Chapter 7

We Got Married and Then...
A/N: Annyeongsaeyo yoreubun!!! Look who decided to do author's note first.Your authornim is sick but I love updating my stories for you guys. It's not that long but it's a fast update. Next update will be some time next week. Warning: This update is MinSul. I decided to give then their own chapter. KhunToria will have their own chapter a few chapters after this one. Ok, I'll stop yapping, here's the update! Kisses! xoxo♥♥♥
Sulli opens her eyes and she looks around her, only to find out that she is in the backstage infirmary. She looks at the time and realizes that she had missed her performance. Moreover, she feels a hand on her hand. She looks to her right and sees the owner of the hand. 
It was her knight, Minho had fallen asleep while his hand was upon hers. She tries to remember what happened earlier and she remembers that she fainted which was probably why she was in the infirmary.
She moves her hand a little bit, hoping not to wake her knight up. Sadly, Minho felt the movement of her hand and he woke up.
"Ireonna, oppa." says Sulli as Minho lifts his head up.
"Ssul, kenchana?"
"Oppa, where you here for the 2 hours that I've been unconscious?"
"Aniyo, I left you for 10 minutes because I had to perform on stage for SHINee." Minho knew he was lying to her but she didn't want her to feel horrible because he missed his performance. 
"Arasso...I guess I missed my performance. I have to make it up to my members." says Sulli.
Elaborating the reason why Minho decided to lie to her in the first place.
"Kenchana Ssul, I explained what happened to the members. They checked in on you after they performed. Since you missed it, you can just watch the fancam that I had Taemin do while you were here. He was watching Krystal anyway."
"Kamsahamnida Oppa. Kunde, what about Yul-unnie. Does she know you're here?"
"No, she doesn't. She's been calling and texting me but I was getting annoyed so I turned my phone off. I mean, I like her but I need my space too."
 Minho lied to Sulli again. The truth is he likes Sulli, his heart shattered as he told her that it is Yuri that he likes. He had to lie for the sake of his family.
"Arraeso, but you have to figure out a good excuse to tell her later when she finally sees you." says Sulli.
"Ssul, can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"Have you ever had feelings for someone in the company?"
Sulli didn't know wether to answer yes or no to his question. Because if she says yes there would be a great chance that he would find out about her feelings for him. But at the same time, she didn't want to lie about how she felt.
Pabo Ssul! Give him an honest answer.
"I would be lying if I said no." 
Great job! (Thought Sulli, sarcastically.)
"Is it ok if I ask who?"
"I won't say the name but he's so much closer to you than you think. In fact, you practically know everything about him."
"Well, he must be a lucky guy to be liked by a beautiful woman like you."
Sulli blushes at his compliment. They kept on talking until it was finally time for them to go on another flight.
Everyone was about to leave when news broke out that the SHINee jet has lost fuel.
"Well, I guess we have to ride with the closest plane to us and that would be f (x)."
Yuri heard the news and where her boyfriend was now riding. She was irritated at the fact that Minho will be on a plane with Sulli. She was about to join them in the f (x) plane when the SNSD plane takes off and she had no choice but to stay.
Meanwhile in the f (x) plane...
Minho felt like the world agreed with him. First, he saves Sulli and now he gets to be on the same airplane as her.
SHINee enters the plane and Minho immediately notices that Sulli had fallen asleep. He decides to settle his stuff in the cubby above Sulli and he sat in the empty seat next to her.
The pilot announced take off and he noticed that Sulli didn't have her seatbelt on. He reaches over and puts on Sulli's belt for her. He looks up from the belt and looks at Sulli's face. Their lips were inches away from each other. He moved closer and closer. But then a stewardess interrupted him, telling him that he needs to put his seatbelt on.
After take off, Minho stares at Sulli's face. He thought about how much he loves the girl sleeping in front of him. Eventually, he also drifts into sleep.
 Sulli wakes up and is taken aback when he sees the person sitting right next to her. She looks at the way Minho sleeps, his eyelashes were super long and the way his face looks made him look like a little child sleeping. Sulli looks at the features of his face. His nose was broad and manly, and his lips, they look perfectly kissable. 
Sulli kept staring at his lips when all of sudden, a hand takes her arm and pulls her towards Minho. Minho opens his eyes and did the first thing that his mind told him to do when Sulli was right in front of him it was to kiss her.
Their lips smashed together and Sulli felt like it was the most wonderful kiss she will ever have in her life. Minho bit her lip to deepen their kiss, but Sulli was thinking of Yuri. She pulls away and stands up to go to the restroom.
"I can't do this Oppa."
Minho feels so stupid with what he did, he completely forgot the fact that he is suppose to be with Yuri. 
Aish! Pabo Minho! (He thought.)
He was about to follow Sulli when the pilot spoke.
Attention all passengers, we are about to land. Please stay in your seats and buckle your seatbelts for safety. Thank you for riding Air f (x).
Sulli came back and Minho is surprised that she decided to stay in her seat next to him.
"Ssul I..."
"Kenchanyo oppa. Just...just...just don't let it happen again." 
Minho didn't know what else to say so, he just leaned back on his seat as the plane starts to land.
"Daebak!" says Luna as they got out.
They all went out of the plane and came face to face with the beach in the Maldives. 
"Woah, this looks nothing like London. Did we miss anything that Mr. Lee Sooman said?" says Onew.
Sulli looks around and realizes that they weren't the only kpop group there. SNSD's plane was also there.
She sees them go out and she goes to them.
"Unnies, you guys are here too?"
"Yeah Ssul, and like you guys we're completely clueless why." says Tiffany.
"Hey Ssul! Where's your oppa?" says Yuri as she comes out.
"He's over there with his mem..."
Yuri runs before Sulli could finish her sentence. She looks at how happy Yuri is as she hugs Minho. She thinks about the kiss that happened between them. She doesn't want Yuri to know about it.
Pa rum pum pum pum
Victoria opens answers her phone as she gets a face time call from Lee Sooman.
"Annyeong yoreubun! I hope you had a safe flight. You are all here because it's the holiday season and I wanted to give you guys a well deserved rest. Have fun and I will see all of you in London on Monday."
"Kamsahamnida Mr. Lee." says everyone.
After the call, Sulli decides to walk around. She takes pictures of the place and herself as if she was a tourist.
She goes by some rocks and sees a familiar black head of hair. It looked like Yuri and she was kissing someone who does not look like Minho.
"Um, Yul-unnie?"
"De, who...Ssul!"
Sulli sees that the man that was with Yuri was the guy that helped them with their luggage.
"Unnie, what are you doing?"
Yuri tells the guy to leave before she talks to Sulli. 
"What are you doing unnie? Are you cheating on Oppa?"
"What is it to you Sulli? You think I don't know about you feelings for Minho?"
"I do have feelings for him but I gave him up for you."
"How sweet of you. But sorry honey, my feelings for Minho are strictly business. Well, let's just say that I love him but only for his money."
"Well then, I think you should know that we kissed and it was wonderful."
Yuri is suprised at what Sulli said. She couldn't control herself, and she slapped Sulli.
"Listen well Sulli. I don't care if Minho likes you or loves you, he will never be yours. The two of us are soon to be engaged. Our families want us to be together for business."
Sulli slaps Yuri back because she was really angry at her.
"Kwon Yuri! You are the worst person I have ever met. I can't believe that I gave up my happinness for you!"
Sulli stormed off after what she said and goes back to her room. Apparently,  her room is next to Minho's room.
When she was about to enter, Minho walks out and calls her.
"Ssul!"says Minho as he goes to Sulli.
Looking at Sulli,  he notices how red her cheek was.
"What happened Ssul?"
Sulli starts to tear up as she thought about Yuri's real intentions on Minho. She felt so bad for Minho that she decides to hug him.
"Ssul...I have a girlfriend."
"Friends can hug."
Sulli hugs Minho tighter and Minho understood that Sulli has a problem. He decides to hug her back because seeing her this way was hurting his heart.
"Ssul, I don"t know if this is the right time to tell you this but, I just want you to know. Choi Sulli, saranghaeyo." 
Minho pulls apart from the hug and cups Sulli's face. He leans in to kiss Sulli's forhead, then he brings her back into a hug. At that moment, Sulli didn't want Minho to let go of her, she felt happy and it felt right.She felt that it was also the right moment to tell him her feelings. 
"Oppa, I...I...I love you too."
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Thank you!
You all know I started as TaelliMinSulLove. Sulli has and will always be in a special place in my heart. To The Beautiful You was my first kdrama and that's the reason f(x) became my favorite girl group. Sulli, I hope you find joy and peace wherever you are <3


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minsul22 #1
Chapter 18: this is such an amazing and sweet story! thank you.
ebe3101 #2
Chapter 18: Pleasingly done and very clever... I love it!
ebe3101 #3
Chapter 5: Awwww... They already ended?! But I'll still look forward.. btw, nice storyline..
afelhojas #4
Chapter 18: great story great ending tnx authornim
Chapter 18: Nice ending authornim.. I really love it..
Thanks for sharing the story.. ^^
miezamasrew #6
Chapter 18: Great story authornim .. finally , our minsul got their happiness and same with other too..thanks authornim ..
blacktanggul #7
Chapter 17: yeaaaaa... its time.. ;)
MeLot_24 #8
Chapter 16: Waaaaaaaaah~ MinSul! MinSul! MinSul! Hahaha all in my mind now is MinSul! I cant explain my feelings now. . VERY very very very . . .HAPPY FOR MINSUL XD
diaaaahhhhh #9
Chapter 16: aahh finally Khuntoria ♥
update soon
marifelhojas #10
Chapter 16: love it minsul moment pls update again tnx authornim