaks every time I looked worn out. And Soohyun, Kevin, and Dongho were so friendly and helpful. Whenever I was confused, they would always come and walk me through it. The customers weren't really that bad. I messed up once or twice and brought the wrong orders to the wrong table, but they totally understood and let it pass.

My next order is to table 24 with a guy who's reading a newspaper. I couldn't see his face though but he seems like a typical everyday man. He ordered a small chocolate cake and hot tea. I tried my best to bring it to the table but on the way I tripped and spilled the hot tea all over his body. "Aish!" The guy yelled angrily. He stood up so fast that his hat fell off and revealed a familiar face. "I'm so sorry," I apologized, " ... Sehun?" He looked at me surprised and finally said, "Krystal! So this was what you're doing, without telling me? That's why you and Kai left the mansion early today and everyone else looked suspicious. And now you also spilled hot tea on me?! You know what? If you can't treat your master right, then you're FIRED! And I'll make sure I sue this place for having bad customer service!" And with that he stood up and stomped out the cafe. What have I done? I just barely started working here and I already cause trouble. What Sehun did to me made my anger grow more and more and my hatred for him rise. I clenched my fist tightly and ran back to the mansion. I didn't care if it was far. I have to face Sehun once and for all.

When I finally got back, I could hardly breathe. I was so furious that I used up most of my energy. I saw my stuff already on the terrace. I ignored it and knocked the door loudly. Xiumin was the one that opened the door. He looked at me sadly and shook his head. But before he could close the door, I slammed my hand on it to prevent him from closing on me. 

I dashed upstairs to Sehun's room and bust open the door. Sehun was on his bed, texting his friends when I came in. "I already told you," Sehun said calmly which surprised me, " I'll call the police if you don't leave." His calm and cold attitude made me hate him more. But I had no other choice.

Without knowing it, I found my knees touched the wooden door, my head looking downward, and my hands holding each other "Please," I begged, almost in a whisper, "you can do whatever you want to me. But please don't give the Spring Cafe any trouble." I felt Sehun's walking toward me and his cold sharp eyes stared straight at me. I began to shake. The only word he said to me was, "No."

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You are so much welcome my dear, tell me if you have some sestal fanfic over there I would love to make free poster for you. Just excuse my ugly editing skills <3
A hundred!!! Woot woot! ^0^ Congratulations, Haru-chan!!! \(^---^)/
Chapter 26: WAAAAAAAH~ It was such a good story. ^~^
LoveK-Pop4ever #4
Awwww...This story is ending. Waiting for you future stories (if any)
Chapter 26: Yaaah~ Congratulations again for this fic! (~^__^~)
Likewise, here's Kimmey-Unnie always wishing you the best of luck!
(notice how I always use Unnie? Haha! I should start acting like one >u<)
~Love, hugs and kisses~
<3 xoxo
Chapter 26: Yaaah~ Congratulations again for this fic! (~^__^~)
Likewise, here's Kimmey-Unnie always wishing you the best of luck!
(notice how I always use Unnie? Haha! I should start acting like one >u<)
~Love, hugs and kisses~
<3 xoxo
sndrfebriana #7
Chapter 26: New stories? Update soon^o^
helloimyna #8
Chapter 24: done? omfg it's reallyyyyyyy awesum! pls sequel!!><
sndrfebriana #9
Chapter 24: Yeaaaay! Sequel please^^
Chapter 24: Finally it's done XD happy ending kekeke~ I'm glad that nothing happen to Sehun and Krystal. I've got a goosebump when the Teen Top guys kidnapped Krystal in the morning >< keep writing, Vi ^^